The Right Cold Medicine for High Blood Pressure


cold-medicine-heart-tampa-cardioThe temperatures are dropping fast. With the sudden change in weather, our bodies sometimes don’t fully adjust right away. This can put a dent in our immunity and leave us exposed to potential cold and flu viruses going around.

While there is still no cure for the common cold or the flu, millions of Americans seek relief through over the counter medicines which can help shorten the duration of the illness as well as mask symptoms and help you cope with the bugs and feel a little better temporarily allowing you to get through your days.

These medicines work very well for most people. If you happen to have problems with your heart health though you need to be aware of potential complications and side effects even over the counter remedies may provoke.

If you have been diagnosed with hypertension (High blood pressure), heart disease, or heart failure, common decongestants that contain pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine can be a danger. They are both vasoconstrictors, meaning they constrict blood vessels in the sinus and nasal passages which helps with drainage and swelling – making it easier for you to breathe. The problem is because they are taken orally the effects don’t just take place in the sinuses and nose. They can make your heart work harder than it needs to and that can spell trouble for some.

Safer Alternatives that Still Work

Nasal Decongestant Sprays – This helps minimize the cardiovascular effect because of the direct delivery system. Please use no more than twice daily and only as directed.

Neti Pot – A neti pot is a small plastic pot that holds (non-tap) water, lukewarm, mixed with salt (the salts come with the pots in small pre-measured packages). Mix and rinse one side of the nose at a time. They are great for clearing out dust, pollen, dander, air pollutants, viruses, bacteria and more from your sinus cavities and have no side effects. They are free to be used with any medications.

Hot compress – holding a heating pad or hot compress against your face not only feels good, but it also helps loosen and release sinus pain and pressure allowing the mucus to drain more easily.

Antihistamines – these may be a safe alternative. Antihistamines can help dry up nasal mucosa. Just be aware they may cause drowsiness.

Steam – Be it a wet sauna, a hot shower, or a bowl of boiled water with a towel, the fact is steam loosens up sinuses and helps them to drain. All of these are great helpers.

When choosing a product, always read the label carefully.

  1. Look at both the “active” and “inactive” ingredients. Many contain multiple active ingredients that could affect your cardiovascular health, interact with your cardiovascular medications, and cause side effects.
  2. Decongestants and antihistamines come in extended-release meaning that you take them less frequently. Always read the directions on the label and consult your pharmacist or doctor with any questions.

For more heart-healthy advice visit WWW.TAMPACARDIO.COM OR CALL US FOR AN APPOINTMENT AT  813-975-2800.

Life with a Pacemaker


pacemakerA pacemaker can save your life, but it is also sure to alter it as well.

Pacemakers have been designed to help your heart beat and control the rhythm, doing so in a way that is almost unnoticeable by the patient, it is important to remember that a pacemaker is still just an electronic device.

Pacemakers were designed to withstand the wear and tear that results from most normal activities.

This means that if you loved to exercise frequently or play sports before your pacemaker was inserted, you will most likely be able to continue normally, pending any specific recommendations from your physician. While strenuous activities are okay, including most contact sports, if you’re an avid hunter and use a rifle for hunting purposes you will need to rest the rifle on the shoulder that doesn’t have the device in order to avoid the full recoil of the rifle hitting the device. Also, any activity that involves significant repetitive shaking (e.g. using a jackhammer) you will need to avoid as well.

Be aware that having a pacemaker will require you to check in with your physician frequently, usually up to several times per year. Like any electronic device, pacemakers are subject to damage and susceptible to failure over time, so your physician will likely want to examine you about every 3 months to check for any issues. Your physician will also want to examine your heart and the further progression of your heart disease, in order to determine whether the pacemaker is still an effective and appropriate option for you. Because of the advancements in medical technology in recent years, depending on the type of pacemaker you have and if no in-person examination is required, your physician may be able to simply tap into your pacemaker’s functions remotely and check in on you periodically that way.

You’ll need to avoid exposure to any electronics that have strong magnetic fields, such as MRI machines. However, going through metal detectors at the airport or standing by electrical generators will not have any effect on the device. Also, small devices such as MP3 players and cell phones can be safely placed in your front shirt pocket directly over your heart without any concerns for disrupting the function of the device.

No pacemaker will last a lifetime. Depending on the activity level of the patient, as well as a variety of other external and internal factors, the average pacemaker will last 6 or 7 years, though they can last as few as 5 years and as many as 15 years.

How long a pacemaker lasts is generally dependent on the following factors:

  • The severity of the heart disease and the speed of its progression.
  • The overall age of the battery, as all pacemakers will grow weaker over time.
  • Whether the device has experienced any damage.
  • How much exposure the device has received to potentially disruptive electrical signals.

Part of the reason why it is so important to check in with your physician frequently is so that they can take note of exactly when your pacemaker’s battery begins to weaken or fail and replace it before any problems occur. Fortunately, the surgery involved in replacing a pacemaker generator or battery is much less involved than the original surgery to insert it, and patients typically recover, resume normal activities and are discharged from the hospital the same day.

Please check with your personal physician when determining the best lifestyle choices for you. If you are in the Tampa area and have any questions or concerns regarding pacemakers and ongoing care, schedule an appointment with the physicians at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates today by calling (813) 975-2800.