Stop Aging in its Tracks and Regain Focus with RenovoVita!


RenovoVita-Memory-Zero-NWhere DID the time go!?

As time passes, we all slow down. As kids, we run, jump, do cartwheels, climb on monkey bars, fall and get right back up. We are unstoppable. We think quickly and react even quicker. We have seemingly endless energy.

Once we hit the teen years and into college age we mostly no longer run, skip, or summersault. We live a more sedentary lifestyle because of school and conditioning. As we age into adulthood the movement slows even more.

By the time we start getting into our late 20s, 30s, 40s, and on up we may not remember things as easily or think as quickly. You may find yourself more easily distracted and with a lack of focus. It can be problematic and worrisome.

The biggest changes are noticed as people hit their 50s and 60s. While these changes can cause concern, most age-related memory problems don’t stem from any underlying brain issue. Instead, what appears to be a memory problem may simply reflect a slower processing speed and poor encoding and retrieval of new memories as a result of diminished attention. Even though your brain may be slower to learn and recall new information, your ability to make sense of what you know and to form reasonable arguments and judgments remains intact.

Much of this is reversible and often related to a lack of sleep. Structural changes that take place in your brain as you age can explain some of these developments, as well. The areas of the brain involved with memory processing, such as the hippocampus and especially the frontal lobes, undergo anatomical and neurochemical changes as we age.

The result –  it takes longer to take in, process, and remember new information. The accumulated loss of receptors and neurons which takes place with aging can make it more difficult to concentrate.

The physical aches and pains of getting older can affect focus. Pain is distracting, and some of the medications used to treat it also can affect concentration.

This is why it’s so important to treat health (including brain health) proactively and not wait for a decline to take action. RenovoVita’s line of health products is the trifecta you have been searching for. Brain health, cellular health, and skincare all in one shop.

Our supplements are completely natural and work with, not against your body, allowing it to heal naturally and rapidly, bringing about new fully functional cells to replace those old, damaged, or worn out, essentially, given some time, creating on a cellular level and entirely new you!


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Happiness Proves to be Good for Your Heart


tampa-cardiovascular-associatesStudies reveal that optimistic, happy, glass half full people are more likely to have good heart health as well.

When you have a positive optimistic outlook you feel better physically.

The study looked at two groups of people who had similar risk for heart disease. The results showed the pessimistic group was more likely to experience heart attack or stroke.

Julie K. Boehm, PhD Harvard Researcher was the study lead. She is quoted as saying that “Historically, studies have focused on the negative impact of depression and anxiety. We wanted to look at the flip side to see how psychological well-being – things like happiness, optimism, and having a sense of purpose – might impact risk.”

Happiness spurs positive life decisions

They tend to sleep more regularly, eat better, and exercise. If you are not naturally an upbeat person don’t be hard on yourself. It can be relearned through behavioral therapy and actively watching your thought patterns to help recognize constant negativity, stop it, and replace it with a healthier thought version.

During a collaborative effort on the part of Harvard with Columbia University they based their findings on a 5 point scale. A patient that was able to monitor their behavior and thoughts and was able to raise their number even just 1 point experienced what translated to a 22% risk reduction. That is impressive and could be life changing for many.

While of course more research is needed, and feelings are not exact quantifiable numbers the evidence is mounting and becoming clear that there is indeed a link between heart health and happiness factor so live your life the best you can and try to look on the bright side of things and find humor.

If you are in the Tampa Bay, Florida area and looking for a great cardiologist we invite you to check out Tampa Cardiovascular Associates. WWW.TAMPACARDIO.COM 813-975-2800.

Why Chance it With Dangerous Pharmaceuticals Just to Gain a Little Focus?


Zero-N-Brain-health-supplement-RenovoVitaWe all need a little more focus these days. The world is a very distracting place. We are expected to multitask as if we are more than one person and do it without messing anything up, all while smiling, staying focused, and still remaining in a good mood and polite. That can be a tall order.

Coffee only gets you going to a certain extent depending on the caffeine inclusion of the particular brew, and with so many distractions, lack of sleep and anxiety are also becoming part of this “new normal”. It isn’t how we should live. Tired, drained, running on empty.

No need for dangerous pharmaceuticals like Adderall 

This is especially true for those who already deal with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). It can be very difficult to reign yourself in and get your to do list accomplished. When diagnosed with these disorders often prescription medications such as the popular study drug Adderall are prescribed. While they may work wonders short term they are not healthy for the body on an ongoing basis and can cause headaches, neck and jaw problems, grinding of the teeth, lack of appetite, excessive sweating, and addiction.

That is why we purposely set out to find the very best combination of all-natural ingredients to form Zero-N. Zeroing in on what we have at hand and the ability to live in the now is important not only for completion of work projects but for mental clarity, mental health, and happiness overall.

This formulation of pharmaceutical grade ingredients helps your brain perform at its best. It allows you to think faster, access memories readily, concentrate, and focus.

Naturally sourced ingredients of pharmaceutical grade along with our RenovoVita quality guarantee.

  • L-Theanine: Fires up neurotransmitters and brain areas that regulate emotion, concentration, cognition.
  • GABA: Connects brain cells for better communication and stimulates growth of new healthy cells.
  • Bacopa Monnieri: Centuries-old free radical fighter, lights up learning centers and relieves anxiety and stress.
  • Soy Lecithin: A natural “brain food” mood and memory enhancer. Prevents brain capacity deterioration
  • Ginkgo Biloba: Cognition increases and information retained with increased blood circulation in the brain. Also limits neuron damage.
  • Caffeine: Jolts neurons and blocks sleep-inducing adenosine so other brain-sparking chemicals flow in.

You can take Zero-N with or without food and will not cause stomach upset. 2 per day maximum. Start with 1 to see how you feel.

No need for dangerous pharmaceuticals like Adderall – Zero-N and Focus

FDA & Legal Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.