Treasure Your Health

ER visit chiropractic fort myers kaster

ER visit chiropractic fort myers kasterHealthcare has become so expensive in recent years that if you have your health, you are the new wealthy in America.

Health care costs have jumped over recent years to a point where most people cant afford it even with insurance. The average ER visit these days ranges from $3,000 to $5,000. Actual treatments are only done in emergency circumstances. Generally what you end up with is a referral  to follow up with your primary care doctor or a specialist. If you are a cash only patient who isn’t insured, it can climb even higher.

ER care is for emergencies. Ruptured spleens, burst appendix, broken legs, or needing stitches. Things you have no warning about and the onset needs to be dealt with.

Being proactive in your normal health care can make the world of difference in your overall health and wellness, though of course it may not preclude emergency situations it can for sure help you save a bunch on healthcare costs over the course of your life.

Masking symptoms can make you feel better, but it won’t help the cause. To fix the cause of any disease or illness you have to find the root cause and make corrections. The further along you are into the symptoms the more correction and time it often takes to get back on course.

One of the best proactive protective health care modalities is chiropractic. Chiropractic focuses on the spine and correction of subluxations (misalignments). Because the spine houses your nervous system inside of the spinal column it is vital for it to be in alignment. Each nerve is a pathway of communication outwards to every organ in the body including the brain.

When your spine becomes misaligned it can pinch off nerves hindering proper electrical signal. Do this long enough and the cut off organ begins not to work so well. Left in that state this is one way that disease can creep in.

Treating via chiropractic is a relatively inexpensive form of medical treatment. It is often covered by many insurance policies so be sure to check your coverage. Waiting and allowing your body to fall into disrepair can be extremely expensive as well as  painful and or debilitating.

Start today. Give the office of Kaster Chiropractic and Associates a call at 239-332-2555 or visit online to learn more about Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. and our practice in Fort Myers, Florida.