Tips to Reverse and Help Prevent Heart Disease


heart-disease-tampa-cardio-tampa-floridaReady to take the leap and commit to heart health? It isn’t as challenging as you think. Just follow these tips for ultimate heart health!

1.  Eat Your Vegetables!

We are what we eat. Eating a diet high in vegetables ensures we get all of the vitamins and minerals our bodies need. This is in direct opposition to what eating has become here in America. Junk, Junk, Junk… processed foods have taken over and they are killing us.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that 32% of our calories come from animal sources, 57% from processed plant foods, and only 11% from non-bleached grains, beans, fruits, vegetables, and nuts.  Plant-based food is essential to heal the body and protect your heart.

2. Quit Smoking

34.3 million people smoke as of 2019. Smoking can be devastating for your cardiovascular health. If you smoke, quit. Your heart will thank you.

3.  Maintain a Healthy Weight

BMI is a better indicator of a healthy size than just weight alone.  Recommended BMI as a goal should be 20-25. The more weight you carry the harder your organs and skeletal structure all have to work. Give your body a break and stay within range.

4.  Exercise

30 minutes of movement a day is the minimum. Go for a walk, stretch, do some yard work or work around the house, bike, swim, run, go to the gym, just get that blood flowing and muscles moving.

5.  Sleep like a baby

Seven to eight hours a night is ideal. Less and you may be cutting your life expectancy. Your body needs this time to rest, repair, and heal. That goes for your heart as well as the rest of you.

6.  Never ignore symptoms, signs, or heredity

If you notice an issue or are at high risk due to heredity, don’t wait. Get it checked out. The Tampa Cardiovascular Associates want you to know that with advanced blood work you can detect heart disease a decade before you have a heart attack.

  • Check your cholesterol and advanced cholesterol
  • Your three-month sugar numbers
  • Your A1C
  • Your inflammation
  • Your high sensitivity C-reactive protein
  • Your homocysteine level
  • Your lipoprotein A
  • Your vitamin D

7. Take a Suana often

Infrared saunas have been shown to improve the function of the cells that line the arteries.

The infrared light on the spectrum is the one that is able to penetrate our skin and activate our energy system.  Studies suggest that regular sauna sessions can help stabilize blood pressure.  An infrared sauna can help you and your heart stay healthy. Saunas also help your body rid itself of toxins through sweat much like exercise.

These have been our helpful self-care tips for keeping your heart healthy.

Visit or call 813-975-2800 to schedule an appointment.

The Effect of Sugar Addiction on Your Heart

Tampa Cardio sugar-and-your-heart-health

Tampa Cardio sugar-and-your-heart-healthSugar hits the pleasure center of the brain in the same way that hard drugs do. This makes refined sugar extremely addictive and very hazardous to your health. Moderation is key and elimination even better.

Until recent years not all that much study had been done on sugar. It was a well-known household dietary staple. The harmful effects of a diet high in sugar are becoming more publicly known, many are still unaware.

The fact is, your sugar intake could very well be harming your health now and into the future. Let’s take a look at how sugar affects the body.

  1. Sugar can compound depression. Though little known or recognized sugar has an effect on mental and cognitive function. It may offer one explanation as to why you feel drained in a short time after eating something sugary. It has also been scientifically linked to anxiety and memory lapses later in life.
  2. Sugar begets heart disease. Heart disease is still the top cause of death worldwide. Recent studies show that a high sugar diet could be a major contributing factor. Elevated levels of fructose can raise your insulin and blood glucose, as well as lead to obesity.
  3. Sugar causes dental issues. The obvious statement of the bunch,  sugar sticks to your teeth and feeds the bacteria. Over time, teeth can decay as a result causing cavities.
  4. Sugar adds weight. If you eat a lot of sugar, you are going to have a higher risk of being overweight.
  5. Sugar is bad for your liver. Excessive sugar consumption will have a similar effect on the liver as if you were an alcoholic. This is because sugar, which turns into fat, becomes lodged in the liver. That can develop into non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
  6. Cancer cells feed on sugar. Numerous studies have shown that there is a connection between sugar consumption and cancer. Sugar consumption creates elevated insulin levels so the body can’t properly regulate the abnormal growth and multiplication of unwanted cells potentially leading to cancer or feeding already existing cancerous cells.
  7. Sugar can spur type II diabetes. Excess sugar can result in insulin resistance, which in turn can result in a highly toxic excess of glucose in the blood. This can cause a number of conditions to develop, perhaps the worst of which is type II diabetes.
  8. Sugar is addictive. Sugar attaches to the same pleasure centers in the brain that result from doing street drugs and opiates. It is equally as addictive. It may be hard for people to practice moderation when it comes to junk food, and when trying to quit, they may experience withdrawal symptoms.

For further guidance that you can trust, make an appointment with the onsite nutritionist available at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates by calling (813) 975-2800.

Our physicians dedicated to keeping your heart health at its best. We’ll do anything we can to help you improve your everyday quality of life through important lifestyle choices. Visit to learn more about our practice.

Heart Murmur

heart murmur tampa

heart murmur tampaWhat is a heart murmur? Common conditions can make your heart beat faster and that can lead to the onset of a heart murmur. They can happen if you become anemic or pregnant, have an overactive thyroid, a high fever, or high blood pressure.

A heart murmur could also be caused by an issue with a valve in the heart.

  • Mitral valve prolapse means that part of the valve actually balloons out and won’t close properly. This can cause a clicking type sound.
  • Aortic stenosis – if your valve narrows the heart has to work extra hard to pump blood to the rest of the body.
  • Aortic Sclerosis – scarring, stiffening, or thickening of the aortic valve. 1 in 3 of our elderly has this condition.
  • Regurgitation of the mitral or aortic valve – this means some of the blood flows back the wrong way and into your heart.
  • Congenital heart defects – this means you are born with the defect, it affects approximately 25,000 each year.

Most murmurs do not need or require treatment. They are not dangerous. But sometimes they are severe enough that it warrants medical intervention. They may require medicine, diuretics, or even in extreme cases, surgery to correct the problem.

What does a heart murmur feel like?

Usually, without the use of a stethoscope, you cannot detect a murmur. You may feel nothing at all. If you happen to have a bluish appearance on your lips or fingertips that is a tell-tale sign that often confuses people.

If you believe you may have a heart murmur its important to visit your cardiologist to get it checked out and make sure it’s innocuous. If you are in the Tampa, Florida area please make an appointment to come see us at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates.  813-975-2800. or visit us online at