Chiropractic May Help With Sleep Issues


sleep-dr.-jason-kaster-fort-myersMillions of Americans have sleep issues. Either they can’t fall asleep at all or they wake up tossing and turning. Either way, they aren’t getting the rest they need.

We have an idea for you if this is your situation…

Schedule an appointment with your chiropractor. It doesn’t just help soothe an aching back or a sore neck, it can actually help boost your sleep quality.

Medical Studies have indicated that as many as 33% of those who receive adjustments regularly get a better night’s sleep nightly on average. Best yet, those results are immediate.

Is Chiropractic Right For Your Sleep Dilemma?

If your sleep is being disrupted by any type of physical discomfort, the answer is yes. Chiropractic treatments can help to lessen or get rid of pain and discomfort while improving blood flow and promoting relaxation.

Certain types of anxiety can also be helped through chiropractic and nutrition supplementation.

Your chiropractor may be able to offer suggestions for getting better sleep including weaning yourself of stomach sleeping, getting a more supportive mattress, using a specially designed pillow, and helping you decide on the best sleep position for you. Nutrition may also play a part when your body is properly fueled and not deficient in any vitamins or minerals it simply works better.

This advice goes for both adults and children. 40% of infants are reported to experience deeper calmer longer sleep patterns after just one session with a chiropractor. When your baby sleeps better – you can catch some Z’s as well.

Ready to Make the Adjustment?

Chiropractic visits are covered by many health insurance plans, so call and find out. The office of Dr. Kaster also takes into consideration those who are uninsured or underinsured by offering very reasonable cash discount prices as well.

If you aren’t sleeping all night and waking up feeling refreshed you are selling yourself short. Over time it will wear you out and potentially cause more health issues. Come in today and get the sleep you so dearly need.

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