Eliminate leg pain with a Visit to Dr. Zuzga, D.O. of The West Florida Vein Center


Ready to Live Life with Pain Free Legs?

dr-mark-zuzga-west-florida-vein-center-vein-treatmentPain detracts from life. It can be incredibly difficult to care about much else when you are not feeling your best. Leg pain caused by varicose veins can range from mild to debilitating and hamper your ability to get through the day.

There is an alternative. There is help.

Hi, I am Dr. Mark Zuzga, D.O. of the West Florida Vein Center located in Safety Harbor, Florida serving the Tampa Bay area. I have made it my life’s mission to care for and help those struggling with venous insufficiency.

I love what I do, and it gives me great fulfillment to see patients walk out of the office feeling good and good about themselves once again.  There have been so many amazing medical advances over the years that allow physicians who have chosen to dedicate their practices to the correction of venous disease that can take you from discomfort and pain and the unsightly bugles caused by vein deterioration to the repaired state of having healthy pain free beautiful legs once again.

In our office we offer the following treatments which can help eradicate varicose and spider veins as well as ulcerations, itchiness, vein related skin issues, pain, swelling, and tenderness.

Venefit Targeted Endovenous Therapy 



Endovenous Thermal Ablation 

Click on each link above to learn more about the individual procedures on our website.

Every patient’s treatment is custom tailored to his or her own personal health needs. When you come into the office, I will sit down with you for a personal consultation going over your health history as well as what is currently going on that you are concerned with. We will do a physical examination and I will recommend the best course of treatment.

From there you can decide how you would like to proceed going forward. Choosing to correct vein damage can drastically improve your quality of life and most procedures are deemed medically necessary and covered by insurance.

Give us a call today at 727-712-3233 or visit www.WestFloridaveincenter.com to learn more. We look forward to seeing you in our office!


Dr. Mark Zuzga, D.O.

Florida’s No-fault Automobile Insurance Laws


Florida-no-fault-accident-pip-kaster-fort-myersIn years since 2012, all drivers licensed in Florida have been required to carry what is known as PIP coverage. That stands for Personal Injury Protection.

This much-needed rider allows you to get the medical help you may need following an accident regardless of fault or if the other party has auto insurance.

Unlike some other states, there are time constraints within which you are able to seek treatment for accident-related injuries.

In Florida, you have just two weeks (14 days) after an accident to start treatment.  If you do visit a doctor’s office or emergency clinic during this time frame you automatically lose your ability to use your PIP coverage. 

If you are not taken by ambulance from the accident scene please follow up with your doctor and your chiropractor as soon as possible.

Every policy issued in Florida carries the full $10,000 worth of PIP coverage, even though, in some situations, you may only be entitled to $2500, a reduced benefit. To access the full amount you must receive a determination of emergency medical condition. Many insurance companies will argue with you that you do not have a serious condition. Restrictions have been unjustly placed which discriminate against chiropractic physicians. because of this, we have to refer you out to another health care provider simply to get that determination on file.

If your auto insurer stops payment after $2500 for the $10,000 in benefits for which you pay a premium for, you may continue to obtain treatment with our office under a letter of protection if you are represented by a lawyer and are filing a claim for recovery against the at-fault driver.

DID YOU KNOW?: You can install our mobile app on your smartphone! With just a push of a button, we will know you need medical assistance and get you in as soon as possible. http://drkasters.com/web-app-download/

If you are in an accident – don’t worry about the specifics right away. Call our office at 239-332-2555 and come in for a post-accident evaluation, treatment plan, and adjustments. Let’s get you on the road to health and we will file all the paperwork for you.

For More Information on PIP Laws in Florida:

The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation can assist you if you experience a problem or have a complaint. You can submit a complaint online by going to their consumer services website at https://apps.fldfs.com/eservice.

Chiropractor | Nutritionist in Ft Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Chiropractic Treatment May Relive Arthritis Pain

Chiropractor Arthritis-fort-myers-dr-kaster

Chiropractor Arthritis-fort-myers-dr-kasterPainful joints make even the most simple movements unbearable at times. In cool weather and rain, they ache even more when you have arthritis.

While there is no cure for arthritis, it has been shown that chiropractic adjustments can lessen the severity of the pain you experience making the condition easier to live with.

Chiropractic is an amazing modality.
No two patients can be treated in the exact same way.There are over 150 techniques that chiropractors employ to manually adjust the spine, muscles, and joints with varying degrees of gentle force. Which techniques are used is dependent on the condition(s) of the patient. 

Chiropractors focus on the correlation between structure and function, says Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. who has been in private practice in Fort Myers, Florida for over 17 years.

When a joint is out of alignment it can’t move as designed. The aim of treatment with our practice is to restore proper joint function. The freer the movement you have the better you will feel.

If you have neck or back pain because of osteoarthritis, chiropractic is one of the safest routes of therapy.

Your chiropractor may use manual spinal adjustments or manipulate soft tissue to help relieve tenderness and muscle spasms. You may also be asked to do traction which slowly stretches the joints to increase range of movement, as well as ultrasound, ice, and heat. At-home physical therapy exercises they may assign you can do wonders as well. 

 Please take note: If you have an inflammatory disease (rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis) you need to be more careful and really talk with your doctor and listen to your body. If your medical doctor has told you that you have active swelling in your joints, chiropractic may not be the right path for you.

That doesn’t mean we can’t help. It just means we woud just need to take a different approach to the treatment for your case. A consultation is advisable to get you going on some alternative safe and effective therapies.

They may include:

Electrotherapy. These tiny electric pulses are not painful. They treat soft tissue injuries by stimulating nerves and muscles.

Low-level cold laser. This therapy uses a non-heat-producing laser or light that penetrates deep into the tissue, sometimes reducing inflammation.

Ultrasound. Many think of ultrasound as imaging technology, but when applied to soft tissues and joints, sound waves can also produce a massaging effect that helps reduce swelling and decrease pain and stiffness.

Infrared sauna. Imagine having a hot compress warm up your joints from the inside. These rooms use controlled amounts of heat to relieve pain and increase circulation.

Medical Doctors Agree

The American College of Physicians released updated guidelines in 2017. They now support the use of non-pharmacologic therapies. This includes chiropractic as well as acupuncture, as first-line treatment of pain, before medication.

If you are living with arthritis call the office of Dr. Kaster today. We would love to see how we can help you feel better and live well.

Chiropractor | Nutritionist in Ft Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.


www.drkasters.com to learn more!

Varicose and Spider Veins – What’s the Difference?


varicose-veins-spider-veins-tampa-cardioPeople often incorrectly use the terms “spider veins” and “varicose veins” interchangeably, and it’s important to understand that these are two very different conditions.

While one is a simple cosmetic problem, that while causing embarrassment and discomfort poses no real medical threat, the other can not only be very painful but also present physical signs of some very serious underlying conditions. Understanding the difference between these venous disorders can make all the difference in what kind of treatment a patient seeks, and whether they find it necessary to seek treatment at all.


What are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins occur when the one-way valves within veins weaken, and a portion of the blood that is meant to be pumped back to the heart instead leaks back into the vein and collects, causing the veins to enlarge and bulge past the surface of the skin. Varicose veins can appear red, blue, or flesh-colored, are twisted or ropey in appearance, and can be found throughout the body, though most commonly in the legs where the force of gravity is greatest. Varicose veins are a condition in themselves that can be quite painful and uncomfortable, often causing aching, swelling, itching, burning, or feelings of heaviness in the legs. If ignored, varicose veins can result in skin ulcers that sometimes bleed and are very hard to heal. In the most extreme cases, varicose veins can lead to a condition called Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), which is present when a blood clot forms in a deeper vein. If one of these blood clots breaks off and travels to the lungs, the results can potentially be fatal.

What are Spider Veins?

Spider veins are caused by a back up of blood in the veins and appear very close to the surface of the skin in sunburst or spider web patterns, hence their name. Spider veins are typically quite small, but can appear in a variety of locations on the body, most commonly on the legs but also on the arms and even on the face. These red or blue veins can be brought about by hormone changes, injury, or sun exposure, and treatments are available to remove them if the patient so desires. Fortunately, while spider veins can be unsightly and uncomfortable, they are typically not causing alarm and only present a cosmetic problem for the patient.

If a condition or ailment appearing on your body concerns you, it is always wise to seek the advice of a medical professional.

While most spider veins are harmless and not all varicose veins lead to more serious conditions, only a medical professional can decide whether your personal condition calls for further action. Treatments for both spider veins and varicose veins are readily available, and because varicose veins are considered a health condition, their treatment or removal is covered by most insurance policies, making their treatment affordable as well.

If you are in any way concerned about the health of your veins, please visit the Vein Center at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates to speak with a certified vein specialist. www.tampacardio.com (813) 975-2800. 

How Chiropractic Can Help Ankle Pain

ankle pain

ankle painChiropractic can help reduce ankle pain without prescribing medication which may come with unwanted side effects.

Daily life is made far more difficult when you suffer from ankle pain.

Ankle issues can easily limit mobility. Lack of mobility puts a damper on lifestyle as well.  No more cute high heels or dress shoes to go out in – you are stuck in flats if walking is an option at all.

Our ankles take on a lot of pressure every single day. They support the weight of our entire body. On top of that, you may add pressure from climbing stairs, walking, running, jumping, and carrying heavy objects. It is vital that your body be in proper alignment with your ankles correctly supported.

In the United States each year more than 25,000 people per year visit a doctor specifically for ankle related pain. Studies have shown that despite this, close to 40% of sprains are not diagnosed or treated correctly. This misdiagnosis can lead to improper treatment or no treatment at all, leaving the patient in chronic pain and even risking disability later on in life.

The standard treatment for a sprained ankle is Rest Ice Compression Elevation (R.I.C.E.) The newer more widely accepted version of the protocol replaces “Rest” With “Movement”, making the acronym now M.I.C.E. The movement portion of the protocol should be done with a qualified physical therapist.

Chiropractic has shown tremendous benefit in relieving ankle pain. Your Chiropractor will use the same methods for diagnosis as would your medical doctor. Once the exact cause is pinpointed a treatment can be recommended and started.

Severe ankle injuries such as breaks and tears may require pain medication and anti-inflammatories. X-ray and MRI imaging may be used in the diagnosis.

Chiropractic is highly effective and completely non-invasive. It allows a natural approach to healing allowing the body to mend itself over time. Regular adjustments can help to strengthen the ankle increasing stability and even range of motion. It helps facilitate blood flow and circulation speeding healing and recovery. Diet and exercise change recommendations may be made if additional weight is being put on your ankles as well.

As normal motion is restored to the joint the inflammation will subside. As the inflammation dissipates so will the associated pain.

While chiropractic isn’t an instant fix, over the course of a few appointments you should notice a significant improvement in the state of your ankle as well as your overall wellbeing.

If you would like to find relief from pain call us today. 239-332-2555. Now serving Fort Myers, Florida, and all surrounding areas.

Chiropractor & Nutritionist in Fort Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent them before they start?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Orthotics Maybe an Answer To Tired Achy Varicose Vein Prone Legs


orthoticsIf you live in pain with venous insufficiency issues such as varicose veins you are likely willing to try just about anything to get relief.

While you primarily hear tips about elevating the legs, using ice compresses and wearing daily compression stockings, one of the most overlooked treatments that are noninvasive for the relief of pain from varicose veins is the creation and use of customized orthotics.

While there is no guarantee that having these inserts made and wearing them will clear up your vein deficiency or even lessen the visibility of varicose veins what they can provide is some relief while standing and walking making daily life far less painful and more comfortable.

What Do Orthotics Do?

Orthotics give the arches in your feet support. Your foot actually has three separate arches, not just one. These arches are how your body balances itself by keeping your weight evenly distributed. Orthotics can even help to straighten the way you walk. Proper body mechanics in movement can help to keep you in alignment preventing excess wear and the body.

Bad body mechanics start from the base. Being flat footed or off balance can put pressure on the legs. If these veins are already diseased being off balance can make the discomfort experienced worse.

Ok, I Am Convinced, Where Do I Have Them Made?

Professional-quality orthotics are not bought in Walgreens or CVS. Those machines give you a slightly customized choice between two or three different supports. That is not what is meant by custom in this sense.

Proper orthotics can be fitted and ordered by your podiatrist, family doctor, or chiropractor. Depending on the company from which they are ordered, the orthotics can be formed by using step in boxes that cast your feet in a sand-like substance that holds form or by use of foot scanner which will measure the pressure points and arches in your feet.

They can be specially made for specific use in running and walking shoes, dress shoes and even sandals and can be easily moved from one pair to the next. They simply slide in and out of each shoe.

It is recommended when you get your first pair to wear them for 1 hour at first to allow your feet and legs to get used to them. From there try 2-3 hours, and then you can move on to a full day. If you go to fast you may end up feeling like you did a massive leg day work out at the gym as it uses muscles you may not have activated in a while.

In order to correct the damage done and rid yourself of the damaged veins, a consultation with a Vein Specialist is needed. Orthotics, as well as compression stockings, ice, rest and elevation all, can help with varicose vein issues. They can help to regulate the blood flow and alleviate the pain. 

The West Florida Vein Center can help if you have vein issues and are in the Tampa, Florida area, give us a call at . (727) 712-3233 www.westlforidaveincenter.com.

Are You Covering Up Your Leg Veins?

spider veins

spider veinsSpider and varicose veins in your legs are unsightly and can feel embarrassing to some.

It may be tempting to simply try and hide them. Makeup, wearing long pants, avoiding beaches and the pool for fear of putting on a bathing suit – these can hamper your ability to really enjoy life.

Avoidance may work but all it is doing is covering up the root problem: Venous insufficiency. It isn’t simply a cosmetic issue. Veins, once damaged, if left untreated can spread and become worse over time leading to bigger problems such as achiness, leg, ankle and foot pain, swelling and edema, skin issues and even ulcers on the legs.


If you begin to have veins that are visible it is advisable to seek the advice of a Vein Specialist. Going through offices such as weknowveins.com where they offer FREE online screenings can give you peace of mind and some professional knowledgeable advice as to your current state and the very best medical recommendations for your health now and in the future.


Treatment options are numerous and with the advances that have been made in vein care, you no longer simply have to live with embarrassing or painful veins. Diagnostics are simple, quick and pain-free. The solutions are all outpatient procedures with very minimal recovery times. The majority of those who undergo treatment remark that they wish they had done it sooner.


To get started go to www.eveinscreening.com for a confidential FREE Vein Screening right online. Dr. Joseph Magnant is a board certified vascular surgeon and Dr. Nero is a board certified general surgeon. They have dedicated their lives to this surgical practice with the singular focus on the treatment of venous insufficiency. 239-694-VEIN (8346) to schedule an in-person appointment.

Varicose Veins & Obesity

Varicose Veins

Could being overweight contribute to venous issues and deficiency leading to varicose veins? Yes.


The heavier you are, the greater the pressure put on your body, veins and circulatory system included. Over time, the large leg veins will start to bulge causing blood to pool. The pooling can stretch the vein walls and damage the valves. This may start off feeling like a slightly itchy feeling and move on to leg heaviness, aching, swelling and pain. Restless legs at night and cramps may also be experienced.

Varicose veins can also develop due to genetics, hormone fluctuations from pregnancy or birth control, medications, ageing, blood clots or sitting or standing for extended repeated periods of time.

Is it too late?

It is never too late to take steps to get yourself going on the road to better health. Losing weight can prevent already existing varicose veins from worsening and new ones from forming. It cannot, however, reverse the current already appearing varicose veins.

The Key is prevention

  • Balanced diet and exercise are vital
  • Massage
  • Elevating your legs daily
  • Wearing compression hose

Varicose veins already forming?

If varicose or spider veins are already present come see us at The West Florida Vein Center. There is no reason to live with the pain and unsightliness damaged veins present. We will screen you thoroughly and present you with the best course of treatment options available. Our Vein Specialists are the best in the industry.

For more information on vein issues please contact West Florida Vein Center, Tampa’s leading vein treatment center, for a consultation. They can be reached by calling 727-712-3233 or going to www.westfloridaveincenter.com