What Can Blood Tests Reveal?

blood tests

blood testsBlood tests help your physician discover potential underlying health issues. It is recommended to have a blood test done yearly in order to check levels. The question most of us have is “What are they looking for?”

What a blood test can tell you

An Enzyme test may be ordered. The enzyme levels will indicate disease or damage to organs such as kidneys and liver. This test is also helpful in adjusting medication levels.

Complete Blood Count (CBC)  is the most often ordered. It will take count of the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, iron, and platelets. It is used to diagnose infection, blood disorders, inflammation and even detects anemia (iron deficiency). It will show how well your thyroid, heart, and other organs are performing and if there is an infection such as HIV/AIDS where your body is working against itself in an autoimmune response.

Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP)  This is run on the plasma in your blood. It measures electrolytes, minerals, glucose, and calcium and can detect issues like cancer, diabetes, bone disease and kidney disease.

These are all incredibly valuable tools diagnostically.  It is, however, important to note that all tests are fallible. If you get a positive for a major illness it is vital to do the test a second time to confirm before deciding on and proceeding with any form of treatment.

Whether you are looking for a specialist or a general practitioner if you are in the Lee County Florida area we would like to invite you to visit IPALC (Independent Physicians of Lee County) and use their FREE physician referral service www.ipalc.org/find.

Is it time for a trip to the ENT?


ENTAn ENT is an ear nose and throat specialist. They have chosen this as their practice and specialty over focusing on general medicine. They can help you to better understand how you are feeling and if your symptoms are in any way related to inflamed sinuses or if there could be more serious underlying causes.

Why visit an ENT?

Headaches – An ENT can help determine if the headache cause stems from a sinus problem, respiratory infection, sinusitis, or even anatomic abnormalities. Chronic headache causes are tough to diagnose.

A sore throat – if you have a lingering sore throat that does not get better with normal home care or a round of antibiotics from your general practitioner a visit to the ENT may be warranted. Sore throat symptoms can sometimes be related to digestive issues or sinus problems.

Hearing Loss – Hearing loss may be due to ear wax build-up, fluid, or possibly damage to the nerves.

Sinus Issues – Tooth pain, earache, and even facial pain – congestion, nasal discharge, and allergies all can be disconcerting.

If you are experiencing these symptoms without improvement after a week or longer or they are reoccurring, you should be checked by an ENT. To find a board certified ENT please visit www.ipalc.org/find