How to Support Blood Pressure, Naturally

high blood pressure fort myersIt is scary to think that in this day and age one-third of all adults live with higher than desired blood pressure.  Life has become a go go go society. it’s a high-pressure world and our health is reflecting that. 

It can be tempting to simply ignore high blood pressure readings, but it isn’t in the overall best interest of your health. It can result over time in damage to the arteries, heart failure, ruptured blood vessels, kidney issues, vision problems, drop in cognitive function, metabolic syndrome and even life-threatening aneurysm.

The medical community seeks out pharmaceutical remedies to treat the symptom while those of us in the natural health world would rather find options that help to heal and treat the root cause.

Before reaching for the phone to get a prescription for high blood pressure medication, consider some of the more natural approaches which have been shown to work on many who experience higher than desired blood pressure readings.

Take a look at possible reasons for hypertension

Emotional taxation


Caffeine (soda, coffee, teas)


Being overweight or obese 

Lack of activity

Birth control pills are taken for lengthy amounts of time

Excess table salt

Heavy metal toxicity

What you can do 

Boost your diet – the foods you eat energize and run your body. Adding in items like olives and flax seeds, lots of fruits and vegetables, fish high in omega-3 and healthy fats like coconut and olive oils. Reduce grains.

Take Magnesium – helps to relax blood vessels. It can immediately impact blood pressure. 500 mg a day is a great starting place for most people.

Take Potassium – coconut water, bananas, melons, and avocados are just a few of the potassium-packed foods that can help with hypertension.

Take CoQ10 – This antioxidant helps to support heart health. 200-300mg a day is great for blood pressure support.

Take Fish Oil – 1,000-2,000mg daily. Inflammation of the arteries is a prime cause of high blood pressure. Fish oil is high in EPA, DHA, and Omega’s. It helps control and reduce the inflammatory response and can, in turn, help to reduce how hard your heart is having to work.

Get Chiropractic Adjustments & Massage – When your body is in proper alignment your nervous system works at top speed. This gives your body the best chance at regulating itself, which after all is the ultimate goal in health. Massage is not only relaxing, which can help bring down hypertension, it is therapeutic and helps the body release toxins and stress as well as tension.

Before reaching for that medicine bottle – consider some of these tips. They may just change your life.

If you are in the SW Florida area visit Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. of the office of Dr. Jason Kaster. or call 239-332-2555 and make an appointment today. 

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