Happiness Proves to be Good for Your Heart


tampa-cardiovascular-associatesStudies reveal that optimistic, happy, glass half full people are more likely to have good heart health as well.

When you have a positive optimistic outlook you feel better physically.

The study looked at two groups of people who had similar risk for heart disease. The results showed the pessimistic group was more likely to experience heart attack or stroke.

Julie K. Boehm, PhD Harvard Researcher was the study lead. She is quoted as saying that “Historically, studies have focused on the negative impact of depression and anxiety. We wanted to look at the flip side to see how psychological well-being – things like happiness, optimism, and having a sense of purpose – might impact risk.”

Happiness spurs positive life decisions

They tend to sleep more regularly, eat better, and exercise. If you are not naturally an upbeat person don’t be hard on yourself. It can be relearned through behavioral therapy and actively watching your thought patterns to help recognize constant negativity, stop it, and replace it with a healthier thought version.

During a collaborative effort on the part of Harvard with Columbia University they based their findings on a 5 point scale. A patient that was able to monitor their behavior and thoughts and was able to raise their number even just 1 point experienced what translated to a 22% risk reduction. That is impressive and could be life changing for many.

While of course more research is needed, and feelings are not exact quantifiable numbers the evidence is mounting and becoming clear that there is indeed a link between heart health and happiness factor so live your life the best you can and try to look on the bright side of things and find humor.

If you are in the Tampa Bay, Florida area and looking for a great cardiologist we invite you to check out Tampa Cardiovascular Associates. WWW.TAMPACARDIO.COM 813-975-2800.

Why Chance it With Dangerous Pharmaceuticals Just to Gain a Little Focus?


Zero-N-Brain-health-supplement-RenovoVitaWe all need a little more focus these days. The world is a very distracting place. We are expected to multitask as if we are more than one person and do it without messing anything up, all while smiling, staying focused, and still remaining in a good mood and polite. That can be a tall order.

Coffee only gets you going to a certain extent depending on the caffeine inclusion of the particular brew, and with so many distractions, lack of sleep and anxiety are also becoming part of this “new normal”. It isn’t how we should live. Tired, drained, running on empty.

No need for dangerous pharmaceuticals like Adderall 

This is especially true for those who already deal with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). It can be very difficult to reign yourself in and get your to do list accomplished. When diagnosed with these disorders often prescription medications such as the popular study drug Adderall are prescribed. While they may work wonders short term they are not healthy for the body on an ongoing basis and can cause headaches, neck and jaw problems, grinding of the teeth, lack of appetite, excessive sweating, and addiction.

That is why we purposely set out to find the very best combination of all-natural ingredients to form Zero-N. Zeroing in on what we have at hand and the ability to live in the now is important not only for completion of work projects but for mental clarity, mental health, and happiness overall.

This formulation of pharmaceutical grade ingredients helps your brain perform at its best. It allows you to think faster, access memories readily, concentrate, and focus.

Naturally sourced ingredients of pharmaceutical grade along with our RenovoVita quality guarantee.

  • L-Theanine: Fires up neurotransmitters and brain areas that regulate emotion, concentration, cognition.
  • GABA: Connects brain cells for better communication and stimulates growth of new healthy cells.
  • Bacopa Monnieri: Centuries-old free radical fighter, lights up learning centers and relieves anxiety and stress.
  • Soy Lecithin: A natural “brain food” mood and memory enhancer. Prevents brain capacity deterioration
  • Ginkgo Biloba: Cognition increases and information retained with increased blood circulation in the brain. Also limits neuron damage.
  • Caffeine: Jolts neurons and blocks sleep-inducing adenosine so other brain-sparking chemicals flow in.

You can take Zero-N with or without food and will not cause stomach upset. 2 per day maximum. Start with 1 to see how you feel.

No need for dangerous pharmaceuticals like Adderall – Zero-N and Focus

FDA & Legal Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Is it a Deep Vein Thrombosis (Blood Clot) I am Experiencing?

DVT Blood clot west florida vein center

DVT Blood clot west florida vein centerIf you are reading this you may be in pain or trying to help a loved one in pain, so we will keep it short and to the point!

Deep vein thrombosis is a clot that forms in a deep leg vein. It can cause warmth, tenderness, pain, and as it progresses it can block the artery or vein entirely causing the limb to get cold, turn blue or purple, and go numb.

If you are experiencing leg pain it isn’t something you can ignore and wait on. You need to seek medical attention. While sometimes clots can break up and go away on their own it isn’t worth chancing. If they break free and they are still sizable they will travel through the circulatory system and if they get stuck at any point in the heart, lungs, or brain you can be facing a heart attack, pulmonary embolism, or stroke.

All three conditions can cause permanent damage if not death.

The best advice is to keep your veins healthy and if you notice an issue, see a vein specialist such as Dr. Mark Zuzga, D.O. at the West Florida Vein Center of Safety Harbor, Florida in the Tampa Bay area. Early treatment of venous insufficiency can help proactively prevent blood clots down the road as well as save you from edema, ulcerations, and aching leg pain.

Why go through all of that when you don’t have to?

Many people incorrectly believe that vein issues are cosmetic and will not be covered by their insurance. While varicose veins are unsightly, they are also a very legitimate medical concern and most insurance companies will cover your treatment once your deductible is met for the year.

We cordially invite you to give our office a call and schedule your consultation. Dr. Zuzga, D.O. will evaluate your condition and medical history and make the best recommendations for you personally to get you on the path to wellness quickly and painlessly.

(727) 712-3233



High Blood Pressure: Dangers of Leaving High Readings Unregulated


A high blood pressure reading at the doctor’s office now and then isn’t necessarily cause for alarm. Some days our pressure may just be higher than others. It can be due to stress, physical exertion, nervousness at a doctor visit (white coat syndrome), or even if you drink a latte on the morning of your visit.

One single reading does not mean you have ongoing high blood pressure. If your readings keep coming up high that is when you need to pay attention and speak with your physician about possible ways to combat it and get your readings back to a normal healthy level.

Hypertension may not sound like a big deal, but when left untreated what it does is this: Think about blowing up a balloon too much or overinflating your tires. That excess air stretches the rubber thinner than it should be making it weak. Over time if you over inflate too much, what happens? They may pop. The same holds true for your vein and artery walls. These small tubes run throughout your entire body and elevated pressure can affect any part of the body where your veins carry blood.

Chronic hypertension (high blood pressure) can cause weakening of your circulatory system. It can ultimately lead to heart attack, heart failure, sexual dysfunction, kidney disease, vision problems including loss, and even stroke.

These are serious medical issues that can threaten your health, wellbeing, and even take your life.

The best protection you have is knowledge. Know your numbers. Get checked regularly. If they remain too high talk with your doctor. There are some lifestyle changes you can make that can help to get them down.

Lifestyle changes to help lower blood pressure include:

  1. exercise regularly
  2. Manage your weight
  3. Stop smoking
  4. Reduce sodium intake
  5. Drop the alcohol
  6. Eat more potassium containing foods (nuts and seeds, beans, oily fish, milk, yogurt, fruits, berries, vegetables).
  7. Reduce stress
  8. Cut back on caffeine
  9. Eat dark chocolate
  10. Get rid of the refined sugar and carbs

If these changes are enough to lower your numbers? Wonderful!
If not your doctor will help you find the proper blood pressure medicine to get you back on track.

Give the doctors at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates a call today at 813-975-2800 or visit online to learn more at WWW.TAMPACARDIO.COM.

What You Need to Know About Spider Veins

spider veins tampa safety harbor west florida vein center

spider veins tampa safety harbor west florida vein centerSpider veins, while not painful, can be embarrassing and a visual eyesore.

A Closer Look at Spider Veins

Living with spider veins isn’t any fun. This is especially true in Florida. We are after all, the tropics – land of shorts and bathing suits. Hiding your vein issues becomes a hassle and a hot one at that. Thankfully there is no need to hide or cover any longer. Spider veins are completely treatable.

The Causes

Spider veins, much like varicose veins, are rooted in insufficient blood flow. (Venous insufficiency). When veins become frail or weak, they may start to leak collecting or pooling blood. This is what gives the appearance of a spider vein or in the case of more damaged veins, varicose veins.

Are you at risk?

Millions of Americans suffer from spider veins. Factors that contribute include gender, heredity, weight, age, pregnancy, history of deep vein thrombosis, excessive sitting or standing, repeated sun burns, smoking, wearing tight clothes, and excessive heat use (sauna and hot tubs).

Interesting Statistics

  • Close to 50% of women ages 40 to 50 have spider veins
  • About 75% of women ages 60 to 70 have spider veins
  • Around 25% of men age 30 to 40 have spider veins
  • Close to 50% of men over the age of 70 have spider veins

Spider Vein Symptoms

Usually spider veins are visible. They are small veins that remain close to the surface. They may be blue, reddish, or even purple in appearance and look like tiny tree branches or spider webs.

You may also experience restless legs when you are trying to go to sleep or relax, itching in the area of the vein damage, throbbing, aching, cramping or just an over all uncomfortable feeling in your legs.

What you can do to rid your legs of spider veins

Lifestyle changes can help alleviate the pain associated with spider veins and reduce new ones from forming but a lifestyle change alone cannot rid you of already existing vein issues.

Sclerotherapy – Sclerotherapy is done via injection of a sclerosant into the damaged veins. It begins a reaction of closing the vein so it can be reabsorbed into the body and the blood flow redirected.

Ultrasound may be used to help guide the placement of the needle into the vein being treated.

Treatment of Spider veins is very effective and virtually painless. The results are permanent. Interested to learn more and see if you are a good candidate?

Give our office a call at The West Florida Vein Center of Safety Harbor, Florida serving the Tampa Bay Florida area as your Vein Specialist. Dr. Mark Zuzga, D.O. would be more than happy to help you get healthy legs that feel good again.  www.westfloridaveincenter.com 727-712-3233.

Improve your Health and Wellness with NAD+ Supplements from RenovoVita

RenovoVIta NMN NAD+ anti aging cellular renewal
RenovoVIta NMN NAD+ anti aging cellular renewalNAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a critical coenzyme which is found in every cell of the body. It is necessary for the creation of energy as well as regulation of the cellular renewal process.

When we are young, our supplies of NAD+ are boundless. We have as much as we need. Our cells renew quickly and if we find ourselves inured of sick, we usually recover very quickly. We look good, our skin is taught, our cheeks are rosy.

As we age that begins to deplete. The older we get in age the less of it our bodies have in stores.

NAD+ powers two key reactions in the body. 1. To help turn nutrients into energy (metabolism) and 2. As a substrate helper molecule for proteins that become building blocks and regulate other cellular functions. Because of this NAD+ is very important in the aging process and in fact can help decide how we age – slowly or quickly. Aging is simply bodily degeneration. This is the same for humans, yeast, bacteria, and even plants!

NAD+ was discovered in 1906 and our understanding of it has evolved over time. It has become a prized molecule in scientific research because of its role in so many biological functions.

In layman’s terms by adding in NAD+ to your daily regimen by way of supplement what happens is that it essentially switches off the genes that accelerate the aging process.

NAD+ has been shown to benefit you by way of supplementation in the following manners:

  • Boosted energy levels
  • Anti-Aging benefits
  • Boosted immune response
  • Less fogginess – improved clarity of thought and memory
  • Detoxification of cells
  • Faster recovery times from illnesses and hard workouts
  • Feel younger and look more rested

Cellular regeneration is the future of health. Now you don’t have to wait. The future is here with RenovoVita. Learn more. Visit www.RenovoVita.com and get ready to feel the best you have ever felt.

FDA & Legal Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Conditions Treated By Chiropractic You Might Not Expect


chiropractic-fort-myers-Dr-Jason-Kaster-Kaster-ChiropracticMost people tend to think of Chiropractic as care for neck and back pain, but the truth of the matter is that chiropractic treatment can help heal your body as a whole and is not simply for backaches or neck pain.

Chiropractic care can help improve and alleviate a wide range of conditions some of which you might never expect could be treated in such a noninvasive non pharmaceutical related natural way.

Sinus pain: If you experience frequent sinus infections, allergy issues, or nasal pain some of these physical issues can be helped by your chiropractor. There is mounting evidence that this modality of treatment can help with chronic sinusitis. Several sessions along with at home relaxation techniques may be necessary.

Migraines: Headaches are one of top reasons patients seek out chiropractic assistance. Tension headaches and migraine attacks are two of the most physically debilitating painful conditions to deal with. They can be frequent and become chronic. This leaves many dependent on medications to help stop the events. These medications when taken all the time can cause your body to become toxic as well as cause you to build up a non-wanted tolerance, making it harder and harder to get relief.  Chiropractic care has been shown to help treat these types of headaches initially reducing frequency and, in many cases, leading to overall stoppage of the symptoms all together.

Bell’s Palsy – This is a condition where the facial muscles, jaw muscles, and even the muscles in the face that connect to your ear are involved. It is an involuntary drooping of the facial muscles on one side that cannot be controlled by the patient. Chiropractic help depends on the severity of the condition. Overall, it can help managing the pain, boosting movement and motion, and can help with nerve related causes.

Ear Issues: Tinnitus, hearing loss, and vertigo. Chiropractic care has effectively improved vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss in certain patients, showing signs of healing within just a few months of treatment.

Chiropractic has been shown to help with many conditions above and beyond the ones we listed above including sciatica, arthritis, fibromyalgia, car accident injuries, carpal tunnel, pregnancy pain, pinched nerves, bone pain, depression and mood issues,  digestive issues, fatigue, golfer/tennis elbow, high blood pressure, joint problems,  osteoporosis, poor posture, repetitive stress injuries, tendonitis, stress management, Stiffness, sprains, shoulder and arm pain, scoliosis, neck pain, , TMJ back pain, plantar fasciitis, menstrual cramps, hip and leg pain, ankle pain, and even on the job work injuries and wellness care.

If you have an issue and are wondering if we can help – the simplest answer is just to give us a call and ask. We are always happy to talk with you and see if we are a good match and can help you heal.

The office of Kaster Chiropractic and Associates is reachable by dialing 239-332-2555. You can also visit us online to learn more about us by going to www.kasterchirorpractic.com.

Chronic Back Pain Help from Chiropractic Care

One of the most often asked questions we get from patients with lower back pain is “how long do you think it could be before I feel better?”

That’s a very fair question. Healing and becoming pain free are the ultimate outcome here after all. For acute low back pain 2 to 4 weeks is standard. This encompasses 6 to 12 sessions in that time frame.

The initial treatment is the passive phase. Adjustments are done and the patient remains at rest using ice, heat, ultrasound, traction, and massage. The patient is not given any exercises at this point to strengthen the back muscles.

The second part of the treatment is what is known as the active phase. Exercises are added in at home to increase function and strength. This helps get you back to your daily life. Muscle supports the spine so the more muscle you have the better your spine and adjustments will hold in place.

Most patients with acute back pain (sudden onset) have symptoms that resolve in the first 4 weeks. Some patients though do go on to the level of chronic back pain lasting more than 12 weeks. If that is the case, you may have reached a healing plateau.

If the pain is mild to severe a patient may still need 1-6 visits for an episode. Rarely patients need ongoing care of 1 to 4 visits per month.

Generally back pain will subside over time with treatment. We have had great success over the years with our patients here in Fort Myers, Florida.

Living with chronic low back pain is a challenge, but chiropractors want to stress to patients that self-therapy is an important part of pain management. This can include rehabilitation and range-of-motion exercises.

Make sure to communicate all of your symptoms as well as what you are doing at home to help when you meet with your Chiropractor. That way you will get the best most effective care possible.

Give the office a call to schedule your visit. 239-332-2555. Visit: www.drkasters.com to learn more!

Chiropractic| Nutrition in Ft Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Kaster Chiropractic and Associates – Chiropractic and nutrition in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.


Can Your Heart Benefit from Using a Sauna Regularly?

sauna heart health

sauna heart healthDry vs. Wet Saunas – Are they good for you and can they help your heart?

The DRY SAUNA:. Dry saunas produce a heavy deep sweat which has a cleansing effect on the body by flushing out toxins and impurities, clearing the glands and the pours. This can be beneficial to your skin, but also for stress relief, relaxation, sooth asthma, soothing aching muscles, and even psoriasis, but did you know that spending time regularly in a sauna can help your cardiovascular health and lower the risk of dementia and even Alzheimer’s Disease?

That’s right! It has been shown to reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death, heart disease, and even cardiovascular disease. It has also been shown to help those with chronic fatigue, chronic pain, allergic rhinitis, and obstructive pulmonary disease.

Sauna use has also been shown to help boost athletic performance.

The STEAM ROOM: Steam rooms create a moist environment for you to sit in. Humidity produces different results than the dry sauna. It can be used to loosen stiff muscles and joints, break up congestion inside of your lungs and sinuses, and help improve circulation.

The INFARRED SAUNA: The heat produced is a direct result of infrared lamps.  Because they are a lower temperature (about 120 to 140) you can stay in them longer than a regular dry sauna. Infrared offers all the benefits of a dry sauna plus additional healing, weight loss and pain relief.

They even make personal at home saunas if you don’t care to share one at the gym!

No matter which sauna you choose make sure you stay hydrated. Bring a cold bottle of water in with you. Make sure that you are getting your trace minerals as well because you sweat them out.

Start with a shorter session and work your way up. Do not drink alcohol before or right after a sauna session.

What has your sauna experience been? Do you use them regularly? Let us know!

Doing the sauna weekly or even daily is great for the health of your heart!



Conquering Edema

Edema West Florida Vein Center

Edema West Florida Vein CenterEdema is painful and unsightly.

Venous induced edema can cause chronic swelling in the ankles, legs, and even in your feet.  Edema is often a sign that you have an underlying issue such as venous insufficiency (vein disease). It could also be a lymph node or kidney issue.

Having varicose veins increased the chance of water retention. Extra fluid increases the pressure of your blood flowing through the veins systemically. When this is allowed to continue, that pressure and water builds up causing swelling and edema.

Edema is painful and should be addressed as soon as possible with a Vein Specialist such as Dr. Mark Zuzga, D.O. at the West Florida Vein Center of Safety Harbor, Florida.

While there is no substitute for a professional consultation and medical advice, we wanted to give you a few things that you can do at home.

Wearing compression stockings during the day can help keep your vein walls supported and strong.

Regular exercise can help promote blood flow.

Raising / elevating your legs can help reduce pressure and ease the job your heart has to pump blood throughout the body, thus alleviating pressure on your leg veins and reducing swelling and pain.

Ice therapy – use cool ice packs on your legs at night and if possible, during the day for 15 to 20 minutes to help keep inflammation in check.

Keep Hydrated – The less water you have in your body the harder it is for your heart to work properly. Chronic dehydration can lead to vein problems.

Eat a low salt diet – Salt retains water and can make edema worse.

Travel or working – take breaks and stand up and walk around as often as you can.

If you are noticing pain, swelling, edema, varicose veins, or other leg pain related issues we cordially invite you to come in to West Florida Vein Center and do an evaluation with Dr. Zuzga, D.O. www.westfloridaveincenter.com 727-712-3233.