Secure, Reliable Protection for Your Microsoft 365 SaaS Application Data

The growth of cloud infrastructure in recent years has led to a surge in popularity of Software as a Service (SaaS) packages such as Microsoft Office 365. This popularity stems from a variety of factors, including ease of use, reduced costs, and automatic updates.  In fact, we are seeing more and more the following:

  • Time spent in Microsoft Teams meetings has more than doubled globally, increasing 148%.
  • The average Teams user is sending 45% more chats per week.
  • The number of emails delivered to Microsoft 365® customers went up by 40.6 billion between Feb. 2020 and Feb. 2021.¹
  • There was a 66% increase in the number of people working on Microsoft 365 documents in the past 12 months.

So in short, we know that hybrid working is here to stay.  Recent survey showed that 73% of employees want flexible remote options to stay/be permanent and 66% of business decision-makers are thinking about redesigning physical spaces and IT networks to better accommodate hybrid work environments.  Keeping that in mind, businesses are now poised to have increase exposure and risk if the proper steps are not taken to secure this on-demand data that is being shared across many users within the network.  As a result of this surge, 77% of companies that use SaaS applications suffered a data loss incident over a 12-month period.

What oversights are commonly seen that result in this type of data loss?

Below are some real work examples of how each of these pillars can happen:

  • Employees inevitably delete the wrong email, contacts, or critical configurations.
  • Microsoft will honor your deletion request without question. They have no way of knowing if it’s a hasty (or malicious) request and they are not – responsible for any unexpected results.​  In short, Microsoft is not responsible for your data loss.  You are!
  • These powerful tools designed to streamline business processes can ruin critical data in a flash — with no undo if no measures are put in place such as automatic back ups, etc.
  • Employee action is involved in up to 23% of all electronic crime events
  • Rogue software can spread mayhem with programmatic efficiency without an active attack from a hacker. Many malware programs and viruses emerge from existing code after hibernation, making them especially hard to defend against.​

Now knowing human error and malicious attacks are major causes, who is really responsible for your data then?  You or Microsoft?

In short, its a shared responsibility.

The fact is Microsoft is only responsible for Hardware and Software failure along with any outages within their network & infrastructure.  Any other factors such as human mistakes, programmatic errors, malicious insider activity, external hackers and access & permissions control issues all come under the business’s responsibility.  As they say, read the fine print in Microsoft’s service level agreement which states:

So what steps can you do to ensure you data is always protected?

Well first and formeost is to have a robust cybersecurity IT strategy and plan in place where IT professionals, like ThirdPowerIT, can put technologies and best practices in place to prevent as much breach and human error as possible.  Secondly is to have a back up disaster plan in place that automates your back ups with a quick recovery.

Here at ThirdpowerIT, We Can Help Protect All Your Microsoft 365 Account Data With:

  • Automated Backup s
  • On-demand Data Restore & Recovery
  • Granular Point-in-time Recovery​
  • Ability To Reestore Flexibility for Admins, Users and Devices
  • Provide Transparent Reporting (Audit Logs)
  • Ensure Your Data Centers Are Located Globally

Also, depending on your industry regulations and the type of data you store, we ensure you are compliance in all aspects HIPAA, PCI, NIST & more.

How Secure Is Your Data?

Not sure?  Getting started is easy.  Give us a call or click on the button below to schedule your FREE 30 minute consultation and learn how we can put in a strategy that protects your data the way it needs to be.

The post Secure, Reliable Protection for Your Microsoft 365 SaaS Application Data appeared first on Third Power IT – Managed IT Services.

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Prevent Costly Oversights With Managed IT Services

If you are still relying exclusively on an on-site technician to take care of all your computer needs, you are not utilizing the latest technology tools to bring your IT service cost down. Nor are you resolving computer issues as quickly as possible or ensuring security threats to your network infrastructure are being met.

In fact, the #1 security risk to your business are people! Human error is a major factor in breaches. This includes:

  • Misaddressed Emails
  • Lost or stolen devices
  • Confidential data sent to unsecured home systems

So how does a business prevent this in happening? It starts with strategic IT planning and having a team of experts to manage the IT and Network infastructure. Here at ThirdpowerIT, we implement a variety of security solutions for your business.  This includes a variety of technologies and in specific to security, you can expect us to monitor, manage & implement:

1. Patch Management (
Automate System Updates) 

Patching is the process of repairing system vulnerabilities discovered after the infrastructure components have been released in the market. Patches apply to many different systems including operating systems, servers, routers, desktops, email clients, mobile devices, firewalls, etc.

2. Network Perimeter/
Edge Security

This includes Next-Generation Firewalls & Anti-Virus & Anti-Malware Tools.

  • DON’T rely on the modem supplied by your ISP – It is NOT a FIREWALL!
  • Consumer-grade devices DON’T provide adequate protection. There’s a reason they’re so cheap.
  • Install a business-grade firewall with Active Threat Management (ATM) Software.
  • Make certain your firewall is configured correctly.

3. Access and Permission Controls (
Next-Generation Firewalls & Anti-Virus & Anti-Malware Tools)

  • DON’T rely on the modem supplied by your ISP – It is NOT a FIREWALL!
  • Consumer-grade devices DON’T provide adequate protection. There’s a reason they’re so cheap.
  • Install a business-grade firewall with Active Threat Management (ATM) Software.
  • Make certain your firewall is configured correctly.

4. Identify Authentication & Password Security

  • Most passwords today are too guessable or are being sniffed or captured by hardware from software keyloggers.
  • 2FA or MFA are a combination of individual security factors required simultaneously to prove a user’s authentic identity.

5. Regular Security & Risk Assessments

  • Don’t just assume that your firewall, anti-virus, and anti-malware solutions are doing the job. Be certain.
  • Security is not a one-and-done effort.
  • The security landscape changes daily.
  • Vulnerability scans should be run at least monthly to confirm the security of your network.

6. Advanced Email Security

  • Email is often the gateway to your network.
  • Effective anti-spam software is essential to keeping malware at bay.
  • Most email providers include anti-spam software, but it needs to be carefully tuned to be effective.
  • On-premises email servers and some hosted environments need third-party software (and updates).

7. Security Awareness: Training For Your Employees

The #1 Security Risk is “the unit between the desk and the chair.” Regular education and constant vigilance will do more for your security than all the security software in the world.

And this is just touching on security for your network!! At ThirdpowerIT, you can expect our team to fully manage every aspect of your business’s IT infrastructure and needs.   Getting started is easy and we offer many custom plans that fit your business and budget.  Give us a call or click on the button below to schedule your FREE 30 minute consultation and learn how we can put in a strategy that protects you from downtime, loss in business revenue and in human capital.

The post Prevent Costly Oversights With Managed IT Services appeared first on Third Power IT – Managed IT Services.

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How Can Cybersecurity & Resilience Protect Your Small Miami Business?

How Can Cybersecurity & Resilience Protect SMBs?

Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) usually invest less in cybersecurity, making them easier targets for cybercriminals. Close to 30% of businesses experience a cyberattack at least once per week.1

The need for constant vigilance and defense against hackers has led many SMBs to complicate cybersecurity matters. Though the percentage of businesses that have adopted formal, business-wide incident response plans has increased from 18% in 2015 to 26% in 2020, the ability to contain an actual attack dropped by 13%.2 This is because: (1) businesses do not consistently test threat-readiness of incident response plans and (2) many of them use too many security products that hamper the ability to identify and respond to a cyberattack.

It is here where a cyber resilience strategy can help organizations protect uptime and recover from incidents faster. Some people use the terms cybersecurity and cyber resilience simultaneously, but the meanings are different.

While cybersecurity primarily aims at blocking nefarious cyber players from attacking your network, cyber resilience is more about planning, defending, responding to and recovering quickly from a cyberattack. Endpoint protection, email security, network security, backup and data recovery, identity and access management and a host of other critical solutions together fuel a comprehensive cyber resilience strategy.

Arm Your Business with Cyber Resilience

The cyberthreat landscape is evolving at lightning speed and traditional security measures cannot keep up with it. Experts have predicted that a ransomware attack will occur every 11 seconds in 2021.3 The only way forward for businesses, including yours, is to draft a cyber resilience strategy that highlights ways to move forward in the face of a cyberattack.

Your business is cyber resilient when:

  • You’ve implemented measures to guard against cyberattacks
  • Proper risk control measures for data protection get deployed
  • Hackers cannot severely disrupt business operation during or after an attack

The major components of a cyber resilience strategy are:

  • Threat protection

By deploying efficient attack surface management and risk management, you can easily take your business through the path of cyber resilience. Doing so helps you minimize first-party, third-party or fourth-party risks that arise because of data leaks, data breaches or misconfigurations. Additionally, assessment reports identify key risk areas that require attention.

  • Adaptability

Cybercriminals are shapeshifters who constantly change their devious tactics. Ensure your business can adapt to emerging cyberthreats.

  • Recoverability

To quickly bounce back after a security incident, your business must have all the necessary infrastructure, including robust data backups. Conducting mock drills that let you understand the employee readiness to counter cyberattacks is also important.

  • Durability

Your IT team can improve the business’ durability through constant system enhancements and upgrades. No matter what strategy the criminals use, prevent their actions from overwhelming you through shock and disruption.


5 Ways Cyber Resilience Protects SMBs

Adopting cyber resilience proves beneficial before, during and after cyberattacks. Five ways cyber resilience protects SMBs:

  1. Enhances system security, work culture and internal processes

By implementing a cyber resilience approach within your business, you can easily design and develop strategies tailor-made for your existing IT infrastructure. Additionally, cyber resilience improves security within each internal process, so you can communicate desired behavior to employees.

  1. Maintains business continuity

Cyber resilience ensures that operations are not significantly affected and business gets back to normal after a cyberattack.

  1. Reduces financial loss

The financial damage caused by a breach can be so severe that businesses go bankrupt or even close. Cyber resilience keeps threats in check, reducing the chances of business disruption as well as limiting financial liabilities.

  1. Meets regulatory and insurance requirements

Cyber resilience helps keep your business out of regulatory radars by satisfactorily following all necessary criteria. Also, complying with regulations can be beneficial to your business for cyber insurance claims.

  1. Boosts company reputation

Having cyber resilience by your side gives you better control in the event of a successful cyberattack. It helps you block attacks, bounce back quickly if an incident happens and minimize the chaotic aftereffects of a breach. This improves your business reputation among partners and customers.

Don’t worry if the concept of cyber resilience is tough to crack. We can guide your business to and through cyber resilience. Start with an assessment to check your business’ cyber resilience level. Contact us now!

Not sure where to start?

The Cybersecurity Experts at Third Power IT can help. As Miami’s premier Cybersecurity consultants, Third Power IT can help you implement a secure network that is IT compliant and safe.


Article curated and used by permission.


  1. Infosecurity Magazine
  2. The 2020 Cyber Resilient Organization Study
  3. JD Supra Knowledge Center

The post How Can Cybersecurity & Resilience Protect Your Small Miami Business? appeared first on Third Power IT – Managed IT Services.

Courtesy of Miami IHIPAA Compliance IT Company -

How to Help Regulate Blood Pressure with Dietary Changes

Tampa cardio nutritional cardiology heart diet

Tampa cardio nutritional cardiology heart dietUnwanted side effects are the downside of blood pressure medication.

These potential known side effects are a major reason many patients put off taking blood pressure medications. They ignore their elevated readings and it can lead to trouble.

If you are concerned about your blood pressure but prefer not to take medications, we have some dietary suggestions to try first that may help control pressure levels naturally.

The standard recommendation is referred to as the DASH Diet. DASH stands for Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension. This carefully crafted diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy.  It can help to reduce intake of saturated fats as well as cholesterol.

The DASH diet is recommended for short term or even lifelong use; however, this does not mean that followers of this diet have to completely eliminate all their favorite foods.  As long as this is the basis for your way of eating it’s okay to treat yourself once in a while.

Patients with high blood pressure are almost always told to reduce sodium levels. Even a small reduction can have a big impact. It is generally recommended that people consume no more than 2,300 mg per day. For those 50 and older that number is reduced to 1500 mg per day. The same holds true for those with chronic kidney disease, diabetes, ongoing high blood pressure, and anyone who is of African descent.

Another hot topic when it comes to blood pressure reduction is alcohol. There is a balance when it comes to choosing to imbibe. A single serving of wine or other alcoholic beverage has actually been shown to reduce blood pressure. More than one drink, however, is considered potentially harmful. Blood pressure medications should be considered as well. Many medications can be negated by drinking or have side effects.

Changing your diet and lifestyle significantly is never an easy task. Below are some tips on how to make the dietary transition a smooth one:

  1. Track your progress – Get a notebook to use as a food diary. Keeping track of what and when you’re eating can help highlight issues you might not have been aware of.
  2. Ease into it – No one expects you to change your diet overnight and easing yourself into it may be the best option to ensure success.
  3. Shop Smart – Never go to the store hungry or without a list.
  4. Try salt substitutes – Herbs and spices can add wonderful flavor to your food without adding extra sodium.
  5. Bump up the potassium – Potassium can counteract the harmful effects of sodium and is found in supplemental form as well as in certain fruits and vegetables.
  6. Nix the fast food – These foods are loaded with chemicals and salt. They tend to aggravate hypertension.

The doctors at Tampa Cardiology offer blood pressure assistance as well as the advice of an onsite nutritionist. The most important thing to remember is that changing your diet and lifestyle is a gradual process and takes a lot of hard work, but the results of a longer life and healthier body and mind are always worth the effort.

Get started right away and schedule your appointment online at: WWW.TAMPACARDIO.COM. We are also reachable by calling the office at 813-975-2800.

Eliminate leg pain with a Visit to Dr. Zuzga, D.O. of The West Florida Vein Center


Ready to Live Life with Pain Free Legs?

dr-mark-zuzga-west-florida-vein-center-vein-treatmentPain detracts from life. It can be incredibly difficult to care about much else when you are not feeling your best. Leg pain caused by varicose veins can range from mild to debilitating and hamper your ability to get through the day.

There is an alternative. There is help.

Hi, I am Dr. Mark Zuzga, D.O. of the West Florida Vein Center located in Safety Harbor, Florida serving the Tampa Bay area. I have made it my life’s mission to care for and help those struggling with venous insufficiency.

I love what I do, and it gives me great fulfillment to see patients walk out of the office feeling good and good about themselves once again.  There have been so many amazing medical advances over the years that allow physicians who have chosen to dedicate their practices to the correction of venous disease that can take you from discomfort and pain and the unsightly bugles caused by vein deterioration to the repaired state of having healthy pain free beautiful legs once again.

In our office we offer the following treatments which can help eradicate varicose and spider veins as well as ulcerations, itchiness, vein related skin issues, pain, swelling, and tenderness.

Venefit Targeted Endovenous Therapy 



Endovenous Thermal Ablation 

Click on each link above to learn more about the individual procedures on our website.

Every patient’s treatment is custom tailored to his or her own personal health needs. When you come into the office, I will sit down with you for a personal consultation going over your health history as well as what is currently going on that you are concerned with. We will do a physical examination and I will recommend the best course of treatment.

From there you can decide how you would like to proceed going forward. Choosing to correct vein damage can drastically improve your quality of life and most procedures are deemed medically necessary and covered by insurance.

Give us a call today at 727-712-3233 or visit to learn more. We look forward to seeing you in our office!


Dr. Mark Zuzga, D.O.

You Need to Visit Your Chiropractor after Any Accident, No Matter How Small

dr kaster fort myers chiropractor auto accident

dr kaster fort myers chiropractor auto accidentThe first question of every person ever in a car accident, no matter how minor, is of medical treatment.

There are many minor fender bender car accidents where you may think “I am fine, it was just a minor accident”. Any injuries you might have sustained may allow you to walk away from the scene of the accident feeling ok, but you have to remember that your body is currently sending out fight or flight hormones to keep you going and protect you. The next couple of days following the accident you begin to feel the impact.

In Florida you have only 14 days under PIP (Personal Injury Protection) coverage on your auto insurance to initiate medical treatment. If it is not started within that range your bills become your own and must come out of pocket. Auto accidents are covered under your insurance policy’s PIP.

Even if you have walked away from an accident, you may notice soreness or pain in your back, neck, ribs, chest, and even knee, ankle, arm, shoulder, or wrists.

Do not speak with any insurance personnel regarding your physical state before you are evaluated. Wrong wording or just casually off handedly saying “I feel ok” or “I am fine” can affect a future settlement decision.

Visiting your chiropractor for an exam and adjustment following an accident can save you pain in the future. No matter how low of a speed you may have been going, even a slow impact at 10mph can throw you out of alignment causing soft tissue damage.

In the days following the accident you may notice:

  • Headaches
  • Neck Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Low Back Pain
  • Dizziness
  • Concussion
  • Throbbing sensations
  • Sciatica
  • Confused/Foggy feelings
  • Burning
  • Knee Pain
  • Radicular pain

These conditions can be treated naturally with chiropractic and other manual treatments such as ice/heat, electrical stimulation, decompression, and massage.

Kaster Chiropractic’s staff is happy to take care of all the paperwork pertaining to their treatment on your behalf. If you have been involved in an accident don’t wait.

The time to get treatment is now.


Chiropractor/Nutritionist in Ft Myers, FL

Chiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions.

Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Kaster Chiropractic is a chiropractic office in Fort Myers. Call today to create optimal health for you and your family.

      SCHEDULE NOW!   239-332-2555    

Fight Aging Every Step of the Way. Revitalize and Regenerate on a Cellular Level with RenovoVita


Regenerate-on-a-Cellular-Level-with-RenovoVitaWhen we are young most of us don’t really think all that much about health or aging. We simply wake up refreshed, looking and feeling good. As we age, we begin to slow down a little. Our skin becomes slightly less elastic and less resilient. Fine lines may begin to show followed by actual wrinkles. It can be disarming.

The thing is aging comes from cellular breakdown. As we get older our bodies do not reproduce cells as fast as when we were children.  If we can find a way to speed up the cellular replication and slow down the breakdown process, we then would be able to halt aging all together and at the very least postpone it.

This was our mission in creating a product line and we have very happily succeeded. Love your cells and recharge yourself with RenovoVita. Our products feed cells nano nutrients known as NAD+ which assists cells to replicate just like new. Each component of our products delivers a powerful individual effect on the body but when combined the synergistic approach complements and speed regeneration of youth that you can feel and see.

“When you have your health, you have everything” – Augusten Burroughs

The triple threat combo that can help boost your health, energy, focus, and appearance is what we offer.

With-N Cell Renewal Activation dietary supplement formulation – This is cutting edge science in a capsule. Formulated to help you live not only longer but better while seemingly stopping time in your body and face.

Zero-N Brain Health Formula – If you feel slow, unfocused, and just not as sharp as you once were your brain may be lacking vital nutrients. This nootropic delivers vitality and clarity in just two capsules of neurochemical enhancement, naturally.

Virg-N Youth Activation Serum – Finally you can look as young as you feel with this revitalizing skin serum. Improve elasticity, firm, and plump without harsh chemical ingredients. Virg-N leaves a light appealing scent, skin dewy for hours, and sinks deep into your skin to heal and soften.

Taking the time to take care of yourself is important. RenovoVita is the way to do it easily and in just minutes a day. Ready to feel like yourself again? Look no further. Visit to learn more.

FDA & Legal Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.