Do Your Toes Turn In? You Might Be Pigeon Toed.


Have you ever taken a look at yours or your child’s feet and thought “Oh how cute. The toes turn in?” While it is a cute trait that is thought of as standing with a shy or innocent stance it isn’t great for your posture or gait.

Being pigeon-toed (also called in-toeing) is a medical condition where your toes point in. It is a normal variation much like being flat-footed and can be genetic. Because it is present at birth most believe they simply have to live with it. The issue with not resolving this is that they also often end up chronically spraining their ankles. They may not even realize what they feel is a mild sprain, and over time, that can add up to damage. 

Think back to being a child.  Though your ankle may never have fully sprained, when you jumped off a swing or the monkey bars on the playground you would notice that you often didn’t land quite right and you would feel a sting spread up your ankle and shin on the side rendering you unable to move for a few seconds.

If you are pigeon-toed it is most noticeable when standing looking straight on. Toes hook inward. It can make initially learning to walk initially difficult because you are likely to trip over your own toes. 

The standard angle is 15 degrees pointed outwards, not straight ahead or inward. That puts tension on your entire foot, leg and hip joint. Many people who are pigeon-toed are also flat-footed which compounds the issue. The use of custom created orthotics can also assist greatly in this case in stabilizing the ankle and foot so you have a more sound solid base.

Chiropractic May Be Able to Help with Pigeon Toes!

If Tibial Torsion Exists – The tibia (shin bone) has not yet turned.

Your chiropractor can adjust a subluxation in the bones and explain how to stretch the appropriate muscles. Customized orthotics may also be made to go inside of the child’s shoes to help aid in the correction of the excessive pronation.  Shoes with good arch support and a work out program that supports the building of muscle in the legs and feet are also important. Soccer, running, and football are all recommended.

If The Culprit is Femoral Torsion – The Femur or thigh bone exhibits excessive pronation.

Stretching and strengthening focused on the hip rather than the leg – sports like bicycling, ballet and gymnastics are encouraged.

In both cases – stretching, strengthening and using low force strategies like the instance activator method

If the Metatarsus ductus is the cause – This involves the foot itself. Adjustments will concentrate on the bones of the foot and orthotics can be used if it continues past age 7.

Left untreated incorrect mechanics and foot movement can lead to more problems down the road. If you or your child are pigeon-toed it is important to consult a good podiatrist and or chiropractor to avoid damage later in life.

If you are in the Fort Myers, Florida area we invite you to make an appointment with the office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C.

Chiropractor | Nutritionist in Ft Myers, FL

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Add to that, nutritional recommendations that can help your body heal itself. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

PCS – Pelvic Congestion Syndrome – Diagnosis and Treatment


Pelvic-Congestion-Syndrome-Tampa-CardioPelvic Congestion Syndrome is a chronic medical condition that affects nearly 1/3 of all women at some point during their lifetime.

Pelvic congestion syndrome is a condition that causes chronic pain in the pelvic region. When this happens, the veins in your pelvis can enlarge and change shape, like varicose veins. This type of damage causes veins to become varicose. Blockages create backflows of blood because the veins do not close properly anymore. The result is pressure build-up and bulging veins. When this happens in the region of the pelvis varicose veins can affect the uterus, vulva, and ovaries causing great pain and distress.

 It can be diagnosed when it is nonrelated to the menstrual cycle and lasts 6 months or longer (the time frame for a condition to be considered chronic). This condition is aggravated by standing for long periods of time.

How to Diagnose PCS

Pelvic Congestion Syndrome may occur in a wide range of ages for women between 20 and 50 years of age. Additional symptoms can include abnormal menstrual bleeding, irritable bladder, vaginal discharge and even visible varicose veins present on the thighs, vulva or buttocks. These areas are often overlooked and do not show up on imaging. Because of this, it is often tough to diagnose. Make sure you do a thorough at-home mirror check of your entire body and report any abnormalities to your doctor.

If pelvic pain worsens later in the day or when standing yet you can’t seem to get a proper diagnosis to come into Tampa Cardiovascular Associates we are able to work in conjunction with your gynecologist.

The Treatment

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia with IV sedation. The blood supply to the veins is blocked by the use of coils and embolic agents. An 80% pain reduction has been reported by those who have undergone this procedure.

Pelvic congestion syndrome is treated using minimally invasive, non-surgical, trans-catheter techniques. Contrast dye may be injected to confirm which veins are affected. If varices are found on venography, they are embolized with small coils or other FDA approved chemical agents.

The Recovery

The first of two visits is an overnight admission to the hospital. The purpose is for managed pain care during the first 24 hours. The patient is then discharged and can recover at home using oral pain medication for the relief of discomfort. Any pain experienced is most significant during the first three days after either procedure.

The second is an outpatient appointment. Most patients see great improvement. It is important to note that in some cases other pelvic veins are also affected and may require further treatment in the future.

If you are experiencing pelvic pain that seems outside the scope of normal monthly reproductive cycle issues, please give us a call at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates at 813-975-2800.

Sun Exposure – What You Need to Know When it Comes to Varicose and Spider Veins


Sun exposure vein health West Florida Vein centerSummer in the sunshine state means shorts, bathing suits, and cool summer wear. It can be massively frustrating and limiting to have vein issues. It is just too hot out to be wearing long pants all the time.

Sunscreen and Vein Issues

Most of us do wear sunscreen when laying out getting some sun. Wearing sunscreen can deter UVB and UVA rays from doing skin damage, skin aging or stimulating cancer cells. While many are aware of the dark spots or wrinkles the sun may cause but what many don’t think about how sun exposure can egg on spider veins to form on the nose or cause already active vein disease in the body to worsen. With people currently flocking to South West Florida for the end of the beach season, it’s important to be aware of how to protect your skin from the sun whether it’s on the beach or just gardening in the yard.

Does the Sun Cause Varicose and Spider Veins?

This is a complicated answer. The sun can cause spider veins. It cannot cause varicose veins.

Many people believe a good tan will hide the appearance of spider veins, which is true. However, it’s a temporary measure and one that can backfire if you get too much sun, causing even more spider veins to spread.

Varicose veins: On the other hand, varicose veins are never created by the sun. However, veins that are diseased may worsen in hot weather. The sun’s heat can cause the veins to dilate and enlarge causing venous distention. Venous distention is a condition in which veins swell due to being filled with more blood than is needed. An increase in blood and size means swelling and pain.

Spider Veins: The sun breaks down collagen under the skin and in blood vessels right beneath the surface causing spider veins to appear. Sun exposure may also cause veins in your face to do the same, especially in light-skinned individuals.

Is the Sun to Be Avoided?

In general, no. However, after vein removal procedures it is important to protect the skin. Doctors recommend that people who have undergone vein treatment surgery should remain out of the sun anywhere from 3 to 8 weeks. Sunshine may cause pigment changes in the skin. Once the doctor clears you to go in the sun, it is important to apply sunscreen to the area to protect the skin.


What Is the Best Time of Year to Get Veins Treated?

The winter months are the ideal time to get skin looking healthy for the summer. Most people don’t think of their veins during the colder months because we wear so much clothing, but it can make life a lot easier to get problems fixed before summer beach weather returns.

Winter Treatment is Ideal:

  • Compression hose are often worn before and after varicose vein procedures. These stockings are easier to wear or hide in cooler months.
  • Veins can worsen in cold weather months due to lack of activity.
  • Veins could require additional treatments, so there is plenty of time to be ready for the warmer weather.

 More About Sun Exposure and Veins

If you have concerns about sun exposure on your spider or varicose veins or have any other questions about treatments, schedule an appointment with a vein specialist. If you are in the greater Tampa area, you can schedule a visit with Dr. Zuzga of the West Florida Vein Center at (727) 712-3233.

Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. – Auto Accident Injury Help


auto-accident-injury-florida-fort-myers-dr-kasterThe Best Course of Action Following an Accident

If you’re not sure about what medical action to take following your automobile accident and are concerned about who will pay for the cost, call our Fort Myers chiropractic office for a consultation to discuss what you are feeling, what your injuries are, how treatment will be paid for, and what you need to do to preserve your rights and get back your health.

Fort Myers Chiropractor Dr. Jason B. Kaster has the knowledge and years of experience to provide you with the comprehensive care that you need.

Why choose Dr. Kaster as your auto accident treatment doctor

Dr. Kaster Offers the Best Comprehensive Care

Chiropractic is the best care for this type of injury. It has been showing to enhance the healing process.

Our chiropractic goal is to restore both structural integrity and function so you can return to your former condition.

Learn more about how your body heals after an accident when under chiropractic care.

Established Community Partnerships

Dr. Kaster works with other physicians and specialists in the area who treat and accept automobile injury patients and insurance making the process as simple as possible so you do not have to keep filling out the same paperwork over and over again.

His network includes attorneys, neurologists, orthopedics, MRI and diagnostic facilities, and even car repair facilities.

Want to know more about how Chiropractic can help with auto injuries?

State-of-the-art Equipment

Dr. Kaster has all the latest equipment to treat your injuries: ultrasound, laser, massage, electrical stimulation, traction, decompression, and more.

Techniques used

The full list of treatments

Come see us! In the state of Florida, you have only 14 days to seek treatment in order to have it covered under your PIP (Personal Injury Protection) Insurance. So do not delay!

Chiropractor | Nutritionist in Ft Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.
