Lower Back Pain Keeping You Awake? – Try These Simple Tips


ower-back-pain-dr-kaster-fort-myers-800x527No one enjoys tossing, turning, getting up to take anti-inflammatories, hot baths, ice packs, or whatever may possibly sooth you enough to get to sleep. It makes for a long rough night.

Once you finally get to sleep if you fall asleep in a “bad” sleeping position it can actually exacerbate the condition even further. You make wake up feeling even worse than when you went to bed. It is all incredibly frustrating and exhausting. This happens because some positions put more pressure on the hips, back, and neck unnecessarily.

It is vital to maintain the natural curve of the spine while lying in bed. Without it, you do not have proper alignment or support.  Make sure your head, shoulders, and hips are aligned.  This way your back is properly supported. Sleeping on your back is the best possible position.

Switching up the position you may have slept in for years isn’t an easy task but it can be done. Don’t give up if you wake up in the old position. Keep trying. You will get there.

Best positions for back pain

#1 On your back with a pillow under your knees.

This position helps distribute your weight evenly. A small pillow under the neck supports the curve of the spine.

#2 If you are a side sleeper put a thin pillow between your knees.

This raises the thigh restoring the natural alignment of the spine. Make sure you have a pillow under your head as well. If you are a constant flipper, add another pillow in a hug position. This will keep you in place and making rolling over more difficult.

#3 The  fetal position 

This position may help bring relief during the night for those with herniated discs. Lying on your side with your knees tucked up to the chest reduces the bend of the spine and also helps loosen up joints.

Also, use a pillow under your neck as well.

#4 Facedown sleepers – If you must sleep on your stomach, do it with a pillow under your stomach area. This will help reduce pressure.

This is only helpful for those with a herniated disc or spinal disc degeneration. Use a flat pillow for your head or sleep without one.

#5 Sleep reclined (on your back)

This can help with lower back pain especially if you have spondylolisthesis. This will work in either an adjustable bed or a recliner chair. It may take a few nights to adjust. If you tend to roll over do not use this method as you may hurt your hips.

#6 See your Chiropractor Regularly.
Regular adjustments help your body stay in alignment allowing you the most restful painless sleep possible.

Ready for an adjustment? 

Chiropractor | Nutritionist in Ft Myers, FL

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Add to that, nutritional recommendations that can help your body heal itself. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Chiropractic May Help With Sleep Issues


sleep-dr.-jason-kaster-fort-myersMillions of Americans have sleep issues. Either they can’t fall asleep at all or they wake up tossing and turning. Either way, they aren’t getting the rest they need.

We have an idea for you if this is your situation…

Schedule an appointment with your chiropractor. It doesn’t just help soothe an aching back or a sore neck, it can actually help boost your sleep quality.

Medical Studies have indicated that as many as 33% of those who receive adjustments regularly get a better night’s sleep nightly on average. Best yet, those results are immediate.

Is Chiropractic Right For Your Sleep Dilemma?

If your sleep is being disrupted by any type of physical discomfort, the answer is yes. Chiropractic treatments can help to lessen or get rid of pain and discomfort while improving blood flow and promoting relaxation.

Certain types of anxiety can also be helped through chiropractic and nutrition supplementation.

Your chiropractor may be able to offer suggestions for getting better sleep including weaning yourself of stomach sleeping, getting a more supportive mattress, using a specially designed pillow, and helping you decide on the best sleep position for you. Nutrition may also play a part when your body is properly fueled and not deficient in any vitamins or minerals it simply works better.

This advice goes for both adults and children. 40% of infants are reported to experience deeper calmer longer sleep patterns after just one session with a chiropractor. When your baby sleeps better – you can catch some Z’s as well.

Ready to Make the Adjustment?

Chiropractic visits are covered by many health insurance plans, so call and find out. The office of Dr. Kaster also takes into consideration those who are uninsured or underinsured by offering very reasonable cash discount prices as well.

If you aren’t sleeping all night and waking up feeling refreshed you are selling yourself short. Over time it will wear you out and potentially cause more health issues. Come in today and get the sleep you so dearly need.

Visit www.drkasters.com to learn more!

Transdermal Human Growth Hormone


somadermThe office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C., has found a way to revitalize your wellbeing and bring back the feelings of health you had in your youth. 

This may sound like doing the impossible but the fact is – it can be done.

On average, around the age of 30, our biology starts to slow. This can mean weight gain, foggier thinking, lines beginning to show on our faces, all the signs of age. We live in a youth-obsessed society where many of us will do literally anything to fight the signs of aging. Much of what is on the market and available can be a hindrance to our health if not downright dangerous.

Finally, an all natural answer

Human Growth Hormone also is known as simply HGH. HGH is a widely studied and scientifically documented hormone which drops in natural regulation as we get older. HGH, produced by the pituitary gland is what brings about growth in children throughout the natural life cycle. It helps control body composition, muscle growth, bone growth, fat and sugar metabolism, heart function, and all the fluids in the body. It essentially is a hormone that keeps you young and active.

Athletes have been turning to HGH for years to enhance performance and recovery as well as stimulate new muscle growth. The problem is that many products have been found to have side effects and even be harmful in its synthetic form.

You may even have seen supplement pills that promise to kick your body into gear again and trick it into producing HGH naturally. These claims are widely unfounded in science.

While we have believed in the power of HGH up until now we have never suggested it to our patients, let alone considered selling it in our office. Finally, an all natural homeopathic product has hit the mainstream market. SOMADERM™ Gel by New U Life works on a cellular level. It offers a cutting edge scientific breakthrough using the power of HGH.

The gel is applied topically and transported transdermally to the blood pathways in the body. Transdermal application is far more absorbable and effective than pills which lose potency during digestion.

You no longer have to accept the symptoms that come with age. With SOMADERM™ Gel, you can regain your youth. SOMADERM™ Gel – the ageless standard.

Interested? Come in for a consultation and talk with Dr. Kaster, D.C. to learn more!

Are You A Mosquito Magnet? How to put an end to it!


mosquitosWhile summer is many people’s favorite season, our time spent at the beach, the pool, at events outdoors and barbecues can all be hindered by our friend the mosquito. No one likes to be bit over and over again. It can really bug you.

While bug spray may keep the bugs off, they are not all that healthy for you. Have you ever noticed that you seem to have that one friend in every group who just simply doesn’t get bit? Meanwhile, you are scratching yourself silly?

It makes you question “What am I doing wrong? Or am I really ‘just that tasty’”? It’s frustrating!

Let’s take a look at what makes someone a mosquito magnet.

What Do Mosquitos Like in a Human?

First:  A factor that you can not control is the core basic fact that blood type O makes you the tastiest snack around. Research has found that type O blood is 2x as desirable as any other blood type. On the flip side, if you happen to be type A? You are likely safe.

Second: Your blood now has alcohol in it. Alcohol boost metabolism. When your metabolism is boosted you output more CO2. They are most attracted to beer drinkers.

Third: You are athletic. Lactic acid is high on the chart for mosquitos. Avoid going outside within an hour of working out hard.

Fourth: Pregnancy. Again, CO2 is the factor here. Pregnant women emit more CO2 than most.

Fifth: Dark or Bright Clothing. If you are in high contrast to your background environment, they see you. I know it sounds silly, but if you wear light colors that blend in with the sky, they miss you.

What if you fall into several of those categories, making you prime for mosquito attacks?

Repel them Anyway!

What they hate

Eat garlic, onions, or chili peppers – they hate it!

Wear light thick material for clothing. Bites can only pierce so deeply and as we mentioned above, the light fabric is like camouflage to them.

Shower before going out. Mosquitos love the smell of sweat. They don’t love clean skin nearly as much.

Use bug spray and avoid thickly populated mosquito hangouts such as water’s edge areas and wooded spaces.

Knowing what mosquitos are looking for is key to helping avoid the little buggers.
We hope this makes your summer more pleasant.

More interesting health information can be found at www.drkasters.com