Not Familiar With Chiropractic? – Let’s Get Back to Basics

Chiropractic is used around the world by those who wish to prevent illness and injury as well as those seeking relief from pain and disease. It is a healing art form as well as a medically-based treatment.  It has been proven around the world to help relieve pain, improve health, and bring back nervous system function.

What is the Nervous System and Why is it Important?

The nervous system controls every organ in the body. The central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord. Nerves then branch out from the spinal cord to reach each organ and cell transmitting information vital to movement, regeneration, and health. When viewed on its own our nervous system does resemble tree roots.

Yoru health is dependant on the function of the nervous system due to the electrical impulses carried to and from the brain to varied organs.  If you sustain an injury anywhere along the spine – perhaps you throw out your back or neck, causing restricted movement, the currents along the nerves are also compromised.

An out of alignment vertebra is called a subluxation. A subluxation (or misalignment) within the spine causes pain and discomfort and can make other parts of your body work harder to make up for the injury.

If left untreated the joints can become damaged and swollen. They then release inflammatory chemicals causing localized and potentially system-wise inflammation. It can even result in compression or herniation of a spinal nerve or disc.

Subluxations may cause:

  • Aching
  • Inflammation
  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Restricted movement
  • Sciatica
  • No noticeable symptoms

If left untreated it may eventually manifest as other health problems including diseases.

Chiropractic helps to identify where subluxations exist and gently and effectively get them back in place so you can live pain-free, halting that chance of further disease progression.

Could Chiropractic be right for you?

We would love to talk with you and see you in our office for a consultation.
Give us a call to schedule at 239-332-2555 if you are in the greater Southwest Florida / Fort Myers, Florida area.

Chiropractor | Nutritionist in Ft Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.


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