Today’s Focus – Keeping Your Heart Healthy

heart health tampa cardio

heart health tampa cardioIn today’s day and age here in 2018, many of us lead a very sedentary lifestyle. Additionally adding to the stress on our bodies we, as Americans, are prone to a diet that lacks basic nutrition of processed or fast foods. We are a nation on the go and our bodies are paying the price. This is evident by the fact that heart disease remains one of the foremost reasons for death in the country.

We hope to help change this one patient and one reader at a time by arming you with the knowledge that will empower you to feel and be your very best at all ages.

Let’s take a look at some simple things you can implement in your daily life that can make your heart healthier and stronger.

  1. Diet changes – Up your intake of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy natural fats, and legumes. Cut out hydrogenated fats, saturated fats, table salt, and processed or boxed foods. Fresh is always best.
  2. Watch the cholesterol (bad fats) intake. It can have a dramatic effect. It is much better controlled with diet than with medication after the fact.
  3. Eat regularly. Small meals 3-5 times a day is easier on the body than long stretches where nothing is consumed.
  4. If you are going to use salt use Pink Himalayan salt, with moderation.
  5. Hydrate. Drink water on a regular basis throughout the day.
  6. Stay Active – Cardiovascular exercise combined with weight training can keep your heart pumping and strengthen it over time.
  7. Reduce stress – who are you accepting all of that stress for anyway? If something or someone in your life is stressing you out to the point you feel it on a physical level… work to change the situation or remove yourself. It is a danger to your health.
  8. Alcohol, if you choose to drink, keep it to a minimum. Alcohol is not healthy for your heart.
  9. Quit smoking. Even if you smoked for years, quitting will help you tremendously. Your body can recover in most cases.

Here at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates in Tampa, Florida, we care about the health of our patients and that of the general public. If you are in the Tampa, Florida area we would love to see you in our office if you are in need of a heart specialist. Give us a call to schedule today (813) 975-2800 or find us online at

Could a Nutritionist Boost Your Health?


“I know what to eat, come on now… I’m an adult.” – We all think that. After all, we have been eating our whole lives and we are still here, right? Yes and No.

Eating to survive and eating to thrive are often to different animals altogether. 

There are endless boxes, bags, packages, colorful containers, fresh veggies and fruits, meats and more all in giant rows ready to grab in every grocery store. We have a lot of choice.

You can opt for the healthy salad for a side dish or the yummy onion rings. Making these decisions daily, you are bound to select the latter eventually even though you know the veggies are best for your health. Doing this every now and then is fine, but making fatty, high cholesterol foods the staple in your diet is not in your best interest.

While that example seems very simple, there is a lot to nutrition. Balancing out the right macros for your body’s needs is a scientific mathematical equation, and most of us have never learned the formulas.

A nutritionist can look at your overall health as well as any special needs and suggest a food plan that will assist you in staying your healthiest. They can spot nutritional deficiencies and point out any food sensitivities/allergies that may be causing you discomfort.

A whole health assessment is taken of the entire person and history, not just the foods being consumed. During your meeting with a Nutritionist, they review your past, evaluate your current condition, and then make suggestions on how you can reach your future health goals. If you aren’t reaching your weight or health goals… Go talk to a  Nutritionist.

Some healthy eating tips:

  • Mindful Eating: notice how your body feels while eating. Stop eating when you feel satisfied, not overly-full.
  • Protein: every meal should have a protein. This will keep you feeling fuller longer and less likely to snack.
  • Ingredients over Numbers: if the ingredients in the food that you will be eating are not good for you, then it really does not matter how many calories it has.
  • Drink Water: Dehydration can make you choose unhealthy snacks and foods when, in reality, you are simply thirsty.
  • Cheats: That doughnut looks sooooo good…. Just because you are watching your food choices does not mean that you can’t indulge every now and then.
  • Use Apps: There are apps that can track your calories and eating patterns. Let them work for you.

Sometimes having help in making future choices is best, especially if your weight is affecting your health. The Nutritionists at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates are available for appointments. Call us at 813-975-2800 or schedule an appointment online at