Varicose Vein Relief


sclerotherapyThere are several different treatment options for spider veins. The one that stands out is sclerotherapy because it has stood the test of time and remains a top picked favorite of Vein Specialists as well as satisfied patients.

Sclerotherapy – What is it?

Sclerotherapy is the use of an injected chemical solution directly into the damaged. These chemicals cause the vein to collapse and scar, sealing the blood’s pathway and forcing it to reroute to healthier veins.  The collapsed vein is then reabsorbed into the tissue and the old vein eventually fades.

Why choose sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy liked and used so much because it is minimally invasive. This procedure improves not only the visual appeal of your legs but also tag along symptoms such as aching, swelling, burning and leg cramps. Treated veins fade completely within a few weeks, although in some patients it may take up to two months to see the full results. For more extensive cases, multiple sclerotherapy treatments may be needed. Your doctor will let you know prior to any treatment being administered.

What to be aware of when choosing Sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy is an outpatient procedure. It is generally performed right in your doctor’s office. No anaesthesia is required and only takes from 15 minutes to an hour to complete depending on the extent of the damage.

During the procedure, patients lie on their back, legs slightly elevated. Pretreatment the area is swabbed with alcohol. To begin the doctor uses a fine needle and begins slowly to inject a safe chemical solution or foam into the vein. Some patients may experience a minor stinging sensation or slight cramps at the point of insertion. The injection irritates the vein lining, causing it to swell shut and block the flow of blood.

Once the needle is removed, the doctor will then apply compression bandages and massage the area to keep blood out of the injected vessel and disperse the solution. For larger veins, a compression pad may be taped onto the site to keep the area compressed while your doctor moves on to the next vein. The size and area will affect the number of injections needed in a treatment.

Insurance coverage

Depending on the patient Sclerotherapy may or may not be covered by insurance. Please check with your carrier before scheduling the procedure.

Will I need time off?

There is virtually no downtime with Sclerotherapy. You can stand and walk immediately, it is even recommended. Compression stockings should be worn for one to three weeks and though you should avoid sun exposure during that time, you may return otherwise to normal activities.


Give West Florida Vein Center a call today at (727) 712-3233 or visit to start your screening.

5 Herbs for Healthy Circulation


Diabetes, damaged veins, and heart conditions can all benefit from a healthy diet infused with herbs that help with circulation. Peripheral arterial disease tends to be caused by lifestyle choices such as obesity, smoking, and lack of exercise. If you or someone you know has this condition or any venous insufficiency, herbs can be a wonderful way to increase blood flow throughout the body. Some people have circulation problems such as Reynaud’s disease that can benefit from home remedy

Healthy circulation uses home remedies such as herbs and vitamins to support its system. Of course, if you decide to take herbs to help with your condition, please consult with your doctor. Medicine interactions can occur and it is best to be safe before taking herbs by getting your doctor’s okay.

Important herbs for circulation:

  • Parsley: this common herb can be found in many dishes. It helps to open up the arteries and veins for better circulation
  • Cayenne Pepper: the heat of this herb is its dominant trait. Its ability to help blood flow is why it is a common herb found in circulatory supplements.
  • Ginger Root: in addition to this herb calming the stomach and digestive track, it also helps to open up blood vessels.
  • Horse Chestnut: it is important that you are aware that it is deadly to eat this herb raw. It is poisonous. It is safe to take in a processed form when an ingredient in supplements, though.
  • Prickly Ash: a stimulant, it is recommended for rheumatism, impurities of the blood, those with Raynaud’s disease. Great for digestion and circulation issues.

The herbs above all help increase circulation, however, if you have vein problems you need to consult with a vein doctor. Dr. Joseph Magnant of Vein Specialists is an expert in venous insufficiency and circulation problems. To schedule a consultation, please call 239-694-VEIN or online at