Have Heart Disease? Steer Clear of These Foods

tampa cardiovascular associates tampa florida

tampa cardiovascular associates tampa floridaWhat we choose to feed our bodies is important. It is the fuel we run on. It is the building block for new cells to be created. It is what gives us energy, and vitality, and enables us to keep going year after year.

If you have heart disease diet is even more important. Let’s take a look at the top four foods to avoid giving your heart and cardiovascular system the best chance at good health.

Processed and refined grains
Whole grains are good for you. Refined grains are not. Processing removed much of the original nutrition. Worse yet, they add fat, sodium, and sugar, all of which can lead to weight gain and high blood pressure.


  • instant oatmeal
  • white bread
  • white rice
  • Processed breakfast cereals

Refined and Processed Sugars:
Sugar has a negative effect on the heart. It provides the body with “empty calories” that crowd out the benefits from the healthier foods you consume at the same time, essentially canceling them out. Eating high amounts of refined sugar can raise your blood pressure and triglyceride levels and can contribute to the onset of type 2 diabetes.


  • Soda
  • Frozen foods
  • candy and sweets
  • Canned foods

Saturated and Trans Fats
Unsaturated fats are good for you (coconut oil, avocados, macadamia nut oil, peanut butter, etc.) While trans-fat is arguably more harmful than saturated fat, they both can do harm to the body by raising “bad” cholesterol and lowering “good” cholesterol.


  • deep-fried foods
  • pie crust
  • margarine
  • microwave popcorn

Our kidneys are capable of processing a limited amount of salt. Excess sodium can increase blood pressure in the arteries. It can bring on high blood pressure and put you at an elevated risk for heart attack and stroke as well as kidney failure.


  • processed meats
  • fast food
  • packaged snack foods
  • chemical-laden salad dressings

Tampa Cardiology Associates offers nutritional services as well as cardiology and vein health help. WWW.TAMPACARDIO.COM 813-975-2800. Visit our site to learn more or give us a call to schedule your appointment.

Are You Ready to Feel Like a Kid Again?

Renovovita youth supplements skin care

Renovovita youth supplements skin careThink back to when you were a kid. You wake up daily feeling wide awake, vibrant, and ready to bounce out of bed. The world was your oyster, and you were ready to explore and play.

Wouldn’t it be nice to feel that way again as an adult?

Now you can!

With the combination of just two of our products – With-N Cell Renewal Activation and Zero-N Brain Health Formula, we have found the magic combination of vitamins, minerals, and herbs that promote cellular regeneration, cellular health, and regrowth and preservation of brain synapses and cells!

After taking these two formulations of an amazing supporting and restorative multivitamin plus anti-aging ingredients combined with a memory-boosting mind-enhancing nootropic you can begin to feel like your old (younger) self again!

Longevity in life is only fun and enjoyable if you feel good. When your body won’t keep up, life can be a drag. The reason your body usually won’t cooperate is that it is not feeling supported on a base cellular level.

Anti-aging medicine was always a dream. Some off in the distant future idea. But the beauty of being alive right now is that it’s no longer just a concept. It has become a reality thanks to nutraceutical and nootropic-based science.

Just 2 capsules of With-N and 2 capsules of Zero-N to jump-start your day and your body can begin the much-needed repair process of shedding and releasing old used damaged cells while creating and building new stronger younger versions that can more readily support your organs!

As kids we attended school and you may recall sitting in class staring at the clock. The reason was that you had so much energy that you could not wait for recess and for that bell to ring so you could get up, run around, and play. If you are ready to feel that kind of vitality again, it’s time to try RenovoVita.

www.renovovita.com to shop or learn more.

It’s time for a newer younger you.

*FDA & Legal Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Men Want to Feel Attractive Too

Men's health antiaging Renovovita With-N

Men's health antiaging Renovovita With-NBeauty magazines and online advertising have mainly gone after women giving the not so subtle message that youth is beauty and that you must chase and remain youthful at any cost – financial or physical.

This has given rise to a trillion-dollar vision that rakes in money hand over fist with makeup, skincare, laser treatments, beauty treatments, Botox, and fillers.  Women have so many options to glamorize, cover, and conceal.

Men on the other hand are pretty much left to the elements and the signs of aging. They simply look how they look. Rugged is considered handsome.

Men want to feel desirable too. This is where the truth behind attraction comes into play. Men get no makeup, no false pieces to hide behind like eyelashes or fingernails to glue on, appeal for the male has to come from within. It radiates with good health as well as a self-assured attitude that comes across when you do feel good and good about yourself.

Because of this RenovoVita is incredibly successful with the male crowd. Our With-N Cell Renewal Activation formula is an oral supplement that is taken daily which helps to dramatically increase cellular production boosting your vitality, strength, overall health, wellness, and youthful appearance from within.

Now add to that the daily use of Virg-N Youth Serum. This is our specially formulated skin smoothing, line diminishing, wrinkle correcting light weight easy to apply moisturizer that takes the place of night cream and even eye cream as well. This one small container boosts the appearance, buoyancy, and texture of your entire face in a very short time once you begin to use it twice a day, morning and at night.

The health boost can help make you feel and look more refreshed and attractive. When you feel good – you look good, that is just a fact.

Men – if you are feeling like your skin just isn’t what it used to be, try Virg-N youth serum along with With-N cell renewal supplement and you will be happily amazed at how much better you look at feel.


*FDA & Legal Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Natural Vein Health Support

varicose-veins-natural-remedies West florida vein

varicose-veins-natural-remedies West florida veinVaricose veins are not only a visual distraction they are also often painful and uncomfortable. Lifestyle alterations can help – exercising more regularly, quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy weight – all can do wonders. While the best options to permanently eliminate varicose veins are medical in nature there are some natural things you can do at home which may help support vein health overall.

Looking to nature’s medicine cabinet you may find some relief with the following vitamins and herbs.

B Vitamins – B vitamins can lower your cholesterol and improve your overall circulation, with B12 and B6 being specially recommended for those at risk of developing blood clots.

Vitamin C – vitamin C is important for the production of collagen and elastin, tissues that help to keep vein walls strong and flexible, helping greatly to reduce the pain and inflammation associated with varicose veins.

Vitamin E – often used alongside vitamin C, vitamin E is important for improving blood flow and general circulation, and also reduces the stickiness of blood platelets to assist those who are at particular risk for blood clot formation.

Gotu Kola – also known as Centella Asiatica, Gotu kola is an effective herb in treating varicose veins because it encourages healthy blood flow, promotes vein flexibility, and tones the connective tissues which surround the veins.

Bilberry – often sold as a companion product to Gotu kola, bilberry is an antioxidant herb that improves blood flow by strengthening capillaries.

Horse Chestnut Seed – typically sold as an over-the-counter supplement called Venastat, horse chestnut seed extract helps varicose veins by reducing fluid retention, swelling, and inflammation.

Butcher’s Broom – an herb that has proven to be especially effective when used in combination with horse chestnut seed, butcher’s broom works by strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

For more information on natural remedies for varicose vein treatment and prevention, contact Dr. Zuzga of the West Florida Vein Center today at (727) 712-3233.

*Please check with your doctor prior to taking any vitamins or supplements for your venous condition. While the supplements listed above have been proven to be safe in most situations,  it is always best to double-check with a professional before taking anything that might interact negatively with any current medications or conditions.

The Effect of Sugar Addiction on Your Heart

Tampa Cardio sugar-and-your-heart-health

Tampa Cardio sugar-and-your-heart-healthSugar hits the pleasure center of the brain in the same way that hard drugs do. This makes refined sugar extremely addictive and very hazardous to your health. Moderation is key and elimination even better.

Until recent years not all that much study had been done on sugar. It was a well-known household dietary staple. The harmful effects of a diet high in sugar are becoming more publicly known, many are still unaware.

The fact is, your sugar intake could very well be harming your health now and into the future. Let’s take a look at how sugar affects the body.

  1. Sugar can compound depression. Though little known or recognized sugar has an effect on mental and cognitive function. It may offer one explanation as to why you feel drained in a short time after eating something sugary. It has also been scientifically linked to anxiety and memory lapses later in life.
  2. Sugar begets heart disease. Heart disease is still the top cause of death worldwide. Recent studies show that a high sugar diet could be a major contributing factor. Elevated levels of fructose can raise your insulin and blood glucose, as well as lead to obesity.
  3. Sugar causes dental issues. The obvious statement of the bunch,  sugar sticks to your teeth and feeds the bacteria. Over time, teeth can decay as a result causing cavities.
  4. Sugar adds weight. If you eat a lot of sugar, you are going to have a higher risk of being overweight.
  5. Sugar is bad for your liver. Excessive sugar consumption will have a similar effect on the liver as if you were an alcoholic. This is because sugar, which turns into fat, becomes lodged in the liver. That can develop into non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
  6. Cancer cells feed on sugar. Numerous studies have shown that there is a connection between sugar consumption and cancer. Sugar consumption creates elevated insulin levels so the body can’t properly regulate the abnormal growth and multiplication of unwanted cells potentially leading to cancer or feeding already existing cancerous cells.
  7. Sugar can spur type II diabetes. Excess sugar can result in insulin resistance, which in turn can result in a highly toxic excess of glucose in the blood. This can cause a number of conditions to develop, perhaps the worst of which is type II diabetes.
  8. Sugar is addictive. Sugar attaches to the same pleasure centers in the brain that result from doing street drugs and opiates. It is equally as addictive. It may be hard for people to practice moderation when it comes to junk food, and when trying to quit, they may experience withdrawal symptoms.

For further guidance that you can trust, make an appointment with the onsite nutritionist available at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates by calling (813) 975-2800.

Our physicians dedicated to keeping your heart health at its best. We’ll do anything we can to help you improve your everyday quality of life through important lifestyle choices. Visit www.tampacardio.com to learn more about our practice.

Is Osteoporosis Affecting Your Health?


OsteoporosisWhat is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease which causes the bones in the body to weaken and become brittle over time increasing the risk of fracture and breaks.

Bone is a living mesh of tissue, not just calcium.

Collagen plays a big role in how sturdy bone is constructed. When collagen and calcium are lacking, the bone becomes weak. Bone consistency regenerates itself by building new cells and releasing old ones.

As you age, bone becomes more brittle.

In the USA low bone mass affects more than half the population 55 and up.1 in 5 men and 1 in 3 women, ages 50 and older may at some point have a broken bone because of osteoporosis. 

Causes of bone weakening include Medication use, Adrenal Fatigue, metabolism imbalance, Vegan Diets, Copper deficiency,  Hyperparathyroidism, Eating Disorders,  Smoking, Excessive Alcohol use, family genetics, and a small bone frame.

How do you test for bone density?

The main reason someone would suspect Osteoporosis would be family history if they are not experiencing any symptoms. A bone density test may be given by your physician.

Physical Symptoms: Back pain (which can be caused by a fractured or collapsed vertebra), a stooped forward lean in your formerly straight posture, loss of height as you get older, and even breaking a bone without a super hard fall or impact.

Drug companies produce several pharmaceuticals which have been formulated to increase the density of bone. The problem is that they all come with the potential risk for side effects. Thinking about bone health while you are still young is the best possible protective measure.


Drop the Stress – Chronic stress can not only spoil your mood and mental health it can wreak havoc on your physical health. Be nice to yourself, rest, treat yourself occasionally, do what makes you feel joyful and relaxed.

– Eat a diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, and grass-fed meats. Avoid refined sugar, white flours, and processed foods. The soil much of our food is grown in these days has been severely depleted of the minerals we need. So much so that supplementing may be necessary. The best way to determine what you are missing is with Nutritional Response Testing. Magnesium, Calcium, Vitamin K2, Vitamin D3 and Strontium all have shown benefits to bone strength.

Lift – Strength training builds bone as well as muscle. Consult a personal trainer if you need a little direction to get started.

Use Essential Oils – Helichrysum and Cypress can be applied topically to areas can help with bone repair and healing if a break occurs or a weak spot is shown to exist.

Chiropractic Care – Keeping your bones in alignment on a regular basis helps the entire body function properly.

If you are in the Southwest Florida, Fort Myers area, Cape Coral, Naples, Estero, or Lehigh, please visit www.drkasters.com or call the office at 239-332-2555. 

The Benefits of Probiotics for Gut Health


probioticAre you getting enough probiotics in your diet?

Probiotics are the good bacteria that help to build your immune system and support digestive health. These stomach dwelling microorganisms create these benefits. They create a balance between the wanted and unwanted bacteria that reside in the gut. They are necessary for digestive health to exist as they help in moving food through the digestive tract by way of affecting the nerves in control movement.

Health benefits, along with a stronger immunity, can include:


Inflammatory bowel disease

Irritable bowel syndrome




Get more probiotics in your daily diet


Eating grass fed organic Greek yogurt ensure that your yogurt is the best possible source of probiotics. If you happen to like the taste of sheep or goat milk yogurt, all the better as it has even more live cultures that are good for you.

Fermented Vegetables

Sauerkraut and kimchi are both up there in probiotics that support the flourishing of friendly bacteria. They also are high in digestive enzymes.


This fizzy Japanese drink with a weird name is gaining ground in popularity and is now sold in nearly every supermarket. Kombucha is fermented black tea containing good bacteria and yeast. It touts the benefits of increased energy levels, improved digestive health, and detoxification of the liver.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a mixture of diverse probiotics. Studies have shown that apple cider vinegar can help to control your blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes. Use sparingly, a little goes a long way. 1 spoonful a day is enough. Mix with water and drink or use on foods and salads.


This Japanese spice is used in dishes such as the popular miso soup. It’s made of fermented soybeans, brown rice or barley and mixed with a fungus known as koji.


Probiotic supplements are available at any health food or grocery store. They can be a great addition to your daily regimen though getting what you need through real whole foods is always the best idea.

Looking for more great natural health advice to keep you feeling your best? Visit www.drkasters.com. 

Chiropractor & Nutritionist in Fort Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent them before they start?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Lose Weight with SHAPE ReClaimed™


If you haven’t yet been able to lose weight and keep it off, we guarantee you haven’t been introduced to the SHAPE ReClaimed™ Program. It is now offered right here in Bonita Springs, Florida. If you are seriously interested in losing weight stop what you are doing right now and read this.

The SHAPE ReClaimed™ program is backed by over 30 years of clinical experience using homeopathy as bio-regulatory medicine.

The SHAPE ReClaimed™ is a practitioner monitored program that has been producing extraordinary results. It is an effective, safe, homeopathic glycoprotein complex formula created to decrease total body inflammation, enhance immune function, detox and cleanse–all while reducing excess weight.

 SHAPE ReClaimed™ is transformative

The synergistic combination of ingredients in SHAPE ReClaimed™, along with our total wellness program, is having astounding transformative health benefits. The result, in addition to weight loss, is a re-energized, revitalized you!

SHAPE ReClaimed™ is not a “magic bullet” but when incorporated into the program’s protocol, along with sound lifestyle choices, the results have been found to be transforming.

With Shape ReClaimed™ food becomes not only fuel but medicine to heal the body.

The Benefits of SHAPE ReClaimed™ that have been reported by those completing the program:

  • Reduce Inflammation
  • Enhance Immune Function
  • Detox & Cleanse
  • Enhance Metabolism
  • Safely Release Excess Toxic Weight
  • Decrease Pain
  • Improve Digestion
  • Increase Energy
  • Improve Sleep
  • Decrease or Eliminate Rx Dependency (With Practitioner Supervision)
  • Improve Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure and Blood Lipids
  • Improve Mood and Mental Clarity
  • Create and Maintain a Healthy Relationship with Food.

What you can expect 

  • Lifestyle Modification – Health Restoration Program
  • Healthy Anti-Inflammatory Nutritional Plan
  • SHAPE ReClaimed™ Professional Homeopathic Formula
  • The Complete Patient Guidebook
  • Consistent Monitoring Appointments for Urine Evaluation
  • Patient Education Tab at WWW.SHAPERECLAIMED.COM
  • Access to Facebook “OFFICIAL SHAPE ReClaimed™ Support Group”
  • Safe, Affordable and Sustainable Lifestyle that Supports Healthy Weight

 What is included?

  • Initial Consult and Evaluation for SHAPE
  • Discussing Your “WHY” for Choosing SHAPE
  • Customizing the Program Based on Your Health History, Progress, Symptoms and Laboratory Results
  • Regular Monitoring, Which is Important for Your Long-Term Success

If you are feeling frustrated at failed attempts to diet or lose weight, you are not alone. The problem is that unless you have the right macros and nutrition combined with proper supplementation for your body losing weight for many can be an uphill battle. Stop fighting and let Dr. Gendron help you by introducing you to the Shape ReClaimed™ program.

Give us a call today to get started on the new healthier you. Call 239-947-1177 or visit us online at www.chiropractorbonitasprings.com. We look forward to being a part of your transformation!

  • Disclaimer: Independent SHAPE Practitioner’s Website is not owned or operated by SHAPE ReClaimed, LLC. Any content outside SHAPE ReClaimed webpage is not an acknowledgment or expressed position of SHAPE ReClaimed, LLC. 


Anti-Inflammatory Pineapple Smoothie Recipe


“Let food be thy medicine.” – Socrates.

Nature has given us all of the tools to help our bodies heal naturally and without medication.

This inflammation fighting beverage is not only tasty and refreshing it can help your body naturally lessen inflammatory response leaving you with less pain.


1 ½ cups chunks of pineapple (fresh or frozen) (if you use fresh make sure to freeze them after cutting up the pineapple.)

1 peeled orange

1 cup coconut water (any brand or fresh)

1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh ginger (or 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger)

1 teaspoon chia seeds

1 teaspoon Ground Turmeric

1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper


Add all ingredients to a blender.  Pulse until smooth.

Serve immediately, garnished with extra chia seeds if desired.


Every ingredient serves its purpose. They all work together to form a powerful blend disguised as an amazing breakfast beverage.

Pineapples contain an enzyme called Bromelain which is a documented anti-inflammatory agent.

Oranges – Oranges contain beta-cryptoxanthin, which has been shown to decrease the development of inflammatory joint conditions.

Coconut Water – contains tannins, which are known to lessen inflammation response.

Ginger – Though primarily touted for digestive properties it is also a helpful anti-inflammatory.

Chia Seeds – Chia seeds supply a high dose of Omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, and protein. All of which adds to the anti-inflammatory benefit of this drink.

Turmeric – One of the most potent of the anti-inflammatory spices. It has been shown to work just as well as many NSAID over the counter pain relievers when used on a regular basis.

Black Pepper – Black pepper is an important part of the mix. When combined with food and or other spices it vamps up the ability of the body to absorb nutrients, vitamins and minerals making this an, even more, power-packed beverage.

So grab your ingredients next time you hit the supermarket and get that blender going!

For more great recipes and health tips visit www.chiropractorbonitasprings.com or call 239-947-1177. Let Nutrition Specialists of Florida be your source for healing in Southwest Florida.

Could a Nutritionist Boost Your Health?


“I know what to eat, come on now… I’m an adult.” – We all think that. After all, we have been eating our whole lives and we are still here, right? Yes and No.

Eating to survive and eating to thrive are often to different animals altogether. 

There are endless boxes, bags, packages, colorful containers, fresh veggies and fruits, meats and more all in giant rows ready to grab in every grocery store. We have a lot of choice.

You can opt for the healthy salad for a side dish or the yummy onion rings. Making these decisions daily, you are bound to select the latter eventually even though you know the veggies are best for your health. Doing this every now and then is fine, but making fatty, high cholesterol foods the staple in your diet is not in your best interest.

While that example seems very simple, there is a lot to nutrition. Balancing out the right macros for your body’s needs is a scientific mathematical equation, and most of us have never learned the formulas.

A nutritionist can look at your overall health as well as any special needs and suggest a food plan that will assist you in staying your healthiest. They can spot nutritional deficiencies and point out any food sensitivities/allergies that may be causing you discomfort.

A whole health assessment is taken of the entire person and history, not just the foods being consumed. During your meeting with a Nutritionist, they review your past, evaluate your current condition, and then make suggestions on how you can reach your future health goals. If you aren’t reaching your weight or health goals… Go talk to a  Nutritionist.

Some healthy eating tips:

  • Mindful Eating: notice how your body feels while eating. Stop eating when you feel satisfied, not overly-full.
  • Protein: every meal should have a protein. This will keep you feeling fuller longer and less likely to snack.
  • Ingredients over Numbers: if the ingredients in the food that you will be eating are not good for you, then it really does not matter how many calories it has.
  • Drink Water: Dehydration can make you choose unhealthy snacks and foods when, in reality, you are simply thirsty.
  • Cheats: That doughnut looks sooooo good…. Just because you are watching your food choices does not mean that you can’t indulge every now and then.
  • Use Apps: There are apps that can track your calories and eating patterns. Let them work for you.

Sometimes having help in making future choices is best, especially if your weight is affecting your health. The Nutritionists at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates are available for appointments. Call us at 813-975-2800 or schedule an appointment online at TampaCardio.com.