Whiplash Assessment Following a Car Accident is Vital to Your Future Health

accident fort myers dr kaster

accident fort myers dr kasterDealing with the aftermath of an auto accident can be confusing and stressful.  Kaster Chiropractic’s staff are experienced and can help you navigate through the process to ensure you get the help and benefits you deserve.

Whiplash injuries occur when the head is jerked quickly back and forth hyper extending the muscles and ligaments in the neck.  Symptoms may not occur for a few days and are usually mild, but left untreated, whiplash injuries can result in long term pain and spinal injury.

Other auto accident injuries can include the spinal column being jarred out of alignment which cause mild to severe pain.  Injury to joins such as wrists, knees, shoulders, and ankles are also common in auto accidents and falls or other trauma.
At Kaster Chiropractic you are treated like family NOT a number or statistic.  Regardless of what attorney you have you 100% ability to choose where you get treated.  call (239)332-2555.
Request an Appointment

We will help you so you can heal

  • Get you in as soon as possible, usually that same day, for x-rays and treatments, helping you feel better faster.
  • Help you fill out the necessary paperwork for your insurance.
  • Send you to the appropriate specialist if your injuries warrant it.
  • Recommend an experienced and qualified attorney to ensure you are treated fairly by the insurance companies.

By removing stress from the hassle of dealing with the post-accident chaos you can focus on yourself, resting, and allowing your body to recuperate. This speeds the healing time and gives you peace of mind.

In need of care from a whiplash or auto accident injury? Kaster Chiropractic Associates provides excellent care in Fort Myers, Florida.

Call Kaster Chiropractic today for your appointment. 239-332-2555.


Ready to Feel Better – Call Kaster Chiropractic

Dr. Kaster Kaster Chiropractic fort myers

Chiropractic. It’s ALL Connected!

Dr. Kaster Kaster Chiropractic fort myersThe human body is an amazing and complicated machine. We take for granted the movements, range of motion, and strength we have because we are so used to what our bodies can do. We notice most when something hurts, becomes strained, or injured.

You may experience trauma or just sleep wrong one night and suddenly your neck or back hurts. You may feel a pulling sensation from one part of your body to another. For example, if you wake up with a headache and your neck hurts, it could be your neck, but it also could be your shoulders, back, hips, knees, or even all the way down to your ankles.

One misalignment, much like on your car and it can pull your whole alignment of the body out of whack. This is where chiropractic comes in. A gentle reset by readjusting the skeletal frame in its entirety and it will allow your body to heal by also realigning your musculature, ligaments, and tendons. When we are out of alignment, in the state of subluxations, pulling occurs. It can make you achy, sore, and even further injure the body through overcompensation over time.

Visiting your chiropractor regularly even when you feel ok is the key to keeping yourself well. An ounce of cure is worth a pound of prevention after all. It is less staining, time-consuming, and expensive in the long run to take care of yourself rather than having to seek out treatment when you present with pain or other symptoms.

At the Fort Myers Office of Kaster Chiropractic and Associates here in Florida, we enjoy building a lasting relationship with our patients. That way if you do experience a health emergency you don’t have to search hoping to find a good physician who is qualified, talented, and really cares.

Give us a call to schedule today. 239-332-2555. Visit www.kasterchiropractic.com to learn more about our services and our practice.

Chiropractic Beats Out Pain Killers for Long Term Pain Relief

Dr kaster fort myers florida chiropractic

Dr kaster fort myers florida chiropracticBack pain can be debilitating. It can hamper your activities, your life, your ability to work, and even make you feel less like yourself. It is difficult to remain happy and positive when you are in constant pain.

If you suffer from back pain chronically or intermittently you are far from alone. Nearly 65 million Americans reported a recent incident of back pain.  8 percent of all adult experience persistent or chronic back pain that limits everyday activities. Back pain ranks as the sixth most costly condition in the United States.

While NSAID pain relievers such as Tylenol, ibuprofen, or aspirin can help to block and dull pain they do not remove the cause, so the pain returns when the medication wears off. The same holds true for pain medications including opioids.

Studies prove that chiropractic care can help on a more permanent basis. This most recent study divided 100 patients into three groups. Group 1 received spinal adjustments and a placebo drug while Group 2 received real doses of a drug and sham adjustments. Group 3 received both the placebo and sham treatments (aka no actual treatment at all).

The Result:
Group 1 reported the biggest pain reduction. Better quality of life was also reported.

Groups 2 and 3 both reported almost no change other than when medication was currently active in their systems.

These improvements for group 1 lasted through to the 12 week follow up.

While many studies have proven the validity of chiropractic over the years this is the first study to prove its efficacy over NSAID medications.

Chiropractic simply works. If you are ready to stop dealing with back pain give the office of Kaster Chiropractic a call today at 239-332-2555. Visit www.kasterchiropractic.com to learn more. We look forward to seeing you in our office!


You Need to Visit Your Chiropractor after Any Accident, No Matter How Small

dr kaster fort myers chiropractor auto accident

dr kaster fort myers chiropractor auto accidentThe first question of every person ever in a car accident, no matter how minor, is of medical treatment.

There are many minor fender bender car accidents where you may think “I am fine, it was just a minor accident”. Any injuries you might have sustained may allow you to walk away from the scene of the accident feeling ok, but you have to remember that your body is currently sending out fight or flight hormones to keep you going and protect you. The next couple of days following the accident you begin to feel the impact.

In Florida you have only 14 days under PIP (Personal Injury Protection) coverage on your auto insurance to initiate medical treatment. If it is not started within that range your bills become your own and must come out of pocket. Auto accidents are covered under your insurance policy’s PIP.

Even if you have walked away from an accident, you may notice soreness or pain in your back, neck, ribs, chest, and even knee, ankle, arm, shoulder, or wrists.

Do not speak with any insurance personnel regarding your physical state before you are evaluated. Wrong wording or just casually off handedly saying “I feel ok” or “I am fine” can affect a future settlement decision.

Visiting your chiropractor for an exam and adjustment following an accident can save you pain in the future. No matter how low of a speed you may have been going, even a slow impact at 10mph can throw you out of alignment causing soft tissue damage.

In the days following the accident you may notice:

  • Headaches
  • Neck Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Low Back Pain
  • Dizziness
  • Concussion
  • Throbbing sensations
  • Sciatica
  • Confused/Foggy feelings
  • Burning
  • Knee Pain
  • Radicular pain

These conditions can be treated naturally with chiropractic and other manual treatments such as ice/heat, electrical stimulation, decompression, and massage.

Kaster Chiropractic’s staff is happy to take care of all the paperwork pertaining to their treatment on your behalf. If you have been involved in an accident don’t wait.

The time to get treatment is now.


Chiropractor/Nutritionist in Ft Myers, FL

Chiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions.

Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Kaster Chiropractic is a chiropractic office in Fort Myers. Call today to create optimal health for you and your family.

      SCHEDULE NOW!   239-332-2555    

Have You Been In an Auto Accident in Southwest Florida? Information You Need Now

car accident fort myers

car accident fort myersIf you have been involved in an car accident it can be a hectic and confusing time. In Florida, you only have 14 days to start treatment in order to claim coverage under your PIP rider on your auto insurance. The #1 car accident related issues is whiplash followed closely by other soft tissue injuries.

Of course, going to the ER to get fully checked out is a very good idea, but soon after please come see us at the office of Kaster Chiropractic and Associates. Chiropractic care is one of the most effective treatments in realigning the body so that you can begin to heal properly following a crash.

Call our office for a consultation. We will discuss what your injuries are, what the course of treatment would be, and how your treatment will be paid for. We do all of the insurance paperwork, so you do not have to.

Kaster Chiropractic over the years formed community partnerships with other physicians and specialists who treat and accept automobile injury patients. This referral is incredibly helpful and time saving. This includes diagnostic facilities, neurologists, attorneys, MRIs, orthopedics, and even car repair facilities.

Injuries can happen even in slow crashes of just 5-10 mph. The higher the speed the greater the impact the more likely you have more severe injuries. The day of the accident your body will try its best to protect you, flooding your system with adrenalin and dopamine. You may not feel like you have been injured until the next day or so. Never make any statements to the insurance company on either side right away and it is best advised to speak with a lawyer first as well.

The sooner you seek chiropractic intervention the faster your body can begin to heal back into proper position. In order for healing to be completely correct your body needs to be realigned and holding no subluxations.

We are here for you. Give us a call at 239-332-2555 and we will get you in the schedule as quickly as possible and get you on the road to recovery, back home and resting. www.kasterchriopractic.com to learn more. If you are in the Fort Myers area, we suggest being proactive. Install our app on your cell and should an accident occur we are only one click away. http://drkasters.com/web-app-download/

Chronic Back Pain Help from Chiropractic Care

One of the most often asked questions we get from patients with lower back pain is “how long do you think it could be before I feel better?”

That’s a very fair question. Healing and becoming pain free are the ultimate outcome here after all. For acute low back pain 2 to 4 weeks is standard. This encompasses 6 to 12 sessions in that time frame.

The initial treatment is the passive phase. Adjustments are done and the patient remains at rest using ice, heat, ultrasound, traction, and massage. The patient is not given any exercises at this point to strengthen the back muscles.

The second part of the treatment is what is known as the active phase. Exercises are added in at home to increase function and strength. This helps get you back to your daily life. Muscle supports the spine so the more muscle you have the better your spine and adjustments will hold in place.

Most patients with acute back pain (sudden onset) have symptoms that resolve in the first 4 weeks. Some patients though do go on to the level of chronic back pain lasting more than 12 weeks. If that is the case, you may have reached a healing plateau.

If the pain is mild to severe a patient may still need 1-6 visits for an episode. Rarely patients need ongoing care of 1 to 4 visits per month.

Generally back pain will subside over time with treatment. We have had great success over the years with our patients here in Fort Myers, Florida.

Living with chronic low back pain is a challenge, but chiropractors want to stress to patients that self-therapy is an important part of pain management. This can include rehabilitation and range-of-motion exercises.

Make sure to communicate all of your symptoms as well as what you are doing at home to help when you meet with your Chiropractor. That way you will get the best most effective care possible.

Give the office a call to schedule your visit. 239-332-2555. Visit: www.drkasters.com to learn more!

Chiropractic| Nutrition in Ft Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Kaster Chiropractic and Associates – Chiropractic and nutrition in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.


How to Detox From a Vaccination

hiropractor fort myers kaster vaccine

hiropractor fort myers kaster vaccineTo vaccinate or not to vaccinate… That is the question. There has been much debate. Though the idea of inoculation is very valid, as vaccines stand with all added ingredients, the evidence is mounting that it does potentially far more harm than good and should be avoided.

Both sides of this debate feel strongly.

Mandatory vaccinations violate our personal and constitutional rights. There have been measures taken by our government to try and implement mandatory vaccinations especially in schools and certain workplaces such as hospitals. This goes against all morals and ethics to try and force citizens to inject foreign substances into their bodies or the bodies of their children. Vaccines have been linked to autism and neurological damage as well as cancer and contain known toxic ingredients listed right on the insert. 

If you have been vaccinated is there a way to help yourself detoxify from it?

While not receiving it in the first place is your best bet, should you get a shot the answer is YES, you can do a vaccination detoxification with all natural ingredients.

By supplementing as suggested below if, for whatever reason, you do receive a vaccination it will help protect you significantly against the toxins and other dangerous chemicals and viral fragments in these vaccines. Additionally, these same steps also help to speed recovery from all forms of flu!

What is this magical combination?

Vitamin C – Adults take 2,000mg/day for immune support and chelation of metals used in the vaccines. *Begin taking this several days prior if possible, and 1 full week afterwards.

Chlorella – A potent cellular detoxifier and cleanser it also assists in heavy metal chelation.  5g/day.

Milk Thistle – This is a powerful liver detoxifier. 175-200mg/daily.

Oscillococcinum – is a homeopathic remedy that helps alleviate unwanted flu and flu vaccine symptoms. It provides relief for trauma caused to the body. It comes in small tubes which contain pellets. They are to be taken sublingually (under the tongue). Note: do not brush your teeth just before or after taking these, as mint can counteract its effects.

Colloidal Silver – Adults take 2 oz. per day minimum for effective immune support. If possible take several days prior and a week after receiving an injection.

That covers the actual supplementation. Here are some other helpful actions you can take.

Cold pack: Place a cold pack on the injection site as soon as you can, and keep icing for 2 days (10-20 min on every couple hours).

Sun exposure: Vitamin D3 protects against microorganism invasion and balances your immune system.

Fasting: Fasting is one of the quickest ways to flush the toxins through and out of your system. To do a proper fast, abstain from eating food, but drink as much water as you can. 24 hours minimum, and up to 3 days. You can also do a juice fast, drinking just fresh vegetable juice, but it isn’t quite as effective.

Sauna: As soon as you get vaccinated the sauna should be your next stop (if at all possible). Stay in for at least 20 minutes. Sweat released contains heavy metal and toxins.

Parsley/Celery/Cilantro: Juice and drink, as well as add to foods and eat. They all assist in detoxification at a rapid cellular level.

Your health is your number one asset. We strongly urge you to protect it!

Click here to read “The Truth About Vaccines”


Chiropractor & Nutritionist in Fort Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent them before they start?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Whiplash Prevention

whiplash head restraints fort myers car accident chiropractor

whiplash head restraints fort myers car accident chiropractor$29,000,000,000. That is how much whiplash treatments cost in the USA alone per year. Often the result of a rear-end collision whiplash is incredibly painful and may take years to fully recover from. Patients report flare-ups of pain even years after the incident that caused it.

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries resulting from auto accidents in the world. 

Can You Help Prevent Whiplash?

Though the head restraints in your cars are adjustable it’s one feature that many times go ignored and unused. It has been estimated that only 10% of drivers properly adjust their seat head restraint. This goes for the adjustable-height seat belt as well. When strapped closely over your chest in the correct position it will also help prevent injury.

What Happens to Your Body During a Crash

Whiplash occurs when a rear impact happens. The force of the crash causes your body and torso to move forward while the head moves backward, then bouncing off of the head restraint and lunging forward again. This takes the weight of your head and multiplies it by the force of the impact during the crash stretching and pulling ligaments and tendons in your neck with no warning.

How Your Head Rest Needs to be Adjusted

When adjusting your headrest the idea position will limit the range of motion should a crash occur. limiting the backward range of motion is what can limit the occurrence of whiplash.

We can’t control anyone else’s behavior or driving habits on the road, but we can control our space and protective areas. Know your car’s crash rating and make sure you are in a safe vehicle that is well maintained.

If you have already been involved in an accident, please seek medical help right away. The sooner you are able to see your chiropractor the better. In Florida, the law limits the amount of time you have to initiate a medical claim to just 14 days.

Chiropractor in Ft Myers, FL

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, of Kaster Chiropractic and Associates in Fort Myers, can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.


Do Your Toes Turn In? You Might Be Pigeon Toed.


Have you ever taken a look at yours or your child’s feet and thought “Oh how cute. The toes turn in?” While it is a cute trait that is thought of as standing with a shy or innocent stance it isn’t great for your posture or gait.

Being pigeon-toed (also called in-toeing) is a medical condition where your toes point in. It is a normal variation much like being flat-footed and can be genetic. Because it is present at birth most believe they simply have to live with it. The issue with not resolving this is that they also often end up chronically spraining their ankles. They may not even realize what they feel is a mild sprain, and over time, that can add up to damage. 

Think back to being a child.  Though your ankle may never have fully sprained, when you jumped off a swing or the monkey bars on the playground you would notice that you often didn’t land quite right and you would feel a sting spread up your ankle and shin on the side rendering you unable to move for a few seconds.

If you are pigeon-toed it is most noticeable when standing looking straight on. Toes hook inward. It can make initially learning to walk initially difficult because you are likely to trip over your own toes. 

The standard angle is 15 degrees pointed outwards, not straight ahead or inward. That puts tension on your entire foot, leg and hip joint. Many people who are pigeon-toed are also flat-footed which compounds the issue. The use of custom created orthotics can also assist greatly in this case in stabilizing the ankle and foot so you have a more sound solid base.

Chiropractic May Be Able to Help with Pigeon Toes!

If Tibial Torsion Exists – The tibia (shin bone) has not yet turned.

Your chiropractor can adjust a subluxation in the bones and explain how to stretch the appropriate muscles. Customized orthotics may also be made to go inside of the child’s shoes to help aid in the correction of the excessive pronation.  Shoes with good arch support and a work out program that supports the building of muscle in the legs and feet are also important. Soccer, running, and football are all recommended.

If The Culprit is Femoral Torsion – The Femur or thigh bone exhibits excessive pronation.

Stretching and strengthening focused on the hip rather than the leg – sports like bicycling, ballet and gymnastics are encouraged.

In both cases – stretching, strengthening and using low force strategies like the instance activator method

If the Metatarsus ductus is the cause – This involves the foot itself. Adjustments will concentrate on the bones of the foot and orthotics can be used if it continues past age 7.

Left untreated incorrect mechanics and foot movement can lead to more problems down the road. If you or your child are pigeon-toed it is important to consult a good podiatrist and or chiropractor to avoid damage later in life.

If you are in the Fort Myers, Florida area we invite you to make an appointment with the office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C.

Chiropractor | Nutritionist in Ft Myers, FL

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Add to that, nutritional recommendations that can help your body heal itself. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. – Auto Accident Injury Help


auto-accident-injury-florida-fort-myers-dr-kasterThe Best Course of Action Following an Accident

If you’re not sure about what medical action to take following your automobile accident and are concerned about who will pay for the cost, call our Fort Myers chiropractic office for a consultation to discuss what you are feeling, what your injuries are, how treatment will be paid for, and what you need to do to preserve your rights and get back your health.

Fort Myers Chiropractor Dr. Jason B. Kaster has the knowledge and years of experience to provide you with the comprehensive care that you need.

Why choose Dr. Kaster as your auto accident treatment doctor

Dr. Kaster Offers the Best Comprehensive Care

Chiropractic is the best care for this type of injury. It has been showing to enhance the healing process.

Our chiropractic goal is to restore both structural integrity and function so you can return to your former condition.

Learn more about how your body heals after an accident when under chiropractic care.


Established Community Partnerships

Dr. Kaster works with other physicians and specialists in the area who treat and accept automobile injury patients and insurance making the process as simple as possible so you do not have to keep filling out the same paperwork over and over again.

His network includes attorneys, neurologists, orthopedics, MRI and diagnostic facilities, and even car repair facilities.

Want to know more about how Chiropractic can help with auto injuries?

State-of-the-art Equipment

Dr. Kaster has all the latest equipment to treat your injuries: ultrasound, laser, massage, electrical stimulation, traction, decompression, and more.

Techniques used


The full list of treatments

Come see us! In the state of Florida, you have only 14 days to seek treatment in order to have it covered under your PIP (Personal Injury Protection) Insurance. So do not delay!

Chiropractor | Nutritionist in Ft Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.
