We Hold Stress In Our Bodies – Reduce Stress Be Healthier

stress-covid-coronavirus-health-dr-kaster-fort-myers-flYour body can only handle so much stress before illness sets in

2020 Has been one awfully stress filled year so far. It is more important than ever for all of us to take the time to care for ourselves.

This pandemic has all of us thrown off our schedules and normal ways of life. It is incredibly taxing on the body as well as the mind.

Here are a few ideas 

Pause what you are doing and breathe. The fact is that when you rush around and have elevated anxiety levels you aren’t breathing deeply, especially if you live in a city where masks have been mandated. If that is the case and you are wearing a mask, please take this suggestion seriously. Take a minute, sit down, breathe into the count of 4 and out to the count of 4 through your nose. Close your eyes and repeat 4 times (minimum). Do this several times per day. Your body needs oxygen.

Say No – It is ok to say “No”. Never overextend yourself. This is the #1 reason people are stressed out. They feel they need to help everyone all the time no matter what is asked or how inconvenient.

Keep to Do Lists. The physical act of making a list helps to organize your thoughts and get you ready to accomplish tasks. As you finish each item remove it from your list. The more you get crossed off the better you will feel. And on that last mark off, give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back. Listing also eliminates that dreaded feeling of “I have forgotten something.”

Focus on Gratitude – It’s easy to get riled up… all it takes is one rogue news story hitting your eyes or ears by way of tv, radio, internet, or conversation. Driving can also be very anxiety provoking. Step back and make a list of things you have in your world to be thankful for. What brings you joy?

Be Generous with your time – Giving is energy exchange. It makes you feel good and it helps others. Volunteer or just do a nice gesture for other people, strangers included, now and than.

Do something nice for yourself – Get a massage or a chiropractic adjustment. Both boost mood, health, and overall wellness.

We are all in this together. So, lets take care of each other. Remind each other that while its lovely to help others, you have to take care of yourself first or there will eventually be nothing left to give.

Chiropractic, Nutrition, & Massage Therapy in Ft Myers, FL

Chiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. Fort Myers, FL

Dr. Jason B. Kaster of Kaster Chiropractic and Associates is a chiropractor in Fort Myers, Florida. They can help you and your family achieve their optimal health through nutrition, mas.

      SCHEDULE NOW!   239-332-2555    

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