Are You Covering Up Your Leg Veins?

spider veins

spider veinsSpider and varicose veins in your legs are unsightly and can feel embarrassing to some.

It may be tempting to simply try and hide them. Makeup, wearing long pants, avoiding beaches and the pool for fear of putting on a bathing suit – these can hamper your ability to really enjoy life.

Avoidance may work but all it is doing is covering up the root problem: Venous insufficiency. It isn’t simply a cosmetic issue. Veins, once damaged, if left untreated can spread and become worse over time leading to bigger problems such as achiness, leg, ankle and foot pain, swelling and edema, skin issues and even ulcers on the legs.


If you begin to have veins that are visible it is advisable to seek the advice of a Vein Specialist. Going through offices such as where they offer FREE online screenings can give you peace of mind and some professional knowledgeable advice as to your current state and the very best medical recommendations for your health now and in the future.


Treatment options are numerous and with the advances that have been made in vein care, you no longer simply have to live with embarrassing or painful veins. Diagnostics are simple, quick and pain-free. The solutions are all outpatient procedures with very minimal recovery times. The majority of those who undergo treatment remark that they wish they had done it sooner.


To get started go to for a confidential FREE Vein Screening right online. Dr. Joseph Magnant is a board certified vascular surgeon and Dr. Nero is a board certified general surgeon. They have dedicated their lives to this surgical practice with the singular focus on the treatment of venous insufficiency. 239-694-VEIN (8346) to schedule an in-person appointment.

Does Growing Older Have to Mean Varicose Veins?

As we age maintenance is key. Eating a healthy balanced diet and keeping yourself in shape as well as living a healthy lifestyle can all help to keep your body functioning at its fullest. When blood flow is fluid and your veins are all working properly, no spider or varicose veins will be present. It is fully possible to live to a ripe old age and never have a vein issue at all.

While it may seem fairly normal to relate varicose and spider veins with aging, the truth is that though age-based vein issues have more to do with genetics and health than to do with your numerical age in years.

In both spider and varicose veins, it is the weakening of the walls that causes the visible pooling and bulging. Once damage has occurred in order to get back to health they do need to be surgically or chemically repaired. Damaged veins left untreated can lead to leg pain, achiness, swelling, and pain. Over time it can lead to hard to heal leg ulcerations.

What comes into play in the formation of venous insufficiency:

Gender – Birth control pill use, pregnancy, menopause, and puberty – that is a lot of hormonal changes for a body to go through over the years. It can become a contributing factor.

Family History – 50% of all of those who develop vein issues have other family members who also have it as well.

Leg Trauma – injury to an area of the leg can damage veins leading to wearing down of the vein wall cells and over time may cause venous insufficiency.

Weight – additional pressure on the veins can cause issues. Keeping your weight in check is important for your circulatory health.

Regardless of age or contributing factors, the sooner you see a Vein Specialist talk about options when it comes to restoring your vein health the better the outcome is likely to be. If you have vein issues currently, don’t wait. Give West Florida Vein Center a call today by dialing 727-712-3233 or visiting

Managing Hives

ipalc rash

ipalc rashBreaking out in hives can make you crazy. The itching, the scratching, it can be so intense it keeps you up at night. Nothing seems to help and until you know the source, you feel doomed to bouts at pretty well any moment.

When they initially come to pass it becomes a process of elimination in order to figure out the cause and eliminate it from your life.

Brought on by Hives, although normally associated with allergic reactions, can also be brought on by stress, insect bites, certain medications, infections, sun exposure and even extreme cold. The sooner you identify what it is that is causing hives for you, the better and more quickly you can halt them.

What works?

  1. Avoidance of the stimulant is the #1 best defense. If you can’t avoid it or haven’t yet figured out what it is here are some suggestions to help.
  2. Take Benadryl (antihistamine) to calm the reaction.
  3. Oatmeal or anti-itch bath – take a cool bath and soak allowing the skin to moisturize.
  4. Scratching, though it may feel good, will increase the need to scratch. It’s a vicious circle. If at all possible, avoid scratching. If that isn’t possible, try and use a skin brush rather than your nails which can have bacteria on them and are more prone to tearing. The brush will feel even better and not lead to broken skin areas.
  5. Moisturize with a hypoallergenic lotion directly after the bath. Pat dry.
  6. Use Calamine lotion to relieve itching by cooling the skin.
  7. Talk to your doctor about prescription options if you experience chronic hives.


Let your doctor help you pinpoint the cause. They are able to help diagnose and get to the root of the problems so that you can get on with your life, hive free. To find a practitioner here in Lee County, Florida please visit our FREE resource list from the Independent Physicians Association of Lee County by going to

Has Sleepwalking Become a Problem?


sleepwalkerSleepwalking can be problematic for not only the sleepwalker themselves but for anyone living with them.  Erratic night time behavior can leave the walker exhausted, never really getting a deep sleep and the person or people around them sleepless and on edge.

The term sleepwalking seems simple enough. It implies that the person simply wanders around the house at night in a daze. That isn’t always the full case. People have been known to eat odd items, have conversations, perform odd behaviors, try and drive, and at times even become violent.

Sleepwalking can go undiagnosed for years if no one is there to witness the events. The sleepwalker may notice things in their home seem to be moved or left out but not correlate it to sleep events and even rather to possible memory issues. If there is a witness, sleepwalking is hard to ignore.

A genetic element has been pinpointed in this condition. If you have other relatives that sleepwalk, it is 10x more likely that you may as well.

What causes sleepwalking behavior other than genetics: being sleep deprived, not having a normalized sleep schedule, living in a stressful environment that doesn’t seem to be resolving itself, drinking excessively, or taking prescription medications (sedatives, neuroleptics, stimulants and even antihistamines).

Certain medical conditions have also been linked to sleepwalking. They may include, but are not limited to:

  • Heart Problems
  • Nighttime asthma
  • Fever
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Heartburn
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Psychiatric disorders (dissociative states, multiple personality disorder, panic attacks, PTSD)

If you have a sleepwalker in the home the most important thing is to keep a safe environment. Lock doors and windows, place an alarm bell on the bedroom door, sleep on the ground floor, limit stress and meditate or take part in relaxation exercises. If sleepwalker is extreme, locking up car keys and sharp objects may also be a good idea.

Living with a sleepwalker can be disarming. They are erratic and you never know exactly what to expect, if an event will happen or you will get a good night’s rest. Getting help is key for all involved to be able to live a rested peaceful life.

Sleep studies can be done to diagnose the exact issue. This can help to rule out if the condition is stemming from the physical or from emotional or mental. The condition can generally be treated fairly effectively with relaxation techniques and or certain medications.

To find a sleep specialist in Lee County, Florida please visit the Independent Physicians Association of Lee County by visiting


Does Medical Terminology Confuse You?


terminologyDoctors spend over a decade on schooling, sometimes more depending on the choice of specialty. Is it any wonder that they come out speaking a whole other language than the rest of us?

While many different professions have their own lingo, the medical profession exaggerates this disconnect because so many of the terms are simply foreign to the majority of us in the public.

Doctors need to be able to get across their diagnoses, thoughts, and possible strategies in order to have a successful doctor-patient exchange.

Unfortunately, not all doctors have an ideal bedside manner or the ability to simplify and communicate effectively. This can leave patients not fully understanding their situation and if there was ever a topic that really needs to be fully understood it’s your own medical advice.

Brushing up on your medical lingo can give you confidence in doctor-patient communications making your visits less stressful. Even more importantly, if you don’t understand something you are being told, do not be afraid to ask questions.


Here are some of the most commonly used medical terms. They are a good starting off point for better understanding your own health.


ABATEMENT – A decrease in the acuity of a symptom.


ABSCESS – A collection of fluid located on or in the body. This is an immune system response to an infection. It is accompanied by redness and swelling.


ACUTE – Condition that comes on suddenly, with severity and ends after a short course.


AMBULATORY – Ability to walk.


ASYMPTOMATIC – Shows no symptoms.


BENIGN – A condition or abnormal growth that is treatable and not life-threatening.


BIOPSY – Removal of tissue for diagnostic purposes.


CYANOTIC – Bluish color of the skin due to poor circulation and lack of oxygen in the blood.


EDEMA – Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the body causing swelling of the affected area.


EMBOLISM – The halting of blood flow by a blood clot, which can result in a stroke or heart attack.


FIBRILLATION – Uncontrollable twitching of muscle fibers of the heart.


IDIOPATHIC – Of unknown cause.


PALLIATIVE – Treatment is given to alleviate symptoms of a disease but not cure it. This mainly refers to pain management of a chronic disease state.


RADICULAR – Referring to the nerve roots which originate in the spine.


SUBLUXATION – A slight dislocation or misalignment of a bone in a joint.


The more well-learned you are, the more confident you will feel when speaking with doctors, nurses and other medical personnel, whether it’s regarding your own health or that of a friend or loved one.

To find a doctor in Lee County, Florida please visit our free resource sponsored by the Independent Physicians Association of Lee County.