What You Should Know About Vein Disease

West Florida Vein Center

West Florida Vein CenterVaricose veins are only a symptom of vein disease. While they can be problematic, they are not the only bodily effect. If you have chronic insufficiency of the venous system, you may also experience leg ulcerations on the skin that are very hard to heal as well as discoloration of the skin around the ankles.

Those with CVI also often report feeing tightness in their calves, swelling, and itching as well as pain. These are all made worse with movement and feel a bit better when at rest.

Why does Chronic Venous Insufficiency Occur?

CVI is a condition that occurs when veins responsible for pumping blood back towards the heart are unable to do their job any longer due to deterioration and weakness. The blood instead becomes pooled uncomfortably within the veins forcing them to expand and wear down.

This medical condition most commonly occurs in the legs, as it these veins that must fight the hardest against the forces of gravity in order to pump blood upwards towards the heart. While chronic venous insufficiency in itself does not pose a serious threat, it can be extremely uncomfortable for any patient who experiences it and may also present signs that other associated conditions are present, associated conditions which can pose serious threats.

The causes of CVI are quite varied, and like other venous disorders, typically develop from a combination of both genetic and individual lifestyle factors. Those who are older or who have a family history of vein disease are more likely to develop CVI, and while it was once thought that women are more affected than men, recent research has shown that both men and women are equally susceptible. Factors that are within a patient’s control include obesity, smoking, lack of exercise or general inactivity, or working in a profession that requires long periods of sitting or standing. In addition, CVI can also develop because of injury to an area or as an associated condition to such disorders as high blood pressure or deep vein thrombosis, the latter of which is a very serious venous condition.

The recommendations for preventing chronic venous insufficiency are nearly identical to the recommendations given for maintaining your vein health in general. This advice includes maintaining a healthy diet and body weight, remaining active and getting frequent exercise, quitting smoking if applicable, and protecting your legs from trauma or injury. If you travel frequently or work in a profession that limits your movement, try to work in as many breaks as you can to move around and get your circulation going.

If any of the above symptoms sound familiar to you or you feel that you may be at risk for developing CVI in the near future, especially if your family history or personal history indicates such risk, then please contact Dr. Zuzga at the West Florida Vein Center today to schedule a vein screening by calling (727) 712-3233. www.westfloridaveincenter.com.


The Circulatory System Explained Simply

West Florida Vein Center Tampa Florida Dr. Zuzga

At West Florida Vein Center, we realize that most of our patients are not doctors themselves and many have likely only a basic understanding of the vascular circulatory system as a whole.

While this is generally fine, as a person ages or their vein health becomes an issue, there may come a time when treatment at a vein center by a licensed vascular specialist becomes necessary. For those who become vein patients, a certain knowledge and understanding of the vascular system as a whole becomes vital in understanding and addressing their conditions.

West Florida Vein Center Tampa Florida Dr. ZuzgaBelow you will find a basic introduction to the vascular system.

This basic guide is simply meant to introduce you to some of the vocabulary your vein specialist will likely be using in appointments with you, ensuring that their directions and recommendations are clear.

The vascular system (circulatory system) is made up of a series of blood vessels designed to carry blood, nutrients, and oxygen throughout the body’s tissues. At the same time, waste matter is picked up throughout the tissues and carried to the correct locations for disposal.

There are three major types of blood vessels

  • Capillaries are extremely numerous and tiny blood vessels located between the veins and arteries. The main purpose of capillaries is to assist both the arteries and the veins as they perform their functions. Capillaries distribute the oxygenated blood from the arteries out into the cells, and then collect the waste and distribute it back into the veins
  • Veins are medium-sized vessels that perform an extremely important function in the circulatory system. It is the job of the body’s veins to pump blood from throughout the body’s tissues back to the heart, expanding as they collect waste.
  • Arteries are the largest, fewest, and most vital vessels within the human body. The purpose of arteries is to carry oxygen-rich blood pumped directly out of the heart and distribute it throughout all other tissues. The body’s major arteries are quite large but break down into smaller and smaller branches in order to be able to reach all of the body’s organs.

It’s easy to see how crucial this system is to all the health of the body.

Other vital systems include – the respiratory, digestive, and urinary systems, as well as the body’s ability to regulate its own temperature – would not be able to function without nearly constant interaction from the vascular system. Because the pumping action in the vascular system has to constantly battle with the force of gravity, the body’s arteries, veins, and capillaries must work very hard, and they are highly sensitive to problems and issues.

While you may understand the vascular system a little better after reading this, unless you are a physician you will most likely not be able to self-diagnose or treat any venous conditions that come up. Without a properly functioning system of blood vessels to distribute oxygen and eliminate waste, the body would simply fail.

To learn more about the vascular system and the importance of your vascular health, please get in touch with Dr. Mark Zuzga, D.O. at West Florida Vein Center today. www.westfloridaveincenter.com 727-712-3233.

How to Keep Your Circulation Moving – Safely

tampa vein specialist west florida vein center

tampa vein specialist west florida vein centerExercising with Varicose Veins

Having varicose veins doesn’t mean you have to stop being active.

If you’ve been diagnosed with vein disease, then you have likely already been told by your doctor that it is in your best interest to be active and maintain a healthy weight. Fortunately, there are a variety of things you can do to help make sure that you take care of both, all while helping to alleviate some of the off-putting symptoms that can be experienced with venous insufficiency.

If you have vein issues, then it is particularly important to both keep your legs strong and circulation healthy. Exercises geared towards those with venous disease almost always focus on the lower extremities especially the muscles in the calves, as it is there that the force of gravity is greatest and veins must work the hardest in order to pump blood upwards towards the heart.

When it comes to exercising with varicose veins, however, you should start out slowly and gently and try not to exert yourself too much or place too much strain on your legs. Calf raises are a great way to strengthen calf muscles without placing too much strain on them. Calf raises can be performed with or without weights. If your job keeps you confined to a sitting position for extended periods of time, stretching your legs and flexing your feet though out the day is an excellent substitute for calf raises.

Low-Impact Exercise Choices
There are still plenty of fun activities that you can do even after your venous insufficiency diagnosis. It is important to keep these activities as low impact as possible. Bicycling, for instance, is a great way to promote circulation while being easy on the joints and allowing you to maintain control over the intensity of your work-out. Walking is another great work-out that is simple and easy to do and allows you to pace yourself in both speed and distance to your own current level of fitness.

Running, Walking, and cycling can be difficult for seniors who have vein problems but there always an alternative option. Swimming offers an alternative that is non-weight bearing, and there are even a variety of aerobics classics that can be offered in this environment. No matter what you decide to do, signing up for a class or inviting friends to walk, cycle, or swim along with you can be fun for both staying in shape and keeping social as well.

No exercise or diet regimen should be undertaken without first consulting with a qualified physician, and more specifically an experienced vein specialist who is familiar with your condition. To get on the right track today by contacting a vein specialist in Tampa who services the surrounding areas as well, call Dr. Zuzga of the West Florida Vein Center at (727) 712-3233. www.westfloridaveincenter.com.


Common Vein Myths Dispelled by The West Florida Vein Center

west florida vein varicose veins tampa

If you have varicose veins you are not alone. 

west florida vein varicose veins tampaOver 40 million people in America today are living with varicose veins. It has been estimated that half of the world population will deal with them at some time during their life.

With so many people afflicted with this unsightly and often painful disorder, you might be surprised to learn just how little is known about varicose veins throughout the general public, even among those who currently have vein disease.

Today we wanted to look at the most common misconceptions and set the facts straight.


  • Varicose veins are a cosmetic problem and pose no threat to your health – Varicose veins may be physically unattractive, but just because they cause cosmetic discomfort, does not make them a strictly cosmetic problem. Varicose veins can be a sign of much more serious problems, such as Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) or Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) that can lead to ulcers and blood clots, among other problems. Treating varicose veins in the early stages can be extremely beneficial and helpful in improving the long-term vein health of the patient.


  • Varicose veins and spider veins are the same thing – Both varicose veins and spider veins are caused by damaged or leaking valves, however, spider veins are typically seen as a strictly cosmetic issue, while varicose veins can signify deeper health issues. Spider veins are smaller and appear in sunburst patterns, and, unlike varicose veins, they are not elevated from the skin. Both conditions can cause physical embarrassment, and, fortunately, both are easily treated.


  • Men cannot get varicose veins – While varicose veins are certainly more prevalent in the female population, holding around 55% of current cases, men are not immune to varicose veins. Vein disorders are more common in women because of hormones, birth control, and pregnancy, but there are many other factors for developing vein disease that are not exclusive to women – age, heredity, obesity, activity level, and profession can also contribute to men developing varicose veins as well. It’s expected that 43% of men will have experienced vein disease in some form by the time they reach their 60’s, and varicose veins are often the first sign that it’s occurring.


  • Varicose vein treatments are expensive – This myth is usually believed by the same people that believe varicose veins are a cosmetic condition. Remember, varicose veins are not a cosmetic condition, and because varicose veins present a valid medical condition with the potential for dangerous progression, most insurance companies will cover their treatment and removal. Spider vein treatments, while available, are considered a cosmetic treatment and thus will not always be covered. As coverage plans will vary, it’s always best if you speak with your insurance provider before making any decisions.


  • Varicose veins can be treated and cured at home – There are things that people with varicose veins can do at home to alleviate their symptoms, but varicose veins cannot be removed or cured once present. Techniques to eliminate symptoms, however, can go hand-in-hand with prevention techniques for those who do not yet have varicose veins. Maintaining a healthy weight and diet, elevating the legs and feet when sitting or lying down, exercising frequently and staying active, not smoking cigarettes, avoiding the use of high heels, and wearing compression stockings can all contribute to better overall vein health. While these actions can certainly help, if you have noticed any of the physical symptoms of vein disease, it’s always best to consult with your physician before taking any action.

Educating yourself about varicose veins and venous disease is only the first step towards improving your vein health.

For more information about vein disease, treatments, and prevention, please visit Dr. Zuzga, D.O. at West Florida Vein Center, with offices in both Clearwater and Safety Harbor for your convenience. www.westfloridaveincenter.com 727-713-3233.


Vein Treatments Can Restore Your Leg Health

West Florida Vein center safety harbor tampa florida

West Florida Vein center safety harbor tampa floridaBeautiful Legs Can Be Yours Again!

As we begin to age, small issues begin to surface. It is important to listen to your body. Varicose veins are a symptom of Vein Disease.

One of the most common issues in aging is the weakening of the body as a whole. As muscle mass can begin to soften and decline the support around the vein walls in your circulatory system may begin to weaken as well.

What happens when Varicose Veins Form?

When vein walls weaken, they can actually collapse. This collapse can lead to blood pooling and pushing on the walls causing them to expand. Blood can rise to the surface causing patches of reddened skin and over time ulcerations. Blood may also begin to clot. If a clot forms and then breaks loose it may travel through the circulatory system, if it reaches the brain, the heart, or the lungs, you may end up experiencing a stroke, a heart attack, a pulmonary embolism, or possibly death.

This is why paying attention to your vein health is so important. The best time to seek the help of a professional Vein Specialist is as soon as you begin to notice signs and symptoms of varicose or spider veins. This also includes extremely tired and possibly swollen legs, ankles, and feet at the end of a long day. Vein issues often start well under the visible layer of skin and eventually rise up over time.

Modern vein treatments cut off the issue at the source. While they do not guarantee that no new issues will ever form, they do stop current problems from spreading, deepening, and becoming a far bigger more painful problem down the road.

At West Florida Vein Center of Safety Harbor Florida in the Tampa Bay region you will sit down, one-on-one with Dr. Mark Zuzga, D.O. who will assess your personal health situation and history building a customized vein treatment plan just for you.

If you are ready to “re-age” your legs and feel better than you ever have, give us a call at 727-712-3233 or visit us on the web at www.westfloridaveincenter.com to learn more about our practice and what options we offer.

Why You Should Never Ignore Varicose Veins

vein specialist tampa tampa cardio

vein specialist tampa tampa cardioNever ignore varicose veins for two reasons:

  1. They are not a cosmetic issue alone.
  2. They will get worse, if not treated, over time.

Varicose veins effect an estimated 40 million people just in the USA. Upwards from 50% of the population over the age of fifty currently have them.

This does not mean that varicose veins are inevitable and that you should simply give up and accept them as a normal part of aging. Varicose veins are caused by venous insufficiency aka vein disease. It is a disease.

By being aware of potential risk factors that might predispose you to such a condition, you can take action to prevent varicose veins from occurring, or at the very least greatly prolong their initial occurrence.

Risk Factors May Encompass Any or All of the Following:

  • Age – Although varicose veins can occur at any age, even in teens and pre-teens, they are much more common in the elderly. Once reaching the age of fifty, a person’s risk for developing varicose veins increases greatly.
  • Weight – Being overweight can lead to the development of varicose veins, especially if an unhealthy diet is present at the same time. Not only does being overweight tend to contribute towards a more sedentary lifestyle, but like with pregnancy, the additional weight creates pressure on the veins of the lower extremities, veins which in turn must work harder against the force of gravity when pumping blood back upwards towards the heart.
  • Activity Level – Staying active and getting frequent exercise is crucial for those who want to prevent varicose veins. An inactive lifestyle can promote the pooling of blood in leg veins and adds pressure to the lower extremities during periods of rest, impairing circulation and preventing important muscle growth from occurring in the calves
  • Sex – While both men and women can have varicose veins, certain factors lead them to be more common in women. Pregnancy and hormonal changes are the culprit for these differences, as both the additional weight of carrying a baby can add pressure to the lower extremities while the presence of additional estrogen in the body leads to an increased risk for blood clots.
  • Genetics – If you have a history of varicose veins in your family, then there is a fairly good chance that you will be afflicted by them as well at some point in your life. In fact, if both of your parents have had varicose veins, then your chance of developing them yourself is considered to be as high as 90%.
  • Trauma to an area – Even in a person who is perfectly healthy and active, physical injury to one or both of the legs can result in varicose veins if the blood vessels beneath the skin are damaged. While these traumas are most likely unpredicted and unpreventable, they can be an indication that varicose veins may be eminent.
  • Profession – Those whose professions require them to sit or stand for prolonged periods of time will be more likely to develop varicose veins. The same can be said for those who are frequent travelers, as sitting in the same position in a car or on a plane for extended periods can make it difficult to adjust posture and take breaks to walk around.

If you are concerned that you may have varicose veins or venous insufficiency and would like to schedule a vein screening at a Tampa vein center, contact the specialists at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates to schedule an appointment today by calling (813) 975-2800. WWW.TAMPACARDIO.COM


Vein Treatments That Can Turn Back Time in Your Legs

varicose veins safety harbor tampa florida west florida vein center

varicose veins safety harbor tampa florida west florida vein centerVaricose veins and leg pain do NOT have to be permanent!

As we begin to age, much like owning a classic car, small things start to go wrong. One of the most prevalent issues in aging is the weakening of the body as a whole. As muscle mass can begin to soften and decline the support around the vein walls in your circulatory system may begin to weaken as well.

What happens during the formation of varicose veins?

When vein walls weaken, they can actually collapse. This collapse can lead to blood pooling and pushing on the walls causing them to expand. Blood can rise to the surface causing patches of reddened skin and over time ulcerations. Blood may also begin to clot. If a clot forms and then breaks loose it may travel through the circulatory system, if it reaches the brain, the heart, or the lungs, you may end up experiencing a stroke, a heart attack, a pulmonary embolism, or possibly death.

This is why paying attention to your vein health is so important. The best time to seek the help of a professional Vein Specialist is as soon as you begin to notice signs and symptoms of varicose or spider veins. This also includes extremely tired and possibly swollen legs, ankles, and feet at the end of a long day. Vein issues often start well under the visible layer of skin and eventually rise up over time.

Modern vein treatments cut off the issue at the source.

While they do not guarantee that no new issues will ever form, they do stop current problems from spreading, deepening, and becoming a far bigger more painful problem down the road.

At West Florida Vein Center of Safety Harbor Florida in the Tampa Bay region you will sit down, one-on-one with Dr. Mark Zuzga, D.O. who will assess your personal health situation and history building a customized vein treatment plan just for you.

If you are ready to “re-age” your legs and feel better than you ever have, give us a call at 727-712-3233 or visit us on the web at www.westfloridaveincenter.com to learn more about our practice and what options we offer.

We look forward to meeting you!


Vein Disease – More Than a Surface Issue


varicose-veins-tampa-flVaricose and spider veins are unsightly and sometimes embarrassing. It’s easy to consider them just a visual issue and dismiss them. The problem is that they are a medial issue that can become worse over time. The time to stop them is now.

Varicose veins don’t simply appear because you have hit a certain age. They are being cased by something physical going wrong. Varicose veins are damaged veins.

The underlying physical cause is important because without knowing the cause it is difficult to alter behaviors or lifestyle which can potentially help quell the uprising. Things like smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol in excess, standing or sitting for very long periods of time, excess stress on the legs due to non circulation of being seated for long flights or road trips, and bad fatty chemical-laden diets can all come into play.

Vein disease may also be genetic and hereditary. If your parents or grandparents had vein issues you are at a raised risk level yourself.

Many people mistakenly believe that spider veins and varicose veins are simply a cosmetic issue and from that thought, also conclude that treatment would be cosmetic in nature and therefore not covered by their medical health insurance. The truth of the matter is that it is a medical condition called Venous Insufficiency ie. Vein disease. It isn’t just cosmetic and over time it can morph from just visual into aching, painful, itchy legs that range from annoying to debilitating.

The best time to halt vein problems in their tracks is as soon as they start. Talk with your insurance company and go see your local Vein Specialist for a consultation and diagnosis so you can see what exactly you are dealing with and what your options are. Most vein issues the treatment is covered by your insurance leaving you with only a copay for the office visit.

If you are in the Tampa Bay/Safety Harbor, Florida area we would love to meet with you. Dr. Mark Zuzga is one of the top leading experts in vein care here in Florida and can get your legs back to the best state of health possible in a short amount of time.

Give us a call at 727-712-3233 or visit us on the web to learn more about our services and practice by going to www.westfloridaveincenter.com.

Treatment Options for Varicose Veins in Safety Harbor, Florida

varicose veins west florida vein center

varicose veins west florida vein centerIf you have put off healing yourself from varicose veins or even going for a consultation with a Vein Specialist because you didn’t think you could afford a cosmetic procedure, wait no longer. Most vein issues are not considered cosmetic and are covered under insurance!

If you have varicose veins it means you have a condition known as Venous insufficiency. This is an indication of physical damage to your veins. Leaving damaged veins untreated can lead to the spreading of damage making things worse. Even if they do not start out painful, often can lead to pain.

Vein issues can make your legs feel tired, achy, itchy, and even painful. When left untreated for a very long time ulcerations can occur which are very difficult to heal.

The best course of action is to make an appointment, have an exam, and find out what exactly you are dealing with as well as a recommended best course of treatment to get you back to health.

Dr. Mark Zuzga of the West Florida Vein Center has been treating patients for years now with much success. In-office, they offer several state-of-the-art medical options that can heal those damaged veins for good.

Option 1: The Venefit Procedure Endovenous Targeted Therapy – We proudly offer the Venefit™ procedure, formerly known as the VNUS Closure™ procedure, for the treatment of varicose veins and CVI. The Venefit™ procedure is a minimally invasive segmental ablation treatment that utilizes radiofrequency (RF) energy to provide an even and uniform heat to contract the collagen in the vein walls, causing them to collapse and seal. Once the diseased vein is closed, blood will re-route itself to other healthy veins.

The Venefit™ procedure allows for a quick, comfortable recovery and a return to everyday activities for the average patient, while also improving the appearance of varicose veins.

The Venefit™ procedure has been proven in clinical studies to have excellent long term effectiveness, with less pain and bruising than endovenous laser.

*A comparison of the patient experience between those treated with the Venefit ™procedure, using the Covidien ClosureFast™ Endovenous Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) Catheter, and those treated with 980nm laser ablation.

Option 2: Sclerotherapy – Sclerotherapy involves the injection, via a very fine needle, of a solution into small to medium varicose veins and spider veins. The solution causes the veins to shrink, close off, and gradually disappear. A session usually lasts approximately 15 minutes. There are few reported allergic reactions to the solution used. Depending on the number of veins, multiple sessions may be required, which will be decided after the initial consultation and evaluation.   Sclerotherapy is sometimes used alone but in the instance of very small spider veins, laser treatment is also used.

Option 3: Microphlebectomy / Phlebectomy – Varicose veins are micro-surgically removed through tiny punctures about the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen.  The word “phlebectomy” literally means removing the vein. On the day of the procedure, the doctor or nurse will mark your leg where the veins bulge out. Then, a special local anesthetic (numbing medication) called “tumescent” is injected into the area surrounding your vein. The doctor will make tiny incisions or “stabs” of about 2-3mm – the size of a ball-point pen tip – and use a crochet-type hook to “grab” the vein and remove it. This interrupts the vein, causes any remaining portions of the vein to “clot off”, and gets rid of those unsightly bulgy areas!

Option 4: EVLT (Endovenous Laser Treatment or Endovenous Ablation) – This revolutionary new treatment for large varicose veins was pioneered at Cornell University in New York. Originally performed in Spain, the EndoVenous Laser Ablation is performed in the office, takes less than an hour, and accomplishes the same thing as a major surgical vein stripping. Using ultrasound guidance and local anesthesia, a thin laser fiber in a catheter is threaded up through the vein. As the catheter is slowly withdrawn, the laser shrinks and seals the large vein that causes varicose veins in most patients. There is little or no visible scarring. In those patients who are candidates for the procedure, it is 97% successful.

Interested to learn more and find out what option may be right for you? Don’t wait. Call us today at (727) 712-3233 or visit www.westfloridaveincenter.com to learn more about each procedure.

Online Screening for Vein Issues

Online screening vein issues

Online screening vein issuesDid you know that step one in getting your vein health back can be done right from the comfort of your own home?

You might be surprised how much our Vein Specialists can tell you from just a quick introductory email containing a few questions.

Your West Florida Vein Specialist will asses your answers that have been entered into a secure contact form housed on a HIPPA compliant server. Your information is safe and confidential. It will be studied and compiled and a specialist will follow up with you to answer you directly. You will receive a response from a  live specialist, not an online programmed robot.

If your questionnaire answers and current health condition sound like they could potentially be a situation that would require treatment, they may recommend that you then follow up with an in-person office visit. If your condition does not require an in-person follow up, they will tell you that as well, possibly making simple suggestions for at-home care, preventatively.

Making steps that help to ensure your health are always positive. If your legs exhibit signs of possible venous disease, take a minute and fill out the online consultation. The consultation is completely FREE and you are under no further obligation.

Signs you may have venous insufficiency:

  • Tired legs
  • Achy legs
  • Restless legs at bedtime (twitching)
  • Visible varicose veins
  • Visible spider veins
  • Leg cramps
  • Itchy Legs
  • Odd skin textures on your legs
  • Wounds or ulcers that will not heal

These uncomfortable issues can be corrected through proper care.  Let the specialists at West Florida Vein Center set you on the right path back to leg health. If you have more questions or would prefer to see our doctors in person please visit www.westfloridaveincenter.com or call 727-712-3233.