Anti-Aging Secrets They Don’t Want You to Know

The fact is that age-related decline is a huge business. As people get older the natural progression in relation to degeneration on a cellular level (aging) is that DNA copies (cellular replication) can begin to degrade.  With this breakdown, cells become weaker, the body itself in turn also becomes less strong and resilient as it once was, and illness can creep in.

The biggest secret has gotten almost no attention in the media. The WHO (World Health Organization) has classified Aging as a Disease. It is listed formally in the 11th edition of the International Classification of Disease (ICD) as of 2022. It is described as a gradual decrease in physical and mental capacity.”

The beauty of this revelation is that where disease (dis-ease) is found, there is surely a cure.

If cellular breakdown is responsible for aging, then the converse would be true. Prevent cellular breakdown and aging would grind to a halt.

The Question Became “How”

Nature has given us everything we need to revamp our cellular turnover, no matter what our chronological age. We just had to put the puzzle pieces together! At RenovoVita we made it our mission.

We consulted with top scientists, formulators, and medical, and natural health doctors and came up with the most potent all-natural, pharmaceutical-grade formulation on the market today that helps the body, on a cellular level, to speed up replication while keeping DNA level code information intact so that your cells are created to be the healthiest version of themselves possible. This gives you strong building blocks to recreate your body on a daily basis. The outcome is dynamic health and wellness.

When your cells are healthy and replicating as they should, aging becomes very literally “Just a number”.

In just two capsules a day With-N Cell Activation delivers the results you have been searching for.

This is the ultimate once-a-day cellular health supplement. With-N is formulated with essential NAD+ precursors including NMN and other micronutrients required to restore energy and whole-body health, starting with your cells from the inside out.

The Beauty of Age without Aging!

With age comes wisdom, knowledge, experience, perspective, and a whole array of wonderful gains. Now that the secret is out – we can all better enjoy these later years in life, appreciating what we have learned while still retaining health and wellness and the ability to enjoy life while looking great (and not just for our age!).

If you are ready to up your longevity game, it’s time to go With-N.  

Visit today and place your order.

The post Anti-Aging Secrets They Don’t Want You to Know appeared first on RenovoVita | Cell Renewal Activation | NAD+ Nootropic Supplements.

Courtesy of | Cellular Health, Brain Health, Youth Anti-Wrinkle Cream Serum

What Causes Vein Disease: Varicose Veins and Spider Veins

vein disease safety harbor west florida vein

vein disease safety harbor west florida veinVein disease is one of those ailments that just seems to appear out of no where overnight. But that is kind of a kin to suddenly seeing an iceberg in the water. It didn’t “just form”. It has been growing silently beneath the surface for a long time. It is only finally when it becomes visible on a surface level that most people notice and begin to pay attention.

No one knows your body better than you. After all, you have lived in it your entire life. If something feels not quite right – listen to it. It’s very easy to brush minor annoyances aside and move on with life but with health when you do that they don’t just go away, they grow, subtly.


  • Tired legs (especially after standing all day)
  • Swelling (edema)
  • Aching
  • Itchy legs
  • Small, trapped blood patches under the skin where a vein has leaked
  • Red patches or splotches
  • And eventually visible blue or purplish red veins that may start as a small squiggle and gradually grow larger, more twisted, and painful

Why does this happen?

Well, there are a number of factors that come into play as to why someone would develop vein disease.

Varicose/Spider veins can be brought on by genetics, obesity, pregnancy, smoking, certain types of cancer, trauma to an area, phlebitis, and even a blood clot.

While not usually a serious health threat varicose veins can be painful and even disabling. The sooner they are treated the better the outcome and the less time you waste suffering needlessly.

When a case becomes severe it can lead to ulcerations in the skin that are difficult if not impossible to heal. They can become infected and that can be life threatening. Additionally, you risk blood clots in the legs which can break free and find their way up to the heart, brain, or lungs causing heart attack, stroke, or pulmonary embolism.

Many people avoid seeing a Vein Specialist because they hear the term “Specialist” and their brain translates that to “expensive”. The truth is most cases are considered a medical necessity and your insurance will cover the treatment. Though vein issues are often thought of as cosmetic the look of these rogue veins is simply a side effect of a serious medical issue that needs to be addressed.

Stop waiting.
Call us!



Chiropractic Beats Out Pain Killers for Long Term Pain Relief

Dr kaster fort myers florida chiropractic

Dr kaster fort myers florida chiropracticBack pain can be debilitating. It can hamper your activities, your life, your ability to work, and even make you feel less like yourself. It is difficult to remain happy and positive when you are in constant pain.

If you suffer from back pain chronically or intermittently you are far from alone. Nearly 65 million Americans reported a recent incident of back pain.  8 percent of all adult experience persistent or chronic back pain that limits everyday activities. Back pain ranks as the sixth most costly condition in the United States.

While NSAID pain relievers such as Tylenol, ibuprofen, or aspirin can help to block and dull pain they do not remove the cause, so the pain returns when the medication wears off. The same holds true for pain medications including opioids.

Studies prove that chiropractic care can help on a more permanent basis. This most recent study divided 100 patients into three groups. Group 1 received spinal adjustments and a placebo drug while Group 2 received real doses of a drug and sham adjustments. Group 3 received both the placebo and sham treatments (aka no actual treatment at all).

The Result:
Group 1 reported the biggest pain reduction. Better quality of life was also reported.

Groups 2 and 3 both reported almost no change other than when medication was currently active in their systems.

These improvements for group 1 lasted through to the 12 week follow up.

While many studies have proven the validity of chiropractic over the years this is the first study to prove its efficacy over NSAID medications.

Chiropractic simply works. If you are ready to stop dealing with back pain give the office of Kaster Chiropractic a call today at 239-332-2555. Visit to learn more. We look forward to seeing you in our office!


Revamp Your Motivation and Zero-N

Zero-N RenovoVita brain health cellular wellness

Zero-N RenovoVita brain health cellular wellnessIt’s Time to Rise and Shine! – If that sentiment now irritates you more than motivates you, you may need some more pep in your step.

We all love coffee. The smell, the feel of the warm cup in our hands, the ritual of the brew. But is it really working for you anymore? Over time plain old coffee and caffeine tend to lose their potency and zip.

Life has gotten complicated over the past few years. It can become draining and can wear on your adrenal glands leading to adrenal fatigue. Your adrenal glands are what helps you should danger occur. They initiate the fight or flight response in reaction to stress by releasing chemicals into your body that allow you to keep going even if terrified or injured. They help you get out of dangerous situations and are part of your survival instinct.

The problem here in 2021 is that the stress isn’t subsiding. We are constantly in a state of perpetual fight or flight and our nervous systems are paying the price.

If you feel exhausted, worn out, tired, sleepy during the daytime, experience problems sleeping at night, are grouchy, groggy, and wrought with brain fog, trust us – you are far from alone. Thankfully, we have an answer.

Zero-N Brain Health Formula was created to combat brain fog, fatigue, boost mental acuity, and give you back your edge.

RenovoVita has included only the highest quality pharmaceutical grade natural ingredients in Zero-N Brain Health formula. It includes the key ingredients L-Theanine to help regulate emotion, concentration, and cognition and get those neurotransmitters fired up. Bacopa Monnieri to fight free radicals and help with sleep and anxiety, Ginko Biloba for cognition, retention, and increased brain blood flow, Soy Lecithin to help stave off deterioration of brain capacity, GABA for new cellular growth and connection, and good old-fashioned Caffeine which jolts the neurons to stimulate energy as well as a proprietary formulation of key multi-vitamins and minerals to supercharge anti-aging effects.

Just two capsules a day with or without food as needed and you can revitalize your brain health. What could be easier? to learn more!

FDA & Legal Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Is Venous Ablation a Possibility for Me?


varicose-veins-west-florida-vein-center-ablationVaricose veins, especially in the advanced stages, can become very painful. Twisting, pooling, bulging, enlarged, swollen, and even ulcerated. They distract from daily life and detract from the quality of it.

Those suffering from varicose veins often live with daily pain that does not seem to go away. It can wear you down and exhaust you. As this happens many will find us in their search for answers and solutions.

Consulting a Vein Specialist is the best course of action. Let them use their years of expertise, experience, and education to pinpoint and target the best treatment plan for your particular case. Vein treatment is not a one size fits all.

Among the procedures, one of the most popular and effective is Endovenous Ablation.  This procedure is performed in-office and takes usually less than an hour. It accomplishes the same goal as vein striping which is far more invasive.  It uses ultrasound guidance combined with a local anesthetic. A thin laser fiber is inserted via the catheter to help thread it up the vein to the desired location.

As the laser is withdrawn it shrinks and seals the enlarged and damaged veins. They will then be reabsorbed into the body and the blood re-routed. There is little to no scarring and has a 97% success rate.

Is Endovenous Ablation Painful?

It is a virtually painless procedure. You will feel the injection of anesthetic but after that will be numb. You may feel a slight pressure but there should be no pain.

The recovery time is minimal. We recommend taking the rest of the day off to rest and you should be ok to go back to work and resume normal activity the next day. Strenuous exercise should wait one full week to eliminate the risk of bruising. Mild over-the-counter pain relievers should be strong enough. Ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or other NSAIDs. Should you be a rare case that needs something stronger Dr. Zuzga, D.O. is happy to work with you.

Endovenous ablation is noninvasive and does not involve any incisions. Because of this, there is no scarring risk.

Ready to see if this procedure is right for you? Give the office of Dr. Mark Zuzga, D.O. a call today. The West Florida Vein Center is waiting on your call. 727-712-3233.

Heart Disease and HIV Patients

HIV Aids heart disease tampa cardio

HIV Aids heart disease tampa cardioPatients are living longer as HIV treatments progress. They are also living high-quality lives.  Modern medicine has miraculously transformed a tragic terminal illness into a manageable condition that can be lived with and kept in check for years and even decades allowing for a longer fuller life.

The only downfall of this extension is that a connection seems to be forming between HIV patients with longer lives and the development of cardiovascular issues including heart disease, stroke, and heart attack.

This partly stems from ramped up easily available testing and earlier treatment options. Because of this, those with HIV are not developing into full-blown AIDS. This lowers the incidences of AIDS-related complications. It does correlate though to the early onset as well as higher relative risks for chronic diseases among HIV patients.

The risk of stroke and heart disease among those HIV positive was partly linked to an antiretroviral therapy used to help suppress infections. It has been noted that those who were on these antiretroviral continually showed a lower risk than their intermittent counterparts.

Researchers believe that the elevated heart disease risk may be directly related to chronic inflammation caused by having an autoimmune issue. Chronic inflammation is linked to the build-up of plaque in the arteries.

No matter if you are HIV positive, Negative, or Don’t know your status, cardiovascular conditioning is at the very center of our health.  If you are HIV positive or have developed the more advanced Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome it is important to check in with your cardiologist on a regular basis as recommended.

There is a current large-scale trial going on right now. It is called REPRIEVE and is being funded by the National Institutes of Health. It examines whether statins can help prevent cardiovascular disease in those living with HIV.

When the results are published, we will pass them on to our readers here at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates. WWW.TAMPACARDIO.COM. Give us a call at the office to schedule your consultation. 813-975-2800.


Stress Can Cause Misalignments and Poor Health, Even Leading to Disease


stress-misalignments-chiropractic-fort-myers-dr-kasterStress can cause you to have a lowered immune response which can lead to colds, flu, and illness.

Stress has a very tangible effect on your entire body, on your emotions, and on your mind. While small amounts of stress can be healthy and even a motivating factor, ongoing constant states of stress put your body into an unnatural version of the fight or flight response and can cause a world of problems.

When it comes to the world of chiropractic there are three kinds of stress that affect the skeletal system influencing alignment. They are the main reasons most basic components of human health.


Body chemistry affects muscle tone. When muscles tighten, the tension can pull on the bones that they are attached. This can cause misalignments.

Some of the most common causes of chemical imbalance or chemical stress include nutrient deficiencies (calcium, magnesium, potassium, and so on) smoking, alcohol, caffeine, processed foods, and other toxins.

Nutrients affect muscles by allowing them to relax. When your body has a lack of nutrients, quickly follows is the inability to allow the muscles to relax. Chemical toxins such as processed foods, smoke, alcohol, and VOCs can affect muscles by irritating the nerves. When we eat processed food, the body reacts to the food as it is a toxin. Because of this the nerves in the stomach send signals to the brain releasing stress hormones that cause a change in muscle tonicity. All of this affects the way our body is aligned.


When any physical stress occurs, bones can be shifted out of alignment due to impact, tension, or physical force. Strangely, although physical stress is the most well-known of the three, it is actually the least common cause of misalignments.



Emotional stress is one of the most common reasons that the body ends up misaligned. Financial stress, job stress, political climate stress, family stress, and health-related stress just to name a few. These stress sources can cause us to subconsciously tighten our muscles, raise our shoulders, release cortisol, and remain on high alert physically. It causes an increase in tension and pulls on the skeletal frame.

Stress: The Outcome

Most misalignments are due to a combination of all three stress categories above. The unfortunate thing is that most people don’t go see the chiropractor until they feel pain. Pain is your body’s last form of defense when it comes to correcting itself.

Chiropractic care can be used preventatively. Getting adjusted regularly can stop a person from reaching pain and needing more frequent treatments. Signs that you could have a misalignment can include loss of range of movement, a pinching feeling, changes in body function, tight muscles, a decrease in body function, headaches, and random aches and pains. Also frequent colds are a sign of misalignments as they can prevent your nervous system from working full force.

It is important to regularly get checked by your chiropractor to make sure these three stressors are kept in check. If you have any questions about how these stressors can directly affect the way you are feeling, feel free to give us a call at 239-332-2555


How to Help Regulate Blood Pressure with Dietary Changes

Tampa cardio nutritional cardiology heart diet

Tampa cardio nutritional cardiology heart dietUnwanted side effects are the downside of blood pressure medication.

These potential known side effects are a major reason many patients put off taking blood pressure medications. They ignore their elevated readings and it can lead to trouble.

If you are concerned about your blood pressure but prefer not to take medications, we have some dietary suggestions to try first that may help control pressure levels naturally.

The standard recommendation is referred to as the DASH Diet. DASH stands for Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension. This carefully crafted diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy.  It can help to reduce intake of saturated fats as well as cholesterol.

The DASH diet is recommended for short term or even lifelong use; however, this does not mean that followers of this diet have to completely eliminate all their favorite foods.  As long as this is the basis for your way of eating it’s okay to treat yourself once in a while.

Patients with high blood pressure are almost always told to reduce sodium levels. Even a small reduction can have a big impact. It is generally recommended that people consume no more than 2,300 mg per day. For those 50 and older that number is reduced to 1500 mg per day. The same holds true for those with chronic kidney disease, diabetes, ongoing high blood pressure, and anyone who is of African descent.

Another hot topic when it comes to blood pressure reduction is alcohol. There is a balance when it comes to choosing to imbibe. A single serving of wine or other alcoholic beverage has actually been shown to reduce blood pressure. More than one drink, however, is considered potentially harmful. Blood pressure medications should be considered as well. Many medications can be negated by drinking or have side effects.

Changing your diet and lifestyle significantly is never an easy task. Below are some tips on how to make the dietary transition a smooth one:

  1. Track your progress – Get a notebook to use as a food diary. Keeping track of what and when you’re eating can help highlight issues you might not have been aware of.
  2. Ease into it – No one expects you to change your diet overnight and easing yourself into it may be the best option to ensure success.
  3. Shop Smart – Never go to the store hungry or without a list.
  4. Try salt substitutes – Herbs and spices can add wonderful flavor to your food without adding extra sodium.
  5. Bump up the potassium – Potassium can counteract the harmful effects of sodium and is found in supplemental form as well as in certain fruits and vegetables.
  6. Nix the fast food – These foods are loaded with chemicals and salt. They tend to aggravate hypertension.

The doctors at Tampa Cardiology offer blood pressure assistance as well as the advice of an onsite nutritionist. The most important thing to remember is that changing your diet and lifestyle is a gradual process and takes a lot of hard work, but the results of a longer life and healthier body and mind are always worth the effort.

Get started right away and schedule your appointment online at: WWW.TAMPACARDIO.COM. We are also reachable by calling the office at 813-975-2800.

Eliminate leg pain with a Visit to Dr. Zuzga, D.O. of The West Florida Vein Center


Ready to Live Life with Pain Free Legs?

dr-mark-zuzga-west-florida-vein-center-vein-treatmentPain detracts from life. It can be incredibly difficult to care about much else when you are not feeling your best. Leg pain caused by varicose veins can range from mild to debilitating and hamper your ability to get through the day.

There is an alternative. There is help.

Hi, I am Dr. Mark Zuzga, D.O. of the West Florida Vein Center located in Safety Harbor, Florida serving the Tampa Bay area. I have made it my life’s mission to care for and help those struggling with venous insufficiency.

I love what I do, and it gives me great fulfillment to see patients walk out of the office feeling good and good about themselves once again.  There have been so many amazing medical advances over the years that allow physicians who have chosen to dedicate their practices to the correction of venous disease that can take you from discomfort and pain and the unsightly bugles caused by vein deterioration to the repaired state of having healthy pain free beautiful legs once again.

In our office we offer the following treatments which can help eradicate varicose and spider veins as well as ulcerations, itchiness, vein related skin issues, pain, swelling, and tenderness.

Venefit Targeted Endovenous Therapy 



Endovenous Thermal Ablation 

Click on each link above to learn more about the individual procedures on our website.

Every patient’s treatment is custom tailored to his or her own personal health needs. When you come into the office, I will sit down with you for a personal consultation going over your health history as well as what is currently going on that you are concerned with. We will do a physical examination and I will recommend the best course of treatment.

From there you can decide how you would like to proceed going forward. Choosing to correct vein damage can drastically improve your quality of life and most procedures are deemed medically necessary and covered by insurance.

Give us a call today at 727-712-3233 or visit to learn more. We look forward to seeing you in our office!


Dr. Mark Zuzga, D.O.

You Need to Visit Your Chiropractor after Any Accident, No Matter How Small

dr kaster fort myers chiropractor auto accident

dr kaster fort myers chiropractor auto accidentThe first question of every person ever in a car accident, no matter how minor, is of medical treatment.

There are many minor fender bender car accidents where you may think “I am fine, it was just a minor accident”. Any injuries you might have sustained may allow you to walk away from the scene of the accident feeling ok, but you have to remember that your body is currently sending out fight or flight hormones to keep you going and protect you. The next couple of days following the accident you begin to feel the impact.

In Florida you have only 14 days under PIP (Personal Injury Protection) coverage on your auto insurance to initiate medical treatment. If it is not started within that range your bills become your own and must come out of pocket. Auto accidents are covered under your insurance policy’s PIP.

Even if you have walked away from an accident, you may notice soreness or pain in your back, neck, ribs, chest, and even knee, ankle, arm, shoulder, or wrists.

Do not speak with any insurance personnel regarding your physical state before you are evaluated. Wrong wording or just casually off handedly saying “I feel ok” or “I am fine” can affect a future settlement decision.

Visiting your chiropractor for an exam and adjustment following an accident can save you pain in the future. No matter how low of a speed you may have been going, even a slow impact at 10mph can throw you out of alignment causing soft tissue damage.

In the days following the accident you may notice:

  • Headaches
  • Neck Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Low Back Pain
  • Dizziness
  • Concussion
  • Throbbing sensations
  • Sciatica
  • Confused/Foggy feelings
  • Burning
  • Knee Pain
  • Radicular pain

These conditions can be treated naturally with chiropractic and other manual treatments such as ice/heat, electrical stimulation, decompression, and massage.

Kaster Chiropractic’s staff is happy to take care of all the paperwork pertaining to their treatment on your behalf. If you have been involved in an accident don’t wait.

The time to get treatment is now.


Chiropractor/Nutritionist in Ft Myers, FL

Chiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions.

Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Kaster Chiropractic is a chiropractic office in Fort Myers. Call today to create optimal health for you and your family.

      SCHEDULE NOW!   239-332-2555