Cough Remedies for That Cough That Just Lingers

cough florida dr kaster

cough florida dr kasterThis year seems to be “Year of the Cough”. Many of us, despite the rising temperatures, have this lingering nagging cough, that simply refuses to leave. What can you do about it?

For many weeks now there have been reporting in the state of Florida of irritating cough that simply lingers. Coughing helps to clear the throat of irritants and phlegm. It can also be a symptom of allergies, bacterial infection, or a virus. There is a lot of air pollution in Florida right now and that is not helping.

If you still have a productive cough (coughing up phlegm) after more than two weeks you need to pay attention as it could be a bacterial infection. Bacterial infections may require treatment. Bacterial infections can be treated with medications as well as IV fluids in order to rehydrate. On the flip side, upper respiratory infections are viral. They have to run their course naturally.

There are several natural ways in which you can help your body fight off invaders.

Take a look at the best cough helpers.

Fluids – Be sure to drink plenty of liquids. Hydration is vital as your body works to fight off a virus or bacteria. Your condition should begin to improve. If it does not, or if it gets worse, you develop a fever, or cough up blood please seek medical help.

– Mix 2 teaspoons of honey with herbal non-caffeinated tea, lemon, and warm water.  The honey is soothing while the lemon can help as a decongestant. Honey is a natural antibiotic.

Peppermint – Peppermint acts as a decongestant, a throat soother, and helps to break down and eliminate mucus. Peppermint also holds antibiotic properties.

Probiotics – Probiotics will help support your immune system function and calm sensitivities to allergens like pollen while balancing your internal flora.

Thyme – This household herb helps relieve cough and aids in healing bronchitis. It can help to relax the muscles in the throat while soothing and relieving inflammation. To make some thyme tea: add 2 teaspoons of crushed thyme to 1 cup of boiling water, allow it to steep for 10 minutes, cool a bit, and drink. You may strain it, but it will not hurt to drink the thyme itself.

Bromelain – That’s right, grab some pineapple or head to the health food store for a supplement. Bromelain can help suppress cough and loosen that mucus in your throat. (Do not take if you are already on antibiotics or blood thinners).

Chiropractic Adjustments – Surprisingly chiropractic adjustments can help you fight off a cough as well. When your body is fully in alignment your nervous system is able to fully revitalize all organs as intended. This can help your body heal more quickly and keep your immunity high so you do not catch every cold and cough that comes through.

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Sclerotherapy – the Right Choice for Small Vein Removal


sclerotherapy-west-florida-vein-center-tampaAs we age many of us begin to notice small changes in our bodies. If your parents or grandparents had varicose veins or spider veins in their legs you are more likely to develop them as well. Genetics is not the only factor though. Lifestyle also plays a big part.

If you have visibly noticeable small veins that resemble a spider web you likely have telangiectasia, a lesser form of varicose veins or vein disease. While not usually painful, if not treated they tend to start out in a small location and spread fairly quickly.

Sclerotherapy is the main go to treatment for combatting telangiectasis. Sclerotherapy is used on spider veins as well as small superficial varicose veins appearing on the legs. They may also appear (though less commonly) on other parts of the body as well.

What Is Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is injection therapy using a very thin 32 gauge needle and a solution to chemically treat specific areas where vein damage exists. The injected chemicals collapse the blood vessel. This takes place within only a few seconds taking effect immediately. The doctor can see it working as they proceed. Sclerotherapy typically takes from 1 to 6 treatment sessions to reach the fading level desired for the treated veins.

Thanks to the natural adaptive healing processes of the human body the blood is simply re-routed to other healthy veins that can easily take on the extra flow while the spider veins fade from view gradually over a period of several weeks due to nonuse and reabsorption.

This procedure is performed using the smallest gauge needle made in order to minimize the sensation of an injection. Most patients are pleasantly surprised when they experience just how painless modern sclerotherapy actually is. Even if you are needle phobic this procedure has been said to be a breeze.

The Doctor’s Suggestion: Wear graduated compression stockings immediately after treatment for up to a week or more. The main benefit is, of course, the look of your legs. No longer encumbered by purplish blue lines sclerotherapy may also help improve annoyance symptoms sometimes linked to spider veins, such as itching, aching, burning and nighttime cramps. If you have tried sclerotherapy in the past and have been unsuccessful in relieving symptoms outside of the visual it could be a sign that deeper veins may need to be treated as well.

It is important to note that there is minimal to no discomfort with this treatment and no downtime.

Sclerotherapy is, so far, the most effective treatment option for spider veins.

Interested to learn more? We are here to help. Give the office of Dr. Mark Zuzga a call today at The West Florida Vein Center of Safety Harbor / Tampa, Florida. (727) 712-3233 to set up a consultation and get you on the road to healthier legs.

Most insurance accepted!

Elevate Your Health By Cutting Out The Sugar


sugar-tampa-cardioNot much was known about the dangers of sugars to the body until recent years.

The dangerous effects of a loaded sugar diet are becoming more widely known, however, many are still unaware. They still view candy, soda, cookies, cakes, pies, and other sweets all just like food. While there is other nutritional value to it, that sugar included adds up quickly.

“Sugar is bad”. We all keep hearing it but rarely do you get the explanation behind the statement. Let’s look into it and see why it’s been deemed “bad”.

Your dental health is likely to suffer

Sugar loves your teeth, but it’s a one-way relationship. Sugar sticks to your teeth and feeds the bacteria found there. Over time, teeth can decay and rot as a result.

You overwork your liver

Sugar is just plain bad for your liver. Excess sugar consumption has a similar effect on the liver as drinking mass amounts of alcohol. This is because of the high fructose content in sugar, which turns into fat, and after becoming lodged in the liver, it can often develop into non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Type II Diabetes, coming up!

High amounts of sugar in your diet can result in insulin resistance. Insulin resistance can result in an excess of glucose in the blood which is toxic. This can cause a number of conditions to develop, perhaps the worst of which is type II diabetes.

Cancer connection
Sugar feeds cancer cells. Numerous studies have shown that there is a connection between sugar in excess and cancer. Once again relating to insulin – sugar creates elevated insulin levels, creating an environment where the body can’t properly regulate the abnormal growth and multiplication of unwanted cells, thus, potentially leading to cancer.

It becomes an addiction

Sugar attaches to the same pleasure centers in the brain that result from doing heavy drugs and is equally addictive. It may be hard for people to practice moderation when it comes to junk food. Quitting cold turkey can actually lead to withdrawal symptoms. It’s best to ease it out of your diet if you are a big sugar fan.

Sugar contributes to obesity. If you eat a lot of sugar, you will have a higher tendency to become overweight. Fat gained from sugar consumption attaches around your gut, earning itself the nickname “sugar belly.”

Contributes to Heart Disease

That’s right. Consuming sugar excessively over time can lead directly to heart disease.
Heart disease is the #1 killer worldwide, and recent studies show that a diet high in sugar could be a major contributing factor.

My cause other issues

Sugar can raise your blood glucose and insulin levels

Sugar leads to obesity

Sugar can make you depressed.

Sugar contributes greatly to your overall mental health

Sugar can bring on anxiety
Sugar has even been related to memory issues especially later in life.

For further guidance please make an appointment with the onsite nutritionist available at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates by calling (813) 975-2800. Not only are our physicians dedicated to keeping your heart health at its best, but we’ll do anything we can to help you improve your everyday quality of life through important lifestyle choices.

Are You A Mosquito Magnet? How to put an end to it!


mosquitosWhile summer is many people’s favorite season, our time spent at the beach, the pool, at events outdoors and barbecues can all be hindered by our friend the mosquito. No one likes to be bit over and over again. It can really bug you.

While bug spray may keep the bugs off, they are not all that healthy for you. Have you ever noticed that you seem to have that one friend in every group who just simply doesn’t get bit? Meanwhile, you are scratching yourself silly?

It makes you question “What am I doing wrong? Or am I really ‘just that tasty’”? It’s frustrating!

Let’s take a look at what makes someone a mosquito magnet.

What Do Mosquitos Like in a Human?

First:  A factor that you can not control is the core basic fact that blood type O makes you the tastiest snack around. Research has found that type O blood is 2x as desirable as any other blood type. On the flip side, if you happen to be type A? You are likely safe.

Second: Your blood now has alcohol in it. Alcohol boost metabolism. When your metabolism is boosted you output more CO2. They are most attracted to beer drinkers.

Third: You are athletic. Lactic acid is high on the chart for mosquitos. Avoid going outside within an hour of working out hard.

Fourth: Pregnancy. Again, CO2 is the factor here. Pregnant women emit more CO2 than most.

Fifth: Dark or Bright Clothing. If you are in high contrast to your background environment, they see you. I know it sounds silly, but if you wear light colors that blend in with the sky, they miss you.

What if you fall into several of those categories, making you prime for mosquito attacks?

Repel them Anyway!

What they hate

Eat garlic, onions, or chili peppers – they hate it!

Wear light thick material for clothing. Bites can only pierce so deeply and as we mentioned above, the light fabric is like camouflage to them.

Shower before going out. Mosquitos love the smell of sweat. They don’t love clean skin nearly as much.

Use bug spray and avoid thickly populated mosquito hangouts such as water’s edge areas and wooded spaces.

Knowing what mosquitos are looking for is key to helping avoid the little buggers.
We hope this makes your summer more pleasant.

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