Is it a Deep Vein Thrombosis (Blood Clot) I am Experiencing?

DVT Blood clot west florida vein center

DVT Blood clot west florida vein centerIf you are reading this you may be in pain or trying to help a loved one in pain, so we will keep it short and to the point!

Deep vein thrombosis is a clot that forms in a deep leg vein. It can cause warmth, tenderness, pain, and as it progresses it can block the artery or vein entirely causing the limb to get cold, turn blue or purple, and go numb.

If you are experiencing leg pain it isn’t something you can ignore and wait on. You need to seek medical attention. While sometimes clots can break up and go away on their own it isn’t worth chancing. If they break free and they are still sizable they will travel through the circulatory system and if they get stuck at any point in the heart, lungs, or brain you can be facing a heart attack, pulmonary embolism, or stroke.

All three conditions can cause permanent damage if not death.

The best advice is to keep your veins healthy and if you notice an issue, see a vein specialist such as Dr. Mark Zuzga, D.O. at the West Florida Vein Center of Safety Harbor, Florida in the Tampa Bay area. Early treatment of venous insufficiency can help proactively prevent blood clots down the road as well as save you from edema, ulcerations, and aching leg pain.

Why go through all of that when you don’t have to?

Many people incorrectly believe that vein issues are cosmetic and will not be covered by their insurance. While varicose veins are unsightly, they are also a very legitimate medical concern and most insurance companies will cover your treatment once your deductible is met for the year.

We cordially invite you to give our office a call and schedule your consultation. Dr. Zuzga, D.O. will evaluate your condition and medical history and make the best recommendations for you personally to get you on the path to wellness quickly and painlessly.

(727) 712-3233