Secure, Reliable Protection for Your Microsoft 365 SaaS Application Data

The growth of cloud infrastructure in recent years has led to a surge in popularity of Software as a Service (SaaS) packages such as Microsoft Office 365. This popularity stems from a variety of factors, including ease of use, reduced costs, and automatic updates.  In fact, we are seeing more and more the following:

  • Time spent in Microsoft Teams meetings has more than doubled globally, increasing 148%.
  • The average Teams user is sending 45% more chats per week.
  • The number of emails delivered to Microsoft 365® customers went up by 40.6 billion between Feb. 2020 and Feb. 2021.¹
  • There was a 66% increase in the number of people working on Microsoft 365 documents in the past 12 months.

So in short, we know that hybrid working is here to stay.  Recent survey showed that 73% of employees want flexible remote options to stay/be permanent and 66% of business decision-makers are thinking about redesigning physical spaces and IT networks to better accommodate hybrid work environments.  Keeping that in mind, businesses are now poised to have increase exposure and risk if the proper steps are not taken to secure this on-demand data that is being shared across many users within the network.  As a result of this surge, 77% of companies that use SaaS applications suffered a data loss incident over a 12-month period.

What oversights are commonly seen that result in this type of data loss?

Below are some real work examples of how each of these pillars can happen:

  • Employees inevitably delete the wrong email, contacts, or critical configurations.
  • Microsoft will honor your deletion request without question. They have no way of knowing if it’s a hasty (or malicious) request and they are not – responsible for any unexpected results.​  In short, Microsoft is not responsible for your data loss.  You are!
  • These powerful tools designed to streamline business processes can ruin critical data in a flash — with no undo if no measures are put in place such as automatic back ups, etc.
  • Employee action is involved in up to 23% of all electronic crime events
  • Rogue software can spread mayhem with programmatic efficiency without an active attack from a hacker. Many malware programs and viruses emerge from existing code after hibernation, making them especially hard to defend against.​

Now knowing human error and malicious attacks are major causes, who is really responsible for your data then?  You or Microsoft?

In short, its a shared responsibility.

The fact is Microsoft is only responsible for Hardware and Software failure along with any outages within their network & infrastructure.  Any other factors such as human mistakes, programmatic errors, malicious insider activity, external hackers and access & permissions control issues all come under the business’s responsibility.  As they say, read the fine print in Microsoft’s service level agreement which states:

So what steps can you do to ensure you data is always protected?

Well first and formeost is to have a robust cybersecurity IT strategy and plan in place where IT professionals, like ThirdPowerIT, can put technologies and best practices in place to prevent as much breach and human error as possible.  Secondly is to have a back up disaster plan in place that automates your back ups with a quick recovery.

Here at ThirdpowerIT, We Can Help Protect All Your Microsoft 365 Account Data With:

  • Automated Backup s
  • On-demand Data Restore & Recovery
  • Granular Point-in-time Recovery​
  • Ability To Reestore Flexibility for Admins, Users and Devices
  • Provide Transparent Reporting (Audit Logs)
  • Ensure Your Data Centers Are Located Globally

Also, depending on your industry regulations and the type of data you store, we ensure you are compliance in all aspects HIPAA, PCI, NIST & more.

How Secure Is Your Data?

Not sure?  Getting started is easy.  Give us a call or click on the button below to schedule your FREE 30 minute consultation and learn how we can put in a strategy that protects your data the way it needs to be.

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Prevent Costly Oversights With Managed IT Services

If you are still relying exclusively on an on-site technician to take care of all your computer needs, you are not utilizing the latest technology tools to bring your IT service cost down. Nor are you resolving computer issues as quickly as possible or ensuring security threats to your network infrastructure are being met.

In fact, the #1 security risk to your business are people! Human error is a major factor in breaches. This includes:

  • Misaddressed Emails
  • Lost or stolen devices
  • Confidential data sent to unsecured home systems

So how does a business prevent this in happening? It starts with strategic IT planning and having a team of experts to manage the IT and Network infastructure. Here at ThirdpowerIT, we implement a variety of security solutions for your business.  This includes a variety of technologies and in specific to security, you can expect us to monitor, manage & implement:

1. Patch Management (
Automate System Updates) 

Patching is the process of repairing system vulnerabilities discovered after the infrastructure components have been released in the market. Patches apply to many different systems including operating systems, servers, routers, desktops, email clients, mobile devices, firewalls, etc.

2. Network Perimeter/
Edge Security

This includes Next-Generation Firewalls & Anti-Virus & Anti-Malware Tools.

  • DON’T rely on the modem supplied by your ISP – It is NOT a FIREWALL!
  • Consumer-grade devices DON’T provide adequate protection. There’s a reason they’re so cheap.
  • Install a business-grade firewall with Active Threat Management (ATM) Software.
  • Make certain your firewall is configured correctly.

3. Access and Permission Controls (
Next-Generation Firewalls & Anti-Virus & Anti-Malware Tools)

  • DON’T rely on the modem supplied by your ISP – It is NOT a FIREWALL!
  • Consumer-grade devices DON’T provide adequate protection. There’s a reason they’re so cheap.
  • Install a business-grade firewall with Active Threat Management (ATM) Software.
  • Make certain your firewall is configured correctly.

4. Identify Authentication & Password Security

  • Most passwords today are too guessable or are being sniffed or captured by hardware from software keyloggers.
  • 2FA or MFA are a combination of individual security factors required simultaneously to prove a user’s authentic identity.

5. Regular Security & Risk Assessments

  • Don’t just assume that your firewall, anti-virus, and anti-malware solutions are doing the job. Be certain.
  • Security is not a one-and-done effort.
  • The security landscape changes daily.
  • Vulnerability scans should be run at least monthly to confirm the security of your network.

6. Advanced Email Security

  • Email is often the gateway to your network.
  • Effective anti-spam software is essential to keeping malware at bay.
  • Most email providers include anti-spam software, but it needs to be carefully tuned to be effective.
  • On-premises email servers and some hosted environments need third-party software (and updates).

7. Security Awareness: Training For Your Employees

The #1 Security Risk is “the unit between the desk and the chair.” Regular education and constant vigilance will do more for your security than all the security software in the world.

And this is just touching on security for your network!! At ThirdpowerIT, you can expect our team to fully manage every aspect of your business’s IT infrastructure and needs.   Getting started is easy and we offer many custom plans that fit your business and budget.  Give us a call or click on the button below to schedule your FREE 30 minute consultation and learn how we can put in a strategy that protects you from downtime, loss in business revenue and in human capital.

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How Can Cybersecurity & Resilience Protect Your Small Miami Business?

How Can Cybersecurity & Resilience Protect SMBs?

Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) usually invest less in cybersecurity, making them easier targets for cybercriminals. Close to 30% of businesses experience a cyberattack at least once per week.1

The need for constant vigilance and defense against hackers has led many SMBs to complicate cybersecurity matters. Though the percentage of businesses that have adopted formal, business-wide incident response plans has increased from 18% in 2015 to 26% in 2020, the ability to contain an actual attack dropped by 13%.2 This is because: (1) businesses do not consistently test threat-readiness of incident response plans and (2) many of them use too many security products that hamper the ability to identify and respond to a cyberattack.

It is here where a cyber resilience strategy can help organizations protect uptime and recover from incidents faster. Some people use the terms cybersecurity and cyber resilience simultaneously, but the meanings are different.

While cybersecurity primarily aims at blocking nefarious cyber players from attacking your network, cyber resilience is more about planning, defending, responding to and recovering quickly from a cyberattack. Endpoint protection, email security, network security, backup and data recovery, identity and access management and a host of other critical solutions together fuel a comprehensive cyber resilience strategy.

Arm Your Business with Cyber Resilience

The cyberthreat landscape is evolving at lightning speed and traditional security measures cannot keep up with it. Experts have predicted that a ransomware attack will occur every 11 seconds in 2021.3 The only way forward for businesses, including yours, is to draft a cyber resilience strategy that highlights ways to move forward in the face of a cyberattack.

Your business is cyber resilient when:

  • You’ve implemented measures to guard against cyberattacks
  • Proper risk control measures for data protection get deployed
  • Hackers cannot severely disrupt business operation during or after an attack

The major components of a cyber resilience strategy are:

  • Threat protection

By deploying efficient attack surface management and risk management, you can easily take your business through the path of cyber resilience. Doing so helps you minimize first-party, third-party or fourth-party risks that arise because of data leaks, data breaches or misconfigurations. Additionally, assessment reports identify key risk areas that require attention.

  • Adaptability

Cybercriminals are shapeshifters who constantly change their devious tactics. Ensure your business can adapt to emerging cyberthreats.

  • Recoverability

To quickly bounce back after a security incident, your business must have all the necessary infrastructure, including robust data backups. Conducting mock drills that let you understand the employee readiness to counter cyberattacks is also important.

  • Durability

Your IT team can improve the business’ durability through constant system enhancements and upgrades. No matter what strategy the criminals use, prevent their actions from overwhelming you through shock and disruption.


5 Ways Cyber Resilience Protects SMBs

Adopting cyber resilience proves beneficial before, during and after cyberattacks. Five ways cyber resilience protects SMBs:

  1. Enhances system security, work culture and internal processes

By implementing a cyber resilience approach within your business, you can easily design and develop strategies tailor-made for your existing IT infrastructure. Additionally, cyber resilience improves security within each internal process, so you can communicate desired behavior to employees.

  1. Maintains business continuity

Cyber resilience ensures that operations are not significantly affected and business gets back to normal after a cyberattack.

  1. Reduces financial loss

The financial damage caused by a breach can be so severe that businesses go bankrupt or even close. Cyber resilience keeps threats in check, reducing the chances of business disruption as well as limiting financial liabilities.

  1. Meets regulatory and insurance requirements

Cyber resilience helps keep your business out of regulatory radars by satisfactorily following all necessary criteria. Also, complying with regulations can be beneficial to your business for cyber insurance claims.

  1. Boosts company reputation

Having cyber resilience by your side gives you better control in the event of a successful cyberattack. It helps you block attacks, bounce back quickly if an incident happens and minimize the chaotic aftereffects of a breach. This improves your business reputation among partners and customers.

Don’t worry if the concept of cyber resilience is tough to crack. We can guide your business to and through cyber resilience. Start with an assessment to check your business’ cyber resilience level. Contact us now!

Not sure where to start?

The Cybersecurity Experts at Third Power IT can help. As Miami’s premier Cybersecurity consultants, Third Power IT can help you implement a secure network that is IT compliant and safe.


Article curated and used by permission.


  1. Infosecurity Magazine
  2. The 2020 Cyber Resilient Organization Study
  3. JD Supra Knowledge Center

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Why Your Miami Business Benefits In Having A Backup & Disaster Recovery Process In Place

Many SMBs operate with a sense of unrealistic optimism when it comes to data loss and disaster recovery. However, the reality can be quite different and can negatively affect your business if you’re not vigilant. As the rate of digitalization increases, so does the risk of data loss. Can your business afford a data-loss incident?

It doesn’t matter if data loss happens because of human error, cyberattack or natural disaster. It can have far-reaching consequences such as:

  1. Severe downtime: For SMBs, per-hour downtime costs vary from $10,000 to $50,000.1


  1. Damage to reputation: One-third of customers will end their association with a business following a severe data loss.2


  1. Regulatory penalties: Failure to protect data can draw penalties worth 2% to 4% or more of company turnover.3


  1. Permanent closure: Some businesses are unable to recover from an incident and close permanently.


Prioritizing backup and disaster recovery for your business is very important. A comprehensive backup and disaster recovery solution provides secure, uninterrupted backup and quick data recovery — with a cloud-based architecture that ensures the business runs seamlessly in the event of a disaster.


Key Terms Used in Backup and Disaster Recovery

The following terms will give you an idea about the type of actions and processes you should aim to implement within your business:

  • Minimum Business Continuity Objective (MBCO)

MBCO signifies the minimum level of output needed after severe disruption to achieve business objectives.


  • Maximum Tolerable Period of Disruption (MTPD)

MTPD is the duration after which the impact on a business caused by minimal or zero output becomes intolerably severe.


  • Recovery Time Objective (RTO)

RTO is the time it takes before employees can start working after a data-loss event. It’s usually measured in minutes.


  • Recovery Point Objective (RPO)

RPO is the amount of work that can be lost and will need to be done again after a data-loss event. It’s usually measured in seconds.


Deploy Backup and Disaster Recovery Today

Having an effective backup and disaster recovery solution provides several benefits. Here are the top six:


  1. Stay protected against natural disasters

The first half of 2020 alone had close to 200 reported natural disasters. While it’s impossible to stop a natural disaster, you can ensure your data is protected and take the necessary measures to prevent downtime.


  1. Minimize the impact of a cyberattack

With the rate of cyberattacks going through the roof and with SMBs being a constant target of attacks, it is essential to have a robust backup and disaster recovery solution to protect your business.


  1. Safeguard sensitive data

If your business handles sensitive data like Personally Identifiable Information (PII), measures should be taken to ensure it never ends up in the wrong hands. Safeguarding all critical data can build your business’s reputation and prevent regulatory penalties.


  1. Quick recovery

It doesn’t matter how disaster strikes. What matters is how quickly your business bounces back. A good backup and disaster recovery solution helps you get up and running as soon as possible.


  1. Reduce the impact of human error

From accidental or intentional misdelivery or deletion to corruption of data, employees can pose a security threat to your business. Deploying backup and disaster recovery is, therefore, crucial. You must also train your employees on the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behavior.


  1. Tackle system failure

Unexpected system failure can lead to downtime if you don’t equip your business with backup and disaster recovery.

Remember, it’s your responsibility to protect your business from data loss and its chaotic aftereffects. If you can’t handle this alone, don’t worry. We’re here for you. With our backup and disaster recovery solutions, we can help build a resilient strategy to protect your business against data loss and give you much-needed peace of mind in the event of a disaster.


Article curated and used by permission.


  1. TechRadar
  2. IDC Report
  3. GDPR Associates

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Know the Risks of Not Having Backup & Disaster Recovery for Your Business

Experts estimate that humans produce 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day.1 That is a lot of information. However, having a poor backup strategy can wipe out all or vast portions of your data in a single click. From accidental deletions and malicious attacks to natural disasters, there are multiple ways by which you can lose your business data. Therefore, make sure a robust backup and disaster recovery (BDR) solution is an integral part of your business.

When you lose crucial data permanently, the consequences can be devastating. Some costly aftereffects of data loss are:

  1. Productivity Disruptions: Companies hit by an incident face an average of close to 200 hours per year of downtime.2
  2. Loss of customer trust: One-third of customers end their association with a business following a severe data-loss incident.2
  3. Regulatory penalties: The penalties may vary based on the regulatory bodies governing your industry, and they can cost millions of dollars.

It is your responsibility to equip your business with an effective backup and disaster recovery solution, irrespective of your business’s size, industry or location. Let us take a look at how significant backup and disaster recovery is to the following business industries:



There can be severe complications when data loss happens in the healthcare industry:

  1. If a patient’s health records go missing when needed, a life-saving surgery could get delayed or denied.
  2. Without the billing records, a hospital cannot process payments.
  3. Regulatory bodies like HIPAA slap hefty fines on hospitals for carelessly handling data. HIPAA can impose penalties anywhere between $100 to $50,000 for an individual violation, with a maximum fine of $1.5 million per calendar year of neglect.4

Alarmingly, the healthcare industry was the worst-hit industry by cyberattacks in 2020.3 Therefore, backup and disaster recovery are critically important in the healthcare industry.



A robust backup and disaster recovery solution is an important part of any financial institution’s growth and survival.

Financial institutions must comply with requirements put forward by:

  1. Regulations like the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)
  2. Financial agency regulatory agencies like the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)
  3. International regulators such as the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
  4. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

An effective BDR solution is a mandatory requirement highlighted by all the concerned authorities mentioned above. Additionally, having one in place helps these institutions protect employee productivity and ensure customers quickly regain access to essential services following a data-loss event.



The information generated in the hospitality industry is in a precarious position. This is because the hospitality industry often invests less in backup and disaster recovery than other industries.

That said, survival in the hospitality industry can be tough. We live in an era where people check public ratings of a hotel room, even if they only plan on staying just one night. A minor dent in reputation could be an enormous blow to a hospitality business.

All critical data like credit card information and customers’ Personally Identifiable Information (PII) must be handled with care to avoid satisfaction issues and regulatory fines. Hence, backup and disaster recovery are an essential part of hospitality.


Adopt BDR Before It Is Too Late

Avoiding data loss at any cost is vital for your business to survive and thrive. It is, therefore, highly recommended to have the right BDR provider to maintain control of business-critical data. If you are confused about how to take the first step, do not worry. We are here to help. Our BDR expertise can help your business sail smoothly without being caught in the whirlpool of data loss. Contact us now to learn more.


Article curated and used by permission.


  1. net
  2. IDC Report
  3. IBM Cost of Data Breach Report
  4. National Library of Medicine

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Are Your Employees Your Biggest Cybersecurity Risk? The Top 4 Insider Threats Affecting Your Network

Are Your Employees Your Biggest Cybersecurity Risk? The Top 4 Insider Threats Affecting Your Network


Are your employees putting your network security at risk?


Even if your employees don’t intend on exposing your business to cybercriminals, they may still pose a threat.


With remote work gaining even more traction and decentralized workspaces becoming the new norm, businesses like yours are putting more focus on cybersecurity.


As a result, it’s important to have strategies in place to counter human errors and data breaches perpetrated by insiders.


Who’s An Insider & What Is An Insider Threat?


An insider is anyone who has access to your network. Insiders come in the form of employees, supply chain partners and company stakeholders.


When an insider exposes your network to cybercriminals, it’s considered an insider threat.


All employees, regardless of their designation or rank, can put your business in a vulnerable cybersecurity position.


Why Do Employees Pose a Risk to Businesses?


Did you know employees account for nearly a quarter of data breaches within a business?


According to IBM’s Cost of a Data Breach Report 2020, 23 percent of data breaches in an organization occurred because of human error.


As you can see, an untrained employee can compromise your business’ security in multiple ways. Keep reading to discover the top 4 common errors committed by employees.


The Top 4 Employee Threats To Your Network


1. Falling for Phishing Scams


Cybercriminals are using improved techniques, like spoofed emails and text messages, to succeed in their scams.


With the onset of COVID-19, hackers masqueraded as the World Health Organization (WHO) to trick people into clicking on malicious links and sharing sensitive information.


2. Poor Password Protection


If your employees reuse the same password or a set of passwords for multiple accounts (business and personal), this can be a dangerous habit that allows cybercriminals to crack your network security.


3. Misdelivery


Even slight carelessness can lead to an employee sending sensitive, business-critical information to a hacker. Such an act can cause lasting damage to your business.


4. Improper Patch Management


Often, employees can delay the deployment of a security patch sent to their device, which can make your IT security vulnerable.


The Bottom Line: Cybercriminals Are Getting Smarter, And You Need To Be Prepared


With cybercriminals upgrading their arsenal every day, you and your employees need to be ready to combat costly cyber threats.


You can transform your business’ biggest cybersecurity risk – your employees – into its prime defense against threats by developing a security culture that emphasizes adequate and regular security awareness training.


Making all this happen requires continued effort. With the right partner by your side, you can easily integrate security awareness training into your cybersecurity strategy.


Take the first step towards training and empowering your employees: contact the cybersecurity consultants at Third Power IT. Visit to get started now.




Article curated and used by permission.



  1. McAfee Cloud Adoption & Risk Report
  2. Verizon 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report
  3. Security Magazine Verizon Data Breach Digest

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Cybersecurity Awareness Training: An Essential Investment For Protecting Your Network From A Cyber Attack

Did you know employee error accounted for nearly a quarter of data breaches in 2020?


That’s why it’s so important to implement routine security awareness training for your employees.


As the first line of defense against cyber attacks, your employees must be thoroughly and regularly trained to identify and deflate potential cyber threats. This can help you prevent a vulnerability from escalating into a disastrous cyber attack.


What Is Security Awareness Training?


In order to deal with the growing cyber threat landscape, your employees need thorough and regular security awareness training.


Security awareness training is the ongoing process of educating your employees on best practices when it comes to cybersecurity.


This training should include:


  • How to create strong passwords and keep them protected
  • How to identify suspicious emails, links and more
  • How to implement and manage security patches


When employees know what to look for and what to avoid, they will be less likely to fall victim to a cyber attack.


Why Invest In Security Awareness Training?


When you invest in security awareness training, employees will be well equipped to identify cyber threats and respond to them quickly and efficiently.


This can save your business from:

  • Data breaches
  • Damage to reputation
  • Expensive lawsuits


The following statistics further highlight why you should invest in regular security awareness training:


  • 80% of organizations experience at least one compromised account threat per month.
  • 67% of data breaches result from human error, credential theft or social attack.
  • Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, phishing attacks have gone up by 67%.


As you can see, cyber threats are only getting more common, and they’re here to stay. Why not train your employees to help ward them off?


Implement Security Awareness Training Now


Help your employees help you. When you implement security awareness training, your employees will feel a greater sense of responsibility to keep your network safe.


Plus, they’ll know how to avoid minor mistakes that can snowball into a massive data breach that will negatively impact that whole company.


With ongoing training, you can transform your biggest cybersecurity risk – your employees – into your prime defense against cyber threats.


Take the first step toward developing a security culture that emphasizes adequate and regular security awareness training.


Not sure where to start?


The cybersecurity experts at Third Power IT can help. As Miami’s premier network security consultants, Third Power IT can help you implement a security awareness training program that works.


Ask us about our custom offerings today. Call us now at 844-677-3687 and learn more at


Article curated and used by permission.



  1. McAfee Cloud Adoption & Risk Report
  2. Verizon 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report
  3. Security Magazine Verizon Data Breach Digest




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Why A Complete IT Network Health Check Is Essential For Your Miami Based Business

Most organizations have no ongoing visibility into IT network health. This presents several issues: access control problems, unpatched systems and unchecked vulnerabilities that can be exploited by internal or external threat name a few.

In short, if your business is only doing”basic assessments” then here lies the problem:

  • Not comprehensive enough to be effective
  • Internal vulnerability scanning is often excluded
  • Cloud infrastructure and Microsoft 365 isn’t factored in
  • No holistic network activity and vulnerability reporting

Break the cycle of chaos and gain clear insights into your complete IT network’s strengths and vulnerabilities.

In less than 1 hour, network analysis can deliver a comprehensive health report that assigns a risk score to every aspect of your organization’s IT network, SQL Servers, Security, Exchange instances, and Microsoft 365 use.

Here at ThirdPowerIT, our expert IT professionals will conduct a thorough network analysis that will:


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Supply Chain Compliance Regulations: How HIPAA And GDPR Affect Your Supply Chain

Do you know if your supply chain is compliant with current data protection regulations?


With tech-related threats evolving faster than ever before, supply chain risks have taken on a new meaning in today’s digital world.


While traditional supply chain risk management revolved around strategy, market reality and performance risks, today it must also focus on cybersecurity controls and data breach risk mitigation.


As a business owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure your supply chain is compliant with data protection regulations.


If your supply chain is non-compliant with regulatory standards, you’ll face legal repercussions. What’s more, you could lose the trust of your customer base.


Remember: it takes years to build your business’ reputation but just one unfortunate moment to ruin it all.


So, what can you do to ensure your supply chain is compliant?


Keep reading to find out now.


HIPAA & GDPR: How Supply Chain Regulations Affect You


There are two major global regulations that oversee supply chain compliance.


While one is specific to the healthcare industry, the other pertains to any business that collects customer data.


Healthcare Portability and Availability Act (HIPAA)


HIPAA protects patient data from getting into the wrong hands.


If you fail to enter into a business associate agreement that covers the way third parties (your vendors or partners) manage personal health information (PHI) or electronic PHI (ePHI), you will be fined for failure to protect both entities.


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)


GDPR outlines how a business can store and manage personal information.


This regulation’s 72-hour breach notification requirement applies to both data controllers (your business) and data processors (your supply chain). Simply put, you are responsible for notifying your customers even if it is your vendor that has suffered a data breach. Failing to do so will make your business liable to pay penalties.


As you can see, failing to adhere to these global compliance regulations will cost you.


Isn’t it time to make sure your supply chain is storing data safely and securely?


Set Up Your Supply Chain Cybersecurity Risk Management Strategy Now


When it comes to supply chain compliance, your inaction could endanger the security of protected data and irreversibly damage your organization’s reputation.


In order to avoid violations, penalties and more, you must ensure your supply chain’s commitment to compliance.


The good news is that identifying and mitigating supply chain compliance and cybersecurity risks doesn’t have to be chaotic, and you don’t need to do it alone. All you need is the right partner by your side.


Reach out to the experts at Third Power IT, Miami’s leading cybersecurity consultants, and let us help you strengthen your commitment to compliance now.


Get started at

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How to Effectively Manage Supply Chain Risks

Digital transformation has made many things easier for businesses, right from inventory management and order processing to managing financials. On the flip side, however, it has also made companies more vulnerable to cyberattacks and data breaches. A breach occurring anywhere in the supply chain could end up seriously disrupting your operations. So, how do you safeguard your business against these threats?

Deploying a bunch of security solutions within your company is not enough. For starters, it can’t guarantee the prevention of human errors and insider threats, which are major causes of data breaches. Besides that, it doesn’t exactly address the weak links in your supply chain. Global supply chains have grown vast and complex, making it virtually impossible to pinpoint failure points or completely avoid risks.

In other words, it is time to stop considering cybersecurity and data protection as just a technology problem that exists within your organization. The scope is much, much larger. It is also a people, process and knowledge/awareness problem that extends to your entire supply chain. That means your preventive and corrective measures should proactively address risks within your supply chain.

Let’s take a look at some key strategies and controls that can help you effectively manage and avoid supply chain risks effectively.


Make Supply Chain Security a Part of Governance

Addressing supply chain risks on an ad hoc basis will only create ambiguity and chaos. Instead, you need to make it a part of your security activities and policies. This way, employees will know how to coordinate with third-party organizations and what kind of security activities must be undertaken.

Supply chain cybersecurity strategy best practices include:

  • Defining who is responsible for holding vendors and suppliers accountable
  • Creating a security checklist for vendor and supplier selection
  • Specifying how to evaluate and monitor suppliers’ cybersecurity practices and how often
  • Setting up a mechanism for measuring performance and progress


Take Compliance Seriously

With cyberattacks and data breaches increasing and impacting more people than ever before, the emergence of numerous compliance regulations has come to the forefront. For instance, if you are part of the defense industrial base, you must be Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) compliant. There are many more out there, such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, etc., each applicable to a particular industry or specific focus area.

In most cases, to prove and maintain compliance, companies must undergo several detailed assessments, produce different reports and documentation, implement certain best practices and more. You can avoid weak links in your supply chain by making compliance with these regulations mandatory for your vendors.

Besides that, you need to ensure your business remains compliant with laws applicable to you as well. Not only does it strengthen your cybersecurity and data protection posture, but these regulations also act as a guide for everyone on your team to follow. Since these regulations are often updated, it ensures the measures you take align with industry standards.


Deploy Comprehensive and Layered Security Systems Internally 

Threat prediction is virtually impossible if you have a large number of third-party vendors. The attack surface is massive, making it almost impossible to guard against. What you need is comprehensive and layered security.

It is a more holistic approach, where each layer of your IT infrastructure is protected by a series of different solutions that make up for each other’s vulnerabilities. So, even if your firewall fails to defend an attack vector, you still have multiple layers of defense protecting your data, including antivirus, access control, intrusion prevention systems and data encryption.

The layered approach to security also calls for regular training and testing of your employees since they are usually your first line of defense. For instance, if your team knows how to identify a phishing email, your data won’t be compromised even if your phishing filter fails.

By not relying on any one solution to protect your sensitive data and files, you disrupt the cyber kill chain. This will allow you to prevent, detect and respond to cybersecurity risks more effectively.

Adopt and Enforce International IT and Data Security Standards

Because modern supply chains are so interconnected, you have to interact and collaborate with your vendors constantly. This means vast amounts of data are exchanged, including sensitive customer information such as medical records, PII and financial data. The data must be stored securely (with continuous monitoring and real-time alerting) and access to it must be regulated.

But how do you guarantee this? By adopting and enforcing international IT and data security standards such as GDPR and HIPAA. These standards ensure companies keep track of the sensitive data they acquire, produce it when challenged and have implemented adequate measures to secure the data. Besides that, when selecting a SaaS vendor, you should find out if they are SOC 2 or ISO27001 compliant. This indicates that the vendor is securing information as per industry standards.


Wrapping Up

With supply chains becoming more interconnected and smarter, now is the time to identify and secure weak links in your supply chain. Collaborate with your partners, find out potential vulnerabilities and compliance violations, and work together to mitigate those risks.

To find out how to deploy layered security and how you can secure your data while staying compliant with regulations, contact us now.


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The post How to Effectively Manage Supply Chain Risks appeared first on Third Power IT – Managed IT Services.

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