What Can Blood Tests Reveal?

blood tests

blood testsBlood tests help your physician discover potential underlying health issues. It is recommended to have a blood test done yearly in order to check levels. The question most of us have is “What are they looking for?”

What a blood test can tell you

An Enzyme test may be ordered. The enzyme levels will indicate disease or damage to organs such as kidneys and liver. This test is also helpful in adjusting medication levels.

Complete Blood Count (CBC)  is the most often ordered. It will take count of the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, iron, and platelets. It is used to diagnose infection, blood disorders, inflammation and even detects anemia (iron deficiency). It will show how well your thyroid, heart, and other organs are performing and if there is an infection such as HIV/AIDS where your body is working against itself in an autoimmune response.

Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP)  This is run on the plasma in your blood. It measures electrolytes, minerals, glucose, and calcium and can detect issues like cancer, diabetes, bone disease and kidney disease.

These are all incredibly valuable tools diagnostically.  It is, however, important to note that all tests are fallible. If you get a positive for a major illness it is vital to do the test a second time to confirm before deciding on and proceeding with any form of treatment.

Whether you are looking for a specialist or a general practitioner if you are in the Lee County Florida area we would like to invite you to visit IPALC (Independent Physicians of Lee County) and use their FREE physician referral service www.ipalc.org/find.

What is a Colposcopy?


ColposcopyIf you have had a routine pap smear exam, which is suggested for women every three years, and it has come back repeatedly with a result of abnormal cells, your Gynecologist may suggest that you have a colposcopy done to further examine the situation and get a better gauge of your cervical health.

A colposcopy is a term used to describe a cervical biopsy. A tissue sample may be taken from either outside or inside the cervix, occasionally both are needed for the exam. A typical colposcopy takes only 10-15 minutes at the most.

What you will experience

Much like your yearly wellness exam or pap smear you will be asked to put on a paper gown and lay flat on the exam table, knees up, heels in the stirrups so the doctor can examine you. This position is necessary to be able to clearly see the cervix.

A speculum is inserted and a vinegar-like solution is used to wash the area to be biopsied. The physician will use an instrument called a colposcope (it looks like stand mounted binoculars attached to a light). It is used to examine you visually from several inches away. If at that time abnormal cells are visible a small biopsy is taken.

The colposcopy itself is nearly pain-free. Only the normal pressure of the speculum sliding in is felt and a possible slight sting of the vinegar solution. If you do need the actual biopsy expect slight discomfort. It is described as a sharp pinching which brings on a cramp like you have during a menstrual cycle. Bleeding and dark discharge is to be expected for the next 24 to 48 hours.

While it is often told to patients that they can simply return to work following the procedure, the fact is that this is actually a trauma to the body, however minor, some people do not feel so hot afterwards so if at all possible on the day you have this done, have the rest of the day off to go lay down and rest, just in case. With that said, many feel just fine afterward – it is just better to err on the side of caution.

Following a colposcopy do not have sex, use tampons or use any medication vaginally for a full 24 hours in order for the biopsied area to have time to heal. Your doctor’s office will let you know when the lab results are back and call you to let you know how to proceed based on the findings.

If you are in need of a gynecologist or oncologist in the Lee County, Florida area we invite you to utilize our free resource www.ipalc.org/find. It is a listing of Independent physicians in Lee County who provide the finest health care in Southwest Florida putting the value back in the doctor-patient relationship.

Spider Vein Myths – Busted

spider vein

spider veinWe were amazed to find just how much misinformation is floating around out there on the world wide web. No wonder everyone is so confused. Allow us to clarify.

Myth #1: Only overweight people get spider veins.

While weight may be a risk factor for developing spider veins, being overweight alone does not guarantee that you’ll develop them. They’re more often the result of genetics, hormone changes, aging, and other factors.

Myth #2: You can only get spider veins on your legs.

Totally false. While they’re more common on the legs and ankles, spider veins can also develop on your face. Spider veins appear as tiny wiggly lines of red, blue, or purple blood vessels. Individuals with fair skin who don’t take steps to protect themselves from the sun’s harmful ultra-violet rays can develop spider veins on their cheeks.

Myth #3: Topical creams that contain high doses of Vitamin K can help reduce the appearance of spider veins.

It’s true that without Vitamin K, our blood would have trouble coagulating and uncontrolled bleeding could occur. Vitamin K is also an important nutrient for heart health. But while Vitamin K has been used over the years to treat bruising and to reduce rosacea, there’s no scientific evidence to suggest that it improves vein health when applied topically.

Myth #4: Drinking ginger tea with honey or diluted cayenne pepper in hot water are two natural, effective treatments for getting rid of spider veins.

Some home remedy or homeopathic websites suggest that ginger can help improve circulation and dissolve proteins that build up in damaged veins. Others suggest cayenne pepper is rich in bioflavonoids, which can increase blood circulation and ease the pain associated with swollen veins. However, neither cure-all carries much weight, and there’s no scientific evidence to suggest that either alternative approach works.

Myth #5: “I don’t need to see a doctor for spider veins because they’re not like varicose veins. They’re just a sign of old age.”

When the skin above spider veins grows tender and warm to the touch, or when veins become painful or bleed, it’s time to see a vein specialist. Spider veins can be associated with other more-serious conditions, such as skin ulcers or phlebitis, the inflammation of a vein caused by a blood clot.

For more myths and half-truths about vein health check out the article five common myths about varicose veins as well as common spider vein myths.

Get the truth about varicose veins, spider veins, and treatment options from the trusted professionals at West Florida Vein Center, a division of Surgical Associates of West Florida. To request a consultation or for more information, visit www.westfloridaveincenter.com or call 727-712-3233.

Naturally Boost Your Immunity

immune system

immune systemBecause of the media and social conditioning, many of us have come to consider yearly colds and flu’s just par for the course and even expected. The truth is that there is nothing normal about being sick all of the time. Health is our natural state.

If you or your kids are constantly catching colds, it means your immunity is lower than it should be and ideally could be.

One route many never consider or even know about is Chiropractic.

Did you know that regular chiropractic visits help to keep your immune system going strong throughout the year?

The nervous system works in conjunction with your immune system. Spinal misalignments cause neural dysfunctions. This is stressful on the body. Stress causes immunity breakdown over time. Chiropractic helps to correct the subluxations and get the nerves functioning and communicating properly to your cells and organs once again.

Adjustments boost your immune system

Here are some interesting facts coming out from the latest scientific studies on the subject

In one study, blood was taken from 15 patients before an adjustment. Another blood draw was done on the same subjects’ post adjustment. What was found was that the immune response was significantly higher after they had been adjusted. [1]

It has been noted that those coming in with a cold or flu recovered faster than those who do not receive chiropractic adjustments. [2]

Children under chiropractic care required less use of antibiotics and other medications. [3]

Chiropractic has even been shown to help those living with HIV. The central benefits chiropractic offered were a reduction of stress and removal of nervous system interference as well as education on living an immunopositive lifestyle.[4]

Your immune system plays a major role in your health and overall well-being. It can affect every cell in your body, every system and every organ. Along with eating well, getting fresh air and sunshine daily, make sure you don’t limit Chiropractic in your mind to just a cure for aches and pains. If you do not feel well or have a diagnosis of any kind go visit your chiropractor and see if they may be able to help.

Chiropractor in Ft Myers, FL, and Naples, FL

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor in Fort Myers and Naples, can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Scoliosis – Don’t Just Resign Yourself to a Life in Pain


Scoliosis is a spinal curvature. This additional curvature not usually present in a spine can begin to compress nerve roots. This compression leads to inflammation and pain. Impaired organ function may occur over time if not treated properly.

ChiroNexus did a study recently which revealed that chiropractic adjustments and regular care, when combined with exercise, can significantly help to decrease pain levels linked to scoliosis enabling a wider more normalized range of motion.

Chiropractic promotes proper alignment. When used alongside regular exercise, it has been shown to ease the pain. While chiropractic can’t “Fix” scoliosis, as many patients do ask, it can help to drastically improve quality of life.

28 Adult patients who are affected by scoliosis participated in the study. Disability scores were cut by 50% in just a six-month span of monitored treatment. They showed improved spinal alignment and reported a 40% reduction in pain levels. Additionally, breathing became easier and many reported that they were finally able to breathe what they considered to be normally again.

The Assessment

Spinal rigidity – How rigid the spine is to start is a great indication of what is being dealt with and how much work the patient will require to correct.

Sensorimotor Integration (SMI) – how well your brain is able to communicate with your body.

The dedication of the patient to self-healing – the amount of improvement you will be able to attain depends greatly on how much effort is put in on their part. Time and dedication to exercise routines, stretching, and appointments.

Finding the right approach to scoliosis management is crucial to living an active healthy life.

We would love to chat with you here in our office at the Nutrition Specialists of Florida | Chiropractor Bonita Springs centrally located in Bonita Springs, FL regarding scoliosis treatment options. Let us see what we can do for you. Visit us online at www.chiropractorbonitasprings.com or call our office by dialing 239-947-1177.

Coconut Oil – Healthy or Not?

coconut oil

There is so much hype online both ways as to the health benefits of coconut oil. Is it good for you? Is it bad for you? Honestly given the amount of debate its hard to know what to think.

Coconut oil is considered by many to be a “miracle oil” with a host of dietary benefits, and those who are pro coconut oil believe it boosts metabolism, improves digestion and immune health, supports hormone production and improves mental focus. Others say that the lauric acid content and medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) it contains can help with weight loss.

What’s the verdict?

A science advisory was recently issued by The American Heart Association warning people not to ingest coconut oil due to its high levels of saturated fat. It warned that saturated fat from all sources raises LDL, or “bad” cholesterol levels, which can contribute to the buildup and hardening of fatty plaque in arteries and lead to heart attacks and strokes.

It was noted that coconut oil holds 82% saturated fat; by comparison, canola oil contains only 7% saturated fat. One tablespoon of coconut oil contains 11 grams of unsaturated fat, just 2 grams short of the heart association’s recommended daily limit.

The warning triggered a massive outcry online, with some challenging nutritional norms by insisting that cardiovascular disease is caused by inflammation and oxidized cholesterol from sugars, carbohydrates, and vegetable oils. Others claimed the recommendation was tied to pressure from pharmaceutical and agricultural corporations, as well as multi-national food businesses collectively known as “Big Food.”

While a majority of Americans believe coconut oil is a healthy food, medical experts agree that there’s simply no evidence of long-term health benefits associated coconut oil. In fact, it’s calorie-dense and holds more saturated fat than butter, beef tallow, and lard, according to one weight-loss expert.

When cooking with oils, it’s important to pick the healthiest option and consume fatty foods in moderation, as part of a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise.

Tampa Cardiovascular Associates, with offices in Tampa and Wesley Chapel, is ready to help you make dietary and lifestyle changes to improve your cardiovascular health. For a free screening and consultation, visit our website or call 813-975-2800.