Network Security: 4 Quick Tips to Protect Your Network From Hackers

Is your internet network safe from hackers?

The truth is that no network is security all the time, especially in this day and age. A cyber attack can happen any time, and sometimes it remains undetected for days, weeks, or even months.


That said, you should always strive for network security so you can minimize your risk of a data breach or full-blown cyber attack.


In this guide, you will learn how to safeguard your network so you are protected from cyber threats. Keep reading to discover four quick tips to secure your company’s network now.


#1. Choose Strong Passwords


Make your passwords long with numbers and upper and lowercase letters. The longer and more complex the password, the more difficult it is to guess. Encourage all of your employees to follow these guidelines.



#2. Encrypt Your Internet Connection With WPA


Enable a Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) encryption on your business network. WPA2 is the best and most trusted option. This protects your data from being shared with outside parties.


#3. Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)


Add an extra layer of protection with a Virtual Private Network (VPN). This allows you to securely access your data on any network. If employees are traveling or working from home, they will be protected with your VPN.


#4. Install a Firewall


Protect customer data and keep your business in good standing by installing a Web Application Firewall (WAF). When people purchase your products or services online, their information will be protected from cyber attacks.


Protect Your Network Now With Co-Managed IT Services

Connect With Miami’s Best IT Specialists Now. Don’t wait to secure your network.


Not only will co-managed IT services provide you with cybersecurity and peace of mind, but it will also help increase your company’s productivity.


On average, companies that choose managed network infrastructure with Third Power IT are experiencing 99.99% uptime.


The service desk at Third Power IT operates 24 hours a day 7 days a week including holidays, solving an average 90% of all technology requests remotely with an average resolution time of 8 hours.


The network support staff is available 24/7 and is dedicated to ensuring the integrity of your network infrastructure.


Connect with us now to secure your network and experience the benefits of network management.





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