Increased Health with Breathwork

Breath Work for Increased HealthBelieve it or not, you can influence your physical biology through proper breathing techniques.

Reduce stress, increase energy, boost focus, and help diminish pain levels.

Breathing is an automatic function. Yet we can still alter and influence it with intention and practice. Breathing can help with the regulation of heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, muscle contraction, and even help balance hormones.
Our bodies react to situations in a primitive survival mode. Fight or flight kicks in to protect us. This gets wrongly applied in modern times to daily stress. The result is that many of us are walking around with spiking cortisol levels, adrenal fatigue, depression, and disease.

Breathing can help combat chronic fatigue and other health issues

This method works for humans as well as other mammals!

What’s the method? THE SIGH.

Sighing is a method of self-regulation. It can help enhance focus and the ability to stand in your own power.

Sighing is hardwired into your DNA.

People sigh when they are nervous, frustrated, jittery, and anxious. It’s subconscious and automatic. Your body is trying to help you. You may wonder if it is programmed into your anatomy, why would you need to practice this purposefully?

It is about you sharpening those reactions and connections, so in time you will be stronger, more self-aware, and better able to take on daily stresses with ease and remain in control.

You can practice the sigh anytime you feel stressed.


Take two good deep inhales through the nose (with no exhale in between), followed by a full exhale (through the mouth).
*This is very important to rid the lungs of carbon dioxide.

This is one of the most powerful tools you have to work with your physiological stress response system.

Next time you are feeling stressed out – Just Breathe  |  Fort Myers, Florida   |  239-332-2555

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