Scoliosis – Don’t Just Resign Yourself to a Life in Pain


Scoliosis is a spinal curvature. This additional curvature not usually present in a spine can begin to compress nerve roots. This compression leads to inflammation and pain. Impaired organ function may occur over time if not treated properly.

ChiroNexus did a study recently which revealed that chiropractic adjustments and regular care, when combined with exercise, can significantly help to decrease pain levels linked to scoliosis enabling a wider more normalized range of motion.

Chiropractic promotes proper alignment. When used alongside regular exercise, it has been shown to ease the pain. While chiropractic can’t “Fix” scoliosis, as many patients do ask, it can help to drastically improve quality of life.

28 Adult patients who are affected by scoliosis participated in the study. Disability scores were cut by 50% in just a six-month span of monitored treatment. They showed improved spinal alignment and reported a 40% reduction in pain levels. Additionally, breathing became easier and many reported that they were finally able to breathe what they considered to be normally again.

The Assessment

Spinal rigidity – How rigid the spine is to start is a great indication of what is being dealt with and how much work the patient will require to correct.

Sensorimotor Integration (SMI) – how well your brain is able to communicate with your body.

The dedication of the patient to self-healing – the amount of improvement you will be able to attain depends greatly on how much effort is put in on their part. Time and dedication to exercise routines, stretching, and appointments.

Finding the right approach to scoliosis management is crucial to living an active healthy life.

We would love to chat with you here in our office at the Nutrition Specialists of Florida | Chiropractor Bonita Springs centrally located in Bonita Springs, FL regarding scoliosis treatment options. Let us see what we can do for you. Visit us online at or call our office by dialing 239-947-1177.