Whiplash Assessment Following a Car Accident is Vital to Your Future Health

accident fort myers dr kasterDealing with the aftermath of an auto accident can be confusing and stressful.  Kaster Chiropractic’s staff are experienced and can help you navigate through the process to ensure you get the help and benefits you deserve.

Whiplash injuries occur when the head is jerked quickly back and forth hyper extending the muscles and ligaments in the neck.  Symptoms may not occur for a few days and are usually mild, but left untreated, whiplash injuries can result in long term pain and spinal injury.

Other auto accident injuries can include the spinal column being jarred out of alignment which cause mild to severe pain.  Injury to joins such as wrists, knees, shoulders, and ankles are also common in auto accidents and falls or other trauma.
At Kaster Chiropractic you are treated like family NOT a number or statistic.  Regardless of what attorney you have you 100% ability to choose where you get treated.  call (239)332-2555.
Request an Appointment

We will help you so you can heal

  • Get you in as soon as possible, usually that same day, for x-rays and treatments, helping you feel better faster.
  • Help you fill out the necessary paperwork for your insurance.
  • Send you to the appropriate specialist if your injuries warrant it.
  • Recommend an experienced and qualified attorney to ensure you are treated fairly by the insurance companies.

By removing stress from the hassle of dealing with the post-accident chaos you can focus on yourself, resting, and allowing your body to recuperate. This speeds the healing time and gives you peace of mind.

In need of care from a whiplash or auto accident injury? Kaster Chiropractic Associates provides excellent care in Fort Myers, Florida.

Call Kaster Chiropractic today for your appointment. 239-332-2555.


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