Why Chance it With Dangerous Pharmaceuticals Just to Gain a Little Focus?


Zero-N-Brain-health-supplement-RenovoVitaWe all need a little more focus these days. The world is a very distracting place. We are expected to multitask as if we are more than one person and do it without messing anything up, all while smiling, staying focused, and still remaining in a good mood and polite. That can be a tall order.

Coffee only gets you going to a certain extent depending on the caffeine inclusion of the particular brew, and with so many distractions, lack of sleep and anxiety are also becoming part of this “new normal”. It isn’t how we should live. Tired, drained, running on empty.

No need for dangerous pharmaceuticals like Adderall 

This is especially true for those who already deal with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). It can be very difficult to reign yourself in and get your to do list accomplished. When diagnosed with these disorders often prescription medications such as the popular study drug Adderall are prescribed. While they may work wonders short term they are not healthy for the body on an ongoing basis and can cause headaches, neck and jaw problems, grinding of the teeth, lack of appetite, excessive sweating, and addiction.

That is why we purposely set out to find the very best combination of all-natural ingredients to form Zero-N. Zeroing in on what we have at hand and the ability to live in the now is important not only for completion of work projects but for mental clarity, mental health, and happiness overall.

This formulation of pharmaceutical grade ingredients helps your brain perform at its best. It allows you to think faster, access memories readily, concentrate, and focus.

Naturally sourced ingredients of pharmaceutical grade along with our RenovoVita quality guarantee.

  • L-Theanine: Fires up neurotransmitters and brain areas that regulate emotion, concentration, cognition.
  • GABA: Connects brain cells for better communication and stimulates growth of new healthy cells.
  • Bacopa Monnieri: Centuries-old free radical fighter, lights up learning centers and relieves anxiety and stress.
  • Soy Lecithin: A natural “brain food” mood and memory enhancer. Prevents brain capacity deterioration
  • Ginkgo Biloba: Cognition increases and information retained with increased blood circulation in the brain. Also limits neuron damage.
  • Caffeine: Jolts neurons and blocks sleep-inducing adenosine so other brain-sparking chemicals flow in.

You can take Zero-N with or without food and will not cause stomach upset. 2 per day maximum. Start with 1 to see how you feel.

No need for dangerous pharmaceuticals like Adderall – Zero-N and Focus

FDA & Legal Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Improve your Health and Wellness with NAD+ Supplements from RenovoVita

RenovoVIta NMN NAD+ anti aging cellular renewal
RenovoVIta NMN NAD+ anti aging cellular renewalNAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a critical coenzyme which is found in every cell of the body. It is necessary for the creation of energy as well as regulation of the cellular renewal process.

When we are young, our supplies of NAD+ are boundless. We have as much as we need. Our cells renew quickly and if we find ourselves inured of sick, we usually recover very quickly. We look good, our skin is taught, our cheeks are rosy.

As we age that begins to deplete. The older we get in age the less of it our bodies have in stores.

NAD+ powers two key reactions in the body. 1. To help turn nutrients into energy (metabolism) and 2. As a substrate helper molecule for proteins that become building blocks and regulate other cellular functions. Because of this NAD+ is very important in the aging process and in fact can help decide how we age – slowly or quickly. Aging is simply bodily degeneration. This is the same for humans, yeast, bacteria, and even plants!

NAD+ was discovered in 1906 and our understanding of it has evolved over time. It has become a prized molecule in scientific research because of its role in so many biological functions.

In layman’s terms by adding in NAD+ to your daily regimen by way of supplement what happens is that it essentially switches off the genes that accelerate the aging process.

NAD+ has been shown to benefit you by way of supplementation in the following manners:

  • Boosted energy levels
  • Anti-Aging benefits
  • Boosted immune response
  • Less fogginess – improved clarity of thought and memory
  • Detoxification of cells
  • Faster recovery times from illnesses and hard workouts
  • Feel younger and look more rested

Cellular regeneration is the future of health. Now you don’t have to wait. The future is here with RenovoVita. Learn more. Visit www.RenovoVita.com and get ready to feel the best you have ever felt.

FDA & Legal Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.