Massage & Varicose Veins


massageWhen we are in pain, we look for any and all possible solutions to get to a place of feeling well again. When your muscles get tight a therapeutic massage can help to work the tension out. It only makes logical sense that you may wonder if massage would be a viable solution for the pain of varicose veins. The answer is, unfortunately, no.

Why is massage not a good option to relieve leg pain caused by weak or damaged veins?

Even though your legs are experiencing swelling and pain similar to what you might feel with overworked muscles, the root cause of the pain is entirely different.

The uncomfortable sensations in your legs are due to venous insufficiency which created by veins that have sustained damage.

The valves inside of these veins are no longer working and functioning fully. This can cause blood to pool inside of the veins, creating that heavy, achy, painful feeling. The increase in the volume of blood causes the vein walls weak due to increased pressure. Massage does not fix this problem like it does with tight muscles.

It is imperative that if you still choose to get a massage, that you inform the therapist of your condition.  Some therapists are specifically trained on venous and lymphatic diseases and may offer you a different sort of massage that may better offer you some relief. Its also not a great idea to apply too much pressure on damaged areas of veins so letting them know is beneficial all around.

If you are in pain due to varicose veins, the best solution is to contact a vein doctor such as the ones here at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates.

Their specialists can advise you on tips to alleviate pain at home, and also guide you as far as what your options may be in getting rid of the damaged veins. New technology has given way to easy, minimally invasive procedures that require no recovery time and are performed in the doctor’s office.

If you live in the Tampa bay area, please call us at 813-975-2800 or schedule an evaluation through our online form. Patient comfort and care are a priority here at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates.

The Healing Miracle

healing miracle

The Healing Miracle exclusive live broadcast of this revolutionary docu-series event for 9 days only!

-From Tuesday, January 16th through the 24th, and you can watch the whole thing for FREE.

This is powerful – – if you want the latest breaking medical news from credible sources, you will not want to miss this.
As you probably know…

These fascinating microscopic miracles called stem cells (manufactured by your own body) turn out to be the biggest medical breakthrough in decades. They have been shown in clinical trials to end some of the deadliest of diseases without the staggering side effects of other drugs and therapies.
So, why is the FDA and local governments working against the release of stem cell therapy – keeping you from utilizing your very own stem cells to get well?

And… how can you get the real. FULL STORY?
Catch The Healing Miracle LIVE on January 16th HERE

Anxiety, Depression, Inability to deal with life – The Broken Brain

broken brain

It is the #1 cause of disability and affects 1.1 billion people.

This is the epidemic of broken brains. 

Depression, Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury, Anxiety, ADD, Stress, ADHD, Foggy Thinking, and just a general Inability to Cope with Life… You CAN be healed… Brain disorders are real.. JOIN US to learn the secrets for creating your best brain health ever.

They may all seem like separate problems, but all stem from a root cause that often goes undiagnosed and the medical community covers it up with symptom masking drugs.

This series will be shown for FREE starting January 17th.

TO sign up to WATCH the trailer and the series for FREE go here —->

If My Mother Had Spider Veins, Will I?

spider veins

spider veinsWe are hearing an awful lot about genetics and health in the news these days. It may be causing you to wonder if your mother, aunt or grandmother had spider veins  – you are destined to get them as well?

Spider veins are often thought of as just a cosmetic problem. The truth is they are a very real health issue.  They can appear anywhere on the leg and even arms and tiny veins of the face.

While the direct answer is yes, heredity does predispose you to develop them there are a number of other factors that come in to play. Your genes alone won’t guarantee the onset of vein issues.

How Genes Play a Role

There does appear to be a hereditary link. If you do have spider veins in your family, you can take precautionary steps to prevent them before they start. This means that if your predecessors had significant spider veins, you are also more likely to have them. Weaker veins are the link and as a weak cellular structure, they are more likely to be damaged. 

What Causes Spider Veins?

Spider veins are tiny surface veins that have an excess of blood flowing through them resulting in enlarged vessels which eventually reach a breaking point and leak. That leakage then becomes visible. Spider veins can be singular or a conglomerate of veins forming the spider web type shape that they are named for.

Additional Factors That Come Into Play

Even if no one in your family has ever shown symptoms of venous insufficiency you can still develop spider veins.

-Weight – The greater the weight, the more pressure on your veins.

-Trauma – When struck directly, damage can occur leaving varicose and spider veins visible. 

-Hormones – menopause, and pregnancy often can cause fluctuations leaving visible vein damage. 

-Birth control pill use – creates hormonal fluctuations much like pregnancy and can have an effect.

-Age – spider veins are much more common over age 50.

-Lack of movement – Make sure you get regular exercise and stretch every couple of hours if working at a desk.

-Standing – standing long hours puts you at higher risk.

Prevention Tips

-Walk daily to keep your calf muscles and your veins in top shape

-Elevate your legs

-Maintain your weight

-If you sit or stand most of the day, take frequent breaks.

-Wear compression stockings to help the blood flow properly

If you do develop spider or varicose veins there are highly effective treatment options available.

Consult with your Vein Specialist at West Florida Vein Center or call 727-712-3233 and schedule your appointment for a vein screening to get started. 

Essential Oil Diffusers for Health


diffuserWhat Is an Essential oil Diffuser?

An essential oil diffuser is a container that holds a mixture of water and essential oil.  When turned on the diffusion lamp creates a vapor out of the water and oil which mists itself into the air diffusing the oil particles so that the fragrance fills the air and in turn your lungs.

Why Essential Oils?

Essential oils can be essential in healing the body. Every oil has its own set of properties –antitumorigenic, antibacterial, antiviral, and much more. Oils can be breathed in, applied topically, or taken internally (please check each company and each oil, not every oil can be ingested due to impurities in processing and or the plant source itself).

These amazing oils have been shown to help with everything from the common cold to asthma, headache relief, pain relief, skin issues, cancer, blood disorders, and much much more. By diffusing them into the air everyone in the area derives the benefits. Essential oils can also benefit your pets. 

Used as aromatherapy they can lift and brighten your mood and make you feel better overall. So toss away the chemical laden Renuzit and Febreeze sprays and make way for a cleaner more natural way to cleanse the air in your home while healing your body.

On a molecular level, essential oils are small enough that they can get inside human cells and detoxify. Certain oils, such as Frankincense are small enough to cross the blood-brain barrier (the goal of many medications) and help heal even traumatic brain injuries. Frankincense has even shown promise in cancer patients as well as those who are in comas.

If you are looking for more out of the box alternative health advice, follow Dr. Jason Kaster on FB or TWITTER or visit his site at

Chemoablation in Tampa Florida


chemoablationIf you are dealing with varicose veins you will want to see a qualified Vein Specialist for a proper diagnosis in order to know what your best options are for treatment.

When it has been determined that the traditional method of thermal ablation will not work for a patient, endogenous chemoablation becomes a consideration.

Sometimes referred to as ECA, Endovenous chemoablation is an outpatient procedure with no sedation required. How it works is that a chemical solution is injected into the damaged veins. That chemical destroys and breaks down the damaged veins allowing them to eventually reabsorb naturally into the body. The osmotic agent Hypertonic Saline has been used for decades to treat smaller varicose veins. It is now being used to treat larger veins as well.

The benefit of using chemoablation is that foam sclerosants give a visual mapped image allowing the doctor to stay the course easily with ultrasound guidance.

ECA is best utilized for veins that are inaccessible by laser or radiofrequency ablation.ECA is often the only option for patients who have formerly undergone vein stripping and still have areas where the vein is too gnarled and twisted to use heat ablation.

Let’s Talk Results

Treated veins begin to show fading within a few weeks though it may take a few months to see final results. Chemoablation can also improve related symptoms like aching, burning, cramping, swelling and more.

After Chemoablation

Get up, get active, and move. The more exercise you can do and the healthier you can eat – the better your results. Drink lots of water to keep your veins hydrated and the blood flow moving smoothly.

If you are interested in learning more we invite you to visit us online at or call (813) 975-2800

Need an New Year’s Detox? We’ve Got One For You!


cleanseThe holidays can often leave us feeling less than in stellar shape. Bloated, sluggish, tired and overweight. It’s now 2018 and time to get back into the swing of things post-holiday.

The Eart Diet released a simple cleanse that can be done in your own home with no special pills or supplements to buy.  It can be found by clicking here.

This is a super simple juice cleanse that only takes 3 days, though you can do it for longer if you wish for even better results.

While many people will not have any detoxification symptoms, others do. It depends on your level of toxicity. It is important to take on a cleanse when you have time to rest a little and be good to yourself.

During a cleanse – you may experience:

Mood swings


watery eyes


Stuffy nose

You may re-experience old symptoms of previous illnesses. 

That is what symptoms really are in a detox – they are a healing crisis. A brief showing of old releasing toxins which you may have experienced before. You can distinguish the difference between a detox symptom and actually being sick in that a healing crisis you may feel for an hour or so and then it fades. Sickness just sticks with you for days.

For more great health advice check out Dr. Kaster’s blog