Today’s Focus – Keeping Your Heart Healthy

heart health tampa cardio

heart health tampa cardioIn today’s day and age here in 2018, many of us lead a very sedentary lifestyle. Additionally adding to the stress on our bodies we, as Americans, are prone to a diet that lacks basic nutrition of processed or fast foods. We are a nation on the go and our bodies are paying the price. This is evident by the fact that heart disease remains one of the foremost reasons for death in the country.

We hope to help change this one patient and one reader at a time by arming you with the knowledge that will empower you to feel and be your very best at all ages.

Let’s take a look at some simple things you can implement in your daily life that can make your heart healthier and stronger.

  1. Diet changes – Up your intake of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy natural fats, and legumes. Cut out hydrogenated fats, saturated fats, table salt, and processed or boxed foods. Fresh is always best.
  2. Watch the cholesterol (bad fats) intake. It can have a dramatic effect. It is much better controlled with diet than with medication after the fact.
  3. Eat regularly. Small meals 3-5 times a day is easier on the body than long stretches where nothing is consumed.
  4. If you are going to use salt use Pink Himalayan salt, with moderation.
  5. Hydrate. Drink water on a regular basis throughout the day.
  6. Stay Active – Cardiovascular exercise combined with weight training can keep your heart pumping and strengthen it over time.
  7. Reduce stress – who are you accepting all of that stress for anyway? If something or someone in your life is stressing you out to the point you feel it on a physical level… work to change the situation or remove yourself. It is a danger to your health.
  8. Alcohol, if you choose to drink, keep it to a minimum. Alcohol is not healthy for your heart.
  9. Quit smoking. Even if you smoked for years, quitting will help you tremendously. Your body can recover in most cases.

Here at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates in Tampa, Florida, we care about the health of our patients and that of the general public. If you are in the Tampa, Florida area we would love to see you in our office if you are in need of a heart specialist. Give us a call to schedule today (813) 975-2800 or find us online at

Avoid a Heart Attack with These Key Tips


heartStress has a horribly negative effect on your body.

The physical manifestation may begin as anxiety but it can quickly lead to high blood pressure, heart palpitations and even chest pains. Any discomfort centered in the chest is disarming and can make you worry. Rightly so, but it is important to know how to distinguish a possible heart attack from acute stress or a panic attack. 

Prevention is the best medicine. 

  • Eliminate things and people that cause you stress. Avoid it as much as you can even if it means saying no to people or events you would normally agree too.
  • The heart is a muscle. WOrking out and getting cardiovascular exercise can help your body deal more easily with stress.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Check your cholesterol.
  • High Blood Pressure left unregulated can wear out the heart and valves. Monitor your blood pressure. If it’s consistently high, talk with your doctor.
  • Eat lots of grains and fruits
  • Get omega-3’s in daily
  • Avoid trans fats
  • Talk. Venting is healthy for your mind, soul, and body.
  • Too much sugar can damage arteries. Monitor your blood sugar levels.

If your chest feels weird – like it’s under pressure, aches, has pain, heart palpitations or other uncomfortable sensations or just sense that something may be wrong, never ignore it and just hope it will go away. Visit Tampa Cardiovascular Associates. Worrying about your health and the unknown can also cause undue amounts of stress, when one visit and a checkup could very well put your fears to rest.

If you are in the Tampa, Florida area we invite you to give us a call today 813-975-2800 or visit Our expert staff can help you get a clear picture of what is going on with your heart and your health and set you on the course to the best possible stress free mindset and healthy body possible.

What is Cardiovascular Disease?

Cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease is an illness of the blood vessels and the heart itself.  Heart disease can present in many different forms.

Cardiovascular disease can consist of:

Heart Failure (Congestive heart failure) While this doesn’t mean the heart stops beating it is a scary phrase to hear from your doctor. It means that the blood isn’t able to pump as well as it should. The heart has to keep working harder and harder to meet the body’s blood and oxygen needs. It can get progressively worse if left untreated. 

Heart Valve Problems (Stenosis) – The heart valves don’t open and close enough to allow proper blood flow. This is particularly dangerous to the health of your heart and your overall wellbeing.

Arrhythmia – the Abnormal beating of the heart. It can beat too slowly, too fast or off rhythm. Arrhythmia can affect how efficiently the heart is able to work. It can cause palpitations and lead to stress and adrenal fatigue as well as other health problems such as anxiety.

Atherosclerosis -Atherosclerosis is a condition where plaque develops and builds up inside of the artery walls. It makes the passageways more narrow and blood flow becomes constricted. It makes it far more difficult for your heart muscle to be productive and wears it down over time.

When your heart function fully or properly it can leave you feeling exhausted, weak, and often dealing with chest pains. If left untreated cardiovascular disease often leads to heart attacks and or strokes in patients.

If you are in or near the Tampa, Florida area we would love to work with you to get your health on track and you on your way to the best most productive healthy life you can live. Give Tampa Cardiovascular Associates a call today at 813-975-2800 or visit us online at