Lower Back Pain Keeping You Awake? – Try These Simple Tips


ower-back-pain-dr-kaster-fort-myers-800x527No one enjoys tossing, turning, getting up to take anti-inflammatories, hot baths, ice packs, or whatever may possibly sooth you enough to get to sleep. It makes for a long rough night.

Once you finally get to sleep if you fall asleep in a “bad” sleeping position it can actually exacerbate the condition even further. You make wake up feeling even worse than when you went to bed. It is all incredibly frustrating and exhausting. This happens because some positions put more pressure on the hips, back, and neck unnecessarily.

It is vital to maintain the natural curve of the spine while lying in bed. Without it, you do not have proper alignment or support.  Make sure your head, shoulders, and hips are aligned.  This way your back is properly supported. Sleeping on your back is the best possible position.

Switching up the position you may have slept in for years isn’t an easy task but it can be done. Don’t give up if you wake up in the old position. Keep trying. You will get there.

Best positions for back pain

#1 On your back with a pillow under your knees.

This position helps distribute your weight evenly. A small pillow under the neck supports the curve of the spine.

#2 If you are a side sleeper put a thin pillow between your knees.

This raises the thigh restoring the natural alignment of the spine. Make sure you have a pillow under your head as well. If you are a constant flipper, add another pillow in a hug position. This will keep you in place and making rolling over more difficult.

#3 The  fetal position 

This position may help bring relief during the night for those with herniated discs. Lying on your side with your knees tucked up to the chest reduces the bend of the spine and also helps loosen up joints.

Also, use a pillow under your neck as well.

#4 Facedown sleepers – If you must sleep on your stomach, do it with a pillow under your stomach area. This will help reduce pressure.

This is only helpful for those with a herniated disc or spinal disc degeneration. Use a flat pillow for your head or sleep without one.

#5 Sleep reclined (on your back)

This can help with lower back pain especially if you have spondylolisthesis. This will work in either an adjustable bed or a recliner chair. It may take a few nights to adjust. If you tend to roll over do not use this method as you may hurt your hips.

#6 See your Chiropractor Regularly.
Regular adjustments help your body stay in alignment allowing you the most restful painless sleep possible.

Ready for an adjustment? 

Chiropractor | Nutritionist in Ft Myers, FL

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Add to that, nutritional recommendations that can help your body heal itself. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Chiropractic May Help With Sleep Issues


sleep-dr.-jason-kaster-fort-myersMillions of Americans have sleep issues. Either they can’t fall asleep at all or they wake up tossing and turning. Either way, they aren’t getting the rest they need.

We have an idea for you if this is your situation…

Schedule an appointment with your chiropractor. It doesn’t just help soothe an aching back or a sore neck, it can actually help boost your sleep quality.

Medical Studies have indicated that as many as 33% of those who receive adjustments regularly get a better night’s sleep nightly on average. Best yet, those results are immediate.

Is Chiropractic Right For Your Sleep Dilemma?

If your sleep is being disrupted by any type of physical discomfort, the answer is yes. Chiropractic treatments can help to lessen or get rid of pain and discomfort while improving blood flow and promoting relaxation.

Certain types of anxiety can also be helped through chiropractic and nutrition supplementation.

Your chiropractor may be able to offer suggestions for getting better sleep including weaning yourself of stomach sleeping, getting a more supportive mattress, using a specially designed pillow, and helping you decide on the best sleep position for you. Nutrition may also play a part when your body is properly fueled and not deficient in any vitamins or minerals it simply works better.

This advice goes for both adults and children. 40% of infants are reported to experience deeper calmer longer sleep patterns after just one session with a chiropractor. When your baby sleeps better – you can catch some Z’s as well.

Ready to Make the Adjustment?

Chiropractic visits are covered by many health insurance plans, so call and find out. The office of Dr. Kaster also takes into consideration those who are uninsured or underinsured by offering very reasonable cash discount prices as well.

If you aren’t sleeping all night and waking up feeling refreshed you are selling yourself short. Over time it will wear you out and potentially cause more health issues. Come in today and get the sleep you so dearly need.

Visit www.drkasters.com to learn more!

Update! Sleeping with the TV on Can Disturb Circadian Rythems and Lead to Health Issues


sleep-with-tv-onMany people leave the television on for noise as they go to sleep, but the question becomes, is this bad for our health?

It’s a common practice and most don’t ever think twice about it. The problem is when your tv is left on, even quietly, in a room where you are trying to sleep it interrupts your ability to get to the level of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. This is the deep sleep where your brain and body are able to regenerate and heal.

The exposure to the blue high-frequency Calvin scale light readings that the RGB output of a tv screen produce is a nonnatural daylight effect which can mess with your circadian rhythms and natural ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. One recent study found that exposure to nonnatural light cycles may have other health consequences besides insomnia including increased risk for depression and anxiety.

The other issue with the tv playing while you are sleeping is that during sleep even though your mind is “turned off” and you are sleeping, your subconscious still hears and takes in everything. They don’t call TV “Programming” for nothing. Your subconscious is literally being programmed. While you may be perfectly able to monitor what you watch while awake, show after the show comes on without you being able to change the channel while you are snoozing. This leaves a wide window open for shows containing violence, anger, sadness, remorse, anxiety, loud startling noises that could actually wake you anyway. These emotions can carry over into your own life and feel like they belong to you when in reality its nothing more than “programming”.

Many that sleep with the TV on becoming dependent on it to go to sleep creating bad sleep habits. Try other bedtime behaviors such as meditation, reading, journaling, or simply clearing your mind. Try a sleep mask to block out all light, and earplugs to get rid of the sound. Sensory deprivation is great for sleep.

It may take some time but you might be happily surprised once you make the adjustment at how much more rested you feel when you wake up and just how easily you are able to drift off once you get used to it.

If you have problems relaxing enough to go to sleep try natural sleep aids such as lavender, valerian, vervain, or melatonin. All are sold over the counter at any health food store and many grocery stores as well.

www.drkasters.com can help you sleep naturally with regular chiropractic adjustments, dietary changes, and supplementation. Give them a call today to schedule 239-332-2555.