Increased Health with Breathwork

Breath Work for Increased Health

Breath Work for Increased HealthBelieve it or not, you can influence your physical biology through proper breathing techniques.

Reduce stress, increase energy, boost focus, and help diminish pain levels.

Breathing is an automatic function. Yet we can still alter and influence it with intention and practice. Breathing can help with the regulation of heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, muscle contraction, and even help balance hormones.
Our bodies react to situations in a primitive survival mode. Fight or flight kicks in to protect us. This gets wrongly applied in modern times to daily stress. The result is that many of us are walking around with spiking cortisol levels, adrenal fatigue, depression, and disease.

Breathing can help combat chronic fatigue and other health issues

This method works for humans as well as other mammals!

What’s the method? THE SIGH.

Sighing is a method of self-regulation. It can help enhance focus and the ability to stand in your own power.

Sighing is hardwired into your DNA.

People sigh when they are nervous, frustrated, jittery, and anxious. It’s subconscious and automatic. Your body is trying to help you. You may wonder if it is programmed into your anatomy, why would you need to practice this purposefully?

It is about you sharpening those reactions and connections, so in time you will be stronger, more self-aware, and better able to take on daily stresses with ease and remain in control.

You can practice the sigh anytime you feel stressed.


Take two good deep inhales through the nose (with no exhale in between), followed by a full exhale (through the mouth).
*This is very important to rid the lungs of carbon dioxide.

This is one of the most powerful tools you have to work with your physiological stress response system.

Next time you are feeling stressed out – Just Breathe  |  Fort Myers, Florida   |  239-332-2555

Conditions Treated By Chiropractic You Might Not Expect


chiropractic-fort-myers-Dr-Jason-Kaster-Kaster-ChiropracticMost people tend to think of Chiropractic as care for neck and back pain, but the truth of the matter is that chiropractic treatment can help heal your body as a whole and is not simply for backaches or neck pain.

Chiropractic care can help improve and alleviate a wide range of conditions some of which you might never expect could be treated in such a noninvasive non pharmaceutical related natural way.

Sinus pain: If you experience frequent sinus infections, allergy issues, or nasal pain some of these physical issues can be helped by your chiropractor. There is mounting evidence that this modality of treatment can help with chronic sinusitis. Several sessions along with at home relaxation techniques may be necessary.

Migraines: Headaches are one of top reasons patients seek out chiropractic assistance. Tension headaches and migraine attacks are two of the most physically debilitating painful conditions to deal with. They can be frequent and become chronic. This leaves many dependent on medications to help stop the events. These medications when taken all the time can cause your body to become toxic as well as cause you to build up a non-wanted tolerance, making it harder and harder to get relief.  Chiropractic care has been shown to help treat these types of headaches initially reducing frequency and, in many cases, leading to overall stoppage of the symptoms all together.

Bell’s Palsy – This is a condition where the facial muscles, jaw muscles, and even the muscles in the face that connect to your ear are involved. It is an involuntary drooping of the facial muscles on one side that cannot be controlled by the patient. Chiropractic help depends on the severity of the condition. Overall, it can help managing the pain, boosting movement and motion, and can help with nerve related causes.

Ear Issues: Tinnitus, hearing loss, and vertigo. Chiropractic care has effectively improved vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss in certain patients, showing signs of healing within just a few months of treatment.

Chiropractic has been shown to help with many conditions above and beyond the ones we listed above including sciatica, arthritis, fibromyalgia, car accident injuries, carpal tunnel, pregnancy pain, pinched nerves, bone pain, depression and mood issues,  digestive issues, fatigue, golfer/tennis elbow, high blood pressure, joint problems,  osteoporosis, poor posture, repetitive stress injuries, tendonitis, stress management, Stiffness, sprains, shoulder and arm pain, scoliosis, neck pain, , TMJ back pain, plantar fasciitis, menstrual cramps, hip and leg pain, ankle pain, and even on the job work injuries and wellness care.

If you have an issue and are wondering if we can help – the simplest answer is just to give us a call and ask. We are always happy to talk with you and see if we are a good match and can help you heal.

The office of Kaster Chiropractic and Associates is reachable by dialing 239-332-2555. You can also visit us online to learn more about us by going to

Get Back in the Swing of Things at the Gym, The Right Way


Most of us have been out of the loop spending too much time just relaxing on the couch. 

This means less physical activity leading to slowed metabolisms, weight gain or loss, stiffer muscles and joints, and even possibly aches and pains surfacing.

Now that some gyms are opening again, you may be ready to get right back to it. Please use some caution. A body at rest wants to stay at rest, even if your mind is raring to go. Your physical self needs some time to warm back up. Go slowly.

Do not go back in on day one and try to pick up right where you left off. Start out slow and light. Ease up to where you were over a one to two week period. Failing to do so can land you right back at home on the couch with an injury. Pulled muscles, strains, sprains, and just simply overusing unworked muscles, tendons, and ligaments can be the result of too hard too fast.

Be easy on yourself. This time off was not your doing or fault. We all collectively had to take a break. Begin by stretching! Then move on to starting out with slower speeds on machines like treadmills and stair masters at reduced levels and on free weights and nautilus machines it is best to start what feels like ridiculously light doing high reps and move up in weight from there reducing down to your normal sets.

Make sure to drink lots of water to properly hydrate, eat well, get the rest you need to recover after a workout, and if you have access consider the sauna or hot tub to ease sore muscles.

Before you start back getting a chiropractic adjustment to make sure you are in alignment is a fantastic idea. In order for your body mechanics to work at full function, you need to be in alignment. Building muscle while pulling weight wrong can cause more damage than good.

The office of Dr. Jason Kaster – Kaster Chiropractic and Associates welcomes you to schedule your pre-workout adjustment to make sure you are maximizing your gym time. Give us a call at 239-332-2555 or visit to learn more about us.

Preparing Your Immune System for Anything That Comes Your Way


Imune-system-fort-myers-dr-kasterThis pandemic has proven just how vital your immune system is to keep strong and healthy all year long.

We wanted to offer you some tips on what you can do to build it if you don’t already have a strong immune system.

Boost Your Immunity

Do Not Smoke. Smoking breaks down your immune system and makes you less healthy overall.

Limit or quit drinking. Alcohol is dehydrating and toxic to the body. Your liver has to work hard to process it and takes energy away from other repairs.

Let Go of the Stress
 – Stress is the number one thing that breaks down immunity. Eliminate and minimize as much as you can.

Take Care of  Yourself. Wash your hands frequently, keep them away from your face, eyes, mouth, ears, and nose

Work Out. Movement, stretching, weight barring exercise, and cardiovascular exercise are needed to keep every system in the body in working order. 

Sleep. Sleeping 7-9 hours a night is when your body repairs itself. No sleep = no repair. Eventually, you will overtax your system and it can break down.

Maintain a healthy weight. Carrying around excess weight makes every organ in the body work harder than it should have to.

Take care in the preparation of meat. This goes for seafood as well. Undercooked meats and seafood can lead to food poisoning and nothing smacks the body down like a round of food poisoning. Wash down counters and surfaces that raw items have touched.

Eat Healthy – We are what we eat. Fresh fruits, vegetables, healthy proteins, healthy fats, limiting processed foods and sugars, all contribute to health and wellness.

Visit your chiropractor regularly – getting adjusted to eliminate subluxations gives a major boost to your nervous system which controls every part of your body. Keep it working well and your health will follow!

Ready for an adjustment? We would love to see you in our office. Give us a call at 239-332-2555 to schedule in Fort Myers, Florida in the office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C.

Boost Your Immunity with Chiropractic

cold flu fort myers chiropractic dr kaster

2019 has been one of the worst flu years in history according to the CDC and that number is continuing into 2020. We are experiencing high numbers in cases of influenza all over the country including right here in Southwest, Florida.

The key to staying healthy is a strong boosted immune system.

With regular chiropractic adjustments combined with a healthy lifestyle you can be prepared to take on cold and flu season and remain perfectly well throughout.

It’s true that there is no cure for the common cold or for the flu. The best cure is prevention. Not getting worn down and sick in the first place is ideal. Chiropractic helps boost immunity and fight off viruses. The nervous system and the immune system are intertwined. The brainstem and spinal cord regulate all of the body’s functions while working with the immune system.

Subluxations (spinal misalignments) often cause neural dysfunction, which adds stress to the body leading to a weakened immune system.

Additional to receiving regular chiropractic adjustments incorporate the following into your daily life for best results.

Load Up On Vitamin C!

Vitamin C deficiency has been shown to increase your risk of becoming sick. Vitamin C’s best source is fresh foods – citrus fruits and dark leafy greens are the highest in Vitamin C. Supplements can help as well.

Get Rest

Your body needs rest and recuperation in order to be in top shape immunity wise. When you feel tired, it’s a message. You need to rest. Whatever you are doing can wait. Nothing is more important than your health.


Exercise circulates the blood. This helps to kickstart your immune system which releases virus killing substances in your body helping you get well and stay well.

Visit Your Chiropractor – Getting adjusted regularly keeps you in alignment and your nervous and immune systems going strong. Come see us!

Florida’s No-fault Automobile Insurance Laws


Florida-no-fault-accident-pip-kaster-fort-myersIn years since 2012, all drivers licensed in Florida have been required to carry what is known as PIP coverage. That stands for Personal Injury Protection.

This much-needed rider allows you to get the medical help you may need following an accident regardless of fault or if the other party has auto insurance.

Unlike some other states, there are time constraints within which you are able to seek treatment for accident-related injuries.

In Florida, you have just two weeks (14 days) after an accident to start treatment.  If you do visit a doctor’s office or emergency clinic during this time frame you automatically lose your ability to use your PIP coverage. 

If you are not taken by ambulance from the accident scene please follow up with your doctor and your chiropractor as soon as possible.

Every policy issued in Florida carries the full $10,000 worth of PIP coverage, even though, in some situations, you may only be entitled to $2500, a reduced benefit. To access the full amount you must receive a determination of emergency medical condition. Many insurance companies will argue with you that you do not have a serious condition. Restrictions have been unjustly placed which discriminate against chiropractic physicians. because of this, we have to refer you out to another health care provider simply to get that determination on file.

If your auto insurer stops payment after $2500 for the $10,000 in benefits for which you pay a premium for, you may continue to obtain treatment with our office under a letter of protection if you are represented by a lawyer and are filing a claim for recovery against the at-fault driver.

DID YOU KNOW?: You can install our mobile app on your smartphone! With just a push of a button, we will know you need medical assistance and get you in as soon as possible.

If you are in an accident – don’t worry about the specifics right away. Call our office at 239-332-2555 and come in for a post-accident evaluation, treatment plan, and adjustments. Let’s get you on the road to health and we will file all the paperwork for you.

For More Information on PIP Laws in Florida:

The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation can assist you if you experience a problem or have a complaint. You can submit a complaint online by going to their consumer services website at

Chiropractor | Nutritionist in Ft Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Chiropractic Treatment May Relive Arthritis Pain

Chiropractor Arthritis-fort-myers-dr-kaster

Chiropractor Arthritis-fort-myers-dr-kasterPainful joints make even the most simple movements unbearable at times. In cool weather and rain, they ache even more when you have arthritis.

While there is no cure for arthritis, it has been shown that chiropractic adjustments can lessen the severity of the pain you experience making the condition easier to live with.

Chiropractic is an amazing modality.
No two patients can be treated in the exact same way.There are over 150 techniques that chiropractors employ to manually adjust the spine, muscles, and joints with varying degrees of gentle force. Which techniques are used is dependent on the condition(s) of the patient. 

Chiropractors focus on the correlation between structure and function, says Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. who has been in private practice in Fort Myers, Florida for over 17 years.

When a joint is out of alignment it can’t move as designed. The aim of treatment with our practice is to restore proper joint function. The freer the movement you have the better you will feel.

If you have neck or back pain because of osteoarthritis, chiropractic is one of the safest routes of therapy.

Your chiropractor may use manual spinal adjustments or manipulate soft tissue to help relieve tenderness and muscle spasms. You may also be asked to do traction which slowly stretches the joints to increase range of movement, as well as ultrasound, ice, and heat. At-home physical therapy exercises they may assign you can do wonders as well. 

 Please take note: If you have an inflammatory disease (rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis) you need to be more careful and really talk with your doctor and listen to your body. If your medical doctor has told you that you have active swelling in your joints, chiropractic may not be the right path for you.

That doesn’t mean we can’t help. It just means we woud just need to take a different approach to the treatment for your case. A consultation is advisable to get you going on some alternative safe and effective therapies.

They may include:

Electrotherapy. These tiny electric pulses are not painful. They treat soft tissue injuries by stimulating nerves and muscles.

Low-level cold laser. This therapy uses a non-heat-producing laser or light that penetrates deep into the tissue, sometimes reducing inflammation.

Ultrasound. Many think of ultrasound as imaging technology, but when applied to soft tissues and joints, sound waves can also produce a massaging effect that helps reduce swelling and decrease pain and stiffness.

Infrared sauna. Imagine having a hot compress warm up your joints from the inside. These rooms use controlled amounts of heat to relieve pain and increase circulation.

Medical Doctors Agree

The American College of Physicians released updated guidelines in 2017. They now support the use of non-pharmacologic therapies. This includes chiropractic as well as acupuncture, as first-line treatment of pain, before medication.

If you are living with arthritis call the office of Dr. Kaster today. We would love to see how we can help you feel better and live well.

Chiropractor | Nutritionist in Ft Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

239-332-2555 to learn more!

Unchecked Hypertension Can Damage Your Health

hypertension high blood pressure chiropractic

hypertension high blood pressure chiropracticMany of us, during a routine doctor’s appointment, may have been told: “Your blood pressure is a little high”. Monitoring is usually suggested. If it continues to remain high in readings often blood pressure medication is recommended. 

What Is Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)?

Hypertension is also sometimes called high blood pressure.  This level of measurement is defined as being above 140/98 mm Hg for at least two or more readings over a period of weeks or months. The more difficult it is for blood to flow through your arteries, the more of an increase in your blood pressure. Higher pressure forces your heart must work harder to pump blood throughout your body.

Blood pressure itself: Your heart beating forces your blood through the arteries in your entire body creating pressure. This pressure is what keeps your blood flowing. Every time your heart beats, it surges blood into your arteries and the pressure increases. Opposing that, when your heart is relaxed or in between beats, the pressure decreases in the arteries. This is why there are two numbers in a blood pressure reading. The top number is systolic and the bottom number is diastolic.

Systolic and Diastolic:

The top number (systolic pressure) is the maximum amount of pressure inside your arteries when the heart is beating. The bottom number (diastolic pressure) is the amount of pressure inside your arteries when your heart is in between beats. The two numbers together are written in fractional form; such as 120/80 mm Hg.

Why Would You Have High Blood Pressure?

Doctors and scientists are still trying to understand why high blood pressure occurs, but they have found factors that contribute to high blood pressure. Some of these factors include obesity, level of physical activity, diabetes mellitus, heredity, age, and high intake of sodium, alcohol consumption, and smoking.

Almost all cases of high blood pressure cases have no markable cause. This form of blood pressure is called primary or central high blood pressure. Secondary hypertension is associated with renal diseases, alcohol use, and the use of oral contraceptives.

Is there a way to conservatively treat hypertension before turning to blood pressure medications?

Chiropractic treatment has been shown to reduce blood pressure, however, more research is needed to determine exactly how manipulation is helpful. Chiropractic treatments should always be done in conjunction with your medical doctor’s recommendations.

The idea is to create a diet you can live with that will offer proper cardiovascular support. If you are interested in working with Dr. Kaster to help control your blood pressure without potentially dangerous medications give us a call today and schedule your appointment.

Chiropractor | Nutritionist in Ft Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions.

Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Chiropractic – Great for All Ages!


babies-newborns-chiropractor-dr-jason-kaster-fort-myersThe sooner you start chiropractic adjustments the better off your child will be for life.

The experience of birthing is traumatic to the bodies of both mother and child. The pressure is immense and can result in twisting, pushing, or even pulling.

Not everyone is delivered easily. It is not difficult for the spine to be jarred out of alignment causing subluxations in both mother and baby.

Whatever condition you are born in is your start in life. It most certainly benefits you to have a straight aligned spine from the beginning.

Our Spinal column and the nerves are responsible for the function of every system and organ’s automatic and conscious reaction. When aligned this beautiful machine works perfectly. Putting a bend in the wires can slow or halt electrical impulses. This works much like stepping on a garden hose, the water won’t come out. It can lead to problems. If your baby is always crying and fussy, they may have a subluxation. They can’t communicate and are trying in the only way that they can to tell you something is wrong.

What Chiropractic Can Help Babies With

Adjustments can be made as soon as they are born. It is a great idea for all new children to see the family chiropractor as soon as possible. Here are some signs you may notice which signal that they could benefit from an adjustment:

Arching of the back – Babies natural shape is an adaptable flexible body position which allows them to hug tight to their mother. If your baby seems stiff or keeps arching, it may be a sign of pain or tension.

Avoid Future dental work – Dental tooth alignment problems can be avoided by taking your baby to see your chiropractor while their mouth is still soft and forming. They can adjust the roof and palate of the mouth allowing teeth to be guided in, straight.

Breast Feeding Trouble – If your baby is having trouble latching or can only tilt their head to one side an adjustment helps to increase the range of motion.

Colic – Often times an adjustment will help them feel better overall and ease the body’s tension and soothe them to stop crying. Though there is no known accepted medical cause chiropractic often helps.

Constipation / Diarrhea / Sick to the Stomach –  The ileocecal valve may need to be adjusted. If it is stuck open, these are the symptoms.

Tilted head – Restricted neck movement is indicated by a head tilt. This can also contribute to flat spots on the head. Seeing a Chiropractor should help unlock a full range of motion.

If you have a child in your family, we would love to meet you and get them on the best path to health throughout their life.