Boost Your Immunity with Chiropractic

cold flu fort myers chiropractic dr kaster

2019 has been one of the worst flu years in history according to the CDC and that number is continuing into 2020. We are experiencing high numbers in cases of influenza all over the country including right here in Southwest, Florida.

The key to staying healthy is a strong boosted immune system.

With regular chiropractic adjustments combined with a healthy lifestyle you can be prepared to take on cold and flu season and remain perfectly well throughout.

It’s true that there is no cure for the common cold or for the flu. The best cure is prevention. Not getting worn down and sick in the first place is ideal. Chiropractic helps boost immunity and fight off viruses. The nervous system and the immune system are intertwined. The brainstem and spinal cord regulate all of the body’s functions while working with the immune system.

Subluxations (spinal misalignments) often cause neural dysfunction, which adds stress to the body leading to a weakened immune system.

Additional to receiving regular chiropractic adjustments incorporate the following into your daily life for best results.

Load Up On Vitamin C!

Vitamin C deficiency has been shown to increase your risk of becoming sick. Vitamin C’s best source is fresh foods – citrus fruits and dark leafy greens are the highest in Vitamin C. Supplements can help as well.

Get Rest

Your body needs rest and recuperation in order to be in top shape immunity wise. When you feel tired, it’s a message. You need to rest. Whatever you are doing can wait. Nothing is more important than your health.


Exercise circulates the blood. This helps to kickstart your immune system which releases virus killing substances in your body helping you get well and stay well.

Visit Your Chiropractor – Getting adjusted regularly keeps you in alignment and your nervous and immune systems going strong. Come see us!

What is a Colposcopy?


ColposcopyIf you have had a routine pap smear exam, which is suggested for women every three years, and it has come back repeatedly with a result of abnormal cells, your Gynecologist may suggest that you have a colposcopy done to further examine the situation and get a better gauge of your cervical health.

A colposcopy is a term used to describe a cervical biopsy. A tissue sample may be taken from either outside or inside the cervix, occasionally both are needed for the exam. A typical colposcopy takes only 10-15 minutes at the most.

What you will experience

Much like your yearly wellness exam or pap smear you will be asked to put on a paper gown and lay flat on the exam table, knees up, heels in the stirrups so the doctor can examine you. This position is necessary to be able to clearly see the cervix.

A speculum is inserted and a vinegar-like solution is used to wash the area to be biopsied. The physician will use an instrument called a colposcope (it looks like stand mounted binoculars attached to a light). It is used to examine you visually from several inches away. If at that time abnormal cells are visible a small biopsy is taken.

The colposcopy itself is nearly pain-free. Only the normal pressure of the speculum sliding in is felt and a possible slight sting of the vinegar solution. If you do need the actual biopsy expect slight discomfort. It is described as a sharp pinching which brings on a cramp like you have during a menstrual cycle. Bleeding and dark discharge is to be expected for the next 24 to 48 hours.

While it is often told to patients that they can simply return to work following the procedure, the fact is that this is actually a trauma to the body, however minor, some people do not feel so hot afterwards so if at all possible on the day you have this done, have the rest of the day off to go lay down and rest, just in case. With that said, many feel just fine afterward – it is just better to err on the side of caution.

Following a colposcopy do not have sex, use tampons or use any medication vaginally for a full 24 hours in order for the biopsied area to have time to heal. Your doctor’s office will let you know when the lab results are back and call you to let you know how to proceed based on the findings.

If you are in need of a gynecologist or oncologist in the Lee County, Florida area we invite you to utilize our free resource It is a listing of Independent physicians in Lee County who provide the finest health care in Southwest Florida putting the value back in the doctor-patient relationship.