Are You Ready to Feel Like a Kid Again?

Renovovita youth supplements skin care

Renovovita youth supplements skin careThink back to when you were a kid. You wake up daily feeling wide awake, vibrant, and ready to bounce out of bed. The world was your oyster, and you were ready to explore and play.

Wouldn’t it be nice to feel that way again as an adult?

Now you can!

With the combination of just two of our products – With-N Cell Renewal Activation and Zero-N Brain Health Formula, we have found the magic combination of vitamins, minerals, and herbs that promote cellular regeneration, cellular health, and regrowth and preservation of brain synapses and cells!

After taking these two formulations of an amazing supporting and restorative multivitamin plus anti-aging ingredients combined with a memory-boosting mind-enhancing nootropic you can begin to feel like your old (younger) self again!

Longevity in life is only fun and enjoyable if you feel good. When your body won’t keep up, life can be a drag. The reason your body usually won’t cooperate is that it is not feeling supported on a base cellular level.

Anti-aging medicine was always a dream. Some off in the distant future idea. But the beauty of being alive right now is that it’s no longer just a concept. It has become a reality thanks to nutraceutical and nootropic-based science.

Just 2 capsules of With-N and 2 capsules of Zero-N to jump-start your day and your body can begin the much-needed repair process of shedding and releasing old used damaged cells while creating and building new stronger younger versions that can more readily support your organs!

As kids we attended school and you may recall sitting in class staring at the clock. The reason was that you had so much energy that you could not wait for recess and for that bell to ring so you could get up, run around, and play. If you are ready to feel that kind of vitality again, it’s time to try RenovoVita. to shop or learn more.

It’s time for a newer younger you.

*FDA & Legal Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Foggy Thinking Got You Down?

Zero N RenovoVita Brain Health

Personal trainer for your brain Renovovita Zero NYou Need a Personal Trainer for Your Brain.

  • Trying to think of a word?
  • Walk into a room and forget why you are there?
  • Lost your to do list?
  • Miss placed your sunglasses only to find them on your head?
  • Car keys go missing on a regular basis?Enough is enough.Many of our brains are short circuiting here in the fast-paced small attention span state of things in 2021. Why is that? The reason is three-fold.
  • We aren’t being challenged enough. – Information that we used to have to search for and retain is now at our fingertips. We can find answers to anything any time and anywhere. We don’t even have to remember what we found because we can just look it up again.
  • Our attention spans have been trained right out of us. – The average video online is 30 seconds to 1 minute, as are commercials. We have gotten so much into the instant gratification mode that anything longer seems problematic to us now.
  • Our brains are nutrition deficient – Food is our medicine and many of us have lackluster diets devoid of the nutrition our brains need to work at 100% of our capabilities.

This combination leaves us feeling foggy, tired, uninspired, and lacking creativity as well as some days common sense and reason.

We saw (and felt) a problem, so we came up with a solution, naturally.
The creators of RenovoVita are major proponents of living your life to its fullest. The only way to truly do that is to have your brain firing on all cylinders and have you feeling good.

We created our own proprietary blend of natural herbs, vitamins, and supplements to create the nutraceutical nootropic known as Zero-N Brain Health Formula.

Zero-N stimulates the mind and body giving energy and stimulation with no jitters or nervousness. It delivers pure clean burning energy that the mind and body thrive on. The results are subtle yet dramatically effective. You don’t feel it working, you simply feel good, alive, and alert.

Ready to Zero in and focus?
We thought you might be. Zero-N is the personal brain trainer you have been seeking…
Visit www.renovovitacom/zero-n to try your bottle today.

*FDA & Legal Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Fight Aging Every Step of the Way. Revitalize and Regenerate on a Cellular Level with RenovoVita


Regenerate-on-a-Cellular-Level-with-RenovoVitaWhen we are young most of us don’t really think all that much about health or aging. We simply wake up refreshed, looking and feeling good. As we age, we begin to slow down a little. Our skin becomes slightly less elastic and less resilient. Fine lines may begin to show followed by actual wrinkles. It can be disarming.

The thing is aging comes from cellular breakdown. As we get older our bodies do not reproduce cells as fast as when we were children.  If we can find a way to speed up the cellular replication and slow down the breakdown process, we then would be able to halt aging all together and at the very least postpone it.

This was our mission in creating a product line and we have very happily succeeded. Love your cells and recharge yourself with RenovoVita. Our products feed cells nano nutrients known as NAD+ which assists cells to replicate just like new. Each component of our products delivers a powerful individual effect on the body but when combined the synergistic approach complements and speed regeneration of youth that you can feel and see.

“When you have your health, you have everything” – Augusten Burroughs

The triple threat combo that can help boost your health, energy, focus, and appearance is what we offer.

With-N Cell Renewal Activation dietary supplement formulation – This is cutting edge science in a capsule. Formulated to help you live not only longer but better while seemingly stopping time in your body and face.

Zero-N Brain Health Formula – If you feel slow, unfocused, and just not as sharp as you once were your brain may be lacking vital nutrients. This nootropic delivers vitality and clarity in just two capsules of neurochemical enhancement, naturally.

Virg-N Youth Activation Serum – Finally you can look as young as you feel with this revitalizing skin serum. Improve elasticity, firm, and plump without harsh chemical ingredients. Virg-N leaves a light appealing scent, skin dewy for hours, and sinks deep into your skin to heal and soften.

Taking the time to take care of yourself is important. RenovoVita is the way to do it easily and in just minutes a day. Ready to feel like yourself again? Look no further. Visit to learn more.

FDA & Legal Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Can Your Heart Benefit from Using a Sauna Regularly?

sauna heart health

sauna heart healthDry vs. Wet Saunas – Are they good for you and can they help your heart?

The DRY SAUNA:. Dry saunas produce a heavy deep sweat which has a cleansing effect on the body by flushing out toxins and impurities, clearing the glands and the pours. This can be beneficial to your skin, but also for stress relief, relaxation, sooth asthma, soothing aching muscles, and even psoriasis, but did you know that spending time regularly in a sauna can help your cardiovascular health and lower the risk of dementia and even Alzheimer’s Disease?

That’s right! It has been shown to reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death, heart disease, and even cardiovascular disease. It has also been shown to help those with chronic fatigue, chronic pain, allergic rhinitis, and obstructive pulmonary disease.

Sauna use has also been shown to help boost athletic performance.

The STEAM ROOM: Steam rooms create a moist environment for you to sit in. Humidity produces different results than the dry sauna. It can be used to loosen stiff muscles and joints, break up congestion inside of your lungs and sinuses, and help improve circulation.

The INFARRED SAUNA: The heat produced is a direct result of infrared lamps.  Because they are a lower temperature (about 120 to 140) you can stay in them longer than a regular dry sauna. Infrared offers all the benefits of a dry sauna plus additional healing, weight loss and pain relief.

They even make personal at home saunas if you don’t care to share one at the gym!

No matter which sauna you choose make sure you stay hydrated. Bring a cold bottle of water in with you. Make sure that you are getting your trace minerals as well because you sweat them out.

Start with a shorter session and work your way up. Do not drink alcohol before or right after a sauna session.

What has your sauna experience been? Do you use them regularly? Let us know!

Doing the sauna weekly or even daily is great for the health of your heart!






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Transdermal Human Growth Hormone


somadermThe office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C., has found a way to revitalize your wellbeing and bring back the feelings of health you had in your youth. 

This may sound like doing the impossible but the fact is – it can be done.

On average, around the age of 30, our biology starts to slow. This can mean weight gain, foggier thinking, lines beginning to show on our faces, all the signs of age. We live in a youth-obsessed society where many of us will do literally anything to fight the signs of aging. Much of what is on the market and available can be a hindrance to our health if not downright dangerous.

Finally, an all natural answer

Human Growth Hormone also is known as simply HGH. HGH is a widely studied and scientifically documented hormone which drops in natural regulation as we get older. HGH, produced by the pituitary gland is what brings about growth in children throughout the natural life cycle. It helps control body composition, muscle growth, bone growth, fat and sugar metabolism, heart function, and all the fluids in the body. It essentially is a hormone that keeps you young and active.

Athletes have been turning to HGH for years to enhance performance and recovery as well as stimulate new muscle growth. The problem is that many products have been found to have side effects and even be harmful in its synthetic form.

You may even have seen supplement pills that promise to kick your body into gear again and trick it into producing HGH naturally. These claims are widely unfounded in science.

While we have believed in the power of HGH up until now we have never suggested it to our patients, let alone considered selling it in our office. Finally, an all natural homeopathic product has hit the mainstream market. SOMADERM™ Gel by New U Life works on a cellular level. It offers a cutting edge scientific breakthrough using the power of HGH.

The gel is applied topically and transported transdermally to the blood pathways in the body. Transdermal application is far more absorbable and effective than pills which lose potency during digestion.

You no longer have to accept the symptoms that come with age. With SOMADERM™ Gel, you can regain your youth. SOMADERM™ Gel – the ageless standard.

Interested? Come in for a consultation and talk with Dr. Kaster, D.C. to learn more!

Update! Sleeping with the TV on Can Disturb Circadian Rythems and Lead to Health Issues


sleep-with-tv-onMany people leave the television on for noise as they go to sleep, but the question becomes, is this bad for our health?

It’s a common practice and most don’t ever think twice about it. The problem is when your tv is left on, even quietly, in a room where you are trying to sleep it interrupts your ability to get to the level of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. This is the deep sleep where your brain and body are able to regenerate and heal.

The exposure to the blue high-frequency Calvin scale light readings that the RGB output of a tv screen produce is a nonnatural daylight effect which can mess with your circadian rhythms and natural ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. One recent study found that exposure to nonnatural light cycles may have other health consequences besides insomnia including increased risk for depression and anxiety.

The other issue with the tv playing while you are sleeping is that during sleep even though your mind is “turned off” and you are sleeping, your subconscious still hears and takes in everything. They don’t call TV “Programming” for nothing. Your subconscious is literally being programmed. While you may be perfectly able to monitor what you watch while awake, show after the show comes on without you being able to change the channel while you are snoozing. This leaves a wide window open for shows containing violence, anger, sadness, remorse, anxiety, loud startling noises that could actually wake you anyway. These emotions can carry over into your own life and feel like they belong to you when in reality its nothing more than “programming”.

Many that sleep with the TV on becoming dependent on it to go to sleep creating bad sleep habits. Try other bedtime behaviors such as meditation, reading, journaling, or simply clearing your mind. Try a sleep mask to block out all light, and earplugs to get rid of the sound. Sensory deprivation is great for sleep.

It may take some time but you might be happily surprised once you make the adjustment at how much more rested you feel when you wake up and just how easily you are able to drift off once you get used to it.

If you have problems relaxing enough to go to sleep try natural sleep aids such as lavender, valerian, vervain, or melatonin. All are sold over the counter at any health food store and many grocery stores as well. can help you sleep naturally with regular chiropractic adjustments, dietary changes, and supplementation. Give them a call today to schedule 239-332-2555.

Are You Getting Enough Nutrients?


nutrientsFruits and Vegetable additions to your daily meals are one of the quickest ways to add needed nutrients to your diet plan.

We live in a prepackaged pre-made food kind of society. Most of which consists of carbohydrates, sugars, and preservatives. 

Rather than reaching for cookies, crackers, or even bars that have been processed and compressed, as you cruise down the grocery isles grab canned, frozen, and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Start your day with a piece of fruit added to breakfast. An ideal mix of protein, carbohydrates, and a piece of fruit will get your body moving.

School Lunches allow you to get creative. Ants on a log are a favorite and often traded treat. Cut up celery, add peanut butter, and sprinkle raisins. Voila! Ants on a log. Sweet, salty, crunchy and very healthy. Packed with protein and iron they can keep your kiddos going.

When packing snacks: carrot sticks, broccoli, cauliflower, even bell peppers, all are great grab, pack in a bag and go treats. Think of party trays – you can even add a little yogurt or sour cream dip if plain vegetables don’t appeal to your pallet.  Fruits come in their own wrappers. Apples, plums, bananas, oranges, tangerines, and many more are all grown to grab and go, very easy to reach for on the run no matter how busy your day is and even if you don’t happen to have refrigeration.

Hosting friends?– you may be tempted to take the easy way out and fill bowls with the traditional chips and dips. Sure every one like them, but health is on the forefront of many peoples minds these days and having healthy alternatives available makes you a great host.


  1. Let Your Cravings Lead The Way – unless it’s for absolute junk food, your body may be trying to tell you that you are missing something. ie. if you have a weird craving for liver you may be iron or copper deficient. If you are craving Brazil nuts you may be missing selenium. Food is intended to be our fuel.
  2. Fondu – Who doesn’t love cheese? Rather than dipping bread and chocolates, offer apples, carrots, cauliflower, pineapple, banana, mangos, and more.
  3. Fire up the grill! – Fat drips away from the meats while cooking naturally and you can even grill vegetables like Portabella mushrooms in place of burgers as well as skewers of veggies and fruits! Amazingly most have never tried grilling fruit and things like peaches, pineapples and kiwis are simply delicious and decadent.
  4. Dried fruits are always a hit and packed with vitamins.

One of the most important takeaways from this article is to eat a wide variety of foods. Don’t get locked into the same old same old. Stepping out of your box can not only increase your interest in healthy eating, it can add vitamins, minerals, and nutrients you may be missing, therefore increasing your health!

As Within So Without – Beauty is not just skin deep


Outer beauty is a direct result of inner health and wellness.

If you feel like you are starting to look run down or just lackluster, here are a few tips that can boost your health and in turn change that reflection in the mirror for the better. We are a product of our own choices and lifestyles.

  1. Drink lots of fresh clean water. Try to consume one gallon of water per day. It may seem like a lot at first, but you do quickly get used to it. Water is the universal solvent, it cleans and purifies the body on a cellular level. Proper hydration helps all of your organs including your skin. For a more radiant glow – drink water.
  1. Dry Skin – While hydration and water are a part of that, good fats are also a very likely culprit. Your body needs fat to run properly. Without enough your skin will be dry, you may experience brain fog, and if long-term you may run into other health issues. Good fats to eat regularly include coconut oil, nuts, avocados, and oily fish.
  2. Dull not so white eyes? – if you aren’t sleeping well, you work too much staring at a computer screen, smoke, drink, or even have nutritional deficiencies they can be reflected in the eye. Destress, get rest, stop smoking, cut back on the drinking, and take outdoor breaks away from the screen as well as your portable devices. Additionally, the old wives tale about sliced cucumbers over your eyes is actually based in science. Placing chilled cucumber slices on your eyes for 15 minutes a day reduces puffiness and redness. Rosewater works as well. dab on cotton balls and place over the eyes the same way you would with the cucumber slices.
  3. Great hair can be yours – Your hair requires protein, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, selenium, and zinc. Folic acid also helps strengthen hair growth. Making sure you have a well rounded healthy diet can boost the look and feel of hair as well as its ability to grow without splitting or breaking off.
  4. Muscle tone – Exercise is key to feeling and looking better. Muscle mass doesn’t just help us lift and move things, it helps to support your entire skeletal body frame. It all works in conjunction to support our organs and hold us together.

As within, so without. When you feel good, health becomes radiant. If you are feeling dull and lifeless or have targeted health issues you want to work on improving call the offices of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. he can work with you through the use of chiropractic, massage therapy, alternative complementary therapies as well as nutrition to get you on the road to being the very best healthiest possible version of you that you can be.

Chiropractor in Ft Myers, FL, and Naples, FL

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor in Fort Myers and Naples, can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Could a Nutritionist Boost Your Health?


“I know what to eat, come on now… I’m an adult.” – We all think that. After all, we have been eating our whole lives and we are still here, right? Yes and No.

Eating to survive and eating to thrive are often to different animals altogether. 

There are endless boxes, bags, packages, colorful containers, fresh veggies and fruits, meats and more all in giant rows ready to grab in every grocery store. We have a lot of choice.

You can opt for the healthy salad for a side dish or the yummy onion rings. Making these decisions daily, you are bound to select the latter eventually even though you know the veggies are best for your health. Doing this every now and then is fine, but making fatty, high cholesterol foods the staple in your diet is not in your best interest.

While that example seems very simple, there is a lot to nutrition. Balancing out the right macros for your body’s needs is a scientific mathematical equation, and most of us have never learned the formulas.

A nutritionist can look at your overall health as well as any special needs and suggest a food plan that will assist you in staying your healthiest. They can spot nutritional deficiencies and point out any food sensitivities/allergies that may be causing you discomfort.

A whole health assessment is taken of the entire person and history, not just the foods being consumed. During your meeting with a Nutritionist, they review your past, evaluate your current condition, and then make suggestions on how you can reach your future health goals. If you aren’t reaching your weight or health goals… Go talk to a  Nutritionist.

Some healthy eating tips:

  • Mindful Eating: notice how your body feels while eating. Stop eating when you feel satisfied, not overly-full.
  • Protein: every meal should have a protein. This will keep you feeling fuller longer and less likely to snack.
  • Ingredients over Numbers: if the ingredients in the food that you will be eating are not good for you, then it really does not matter how many calories it has.
  • Drink Water: Dehydration can make you choose unhealthy snacks and foods when, in reality, you are simply thirsty.
  • Cheats: That doughnut looks sooooo good…. Just because you are watching your food choices does not mean that you can’t indulge every now and then.
  • Use Apps: There are apps that can track your calories and eating patterns. Let them work for you.

Sometimes having help in making future choices is best, especially if your weight is affecting your health. The Nutritionists at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates are available for appointments. Call us at 813-975-2800 or schedule an appointment online at