Did You Know That Orthotics Could Help You Avoid Joint Replacement?


orthoticsWhen many of us hear the word orthotics, foot pain comes to mind. The thing is, they are to help rebalance far more than just your feet. Your feet are your base. If not properly aligned the rest of your body ends up out of alignment.

The result of walking unevenly can be ankle pain, knee pain, hip issues, and back problems. When you have custom orthotics created for your daily footwear any misalignment is corrected. This saves the rest of your body wear and tear.  This realignment helps diminish or stop all together pain that was a result of bad alignment.

Billions of dollars are spent every year on surgeries. Knee and hip replacements alone came in at $6 billion in 2013 and it is estimated that a whopping 11 million will need either a hip or knee replaced by the year 2030.


Having Foot Levelers created for you can help correct posture, gate, and stance allowing your body to move more freely avoiding injury. This leads to less possibility of worn out body parts down the road, meaning you age minimizing any pain or injury and could eliminate a need for surgery. Orthotics are inexpensive, especially when compared to the major medical bills that come with surgery.

Orthotics efficiency has been backed by studies over the past 66 years proving that if you simply wear them in your shoes, they decrease back, neck, hip, knee, and even ankle pain.

When you get a new pair of Foot Levelers it is important to ease slowly into them. Your body may have been in its incorrect alignment for years now. It will not return overnight to proper. Start the first day wearing them for an hour. Remove and wear your shoes without them. The next day move the time up to 2 hours. Then 3 and so on until you are wearing them all day long.

You may be tempted to ignore that direction. Please for your own sake, don’t. The new alignment if forced all day at once in the start will leave you waking up with very sore legs, feet, and possibly the rest of your body as if you did a really strenuous workout. Aching isn’t the goal.

Most people remark they can feel an immediate difference in the way they stand and move and over a short period of time they are amazed at just how much better they feel overall.

If you have neck pain, back pain, hip pain, knee or ankle pain, please give us a call. Our office has a state of the art Foot Levelers foot scanner in-house. We can create a pair of corrective orthotics just for you.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Add to that, nutritional recommendations that can help your body heal itself. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.
