Why Do Fibromyalgia Patients Feel So Awful and Have So Many Symptoms?


FibromyalgiaWhy Do Fibromyalgia Patients Feel So Awful and Have So Many Symptoms?

This question is a little more complicated but the answer makes sense when you put all the information together. Before this question is answered a part of the nervous system needs to be identified/defined.

One component of our nervous system is called the “Autonomic Nervous System”. This nervous system is divided into two divisions:

  1. Sympathetic division (fight or flight)-when our environment threatens us our body has to respond and this aspect of the nervous system kicks in. For example, if you are being chased by a tiger your adrenalin will be activated and blood flow to all parts of your body will increase. Most likely you will not fall asleep or feel relaxed while being chased by a tiger.
  2. Parasympathetic Division (rest and digest)-when our environment is relaxing our body will respond accordingly and this aspect of the nervous system will kick in. For example, if you had a large dinner and you sit down next to a warm fire most likely your body will rest/relax and digest.

There is so much more to Fibromyalgia than most medical doctors would have you believe and there is help and hope.

Visit the site of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. Chiropractor and Nutritionist in Fort Myers, Florida to read the real scoop and what you can do to help heal your body.  http://drkasters.com/conditions/fibromyalgia/

Natural Help for High Blood Pressure


high-blood-pressureBlood pressure defined

Blood pressure is the measure of pressure created by your heart beating, forcing the blood into your arteries and throughout your body. There are two numbers in the reading. The top number is known as systolic – it defines the maximum pressure inside your arteries as your heart beats. The bottom number known as diastolic is the amount of pressure inside the arteries between beats.

If you take your blood pressure and its over the recommended 120/80 it is important to pay attention and start tracking it. Heart disease doesn’t set in overnight. It takes time and can creep up on you till suddenly you are ill and dont even know what happened.

What’s “high” vs. Whats considered normal blood pressure

120/80 mm Hg. is ideal.

140/98 mm Hg signals possible Hypertension (high blood pressure)when the measurement is sustained for at least 2 consecutive readings.   Elevated blood pressure can present a problem because puts adds additional pressure to your entire cardiovascular system including your heart which must then work even harder to move the blood around your body. A continued reading at or above that level means you have hypertension.

What causes high blood pressure?

So far no exact cause has been pinpointed in high pressure for the majority of patients. This is known as primary high blood pressure. Secondary hypertension can come from the use of birth control pills, excessive alcohol intake, or even renal or thyroid disease. 

Other Factors That Can Come Into Play

  • Age
  • Level of physical activity (too sedentary of a lifestyle)
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Heredity
  • High Salt Intake
  • Drinking alcohol excessively
  • Get your thyroid blood levels checked

I have high blood pressure – what do I do?

There are several natural things that can help for you to try before resorting to pharmaceutical blood pressure medications which, while they may bring your numbers down to normal levels and be beneficial for your cardiovascular health have the high-risk potential for a wide range of very dangerous side effects which can affect your health physically and emotionally.

Natural Alternatives to Help Lower Blood Pressure

If you know you have high blood pressure and would like to consider some alternatives outside of medication we would love the opportunity to work with you to get your health to where it should be so you can live the best life possible.

Chiropractor & Nutritionist in Fort Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent them before they start?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Is it Menopause?


menopauseIf you are in the age range of 35-50 you may start to experience symptoms of menopause.

What is menopause?

Menopause is the time at which menstruation stops for a woman and she is no longer able to reproduce. It can include hot flashes, night sweats, sleep issues, emotional swings,irregular or missed periods, hair thinning, and even changes in sexual appetite. These are all very jarring symptoms that can interrupt your daily life. All you want is to feel back to your old self again. But how do you get there? Television advertisements would have you believe that your only salvation is through hormone replacement therapy. That just isn’t the case.

Tips and Tricks to help alleviate symptoms

While its not reasonable to expect to avoid hot flashes there are triggers that can bring them on more frequently or cause them to be more severe.

Triggers can include:

  • An overly warm environment
  • Hot hair dryers
  • Hot food or drinks
  • Exercise
  • Stress
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Sugary foods
  • Eating spicy foods  
  • Hormonal changes

A few ways to combat hot flashes:

  • Wear lightweight, absorbent cotton clothing, and pajamas at night.
  • Grab a cold drink when you start to overheat.
  • Turn on a fan or go into a cooler room.
  • Try to relax with meditation or deep breathing if you feel nervous or anxious
  • Dress in layers.

While all of these tips will help, the key is proper nutritional support. Eating will can keep your body in balance.

There are certain natural herbs and plants that can ease the transitional symptoms.

Black Cohosh

Beneficial for both men and women in supporting healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It supports relief from women related issues. Supports a healthy respiratory system. CAUTION: Should not be used during pregnancy or in the presence of chronic illness.

Wild Yam

Contains progesterone-like substance that helps support women health issues. Also supports healthy joints. CAUTION: Should not be used during pregnancy.

Dong Quai

Don’t Quai is a good herb for women supporting their monthly health issues. It nourishes the reproductive organs and is great for the blood. It also supports relaxation. CAUTION: Should not be used during pregnancy. Should not be used by diabetics, or persons who are light-sensitive.


Kudzu supports bone strength and is rich in isoflavones.

Red Clover

Red Clover supports healthy lungs. Helps strengthen the immune system. Phytoestrogens contained in Red Clover support healthy bones in women during menopause. It is also good for skin disorders.



Chaste Tree

Chaste Tree supports healthy hormone levels and is beneficial for women’s health issues. CAUTION: Should not be used by children or pregnant women.


Damiana supports the delivery and flow of oxygen to the genital area; this benefits both men and women. Also supports overall energy level. CAUTION: Can interfere with Iron absorption when used internally.

When taken in combination they can offer relief for menopausal symptoms. While the list of side effects/risks from pharmaceutical hormone replacement therapies range from stroke, blood clots, ovarian cancer, fluid retention,breast cancer, gallstones, dementia, headaches, nausea, vaginal discharge, weight gain, breast tenderness, spotting on your skin, and even in rare cases, uterine fibroids or endometriosis – These natural alternatives are safe and in many cases effective.

For more information on nutrition and supplementation visit the office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. in Fort Myers, Florida.

Chiropractor in Ft Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.