Whats really in the milk you drink?

For decades milk has been the #1 drink of health American families.

It was noted as the best source of calcium and Vitamin D for growing bones and for aging bones. It has been a staple in every refrigerator and on every grocery list.

Unfortunately, we have strayed pretty far from the days of the neighborhood milkman bring fresh milk to your door. Dairy cows, for the most part, no longer roam free range on farms feeding on fresh grass, they are confined, drugged, treated with chemicals and hormones. All of this affects the quality of the milk itself.

Cows are fed antibiotics as well as growth hormones such as rBGH a genetically engineered hormone intended to increase milk production.

Hormone treated milk is different from natural milk. It contains raised levels of the IGF-1 hormone. IGF-1 has been linked to cancerous tumors and named as a major cause of breast, colon, and prostate cancer. Milk produced artificially tends to have increased levels of pus, making the milk turn sour faster for a shorter shelf life.

rBGH reduces the casein protein due to an increased thyroid hormone enzyme. 

Better choice: Organic. Even still, it has been pasteurized compromising the nutritional value. The process destroys part of the Vitamin C in milk and encourages the growth of potentially harmful bacteria. Pasteurization also makes the majority of the calcium insoluble and iodine contained reduced. 

Best Dairy Option: Grass Fed RAW. Check with your local health food store for possible local farming sources. 

Humans were not intended to drink cow’s milk at all. Better choices are other kinds of milk like almond, coconut, and rice. 

To learn more about your health and nutrition peruse our site or come in for a personalized appointment. www.chiropractorbonitasprings.com  (239) 947-1177

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