Secure, Reliable Protection for Your Microsoft 365 SaaS Application Data

The growth of cloud infrastructure in recent years has led to a surge in popularity of Software as a Service (SaaS) packages such as Microsoft Office 365. This popularity stems from a variety of factors, including ease of use, reduced costs, and automatic updates.  In fact, we are seeing more and more the following:

  • Time spent in Microsoft Teams meetings has more than doubled globally, increasing 148%.
  • The average Teams user is sending 45% more chats per week.
  • The number of emails delivered to Microsoft 365® customers went up by 40.6 billion between Feb. 2020 and Feb. 2021.¹
  • There was a 66% increase in the number of people working on Microsoft 365 documents in the past 12 months.

So in short, we know that hybrid working is here to stay.  Recent survey showed that 73% of employees want flexible remote options to stay/be permanent and 66% of business decision-makers are thinking about redesigning physical spaces and IT networks to better accommodate hybrid work environments.  Keeping that in mind, businesses are now poised to have increase exposure and risk if the proper steps are not taken to secure this on-demand data that is being shared across many users within the network.  As a result of this surge, 77% of companies that use SaaS applications suffered a data loss incident over a 12-month period.

What oversights are commonly seen that result in this type of data loss?

Below are some real work examples of how each of these pillars can happen:

  • Employees inevitably delete the wrong email, contacts, or critical configurations.
  • Microsoft will honor your deletion request without question. They have no way of knowing if it’s a hasty (or malicious) request and they are not – responsible for any unexpected results.​  In short, Microsoft is not responsible for your data loss.  You are!
  • These powerful tools designed to streamline business processes can ruin critical data in a flash — with no undo if no measures are put in place such as automatic back ups, etc.
  • Employee action is involved in up to 23% of all electronic crime events
  • Rogue software can spread mayhem with programmatic efficiency without an active attack from a hacker. Many malware programs and viruses emerge from existing code after hibernation, making them especially hard to defend against.​

Now knowing human error and malicious attacks are major causes, who is really responsible for your data then?  You or Microsoft?

In short, its a shared responsibility.

The fact is Microsoft is only responsible for Hardware and Software failure along with any outages within their network & infrastructure.  Any other factors such as human mistakes, programmatic errors, malicious insider activity, external hackers and access & permissions control issues all come under the business’s responsibility.  As they say, read the fine print in Microsoft’s service level agreement which states:

So what steps can you do to ensure you data is always protected?

Well first and formeost is to have a robust cybersecurity IT strategy and plan in place where IT professionals, like ThirdPowerIT, can put technologies and best practices in place to prevent as much breach and human error as possible.  Secondly is to have a back up disaster plan in place that automates your back ups with a quick recovery.

Here at ThirdpowerIT, We Can Help Protect All Your Microsoft 365 Account Data With:

  • Automated Backup s
  • On-demand Data Restore & Recovery
  • Granular Point-in-time Recovery​
  • Ability To Reestore Flexibility for Admins, Users and Devices
  • Provide Transparent Reporting (Audit Logs)
  • Ensure Your Data Centers Are Located Globally

Also, depending on your industry regulations and the type of data you store, we ensure you are compliance in all aspects HIPAA, PCI, NIST & more.

How Secure Is Your Data?

Not sure?  Getting started is easy.  Give us a call or click on the button below to schedule your FREE 30 minute consultation and learn how we can put in a strategy that protects your data the way it needs to be.

The post Secure, Reliable Protection for Your Microsoft 365 SaaS Application Data appeared first on Third Power IT – Managed IT Services.

Courtesy of Miami IHIPAA Compliance IT Company -

Why Your Miami Business Benefits In Having A Backup & Disaster Recovery Process In Place

Many SMBs operate with a sense of unrealistic optimism when it comes to data loss and disaster recovery. However, the reality can be quite different and can negatively affect your business if you’re not vigilant. As the rate of digitalization increases, so does the risk of data loss. Can your business afford a data-loss incident?

It doesn’t matter if data loss happens because of human error, cyberattack or natural disaster. It can have far-reaching consequences such as:

  1. Severe downtime: For SMBs, per-hour downtime costs vary from $10,000 to $50,000.1


  1. Damage to reputation: One-third of customers will end their association with a business following a severe data loss.2


  1. Regulatory penalties: Failure to protect data can draw penalties worth 2% to 4% or more of company turnover.3


  1. Permanent closure: Some businesses are unable to recover from an incident and close permanently.


Prioritizing backup and disaster recovery for your business is very important. A comprehensive backup and disaster recovery solution provides secure, uninterrupted backup and quick data recovery — with a cloud-based architecture that ensures the business runs seamlessly in the event of a disaster.


Key Terms Used in Backup and Disaster Recovery

The following terms will give you an idea about the type of actions and processes you should aim to implement within your business:

  • Minimum Business Continuity Objective (MBCO)

MBCO signifies the minimum level of output needed after severe disruption to achieve business objectives.


  • Maximum Tolerable Period of Disruption (MTPD)

MTPD is the duration after which the impact on a business caused by minimal or zero output becomes intolerably severe.


  • Recovery Time Objective (RTO)

RTO is the time it takes before employees can start working after a data-loss event. It’s usually measured in minutes.


  • Recovery Point Objective (RPO)

RPO is the amount of work that can be lost and will need to be done again after a data-loss event. It’s usually measured in seconds.


Deploy Backup and Disaster Recovery Today

Having an effective backup and disaster recovery solution provides several benefits. Here are the top six:


  1. Stay protected against natural disasters

The first half of 2020 alone had close to 200 reported natural disasters. While it’s impossible to stop a natural disaster, you can ensure your data is protected and take the necessary measures to prevent downtime.


  1. Minimize the impact of a cyberattack

With the rate of cyberattacks going through the roof and with SMBs being a constant target of attacks, it is essential to have a robust backup and disaster recovery solution to protect your business.


  1. Safeguard sensitive data

If your business handles sensitive data like Personally Identifiable Information (PII), measures should be taken to ensure it never ends up in the wrong hands. Safeguarding all critical data can build your business’s reputation and prevent regulatory penalties.


  1. Quick recovery

It doesn’t matter how disaster strikes. What matters is how quickly your business bounces back. A good backup and disaster recovery solution helps you get up and running as soon as possible.


  1. Reduce the impact of human error

From accidental or intentional misdelivery or deletion to corruption of data, employees can pose a security threat to your business. Deploying backup and disaster recovery is, therefore, crucial. You must also train your employees on the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behavior.


  1. Tackle system failure

Unexpected system failure can lead to downtime if you don’t equip your business with backup and disaster recovery.

Remember, it’s your responsibility to protect your business from data loss and its chaotic aftereffects. If you can’t handle this alone, don’t worry. We’re here for you. With our backup and disaster recovery solutions, we can help build a resilient strategy to protect your business against data loss and give you much-needed peace of mind in the event of a disaster.


Article curated and used by permission.


  1. TechRadar
  2. IDC Report
  3. GDPR Associates

The post Why Your Miami Business Benefits In Having A Backup & Disaster Recovery Process In Place appeared first on Third Power IT – Managed IT Services.

Courtesy of Miami IHIPAA Compliance IT Company -