Orthotics Maybe an Answer To Tired Achy Varicose Vein Prone Legs

orthoticsIf you live in pain with venous insufficiency issues such as varicose veins you are likely willing to try just about anything to get relief.

While you primarily hear tips about elevating the legs, using ice compresses and wearing daily compression stockings, one of the most overlooked treatments that are noninvasive for the relief of pain from varicose veins is the creation and use of customized orthotics.

While there is no guarantee that having these inserts made and wearing them will clear up your vein deficiency or even lessen the visibility of varicose veins what they can provide is some relief while standing and walking making daily life far less painful and more comfortable.

What Do Orthotics Do?

Orthotics give the arches in your feet support. Your foot actually has three separate arches, not just one. These arches are how your body balances itself by keeping your weight evenly distributed. Orthotics can even help to straighten the way you walk. Proper body mechanics in movement can help to keep you in alignment preventing excess wear and the body.

Bad body mechanics start from the base. Being flat footed or off balance can put pressure on the legs. If these veins are already diseased being off balance can make the discomfort experienced worse.

Ok, I Am Convinced, Where Do I Have Them Made?

Professional-quality orthotics are not bought in Walgreens or CVS. Those machines give you a slightly customized choice between two or three different supports. That is not what is meant by custom in this sense.

Proper orthotics can be fitted and ordered by your podiatrist, family doctor, or chiropractor. Depending on the company from which they are ordered, the orthotics can be formed by using step in boxes that cast your feet in a sand-like substance that holds form or by use of foot scanner which will measure the pressure points and arches in your feet.

They can be specially made for specific use in running and walking shoes, dress shoes and even sandals and can be easily moved from one pair to the next. They simply slide in and out of each shoe.

It is recommended when you get your first pair to wear them for 1 hour at first to allow your feet and legs to get used to them. From there try 2-3 hours, and then you can move on to a full day. If you go to fast you may end up feeling like you did a massive leg day work out at the gym as it uses muscles you may not have activated in a while.

In order to correct the damage done and rid yourself of the damaged veins, a consultation with a Vein Specialist is needed. Orthotics, as well as compression stockings, ice, rest and elevation all, can help with varicose vein issues. They can help to regulate the blood flow and alleviate the pain. 

The West Florida Vein Center can help if you have vein issues and are in the Tampa, Florida area, give us a call at . (727) 712-3233 www.westlforidaveincenter.com.

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