Chiropractic Care for Back Pain in Fort Myers, Florida

Chiropractic fort myers, florida Dr Kaster The West Coast Integrative Wellness Center

Chiropractic fort myers, florida Dr Kaster The West Coast Integrative Wellness CenterAre you plagued by back pain? Do you feel like all your efforts to improve your wellbeing have failed and yet the aches and pains persist? If resolving low-back pain is on your list of goals, looking into chiropractic care maybe able to help.

The Causes of Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain is a common health complaint among adults, affecting nearly 80% of individuals at some point in their lives. It is characterized by discomfort in the lower back region, typically below the ribs and above the legs. The causes of lower back pain can range from simple muscle strains to more complex issues like spinal stenosis or herniated discs. Poor posture, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle are also known risk factors.

If you’re experiencing persistent lower back pain, it’s important to seek medical attention to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment

How can Chiropractic Care Help with Low Back Pain
Chiropractic care is one potential solution that can help relieve pain and improve function of the entire spine including the lower back.

This form of care focuses on manipulating the spine and other musculoskeletal structures, which can effectively reduce pain and stiffness associated with low back pain.

The benefits of chiropractic care include improved mobility, reduced inflammation, and enhanced overall function. By addressing the root cause of low back pain, chiropractic care can help individuals achieve long-lasting relief and improved quality of life.

How Chiropractic Care Works
By manipulating the spine and surrounding muscles, chiropractors can alleviate pressure on the nerves and increase mobility. This not only provides relief for existing pain but can also prevent future issues from arising. Chiropractic care is non invasive and less expensive than other treatments such as surgery or prescription drugs.

Different Types of Chiropractic Techniques
Chiropractic care relies on a variety of methods to help alleviate pain and improve spinal health. From the gentle, low-force approach of Activator Technique to the more traditional spinal manipulation of Gonstead Technique, Flexion-Distractions, and the Thompson Technique, a skilled chiropractor such as Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. of the West Coast Integrative Wellness Center, formerly Kaster Chiropractic & Associates, will be able to tailor their treatment to your specific needs.

The goal is to restore proper alignment and function to your spine, allowing your body to heal itself naturally.

DRX9000 Spinal Decompression Therapy at the West Coast Integrative Wellness Center in Fort Myers, Florida

This groundbreaking technology is the ultimate in decompression therapy. It can help with low back pain, sciatica, disc degeneration, disc herniations, nerve impingement, and even posterior facet syndrome.

Reducing Pain with Exercise & Stretching
We are happy to suggest specific stretches and exercises tailored to your health and recovery needs. The more you stretch and strengthen the better adjustments hold over time and the stronger your body becomes. Increased mobility and added strength can go far in helping to heal and alleviate low back pain.

If you are experiencing low back pain don’t wait. Call the office of the West Coast Integrative Wellness Center in Fort Myers, Florida today! to learn more! 239-332-2555.

Cortisone Pain Shots – What You Need to Know Before Injecting

chiropractic is better for pain than cortisone injections

chiropractic is better for pain than cortisone injectionsCortisone injections are touted as the go-to best treatment for pain relief, but is that really true? 

If your doctor is recommending injection therapy, it’s important to get the facts.

While these injections do help many, they do not work for all and even worse, they make actually do more harm than good for some.

Cortisone was developed back in the 1940s. It has become one of the most commonly prescribed pain relievers on the market today. It is known for rapid relief for even the most painful of conditions.

Early studies questioned the long-term effects of cortisone. In 1954, a study revealed that over half of the patients who received shots for tendinitis experienced a relapse within six months. Despite this, this drug became a standard treatment for many tendon and joint problems, with over 9 million yearly injections being given.

What is Cortisone?

Cortisone is a steroid that helps combat inflammation (swelling in soft tissue).

New Research May Have You Thinking Twice

The majority of injuries corticosteroids are prescribed for occur over an extended period of time due to excess stress placed on an area of soft tissue where there is a micro tear formation. Because of the excess pressure, tendons and ligaments can fray and become replaced with scar tissue. Buildup of scar tissue contributes to chronic pain and is not the same as a short-term inflammatory process for an acute injury.

How Could Cortisone Make an Injury/Pain Worse?

Cortisone eliminates the inflammation phase which is necessary for the healing process. Without the inflammatory response, it can accelerate tendon and ligament degeneration. Swelling and inflammation from acute injury supply extra oxygen and nutrients to speed the repair process. Clotting proteins enter the damaged area and form a gel-like mesh that holds together tissue for repair.

Interesting Medical Fact

The medical community has moved from labeling tendon damage tendonitis (the “itis” ending referring to inflammation) to tendinopathy. This change emphasizes that degeneration is the issue, not inflammation itself.

What the Current Studies Say…

When looking at hip, shoulder, and elbow pain researchers found that the shots did bring fast pain relief. In fact, it lasted several weeks. When the patients were re-examined at 6 months and a year the results were not nearly so rosy. Overall, people who received cortisone shots had a much lower rate of recovery than those who rested, used chiropractic care, or went to physical therapy.

Some important stats

-Those who did the shots had a 63% higher risk of relapse

-Those who received multiple injections had a 57% risk of worse outcomes when compared to single injection

-Research has shown that for every cortisone injection your risk of bone fracture due to demineralization increases by 21%

A Better Approach to Pain Relief

At Kaster Chiropractic, we help patients improve their movement and reduce inflammation naturally.

Improving Movement and Range: Improving joint movement allows the musculoskeletal system to work correctly. This is at the heart of treating injuries at Kaster Chiropractic.

Strengthen the Supporting Structures: It is vital to strengthen the muscles that support the joint and help to control movement. Rehabilitation exercises combined with regular chiropractic adjustments are vital to keeping the low back moving properly.

Reduce Inflammation Naturally: The intensity of pain is often increased in those who have systemic inflammation. By eating a clean anti-inflammatory diet, you can reduce pain intensity and sensitivity.

Relax the Body – Massage, Yoga, Meditation, and Epsom Salts Baths can all help to allow the body to relax and reduce pain levels.

If you are living with pain, we invite you to call the office of Kaster Chiropractic and schedule your consultation. Let us help you improve your quality of life and boost your health naturally. 239-332-2555. Visit to learn more.

Increased Health with Breathwork

Breath Work for Increased Health

Breath Work for Increased HealthBelieve it or not, you can influence your physical biology through proper breathing techniques.

Reduce stress, increase energy, boost focus, and help diminish pain levels.

Breathing is an automatic function. Yet we can still alter and influence it with intention and practice. Breathing can help with the regulation of heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, muscle contraction, and even help balance hormones.
Our bodies react to situations in a primitive survival mode. Fight or flight kicks in to protect us. This gets wrongly applied in modern times to daily stress. The result is that many of us are walking around with spiking cortisol levels, adrenal fatigue, depression, and disease.

Breathing can help combat chronic fatigue and other health issues

This method works for humans as well as other mammals!

What’s the method? THE SIGH.

Sighing is a method of self-regulation. It can help enhance focus and the ability to stand in your own power.

Sighing is hardwired into your DNA.

People sigh when they are nervous, frustrated, jittery, and anxious. It’s subconscious and automatic. Your body is trying to help you. You may wonder if it is programmed into your anatomy, why would you need to practice this purposefully?

It is about you sharpening those reactions and connections, so in time you will be stronger, more self-aware, and better able to take on daily stresses with ease and remain in control.

You can practice the sigh anytime you feel stressed.


Take two good deep inhales through the nose (with no exhale in between), followed by a full exhale (through the mouth).
*This is very important to rid the lungs of carbon dioxide.

This is one of the most powerful tools you have to work with your physiological stress response system.

Next time you are feeling stressed out – Just Breathe  |  Fort Myers, Florida   |  239-332-2555

Joint Pain Can Make Life Unbearable

joint pain chiropractic help dr.kaster fort myers

Is Joint Pain Making You feel Old Before Your Time?

joint pain chiropractic help dr.kaster fort myersIf you have a condition or injury that is causing your joints to be painful such as Rheumatoid Arthritis or Osteoarthritis, Gout, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, or another autoimmune issue, or you have taken a hard traumatic fall it may feel some days that your body is far older that it is.

Joint pain can make daily life difficult.

Even small normal everyday acts like rising from a seated position or gripping a pen to write a letter can become daunting tasks.

Pain, in these cases, can be caused by inflammation, or it may also be a case where the cartilage has worn down and the bones are causing friction where there should be padding. It can also be areas of built-up calcium or of degeneration.

Whichever cause is plaguing you – we know joint pain lowers quality of life for many of our patients. Therefore, we sought out the very best natural answer available. HA (Hyamax) from Nutritional Frontiers is a natural lubricating agent in the joints found most abundantly in cartilage, synovial fluid, and skin.  It provides natural cushioning structures that are needed for every joint.

Hyamax is standardized natural Hylauronic acid. It can bind 1000 times its own weight of water for lubrication of your body’s movable parts – joints, muscles, and skin. It carries nutrition to any wounded or damaged sites to help repair quickly.  It is now available to you in either capsules or powder and is suggested for daily use for those with chronic joint pain.

While we do not yet have our online shop set up, we have sold and worked with Nutritional Frontiers products in our office for years and have HA Plus and other Nutritional Frontiers’ products available for purchase at the office of Kaster Chiropractic and Associates located at 1791 Boy Scout Dr. Suite 6, Fort Myers, Fl 33907.

Chiropractic care helps greatly with joint related pain and disorders. For a chiropractic appointment or to talk about ways to support your body nutritionally give the office a call at 239-332-2555.


Dizziness or Vertigo? It Could be Caused by Your Neck!

vertigo dizziness chiropractic fort myers

vertigo dizziness chiropractic fort myersMany patients report feeling far less disoriented and dizzy after just one adjustment.

If you deal with reoccurring vertigo or dizzy spells you may have tried everything to find relief.

The root cause may lie in a subluxation in the neck. We can help.

Recent findings suggest that chiropractic treatment may help to alleviate dizziness and vertigo symptoms often associated with neck stiffness and pain. It stems from auto accidents and can develop over time if the accident injuries are not treated properly from the start.

When visiting your general practice physician, they will often prescribe muscle relaxers and pain medications to try and loosen the neck to help with the dizziness. While it may help, it is often a temporary solution. There is also the possibility that the medications themselves could make the dizzy feeling intensify as well as dizziness is a potential side effect of many pain medications.

Many patients report feeling far less disoriented and dizzy after just one adjustment. They continue to get better from there with each adjustment. Within two months of regular treatment, patients reported substantially less dizziness and pain as well as a boosted life quality and a far better range of motion for the neck overall.

The beauty of chiropractic is that unlike medications there are no side effects. Chiropractic adjustments are a safe and effective treatment for this type of discomfort and pain.

Chiropractic care has been shown to help reduce dizziness in 80% of patients. According to the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, the majority of patients presented with balance improvement, and some with reduced levels of dizziness and neck pain.

Loss of balance resulting in a fall in older adults can cause damage long term to the body. Visiting your chiropractor regularly can help keep you balanced and healthy. Come in for an evaluation and adjustment today.

Nutritionist | Chiropractor in Ft Myers, FL

Chiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Add to that, nutritional recommendations that can help your body heal itself. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

If you are in the Fort Myers, Florida areal let us help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

      SCHEDULE NOW!   


Natural Ways to Help Boost Your Immune System – Stave off Covid, Common Colds, and the Flu

Contrary to the news and commercial sponsors who constantly run “Flu season” ads, it is not  normal to get sick on a regular basis. If you are catching colds and viruses easily it means your body is run down and your immune system could use your help.

What your immune system does

Your immune system is an internal network of proteins and cells that have the sole job of fighting off foreign invaders (antigens). Your immune system builds up defenses more and more as it comes in contact with new germs, bacteria, and viral matter. Immunoglobulins are created to fight of the antigens.

Your immune system is comprised of mucous membranes, your tonsils, the spleen, all of your lymph nodes, the thymus gland, and your bone marrow. While tonsils for years were believed to be non-necessary it is known now that having your tonsils is helpful as they act as a filter for toxins. When very ill you may even produce what are known as tonsil stones (white globs of collected bacteria that can be removed carefully with a qtip from the tonsils in the back of your throat). When broken open you can clearly smell how foul the matter collected is and see why your body is trying to get rid of it.

Your immune system does weaken as you age, but most of the deterioration doesn’t begin till about age 60 unless other factors play into your health.

In a healthy person your immune system allows you to be in the presence of germs, viruses, and bacteria and not get sick from them. It is only when your defenses are down that your body ends up becoming ill.

How to boost your immune system the natural way with no side effects

While there is much debate right now as to whether or not vaccinations are good or bad, do or do not work, and even if they are dangerous to your health and wellbeing, the fact is that these natural immunity boosters do work with no worry of side effects.

WALKING DAILY – Those who walk at least 20 minutes per day 5 days a week had 43% fewer sick days than those who only walked 1 or 2 days per week.

CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS – Chiropractic spinal adjustments support the nervous system and as a result all organs. This in turn boosts your natural immunity. So, get adjusted regularly and preventatively.

GET ADEQUATE SLEEP – Sleep is the time your body uses to restore itself. Without enough sleep we become tired, worn out, slower in thought, and sick more easily. So, if you are burning the candle at both ends – cool it and get some rest.

sleep is vital for health kaster chiropractic fort myers, florida

EAT HEALTHY FATS – Omega-3’s, Salmon, Chia seeds, avocados, olive oil, these all boost your body’s response to pathogens and help suppress inflammation and pain.

EAT WHOLE PLANT FOODS – Vegetables, seeds, nuts, fruits, and beans all have antioxidants that help decrease inflammation and restore gut health. Fruits and vegetables also help to shorten the length of the common cold!


EAT PROBIOTICS (OR FERMENTED FOODS) – Sauerkraut, yogurt, pickles, and kefir are great sources. You can also take a probiotic supplement if you don’t really love these food selections.

REMOVE ADDED SUGARS from your diet as much as possible. Sugar leads to obesity and obesity is a major factor in sickness. Your body is simply having to work too hard to carry the extra weight. Keep sugar to 5% or under of your daily caloric value.

EXERCISE – moderate exercise enhances immunity. So, get out there and move. Pick an activity you enjoy and do it regularly.

HYDRATE – Dehydration can negatively affect your health. It can make you more prone to illness and disease so drink lots of pure clean water and non-carbonated herbal teas and in moderation fresh juices. Steer clear of coffee, soda, and energy drinks as well as caffeinated teas – they are all dehydrating.

hydration and spinal health chiropractic fort myers dr kaster

FRESH AIR AND SUNSHINE – Your body needs sunlight. It helps to produce Vitamin D naturally. Go spend time outside every single day no matter the weather.

SUPPLEMENTS TO BOOST IMMUNITY – Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, Elderberry, Echinacea, Garlic. This powerhouse combination can help keep your guard up and your body healthy.

These lifestyle and diet choices can majorly impact your body’s ability to fight back against potential invaders. Wishing you a healthy happy Fall!


The Staff at Kaster Chiropractic and Associates of Fort Myers, Florida 


Ready to Feel Better – Call Kaster Chiropractic

Dr. Kaster Kaster Chiropractic fort myers

Chiropractic. It’s ALL Connected!

Dr. Kaster Kaster Chiropractic fort myersThe human body is an amazing and complicated machine. We take for granted the movements, range of motion, and strength we have because we are so used to what our bodies can do. We notice most when something hurts, becomes strained, or injured.

You may experience trauma or just sleep wrong one night and suddenly your neck or back hurts. You may feel a pulling sensation from one part of your body to another. For example, if you wake up with a headache and your neck hurts, it could be your neck, but it also could be your shoulders, back, hips, knees, or even all the way down to your ankles.

One misalignment, much like on your car and it can pull your whole alignment of the body out of whack. This is where chiropractic comes in. A gentle reset by readjusting the skeletal frame in its entirety and it will allow your body to heal by also realigning your musculature, ligaments, and tendons. When we are out of alignment, in the state of subluxations, pulling occurs. It can make you achy, sore, and even further injure the body through overcompensation over time.

Visiting your chiropractor regularly even when you feel ok is the key to keeping yourself well. An ounce of cure is worth a pound of prevention after all. It is less staining, time-consuming, and expensive in the long run to take care of yourself rather than having to seek out treatment when you present with pain or other symptoms.

At the Fort Myers Office of Kaster Chiropractic and Associates here in Florida, we enjoy building a lasting relationship with our patients. That way if you do experience a health emergency you don’t have to search hoping to find a good physician who is qualified, talented, and really cares.

Give us a call to schedule today. 239-332-2555. Visit to learn more about our services and our practice.

Chiropractic Beats Out Pain Killers for Long Term Pain Relief

Dr kaster fort myers florida chiropractic

Dr kaster fort myers florida chiropracticBack pain can be debilitating. It can hamper your activities, your life, your ability to work, and even make you feel less like yourself. It is difficult to remain happy and positive when you are in constant pain.

If you suffer from back pain chronically or intermittently you are far from alone. Nearly 65 million Americans reported a recent incident of back pain.  8 percent of all adult experience persistent or chronic back pain that limits everyday activities. Back pain ranks as the sixth most costly condition in the United States.

While NSAID pain relievers such as Tylenol, ibuprofen, or aspirin can help to block and dull pain they do not remove the cause, so the pain returns when the medication wears off. The same holds true for pain medications including opioids.

Studies prove that chiropractic care can help on a more permanent basis. This most recent study divided 100 patients into three groups. Group 1 received spinal adjustments and a placebo drug while Group 2 received real doses of a drug and sham adjustments. Group 3 received both the placebo and sham treatments (aka no actual treatment at all).

The Result:
Group 1 reported the biggest pain reduction. Better quality of life was also reported.

Groups 2 and 3 both reported almost no change other than when medication was currently active in their systems.

These improvements for group 1 lasted through to the 12 week follow up.

While many studies have proven the validity of chiropractic over the years this is the first study to prove its efficacy over NSAID medications.

Chiropractic simply works. If you are ready to stop dealing with back pain give the office of Kaster Chiropractic a call today at 239-332-2555. Visit to learn more. We look forward to seeing you in our office!


Stress Can Cause Misalignments and Poor Health, Even Leading to Disease


stress-misalignments-chiropractic-fort-myers-dr-kasterStress can cause you to have a lowered immune response which can lead to colds, flu, and illness.

Stress has a very tangible effect on your entire body, on your emotions, and on your mind. While small amounts of stress can be healthy and even a motivating factor, ongoing constant states of stress put your body into an unnatural version of the fight or flight response and can cause a world of problems.

When it comes to the world of chiropractic there are three kinds of stress that affect the skeletal system influencing alignment. They are the main reasons most basic components of human health.


Body chemistry affects muscle tone. When muscles tighten, the tension can pull on the bones that they are attached. This can cause misalignments.

Some of the most common causes of chemical imbalance or chemical stress include nutrient deficiencies (calcium, magnesium, potassium, and so on) smoking, alcohol, caffeine, processed foods, and other toxins.

Nutrients affect muscles by allowing them to relax. When your body has a lack of nutrients, quickly follows is the inability to allow the muscles to relax. Chemical toxins such as processed foods, smoke, alcohol, and VOCs can affect muscles by irritating the nerves. When we eat processed food, the body reacts to the food as it is a toxin. Because of this the nerves in the stomach send signals to the brain releasing stress hormones that cause a change in muscle tonicity. All of this affects the way our body is aligned.


When any physical stress occurs, bones can be shifted out of alignment due to impact, tension, or physical force. Strangely, although physical stress is the most well-known of the three, it is actually the least common cause of misalignments.



Emotional stress is one of the most common reasons that the body ends up misaligned. Financial stress, job stress, political climate stress, family stress, and health-related stress just to name a few. These stress sources can cause us to subconsciously tighten our muscles, raise our shoulders, release cortisol, and remain on high alert physically. It causes an increase in tension and pulls on the skeletal frame.

Stress: The Outcome

Most misalignments are due to a combination of all three stress categories above. The unfortunate thing is that most people don’t go see the chiropractor until they feel pain. Pain is your body’s last form of defense when it comes to correcting itself.

Chiropractic care can be used preventatively. Getting adjusted regularly can stop a person from reaching pain and needing more frequent treatments. Signs that you could have a misalignment can include loss of range of movement, a pinching feeling, changes in body function, tight muscles, a decrease in body function, headaches, and random aches and pains. Also frequent colds are a sign of misalignments as they can prevent your nervous system from working full force.

It is important to regularly get checked by your chiropractor to make sure these three stressors are kept in check. If you have any questions about how these stressors can directly affect the way you are feeling, feel free to give us a call at 239-332-2555


You Need to Visit Your Chiropractor after Any Accident, No Matter How Small

dr kaster fort myers chiropractor auto accident

dr kaster fort myers chiropractor auto accidentThe first question of every person ever in a car accident, no matter how minor, is of medical treatment.

There are many minor fender bender car accidents where you may think “I am fine, it was just a minor accident”. Any injuries you might have sustained may allow you to walk away from the scene of the accident feeling ok, but you have to remember that your body is currently sending out fight or flight hormones to keep you going and protect you. The next couple of days following the accident you begin to feel the impact.

In Florida you have only 14 days under PIP (Personal Injury Protection) coverage on your auto insurance to initiate medical treatment. If it is not started within that range your bills become your own and must come out of pocket. Auto accidents are covered under your insurance policy’s PIP.

Even if you have walked away from an accident, you may notice soreness or pain in your back, neck, ribs, chest, and even knee, ankle, arm, shoulder, or wrists.

Do not speak with any insurance personnel regarding your physical state before you are evaluated. Wrong wording or just casually off handedly saying “I feel ok” or “I am fine” can affect a future settlement decision.

Visiting your chiropractor for an exam and adjustment following an accident can save you pain in the future. No matter how low of a speed you may have been going, even a slow impact at 10mph can throw you out of alignment causing soft tissue damage.

In the days following the accident you may notice:

  • Headaches
  • Neck Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Low Back Pain
  • Dizziness
  • Concussion
  • Throbbing sensations
  • Sciatica
  • Confused/Foggy feelings
  • Burning
  • Knee Pain
  • Radicular pain

These conditions can be treated naturally with chiropractic and other manual treatments such as ice/heat, electrical stimulation, decompression, and massage.

Kaster Chiropractic’s staff is happy to take care of all the paperwork pertaining to their treatment on your behalf. If you have been involved in an accident don’t wait.

The time to get treatment is now.


Chiropractor/Nutritionist in Ft Myers, FL

Chiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions.

Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Kaster Chiropractic is a chiropractic office in Fort Myers. Call today to create optimal health for you and your family.

      SCHEDULE NOW!   239-332-2555