Scoliosis – Don’t Just Resign Yourself to a Life in Pain


Scoliosis is a spinal curvature. This additional curvature not usually present in a spine can begin to compress nerve roots. This compression leads to inflammation and pain. Impaired organ function may occur over time if not treated properly.

ChiroNexus did a study recently which revealed that chiropractic adjustments and regular care, when combined with exercise, can significantly help to decrease pain levels linked to scoliosis enabling a wider more normalized range of motion.

Chiropractic promotes proper alignment. When used alongside regular exercise, it has been shown to ease the pain. While chiropractic can’t “Fix” scoliosis, as many patients do ask, it can help to drastically improve quality of life.

28 Adult patients who are affected by scoliosis participated in the study. Disability scores were cut by 50% in just a six-month span of monitored treatment. They showed improved spinal alignment and reported a 40% reduction in pain levels. Additionally, breathing became easier and many reported that they were finally able to breathe what they considered to be normally again.

The Assessment

Spinal rigidity – How rigid the spine is to start is a great indication of what is being dealt with and how much work the patient will require to correct.

Sensorimotor Integration (SMI) – how well your brain is able to communicate with your body.

The dedication of the patient to self-healing – the amount of improvement you will be able to attain depends greatly on how much effort is put in on their part. Time and dedication to exercise routines, stretching, and appointments.

Finding the right approach to scoliosis management is crucial to living an active healthy life.

We would love to chat with you here in our office at the Nutrition Specialists of Florida | Chiropractor Bonita Springs centrally located in Bonita Springs, FL regarding scoliosis treatment options. Let us see what we can do for you. Visit us online at or call our office by dialing 239-947-1177.

NSAIDs – Not All They Are Cracked Up to Be


When you are in pain what do you reach for? Digging into the medicine cabinet most of us go for the major store brands of OTC medicines.  Tylenol, Aleve, and Ibuprofen are all in the NSAID family.

While they do help short term to alleviate pain and swelling, they also have the non-wanted side effect of slowing down the healing process and may have side effects, especially when used repeatedly or chronically over time. These side effects can range from mild to severe and can include stomach irritation, bleeding ulcers, and even death!

Though they do help to alleviate both pain and swelling, they also have the side effect of slowing down the healing process and may have additional side effects, especially used over time. Side effects can range from mild to serious and can include stomach irritation, bleeding ulcers, and even coma or death!

Natural remedies to try

Black Pepper (which works wonders in conjunction with Turmeric) – Black pepper is a wonderful anti-inflammatory as well as holding the properties of being an antioxidant and antibacterial.

Turmeric – Studies have shown that turmeric contains compounds that can reduce inflammation and has been used to treat infections, cold and even wounds.

It comes in swallowable capsules as well as in spice form to sprinkle on and add to your food.

Both delivery methods work well.

Cloves – Though research is still giving mixed reviews, cloves have been touted as an anti-inflammatory especially useful for dental and mouth issues. Make sure if you are using clove oil to mix it with a carrier oil such as olive or coconut before applying to the inside of your mouth on gum areas. It can be very hot on its own.

Cinnamon – Cinnamon can help to ease swelling and inflammation. Sprinkle on coffee, tea, cereal, oatmeal or take by capsule.

Garlic – Ah, good old garlic. Fresh is always best. As well as anti-inflammatory it is a very powerful natural antibiotic!

Plant Enzymes – when taken on an empty stomach also work phenomenally well as anti-inflammatories and help with pain and swelling.

Cayenne pepper – They contain capsaicinoids giving them anti-inflammatory super powers. They have been used to boost health since ancient times!

Along with adding these spices to your vitamin protocol changing up your diet to include some amazingly powerful anti-inflammatory foods can help drastically as well. Adding these into your normal eating routine can help boost your health and well being.

Top anti-inflammatory foods recommended are:

  • Celery
  • Leafy green vegetables
  • Beets
  • Berries
  • Coconut Oil
  • Chia Seeds
  • Broccoli
  • Salmon
  • Pineapple
  • Bone broth
  • Flax Seeds
  • Walnuts

Are there foods that are inflammatory?


If you are already having inflammation and pain issues you would do best to stay away from eating refined sugars, refined grains, processed foods and artificial sweeteners.

 What you eat greatly affects how your body functions and how you feel. If you are not feeling your best Nutrition Specialists of Florida can help you by giving you personalized guidance on what to eat, what to avoid, supplementation and detoxification to give you the very best possible quality of life outcome.

Give us a call ay 239-947-1177 or visit us online by going to

Don’t use Google as your medical advisor


When you don’t feel well, what is your first instinct these days? If you are like the majority of Americans and many others worldwide you now jump onto your smartphone, tablet or computer and start Google searching by symptom.

The search results come back to you via keyword only. You end up with a mishmash of garbled information which may or may not be factual.  Many health articles online are written by those with zero medical backgrounds.

In some cases what you turn up may give you validation and peace of mind along with some ideas of where to begin on self-care as well as starting point in finding a qualified physician for more serious health matters.

When the symptom you search comes back with numerous possibilities, it gets confusing. Many possible health problems are tough to understand without a solid background in western medicine. Clicking randomly on found possibilities may indicate very serious health problems, even flashing pop-ups at you that you may need immediate emergency care, often despite you not even being done entering your list of issues.

These pop-up warning signals are often unwarranted increasing your level of worry and anxiety, even possibly making your situation worse.

It becomes very easy to jump to conclusions and create terrible outcomes in your mind which very likely are not even plausible with a little more background and research.

While running to the emergency room may be the recommendation on WebMD and Symptom Checker for many issues, the ER specializes in emergency medicine only. There is a time and a place for the ER. They are there to stabilize you, save your life if necessary and send you on to the appropriate doctor afterwards. If you are experiencing possibly life-threatening symptoms, by all means, do not hesitate to go in.

Though Chiropractic care is often thought of as “just for back and neck issues” the truth is that Chiropractic is a full body care all-inclusive practice, especially when combined with Nutritional Response Testing and Therapy. While modern Western Medicine focuses on curing the symptoms or at least covering them, these modalities (still thought of as Alternative Medicine) work to find and heal the root cause so that the patient is truly cured.

If you are experiencing ongoing or even sudden onset health issues that you are unable to resolve on your own, or by going the traditional medical route, we would love to talk to you. Come in for a FREE consultation and see what we have to offer.

The combination of proper diet, personalized supplementation and correct alignment can make a night and day difference between sickness and health. Give Nutrition Specialists of Florida | Chiropractor Bonita Springs a call 239-947-1177 or visit

How Important is Collagen?

As we age, collagen levels drop. This can cause a wide array of noticable issues.

Collagen is a part of our bones, skin, muscles, blood vessels, tendons, and digestion. It gives us flexibility and holds us together.


•Lose skin


•Aches and pains

•Loss of flexibility

•Stretch marks

•Digestion issues

•Slowed metabolism

•Less energy

Supplementation may need to be considered.

It may help in the following ways:

•Stronger teeth and nails

•Improved skin and hair

•Supports the repair of joints

•Can help with leaky gut

•Boost in metabolism

•Reduces stretch marks and cellulite

•Helps to detox the body and improve liver health

•Helps to protect cardiovascular health

•Lessening of arthritic symptoms

•Immune system booster

•Bone regeneration and healing

•Wound healing

•Antibacterial properties

Collagen is a complex protein. It is made up of 19 different amino acids both essential and non-essential.

Natural Sources of Collagen:




•Eggshell membrane

Be aware of things that deplete your collagen.

•Excess sun exposure

•Alcohol in excess

•Eating a lot of sugar


•Drugs – prescription or otherwise

Collagen can be obtained through food sources or through supplements.

Keeping collagen levels high can help minimize the aging process in the way that it impacts us and how we feel in our bodies. 

To learn more about nutrition and get a customized health plan tailored to your body visit Nutrition Specialists of Florida by going to or calling 239-947-1177.

Whats really in the milk you drink?

For decades milk has been the #1 drink of health American families.

It was noted as the best source of calcium and Vitamin D for growing bones and for aging bones. It has been a staple in every refrigerator and on every grocery list.

Unfortunately, we have strayed pretty far from the days of the neighborhood milkman bring fresh milk to your door. Dairy cows, for the most part, no longer roam free range on farms feeding on fresh grass, they are confined, drugged, treated with chemicals and hormones. All of this affects the quality of the milk itself.

Cows are fed antibiotics as well as growth hormones such as rBGH a genetically engineered hormone intended to increase milk production.

Hormone treated milk is different from natural milk. It contains raised levels of the IGF-1 hormone. IGF-1 has been linked to cancerous tumors and named as a major cause of breast, colon, and prostate cancer. Milk produced artificially tends to have increased levels of pus, making the milk turn sour faster for a shorter shelf life.

rBGH reduces the casein protein due to an increased thyroid hormone enzyme. 

Better choice: Organic. Even still, it has been pasteurized compromising the nutritional value. The process destroys part of the Vitamin C in milk and encourages the growth of potentially harmful bacteria. Pasteurization also makes the majority of the calcium insoluble and iodine contained reduced. 

Best Dairy Option: Grass Fed RAW. Check with your local health food store for possible local farming sources. 

Humans were not intended to drink cow’s milk at all. Better choices are other kinds of milk like almond, coconut, and rice. 

To learn more about your health and nutrition peruse our site or come in for a personalized appointment.  (239) 947-1177

When you have an ache or a pain, do you automatically reach for a pill?

pain relief

pain reliefConditioning has taken place in society and the media over the years repeatedly telling us that a pill is always the answer.

Have an ache or pain? Take a pill. That may get rid of your pain but it is likely to come back again. Medications do not cure, they cover the symptom temporarily giving you some relief. While there is nothing wrong with short-term use, it is more beneficial for overall health to seek out the cause so that you can cure yourself.

The human body is a finely tuned machine. It will tell you everything you need to know to maintain if you simply listen.

Learn to listen to your own body and tune into your intuition. When in a consultation getting health advice, take note of how you feel. Does what the practitioner is telling you feel true? You know your body better than anyone. If a diagnosis or suggestion for medical care doesn’t feel right there is nothing wrong with questioning or even getting a second opinion. Never make health care decisions that don’t feel right to you.

This is not to say that you should go it alone when it comes to health. There are many modalities of healthcare which can all assist you on your path back to good health, naturally.

Nutrition Specialists of Florida offer far more than just chiropractic and provide the finest care to each client. Please call 239-947-1177 to schedule an appointment or if you have any questions!