What to Include in a Vein Healthy Diet


vein-diet-west-florida-vein-center-300x200Varicose veins and vein health in general can be supported via your diet.

In addition to a variety of both highly successful invasive and minimally invasive treatment options available, you can also make certain lifestyle changes that can help minimize discomfort as well as reduce the appearance.

In addition to maintaining a healthy weight, not smoking, and exercising frequently, is to take a close look at what is being included in your diet.

The right diet can help you manage a healthy weight, and that can do wonders for varicose veins. It is a good idea to make note of which foods increase water retention, as well as which foods to incorporate and what benefits each holds.

We compiled a list of foods that are beneficial for vein health

Vitamins E and C

Why Vitamin E?

Vitamin E supports veins by fortifying vein walls as well as promoting healthy blood flow. It has also been shown to strengthen the power of vitamin C when used in combination. Vitamin E has proven effective topically to reduce the appearance of veins.

Why Vitamin C?

Vitamin C assists in circulation. It also contains two very important connective tissues that are partly responsible for keeping veins toned and strong: collagen and elastin.

Foods high in vitamins C and E include:

  • Broccoli
  • Nuts
  • Peppers
  • Citrus fruits
  • Spinach

High Fiber Foods

Constipation can make veins worse.

Being constipated increases pressure on veins. If you already have varicose veins and vein damage it can make them feel increasingly uncomfortable and contribute to their formation or worsening.

The answer: Eat a diet rich in fiber.  Fiber makes stool bulkier and softer, allowing it to pass through the intestines without problems.

Foods high in fiber:

  • Berries
  • Bran
  • Broccoli
  • Beans
  • Leafy Greens


Sometimes referred to just as “flavonoids,” are antioxidants that are found in plants (fruits and vegetables). Bioflavonoids are found in many of the same foods that contain high amounts of vitamin C.

Bioflavonoids can help reduce the appearance of varicose veins by strengthening vessel walls and preventing stress inside of the veins from free radicals. They are often recommended for combating other conditions including heart disease and Alzheimer’s.

Foods high in bioflavonoids include

  • Strawberries
  • Garlic
  • Tea
  • Peppers
  • Citrus fruits

If you’d like further advice on how to manage your varicose veins or venous insufficiency through diet and lifestyle choices, or if you’d simply like more information on treatment options available for your condition, contact Dr. Zuzga of the West Florida Vein Center today by calling (727) 712-3233. www.westfloridaveincenter.com.

Varicose and Spider Veins – What’s the Difference?


varicose-veins-spider-veins-tampa-cardioPeople often incorrectly use the terms “spider veins” and “varicose veins” interchangeably, and it’s important to understand that these are two very different conditions.

While one is a simple cosmetic problem, that while causing embarrassment and discomfort poses no real medical threat, the other can not only be very painful but also present physical signs of some very serious underlying conditions. Understanding the difference between these venous disorders can make all the difference in what kind of treatment a patient seeks, and whether they find it necessary to seek treatment at all.


What are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins occur when the one-way valves within veins weaken, and a portion of the blood that is meant to be pumped back to the heart instead leaks back into the vein and collects, causing the veins to enlarge and bulge past the surface of the skin. Varicose veins can appear red, blue, or flesh-colored, are twisted or ropey in appearance, and can be found throughout the body, though most commonly in the legs where the force of gravity is greatest. Varicose veins are a condition in themselves that can be quite painful and uncomfortable, often causing aching, swelling, itching, burning, or feelings of heaviness in the legs. If ignored, varicose veins can result in skin ulcers that sometimes bleed and are very hard to heal. In the most extreme cases, varicose veins can lead to a condition called Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), which is present when a blood clot forms in a deeper vein. If one of these blood clots breaks off and travels to the lungs, the results can potentially be fatal.

What are Spider Veins?

Spider veins are caused by a back up of blood in the veins and appear very close to the surface of the skin in sunburst or spider web patterns, hence their name. Spider veins are typically quite small, but can appear in a variety of locations on the body, most commonly on the legs but also on the arms and even on the face. These red or blue veins can be brought about by hormone changes, injury, or sun exposure, and treatments are available to remove them if the patient so desires. Fortunately, while spider veins can be unsightly and uncomfortable, they are typically not causing alarm and only present a cosmetic problem for the patient.

If a condition or ailment appearing on your body concerns you, it is always wise to seek the advice of a medical professional.

While most spider veins are harmless and not all varicose veins lead to more serious conditions, only a medical professional can decide whether your personal condition calls for further action. Treatments for both spider veins and varicose veins are readily available, and because varicose veins are considered a health condition, their treatment or removal is covered by most insurance policies, making their treatment affordable as well.

If you are in any way concerned about the health of your veins, please visit the Vein Center at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates to speak with a certified vein specialist. www.tampacardio.com (813) 975-2800. 

Reduce Alcohol Intake for Vein Health


varicose-veins-alcohol-Dr-zuzga-That’s right. The health of your veins can be majorly impacted by what you choose to put in your body. Alcohol being one of the very worst offenders when it comes to damaging vein and circulatory health.

Vein disease can begin because of family genetics and you are even more prone if you are a woman. The good news is that there are many factors completely within your control. Weight, diet, activity level, and lifestyle including drinking excessively and or doing drugs can have a big effect on health.

When it comes to health and diet, people are quick to analyze what they are eating but often overlook what they drink. Excessive alcohol consumptions effect on varicose veins is a lesser contributing factor, but it should nevertheless be taken into account when considering potential causes of venous insufficiency.

Varicose veins are caused due to a circulatory malfunction. It is a fact that alcohol affects blood circulation so it should come as no shock that the two are intertwined. The body’s circulatory system consists of the heart, veins, valves, and arteries. They all assist in pumping blood from the heart, through the body, then returned to the heart once again.

Blood is pumped back up to the heart through the veins by way of a series of one-way valves that open in the direction of the heart closing immediately after the blood has passed. When valves are damaged they are unable to prevent a backflow of blood. This backwash causes pressure to build up in the veins which result in the swollen, bulging, and enlarged appearance associated with varicose veins.

When alcohol is consumed it increases the heart rate. This makes your entire circulatory system work harder as a result. Because alcohol intake also has a direct effect on a person’s liver, which is responsible for filtering blood as it is circulated, alcohol attacks the veins from multiple angles. When the liver is unable to properly filter the blood of toxins and waste, the blood becomes thicker and more viscous, making it even harder for those already fragile leg veins to function properly.

Consuming alcohol does not automatically lead to varicose veins if no other risk factors are present, it can make the development of varicose veins and venous insufficiency far more likely in those people who are predisposed to such conditions or who are already experiencing symptoms.

Dr. Zuzga of West Florida Vein Center is not going to tell you that you should never drink alcohol  again, if your goal is healthy veins he may suggest that it is wise to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages if varicose veins are already present or if your gender, age, or family history makes you a likely candidate for future venous disease.

Interested to learn more?
Visit www.westfloridaveincernter.com or call (727) 712-3233 to schedule an in-person appointment with Dr. Zuzga of the West Florida Vein Center.

Could Athletes Benefit from Wearing Compression Stockings?


compression-stockingsMost of us would never have thought to group the words “Athlete” and “Compression stockings” into one sentence let alone suggest that they might be a good idea to wear during athletic activities. After all, aren’t compression stockings just for little old ladies?

As it turns out, not even close. Over the course of the last few years, top medical investigators have joined with world class athletes in the distance biking, triathlon, and marathon fields.

One of the toughest problems they all has to overcome was cramping. It is sometimes referred to as “hitting the wall” which is caused by lactic acid build up. This build-up takes place when the aerobic threshold reached and pushed past.

The findings prove that wearing graduated compression stockings can help. These graduated stockings have the highest compression starting at the ankles and get less tightly compressed as you move up past the knee.

How They Help

Wearing these stockings helps to prevent the pooling of blood in the muscles and affects the arterial flow to the muscles. The muscle in the arterial wall relaxes and this increases in the dimeter of the veins help with performance via higher cellular oxygen as well as faster recovery times.

Marathon Runners – A Study

A conjoined study including 19 marathon runners used running socks for three months during training as well as competition came to the following conclusions:

  1. Sixty percent of runners who suffered from muscle and tendon aches in the lower leg or experience pain in the ankle joint reported feeling relief from these aches as a result of wearing compression sport socks.

2. Forty seven percent of the group experienced an easier run over all and fifty three percent said the calf muscles were more relaxed.

The Real Question: Are They Comfortable?

The group report no significant issues as far as comfortability of stockings even out in the heat. Especially as they can be sprayed down with water during a run on a particularly hot day.

Are you an athlete? If so we are glad you stumbled on to this article. Help protect the health of your veins and circulatory system by considering proactively wearing compression stockings during workouts and competitions.

If you are in the Tampa Bay Florida area and need a Vein Specialist look no further. West Florida Vein Center has you covered. Give us a call to schedule today. 727-712-3233 or visit us online at www.westfloridaveincenter.com.

How to Recognize the Warning Signs of a Blood Clot

blood clot

blood clotYour heart pumps the blood through your arteries and then returns it to the heart where the process starts again. Blood is constantly flowing throughout the body. When motion and current cease blood can become stagnant, resulting in the possibility of blood clots.

When the body is injured in a way that cuts or punctures, in order to stop the bleeding a blood clot can sometimes form. Usually with no ill effects. There are times, however, when they form in locations they’re not needed in. Because of this early detection is important though recognition of symptoms and signs.

Learn the warning signs


Developing a DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) also known as a blood clot in your arm or leg you could experience swelling. Risk factors for DVT include recent surgery, being stationary all of the time, or sitting on a plane at high elevation without movement for a long period of time.

Heart Palpitations

If you develop a clot in your lungs (a pulmonary embolism) it slows down your O2 rate. This causes your heart rate to speed up to make up the difference in the amount of O2 received.


Your entire body runs because of blood circulation. It requires it in order to move. A blood flow blocking clot can cause inflammation which leads to severe pain in the limb.

Color Changes

If you notice that an area in your body turns red or blueish, has a red streak, or becomes overly itchy, you may have a blood clot.

Breathing Problems

This can also be a sign of a lung based blood clot. You may have a deep cough or even cough up blood. Pain in the chest and dizziness Dizziness are also signs. Seek treatment immediately.

Elevated Blood Pressure

A kidney based clot can keep the kidneys from functioning properly and negatively influence the ability to process waste, removing it from your body. If left untreated it can cause kidney failure or higher than normal blood pressure.You may also notice you have a hard time breathing, leg swelling, blood in your urine or a fever.

Nausea or Vomiting

If a clot occurs in the veins that blocks the blood from your intestines, it can result in nausea, vomiting, blood in the stool, diarrhea, and stomach pain.

Never take a potential blood clot lightly.  If you believe you may have a clot please call your doctor immediately or head to the nearest ER.

Problems Seeing and Speaking

A brain based blood clot can cause feelings of weakness, vision issues, speech problems, and even lead to a stroke.

If you are in the Tampa, Florida area and looking for a great Vein Specialist or Cardiologist please consider Tampa Cardiovascular Associates. Give us a call at (813) 975-2800 or visit online at www.tampacardio.com.

Could it be May Thurner Syndrome?

may thurner syndrome

may thurner syndromeAre you experiencing symptoms?

Lower left leg edema and pain are the two classic symptoms. It is primarily seen in younger women twenty to forty following pregnancy or immobilization. May Thurner Syndrome is chronic. Because of this patients also tend to present pigmentation changes, varicose veins, chronic leg pain, phlebitis and skin ulcers.

It can be described in three stages:

1 – Asymptomatic iliac vein compression

2 – Development of a venous spur

3 – Development of the left iliac vein DVT

What is May Thurner?

Compression Syndrome (also called May Thurner Syndrome or Crockett Syndrome) is an affliction that is fairly rare. It consists of an anatomical variant where the left iliac artery is compressed by the right iliac artery.

May Thurner Syndrome is known by several names – iliocaval compression syndrome, Cockett syndrome or iliac vein compression syndrome. This affliction is an anatomical variant where the right lilac artery compressed the left iliac vein against the fifth lumbar vertebra.  Because of this deformity, it causes left side vein compression leading to deep vein thrombosis in the left iliofemoral.

How is it diagnosed?

Diagnosis is not always straightforward. Radiological evidence of compression combined with symptoms presented is key. Doppler ultrasound can detect a deep vein thrombosis in the iliac vessels. CT and magnetic imaging may also be used. Seeing a vein specialist is vital if you suspect you may have a vein issue including May Thurner Syndrome.

Is it treatable?

Yes. Treatment clears the thrombus to print post-thrombotic syndrome and to correct the initial compression of the left iliac vein. Several different surgical procedures may be used.

If left untreated a significant number of patients will develop post-thrombotic syndrome which can be debilitating.

Management of May-Thurner syndrome has evolved over the years.  Endovascular therapy has become the primary treatment. With early recognition and aggressive treatment, May-Thurner syndrome is a manageable disease.

If you live in the Tampa bay area and feel you may have vein issues please call us at 813-975-2800 or schedule an evaluation through our online form.


What Exactly IS a Vein Specialist?

The only credentialing body for the treatment of veins in the office setting is the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission or the IAC.

IAC - Vein specialist

You may have heard that if you are dealing with venous insufficiency you will need to consult with a Vein Specialist. 

Are all Vein Specialists created equal? Unfortunately, the answer is No. This is where you need to look for an accredited office and physician.


The IAC is made up of representatives from 9 medical societies including:

  • Society for Vascular Surgery
  • Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery
  • American College of Surgeons
  • American Venous Forum
  • American Academy of Dermatology
  • American College of Phlebology
  • Society for Vascular Ultrasound
  • Society for Vascular Medicine
  • Society of Interventional Radiology

These societies have joined forces to stop the dangerous practice of treating veins by unqualified doctors thereby establishing national standards of patient safety.

For your own protection and peace of mind, please only choose a vein doctor with this national certification. There are many “med spas” that pop up around the country and tend to be fly by night operations. Though, yes they are actual doctors who run them, they are not specialists in the true nature of the word and may have only taken a weekend class certification in venous issues.  It takes years to master the art. You do not want to be someone’s practice piece.

While there are now several routes to becoming a “Certified Vein Specialist” if you want your health entrusted to the best, choose a doctor, such as Vein Specialists very own Dr. Joseph Magnant, who is a Vascular Surgeon with over 26 years of experience. They are the only specialists who have focused their practice solely to vascular disease.

True excellence comes from experience and this proficiency develops from treating damaged veins day after day, year after year, one patient, one case at a time.

Vein Specialists www.weknowveins.com holds the IAC seal as it is displayed right on the website itself.

If you are in the Fort Myers | Bonita Springs, Florida area we would love to work with you to get you on your way to the best vein health possible. The first step can be taken right now, right here online by going to www.weknowveins.com and clicking the Confidential FREE vein screening button at the top the page or by calling 239-694-VEIN (8346).

Massage & Varicose Veins


massageWhen we are in pain, we look for any and all possible solutions to get to a place of feeling well again. When your muscles get tight a therapeutic massage can help to work the tension out. It only makes logical sense that you may wonder if massage would be a viable solution for the pain of varicose veins. The answer is, unfortunately, no.

Why is massage not a good option to relieve leg pain caused by weak or damaged veins?

Even though your legs are experiencing swelling and pain similar to what you might feel with overworked muscles, the root cause of the pain is entirely different.

The uncomfortable sensations in your legs are due to venous insufficiency which created by veins that have sustained damage.

The valves inside of these veins are no longer working and functioning fully. This can cause blood to pool inside of the veins, creating that heavy, achy, painful feeling. The increase in the volume of blood causes the vein walls weak due to increased pressure. Massage does not fix this problem like it does with tight muscles.

It is imperative that if you still choose to get a massage, that you inform the therapist of your condition.  Some therapists are specifically trained on venous and lymphatic diseases and may offer you a different sort of massage that may better offer you some relief. Its also not a great idea to apply too much pressure on damaged areas of veins so letting them know is beneficial all around.

If you are in pain due to varicose veins, the best solution is to contact a vein doctor such as the ones here at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates.

Their specialists can advise you on tips to alleviate pain at home, and also guide you as far as what your options may be in getting rid of the damaged veins. New technology has given way to easy, minimally invasive procedures that require no recovery time and are performed in the doctor’s office.

If you live in the Tampa bay area, please call us at 813-975-2800 or schedule an evaluation through our online form. Patient comfort and care are a priority here at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates.

Are You Covering Up Your Leg Veins?

spider veins

spider veinsSpider and varicose veins in your legs are unsightly and can feel embarrassing to some.

It may be tempting to simply try and hide them. Makeup, wearing long pants, avoiding beaches and the pool for fear of putting on a bathing suit – these can hamper your ability to really enjoy life.

Avoidance may work but all it is doing is covering up the root problem: Venous insufficiency. It isn’t simply a cosmetic issue. Veins, once damaged, if left untreated can spread and become worse over time leading to bigger problems such as achiness, leg, ankle and foot pain, swelling and edema, skin issues and even ulcers on the legs.


If you begin to have veins that are visible it is advisable to seek the advice of a Vein Specialist. Going through offices such as weknowveins.com where they offer FREE online screenings can give you peace of mind and some professional knowledgeable advice as to your current state and the very best medical recommendations for your health now and in the future.


Treatment options are numerous and with the advances that have been made in vein care, you no longer simply have to live with embarrassing or painful veins. Diagnostics are simple, quick and pain-free. The solutions are all outpatient procedures with very minimal recovery times. The majority of those who undergo treatment remark that they wish they had done it sooner.


To get started go to www.eveinscreening.com for a confidential FREE Vein Screening right online. Dr. Joseph Magnant is a board certified vascular surgeon and Dr. Nero is a board certified general surgeon. They have dedicated their lives to this surgical practice with the singular focus on the treatment of venous insufficiency. 239-694-VEIN (8346) to schedule an in-person appointment.

Standing ‘vs’ Sitting – Vein Health

vein health

It has been said that too much of anything is bad for you. This goes for extended periods of being on your feet as well as sitting and doing desk-bound work.

Both regular prolonged sitting and standing can cause extra strain on veins and the development of varicose veins. Movement helps pump blood through the veins. So take a break and relax, get up and stretch, just don’t stay stagnant for hours on end.

Those who sit for most of the day are 54% more likely to die of a heart attack. That is according to a study done by the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana. When seated in one position for a long time, calf muscles are not engaged. The calf muscles play a crucial role in pumping the blood back to the heart.

Prolonged sitting can cause the development of varicose veins, as well as blood clots (Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). If you have to travel often or sit in one spot often, it’s best they engage their legs as much as possible throughout the day. Go for short walks, stand in a meeting, or park farther away in the parking lot, or take the stairs to get the benefits of interrupting sitting within the day.

Standing in one stationary position for more than two hours in a day isn’t healthy. When a person stands for a long period of time, stress is placed on the legs, hips, and pelvis. All of this pressure on these body parts weakens the vein walls and begins to damage the veins’ valves. This damage begins the development of varicose veins. To combat prolonged standing from a job or any other activity, it is suggested to add some stretching throughout the day, as well as trying to sit here and there.

The body gets worn down when repetitive motions are done time and time again; the body is built for movement. Whether you’re sitting or standing a lot, it’s best to take routine breaks, so as to not develop venous issues or other health problems.

If you think you may be suffering from varicose veins contact Dr. Zuzga of West Florida Vein Center. Let the experts at West Florida Vein Center diagnose and treat your venous issue. To book an appointment, click here or call 727-712-3233.