Skincare, Naturally!


skincareYour skin is the largest organ in your body.

Just because it’s on the outside as wrapping doesn’t mean you don’t need to care for it just as you do the rest of you.

When we are young our skin is filled with collagen making it feel very elastic and well hydrated. That is what gives the youthful appearance. As we age, lifestyle and environmental factors, as well as genetics, begin to take a toll on our skin and in turn can age us visually.

60% water. That is the makeup of the human body. It only stands to reason that if you are dehydrated, much like a raisin – you start to shrivel or wrinkle. Your skin is filled with pores acting as a filter allowing you to rid your system of toxins and to sweat when necessary in order to cool down. Keeping your skin clean and moisturized play a vital role in caring for your body.

Directions to keep your skin its best, even as you age.

#1Hydration – Drinking water and staying away from sugary drinks and artificial sweeteners, as well as moderation in caffeinated beverages, is a great step.

#2 Eat a well-balanced diet.  Temporary supplementation of vitamins and minerals you are lacking can also prove to be very healing. Your skin is a reflection of how healthy you are on the inside.

#3 Cleansing the skin on a daily basis. There are a multitude of creams, soaps and cleansers on the market today and everyone has their own opinions on what works and what doesn’t. Choose a cleanser that is suited for your skin type whether it is oily, dry, combination or sensitive there are many quality products on the market. The more natural the better – many soaps and shampoos these days are made with the same ingredients as your floor cleaner so read the labels! A good rule of thumb is – if you trip over the words trying to pronounce them, chances are it’s not in your best interest to rub it on your body!

#4Toning – The purpose of a toner is to wash away any residual dirt or soap left from washing your face. A good toner, sometimes called an astringent, cleanses and shrinks your pours in a sense “toning” your skin.

#5 Exfoliating – Exfoliation helps your skin to shed the dead outer layer of cells through the use of scrubs, loofah sponges, bristle brushes and towards the more extreme – peels or laser.

#6 Moisturizing. Surface moisturizers are designed to add hydration from the outside of the body by applying a layer of viscous cream or lotion to be absorbed into the skin. Again, read your labels and see what it is you are rubbing on and soaking into your body. Just because it smells good doesn’t mean it’s good for you. This is a vital step.

#7 Sun protection.   It has been shown in recent studies that retinyl palmitate, an ingredient in most sunscreens, was shown to accelerate cancer in lab animals. The other problem with wearing a sunscreen all of the time you are outside is that exposure to the sun creates Vitamin D in our bodies which is vital for good health. Vitamin D plays a role in supporting healthy bones by proportioning the absorption of calcium, lowers your blood pressure, and is one of the most potent inhibitors of cancer cell growth! Additionally it helps to regulate your immune system so while sunburn is dangerous and repeated sunburns are extremely dangerous some sun on your skin is needed and very healthy for you. Use your best judgment. If you are going to be outside for an extended period of time cover up with hats and clothing, and if you choose to use a sunscreen make sure it does not contain retinyl palmitate.

#8 Quit Smoking – Smoking makes your skin dull and contributes to wrinkles giving you the appearance of advanced age.

#9 Reduce Stress Stress is a huge contributing factor to skin condition and appearance. We know its easy for us to tell you to eliminate stress, and not always so easy to put into practice. Don’t worry, we will give you some amazing tips in an upcoming article – so keep an eye out!

Caring for your skin doesn’t need to be a time-consuming hassle. Once you get your skin care products and regiment together, it becomes like second nature. And after all… aren’t you worth it?

Come in for a nutrition appointment and get your diet on track – it could boost not only the look and feel of your skin but your overall health as well.

Chiropractor & Nutritionist in Fort Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent them before they start?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.