Need an New Year’s Detox? We’ve Got One For You!


cleanseThe holidays can often leave us feeling less than in stellar shape. Bloated, sluggish, tired and overweight. It’s now 2018 and time to get back into the swing of things post-holiday.

The Eart Diet released a simple cleanse that can be done in your own home with no special pills or supplements to buy.  It can be found by clicking here.

This is a super simple juice cleanse that only takes 3 days, though you can do it for longer if you wish for even better results.

While many people will not have any detoxification symptoms, others do. It depends on your level of toxicity. It is important to take on a cleanse when you have time to rest a little and be good to yourself.

During a cleanse – you may experience:

Mood swings


watery eyes


Stuffy nose

You may re-experience old symptoms of previous illnesses. 

That is what symptoms really are in a detox – they are a healing crisis. A brief showing of old releasing toxins which you may have experienced before. You can distinguish the difference between a detox symptom and actually being sick in that a healing crisis you may feel for an hour or so and then it fades. Sickness just sticks with you for days.

For more great health advice check out Dr. Kaster’s blog