Moringa – The Miracle Supplement


moringaHave you tried moringa yet? It comes as both a capsule or a powder or if you are very lucky, fresh.

The leaves, flowers, bark, fruit, and root, and seeds can all be used medicinally.

 Moringa contains 4 times the Vitamin A of carrots, 7 times the Vitamin C of oranges, 4 times the calcium of milk,  and two times the protein of yogurt and 3 times the potassium of bananas.

Moringa is an important food source in many parts of the world as it can be grown inexpensively, and the leaves retain vitamins and minerals when dried, moringa is used in Africa and India to fight malnutrition.

The immature green pods are prepared similarly to green beans, while the seeds are removed from more mature pods and cooked like peas or roasted like nuts. The leaves are cooked and used like spinach, and they are also dried and powdered for use as a supplement and condiment. It will, however, only grow in tropical and subtropical climates.

The oil from moringa seeds can be used in foods, perfume, and hair care products, and as a machine lubricant. The seed cake remaining after oil extraction can even be used as a fertilizer and also to purify well water and to remove salt from seawater.

Moringa’s Many Benefits:







    Birth control. (please do further research on dosage and timing)




    Stomach pain (gastritis).

    Stomach and intestinal ulcers.

    A headache.

    Heart problems.

    High blood pressure.

    Kidney stones.

    Swelling (inflammation).

    Thyroid disorders.


    Increasing breast milk production.

    As a nutritional supplement.

    Stimulating immunity.

    Increasing sex drive.


    Athlete’s foot.



    Skin infections.


    Gum disease (gingivitis).



Directions: Follow the directions on the label. BUT I will add this – Please start slowly with Moringa. Everyone’s body is different. If it says 2 spoonfuls daily, trust me – start with ½ of a spoonful and work your way up. Moringa in too high of a dose can cause nausea, vomiting and even explosive diarrhea.

With the right dose, you should feel good, have more energy and notice a daily improvement.

Special Precautions & Warnings:

Pregnancy and breastfeeding: It’s UNSAFE to use moringa if you are pregnant. Chemicals in the root, bark, and flowers can make the uterus contract, and this might cause a miscarriage.

It’s also best to avoid moringa if you are breastfeeding. There isn’t enough information to know whether it is safe for a nursing infant.

Because of our tropical climate here in SW Florida, you can actually grow your own Moringa tree right in your yard. Make sure to plant it somewhere you do not mind a large tree growing because they do grow rather fast. To use it fresh you can pick branches right off the tree and eat the leaves.

For more amazing health information you may not know about by visiting the blog of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. Chiropractor and Nutritionist in Fort Myers, Florida | 239.332.2555

What Exactly IS a Vein Specialist?

The only credentialing body for the treatment of veins in the office setting is the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission or the IAC.

IAC - Vein specialist

You may have heard that if you are dealing with venous insufficiency you will need to consult with a Vein Specialist. 

Are all Vein Specialists created equal? Unfortunately, the answer is No. This is where you need to look for an accredited office and physician.


The IAC is made up of representatives from 9 medical societies including:

  • Society for Vascular Surgery
  • Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery
  • American College of Surgeons
  • American Venous Forum
  • American Academy of Dermatology
  • American College of Phlebology
  • Society for Vascular Ultrasound
  • Society for Vascular Medicine
  • Society of Interventional Radiology

These societies have joined forces to stop the dangerous practice of treating veins by unqualified doctors thereby establishing national standards of patient safety.

For your own protection and peace of mind, please only choose a vein doctor with this national certification. There are many “med spas” that pop up around the country and tend to be fly by night operations. Though, yes they are actual doctors who run them, they are not specialists in the true nature of the word and may have only taken a weekend class certification in venous issues.  It takes years to master the art. You do not want to be someone’s practice piece.

While there are now several routes to becoming a “Certified Vein Specialist” if you want your health entrusted to the best, choose a doctor, such as Vein Specialists very own Dr. Joseph Magnant, who is a Vascular Surgeon with over 26 years of experience. They are the only specialists who have focused their practice solely to vascular disease.

True excellence comes from experience and this proficiency develops from treating damaged veins day after day, year after year, one patient, one case at a time.

Vein Specialists holds the IAC seal as it is displayed right on the website itself.

If you are in the Fort Myers | Bonita Springs, Florida area we would love to work with you to get you on your way to the best vein health possible. The first step can be taken right now, right here online by going to and clicking the Confidential FREE vein screening button at the top the page or by calling 239-694-VEIN (8346).

Are You Delaying Vein Treatment Simply Because of Price?


varicose-veinsSticker Shock may hold many patients back from getting the medical help they so desperately need. The thing is, vein treatment isn’t a cosmetic procedure. It is deemed by most insurance companies as medically necessary. Because of this, it is generally paid for under most policy inclusions.

Before writing it off as an expense your budget simply can’t withstand take the time to talk to a Vein Specialist and make that call to your insurance provider.

Nothing is more important than your health. What do insurance companies look for in order to deem your condition as medically necessary?

There are 11 standard symptoms that must fit in order for it to be considered non-elective.

  1. Aching legs
  2. Leg heaviness
  3. Painful legs
  4. Burning sensations
  5. Cramping
  6. Itching legs
  7. Throbbing sensations
  8. RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome) Your legs twitch involuntarily at night as you are trying to fall asleep.
  9. Leg swelling and edema
  10. Darkening of the skin and discoloration
  11. Ulcerations on the legs caused by venous insufficiency

Vein issues start with a smaller onset and gradually over time progress. 

Over time vein disease spreads because the weakened veins cannot contain the blood due to pressure and they are unable to help pump it back up to the heart normally. As the blood pools, the veins stretch and weaken, even occasionally bursting leading to blood bruises and ulcerations and yes, more varicose veins and more associated health risks which can even lead up to blood clots and DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) – this can put you at risk for pulmonary embolism, stroke, and heart attack.

While varicose veins are generally covered, spider veins are often not. It is best to check with your insurance provider before scheduling treatment to confirm specific coverages.

Let West Florida Vein Center help. We work with many major insurance providers and can do the legwork for you, no pun intended. Give The West Florida Vein Center a call today (727) 712-3233 or visit online by going to


How to Support Blood Pressure, Naturally

high blood pressure fort myers

high blood pressure fort myersIt is scary to think that in this day and age one-third of all adults live with higher than desired blood pressure.  Life has become a go go go society. it’s a high-pressure world and our health is reflecting that. 

It can be tempting to simply ignore high blood pressure readings, but it isn’t in the overall best interest of your health. It can result over time in damage to the arteries, heart failure, ruptured blood vessels, kidney issues, vision problems, drop in cognitive function, metabolic syndrome and even life-threatening aneurysm.

The medical community seeks out pharmaceutical remedies to treat the symptom while those of us in the natural health world would rather find options that help to heal and treat the root cause.

Before reaching for the phone to get a prescription for high blood pressure medication, consider some of the more natural approaches which have been shown to work on many who experience higher than desired blood pressure readings.

Take a look at possible reasons for hypertension

Emotional taxation


Caffeine (soda, coffee, teas)


Being overweight or obese 

Lack of activity

Birth control pills are taken for lengthy amounts of time

Excess table salt

Heavy metal toxicity

What you can do 

Boost your diet – the foods you eat energize and run your body. Adding in items like olives and flax seeds, lots of fruits and vegetables, fish high in omega-3 and healthy fats like coconut and olive oils. Reduce grains.

Take Magnesium – helps to relax blood vessels. It can immediately impact blood pressure. 500 mg a day is a great starting place for most people.

Take Potassium – coconut water, bananas, melons, and avocados are just a few of the potassium-packed foods that can help with hypertension.

Take CoQ10 – This antioxidant helps to support heart health. 200-300mg a day is great for blood pressure support.

Take Fish Oil – 1,000-2,000mg daily. Inflammation of the arteries is a prime cause of high blood pressure. Fish oil is high in EPA, DHA, and Omega’s. It helps control and reduce the inflammatory response and can, in turn, help to reduce how hard your heart is having to work.

Get Chiropractic Adjustments & Massage – When your body is in proper alignment your nervous system works at top speed. This gives your body the best chance at regulating itself, which after all is the ultimate goal in health. Massage is not only relaxing, which can help bring down hypertension, it is therapeutic and helps the body release toxins and stress as well as tension.

Before reaching for that medicine bottle – consider some of these tips. They may just change your life.

If you are in the SW Florida area visit Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. of the office of Dr. Jason Kaster. or call 239-332-2555 and make an appointment today.