Don’t use Google as your medical advisor


When you don’t feel well, what is your first instinct these days? If you are like the majority of Americans and many others worldwide you now jump onto your smartphone, tablet or computer and start Google searching by symptom.

The search results come back to you via keyword only. You end up with a mishmash of garbled information which may or may not be factual.  Many health articles online are written by those with zero medical backgrounds.

In some cases what you turn up may give you validation and peace of mind along with some ideas of where to begin on self-care as well as starting point in finding a qualified physician for more serious health matters.

When the symptom you search comes back with numerous possibilities, it gets confusing. Many possible health problems are tough to understand without a solid background in western medicine. Clicking randomly on found possibilities may indicate very serious health problems, even flashing pop-ups at you that you may need immediate emergency care, often despite you not even being done entering your list of issues.

These pop-up warning signals are often unwarranted increasing your level of worry and anxiety, even possibly making your situation worse.

It becomes very easy to jump to conclusions and create terrible outcomes in your mind which very likely are not even plausible with a little more background and research.

While running to the emergency room may be the recommendation on WebMD and Symptom Checker for many issues, the ER specializes in emergency medicine only. There is a time and a place for the ER. They are there to stabilize you, save your life if necessary and send you on to the appropriate doctor afterwards. If you are experiencing possibly life-threatening symptoms, by all means, do not hesitate to go in.

Though Chiropractic care is often thought of as “just for back and neck issues” the truth is that Chiropractic is a full body care all-inclusive practice, especially when combined with Nutritional Response Testing and Therapy. While modern Western Medicine focuses on curing the symptoms or at least covering them, these modalities (still thought of as Alternative Medicine) work to find and heal the root cause so that the patient is truly cured.

If you are experiencing ongoing or even sudden onset health issues that you are unable to resolve on your own, or by going the traditional medical route, we would love to talk to you. Come in for a FREE consultation and see what we have to offer.

The combination of proper diet, personalized supplementation and correct alignment can make a night and day difference between sickness and health. Give Nutrition Specialists of Florida | Chiropractor Bonita Springs a call 239-947-1177 or visit

When you have an ache or a pain, do you automatically reach for a pill?

pain relief

pain reliefConditioning has taken place in society and the media over the years repeatedly telling us that a pill is always the answer.

Have an ache or pain? Take a pill. That may get rid of your pain but it is likely to come back again. Medications do not cure, they cover the symptom temporarily giving you some relief. While there is nothing wrong with short-term use, it is more beneficial for overall health to seek out the cause so that you can cure yourself.

The human body is a finely tuned machine. It will tell you everything you need to know to maintain if you simply listen.

Learn to listen to your own body and tune into your intuition. When in a consultation getting health advice, take note of how you feel. Does what the practitioner is telling you feel true? You know your body better than anyone. If a diagnosis or suggestion for medical care doesn’t feel right there is nothing wrong with questioning or even getting a second opinion. Never make health care decisions that don’t feel right to you.

This is not to say that you should go it alone when it comes to health. There are many modalities of healthcare which can all assist you on your path back to good health, naturally.

Nutrition Specialists of Florida offer far more than just chiropractic and provide the finest care to each client. Please call 239-947-1177 to schedule an appointment or if you have any questions!