Miami HIPAA IT Services Company Discusses HIPAA Cyber Attacks & Your Practice

HIPAA Cyber Attacks: Risk Assessments, Compliance as a Service, and the Consequences of Violating HIPAA

Did you know 95% of healthcare facilities have fallen victim to a cyber attack?

Since your new patient intake form contains all of the pertinent information to steal an identity, including social security numbers, this information is extremely valuable on the dark web. In fact, the dark web sells health records 8-10x more than credit card information. 

So, what does this mean for you?

A cyber attack violates the Health Insurance Portability and Privacy Act of 1996 (HIPAA). We’re sure you’ve heard of it, but do you know the consequences of a data breach?  When you violate HIPAA, you put your patient’s sensitive information at risk, and you also put your practice at risk of hefty fines, litigation, and even permanent closure.


A HIPAA violation will cost you:

  • You’ll face penalties and fees.
  • Your reputation will be damaged. 
  • Your patients will lose trust and leave.
  • Your facility will get shut down during an investigation.*

*On average, a medical facility loses $30,000 each day it is shut down due to a HIPAA violation.

So, how can you protect your patients’ data and your practice?


Conduct Regular HIPAA Risk Assessments

In order to remain HIPAA compliant and avoid a six figure fine, your healthcare facility needs an ongoing strategy to protect patient data.  Cyber threats are dynamic, and they can present themselves at any time. For this reason, you need to have 24/7 surveillance over your cybersecurity. Once you have routine risk assessments in place, you will feel more confident about where you stand in regards to HIPAA compliance.

But where do you start?


Find a Trusted Partner That Offers Compliance as a Service (CaaS)

Simplify your HIPAA compliance strategy by finding a provider who knows how to protect your patient data at all times. When you invest in Compliance as a Service (CaaS), you will gain peace of mind while saving time so you can focus on your patients and your practice. Plus, you will avoid huge fines that could literally break your business.

Are you ready to secure your HIPAA compliance so you can keep doing what you do best?


Team Up With the Consultants at Third Power IT Now!

Don’t fall victim to a cyber attack that can cost you everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve.  Every minute you wait, you are more susceptible to a HIPAA violation. Act now to set up regular risk assessments and protect your healthcare facility now.

Our Miami HIPAA Compliance IT Consultants, use a 3-prong approach to protect your data:

  1. Strategy
  2. Security
  3. Stability

We will help you uncover weaknesses in your data protection strategy and secure your sensitive information before the dark web gets ahold of it.

To start designing your custom cybersecurity plan, contact us at 844-677-3687 or visit right now.

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Courtesy of Miami IHIPAA Compliance IT Company -

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