Nootropics Enhance Memory Processing Power

Are you looking for ways to increase your memory power and focus? Nootropics — also known as ‘smart drugs’ or ‘smart supplements’ — are gaining in popularity due to their cognitive benefits.

Nootropics – What are they and how do they work

Nootropics. It sounds like some kind of futuristic term straight out of a science fiction novel, but in fact, it’s a very exciting real-time topic. Nootropics are a classification of supplements that enhance cognitive function and memory.

Nootropics work by increasing blood and oxygen flow to the brain, helping neurons communicate more effectively. They can even stimulate the growth of new neurons and synapses, promoting overall brain health.

Overview of major Nootropic ingredients

Bacopa Monnieri has been shown to improve memory and reduce anxiety.

L-Theanine is often paired with caffeine to create a calm focus.

With the addition of Ginkgo Biloba, cognition spikes, and information is retained with increased blood circulation in the brain. Also limits neuron damage. It comes from the world’s oldest living tree. It stops cognitive decline in the elderly and slows cognitive deterioration in patients with dementia.

Soy Lecithin is a natural “brain food” mood and memory enhancer. Prevents brain capacity deterioration. Repairs brain cells and neural connections, and improves alertness, cognition, focus, memory, and mood.

Caffeine jolts neurons and blocks sleep-inducing adenosine so other brain-sparking chemicals flow in. It is the most common nootropic. Using caffeine people have fewer chances of developing disorders like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and other memory-related conditions. Tolerance is not developed with continued use.

GABA connects brain cells for better communication and stimulates the growth of new healthy cells. It gives support for a good mood and a healthy mind. It is good for mood, memory, learning, and overall cognitive health.

Long-term effects of taking nootropics

When it comes to pharmaceutical nootropics there may be room for addiction and side effects. That is why at RenovoVita we took the natural approach. With Zero-N’s all-natural formulation, there are no side effects, just pure energy, and focus.

If you are ready to feel revived, focused, and ready to go visit to learn more or get your first bottle.


The post Nootropics Enhance Memory Processing Power appeared first on RenovoVita | Cell Renewal Activation | NAD+ Nootropic Supplements.

Courtesy of | Cellular Health, Brain Health, Youth Anti-Wrinkle Cream Serum

RenovoVita Reviews! What Our Clients Are Saying

Let’s face facts. We can go on all day boasting about what amazing products we have, but the proof is in the results that our customers experience. It is for this reason we decided to let them speak by way of testimonial to let you know what others, just like you, have found in using With-N Cell Activation, Zero-N Brain Health Formula, and Virg-N Youth Serum.


“Since I have been taking With-N every day, I have been feeling more energetic and healthier. I am going to be 65 in May, and I’ve never felt better”. – Debbie P.

“Love taking my With-N. I’m a huge believer in NAD+, it’s the only product I’ve researched that has all the co-factors to make it work better…. No question that this is the best formulation out there. I can really feel With-N working, I take it in the morning, not sure how to describe it… but it’s clean/clear energy… an amazing feeling! – Sanjeev J.

“I’ve been using With-N for three months now and I have noticed some significant improvements in my health. As a business owner, I am on the go. I found With-N improved my mental sharpness which has helped me speed up my creative efficiency. I have noticed a large increase in my energy levels which helps with the never-ending challenges of management. I have found my immune system has gotten stronger which I noticed being able to get through my rigorous travel schedule without illness. Finally, I feel my recovery from my competitive cycling training has dramatically improved. This is an incredible product I would recommend for anyone who wants to get more out of themselves and feel better in the process.” – Tom Danielson


“I LOVE IT!!!! I am sooooo happy to be getting a bottle every month. I will never go without it now!!! It definitely helps me have focus and power throughout my day!!!!?? Everyone needs it!” – Tracy V.

Just tried your product. Really good stuff, I like it a lot. Definitely noticed the increase in focus and mood. I’m impressed!” – John G.

“My father passed away and a couple of months later, I found that I still had a lot of brain fog. I wasn’t completing my tasks. I tried Zero-N and within just a few days, I noticed that I was getting my projects done and was more focused. If you want your focus and memory back, I recommend that you try Zero-N!” – Rebecca S.


“I really enjoy the light scent of Virg-N when I place it on my neck & upper chest. I know by the tingling sensation (not burning) that it is working. I have fair skin, so Virg-N does make my skin flake but that’s a good thing! Out with the old and in with the new!” – Sharon D.

I have been using Virg-N for under a month now and I can see a difference. My skin was dry and feeling terrible. I felt like I had aged 10 years in the past 2. I can see a difference in tone and definitely in texture. I am excited. My face thanks you RenovoVita.” – Sarah Elrod

I’m from Arizona and a sun lover. Since I’ve been using Virg-N the wrinkles on my face are disappearing, the deep wrinkles around my eyes are going away and my mouth looks so much better! I’m loving this product.’ – Leslie H.

So don’t just take our word for it – Listen to clients all around the world who found RenovoVita, tried it, and reorder time and time again. We appreciate each and every one of you and love that you are willing to share your opinions and experiences with us here at RenovoVita.

Have a RenovoVita success story to share? We would love to hear it!

To learn more or shop, please visit to learn more.


The post RenovoVita Reviews! What Our Clients Are Saying appeared first on RenovoVita | Cell Renewal Activation | NAD+ Nootropic Supplements.

Courtesy of | Cellular Health, Brain Health, Youth Anti-Wrinkle Cream Serum